



1、What Makes The GreatGatsby Great?时间 2021.03. 10创作:欧阳治Recently, I have read a classical novel, The Great Gatsby, Francis Key Fitzgerald is the author, who is one of the most outstanding writers in 20th centuryI think all the plots in the novel arc similar to the something happens in the today? s soci

2、ety The story is told by Nick(Daisy s cousin),who witnesses a lot the ugly aspects of the society and human charactersHere is the story goes: Tom and Daisy married for a time and live in EastEgg. Inthciroppositc, living a very great wealthy man, callcdGatsby. He hold parties day and night and get fa

3、mous for this. Actually,Daisy and Gatsby fell in love a few years ago At that timc,Gatsby was very poor and dispatched into Europe because of war. Then, they broke up and Daisy married Tom, the second- generation rich.Latter, Gatsby comes back with social欧阳治position and big fortunate, and he continu

4、es loving Daisy. At a car accident, Daisy kills the Tom' s mistress To protect Daisy,Gatsby takes all the responsibility of the accident. Finally, Wilson (the husband of mistress) shoots Gatsby under the instigation of Tom. AndTom and Daisy set foot on Europe s travelling.I think everyone feels

5、pity for the Gatsby, for his infatuation to Daisy and for his foolish love, like the following two descriptions.© "一Was Daisy driving?- Yes, he said after a moment, but of course I 11 say I MS” (pl 54) a the chauffeur - he was one of Wolfshicm sprotegcs-hcard the shoots-" (pl 72).As w

6、e can sec Gatsbyundertakes the responsibility of the accident and that; s his cold ending.So what makes The Great Gatsbv Great? I think theanswer also is the image of Gatsby. Because of his profound love to Daisy even though the others become selfish and sophisticated in the society He devotes himse

7、lf to making big fortune for expecting Daisy' s return; he take responsibility of car accident at theexpense of being put in the prison. Yes, this great man displays something called Profound Love when the society members hearts becoming colder and colder. Andi always feel sympathetic to Gatsby

8、s consequence We may say how stupid he is to pay so much to Daisy, but in other words, how persistent he is to his bclicving about love He always thinks that all his behaviors canJmake Daisy change her mind and come back.Gatsby is a tragic hero in the novel, maybe his profound love and strongfaith lead to his bad ending. But I always believe this two valuable things arc the writer appe


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