1、What to study for the final exam of English Literature(for Grade 06)1. Know all of the literary periods in English literature along with their dates and significant events that mark the beginning and the ending of each period.2. Know the main historical events that happened in the Old English period
2、, The Middle English Period, the Renaissance period, the Restoration, Romantic, Victorian and Modern Eras. 3. Know the main authors and their literary works (notes: you dont have to know the dates when the authors lived or the dates when their literary works were published.)4. Be able to write a sho
3、rt one-paragraph biography of Geoffrey Chaucer, William shakespeare, William Wordsworth, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy, James Joyce5. Be able to define the terms the Spenserian Stanza, Shakespeare Sonnet, humanism, neoclaccism, Romanticism, critical realism, naturalism, modernism, the L
4、ake Poets, the metaphysical poetry, Comedy of Manners. sololiquy, ode, the Gothic fiction, the Byronic Hero, irony, metaphor,personification, iamb Aestheticism6. Be able to identify some quotations froml “Paradise Lost” by John Milton l The “to be or not to be” sololiquy by William Shakespearel Sonn
5、et 18 by William Shakespearel “To his Coy Mistress” by Andrew Marvelll “A Velediction: Forbidding Mourning” by John Donnel “Ode on a Grecian Urn” by John Keatsl “Ode to the West Wind” by Percy Shelleyl “She walks in Beauty” by Byronl “The isles of Greece” by Byronl “I wander lonely as a cloud” by Wi
6、lliam Wordsworth, l “She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways” by William Wordsworthl Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen l Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. P. S. English literary PeriodsThe Evolution of the English LanguageOld English (449-1066CE)Middle English (1066- 1450)Early Modern English (1476-166
7、0)Modern English (1660-present)Periods of English Literature:Old English or Anglo-Saxon Literature (449-1066CE)When the Romans withdrew from England in 409410, it left England unprotected. This opened the way for the first wave of invasions of Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons, and Jutes). The period
8、ends with the Norman conquest of England (when William I defeats King Harold at the battle of Hastings in 1066)Important work: Beowulf.Middle English or Medieval Literature (1066-14761485)Starts with William the Conquerors victory over Harold at Hastings and ends with the advent of the printing pres
9、s in England (or the printing of Malorys Le Morte dArthur)Important Writers and works: l Geoffrey Chaucer ( c. 1340-1400 ) . The Father of English Poetry. The Canterbury Talesl Sir Thomas Malory ( c. 1405-1471 ), Le Morte D'Arthur.Renaissance Literature (1476-1660)Starts with William Caxtons bri
10、nging his printing press to England and ends with the restoration of the monarchy (Charles II)l Important Writers and works: Sir Thomas More ( 1478-1535 ). UtopiaEdmund Spenser ( 1552-1599 ). The Faerie Queene The Shepheardes Calendar ( 1579)Sir Francis Bacon ( 1561-1626 ). Essays The Advancement of
11、 Learning ( 1605 ). The New Atlantis ( 1622-24 ).Christopher Marlowe ( 1564-1593 ). Tamburlaine the Great ( 1590 ). The Tragicall History of Dr Faustus ( 1604 ). The Jew of Malta ( 1633 ).William Shakespeare ( 1564-1616 ). Hamlet Julius Caesar King Lear Macbeth The Merchant of Venice The Merry Wives
12、 of Windsor A Midsummer Night's Dream Much Ado About Nothing Othello Romeo and Juliet The Tempest Twelfth Night The Winter's TaleJohn Donne ( 1573-1631 ) .John Milton ( 1608-1674 ). Paradise Lost ( 1667; 1674 ). Paradise Regained (1671)Samson Agonistes ( 1671 ).Andrew Marvell ( 1621-1678 ).R
13、estoration Peroid (1660-1789)Starts w ith the restoration of the Monarchy (Charles II) and ends with the start of the French RevolutionThe Restoration, 1660-1702John Bunyan ( 1628-1688 ). The Pilgrim's Progress (1678, 1684 ).Sir Isaac Newton ( 1642-1727 ). Mathematical Principles of Natural Phil
14、osophy and His System of the World: Motion of BodiesThe Eighteenth Century From the Accession of Queen Anne until the Death of Johnson, 1702-1784Daniel Defoe ( 1659-1731 ). Robinson Crusoe ( 1719-20 )Jonathan Swift ( 1667-1745 ) Gulliver's TravelsAlexander Pope ( 1688-1744 ). The premier poet of
15、 his age. An Essay on CriticismSamuel Richardson ( 1689-1761 ). Pamela ( 1740 ).Henry Fielding ( 1707-1754 ) The History of Tom Jones, a FoundlingSamuel Johnson ( 1709-1784 ). The ultimate man of letters of the 18th Century, The Great Cham of Literature. compiler of The Dictionary of the English Lan
16、guageThomas Gray ( 1716-1771 ). Elegy Written ina Country Churchyard ( 1751)Horace Walpole ( 1717-1797 ). The Castle of Otranto ( 1765 ).Oliver Goldsmith ( 1730-1774 ). The Citizen of the World ( 1760-61 ).Edward Gibbon ( 1737-1794 ). The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ( 1776 -
17、88 )Richard Brinsley Sheridan ( 1751-1816 ). The School for Scandal ( 1783 ).The Romantic Age (1798-1832)Starts with the publication of Lyrical Ballads and ends with the death of Walter Scott, or the implement of the Reform Act in 1832.William Blake ( 1757 - 1827 ) Songs of Innocence and Experience
18、( 1794)Robert Burns ( 1759 - 1796 ) My Luve is Like a Red Red Rose Mary Wollstonecraft ( 1759 - 1797 ) A Vindication of the Rights of Women ( 1792 ).William Wordsworth ( 1770 - 1850 ) Lyrical Ballads ( 1798) The Prelude; or, The Growth of a Poet's Mind ( 1850 ).Sir Walter Scott ( 1771 - 1832 ) I
19、vanhoe ( 1820 )Samuel Taylor Coleridge ( 1772 - 1834 ) "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and "Kubla Khan"Jane Austen ( 1775 - 1817 ). Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, and EmmaGeorge Gordon, Lord Byron ( 1788 - 1824 ) Don Juan and Childe HaroldPercy Bysshe Shelley ( 1792 - 1822
20、) Queen Mab and Prometheus Unbound; The Defence of Poetry, ode to the West Wind John Keats ( 1795 - 1821 ) Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a NightingaleMary Shelley ( 1797 - 1851 ) Frankenstein ( 1831)The Victorian Literture (1832-1880) (or 1837-1901 for The Victorian Age) Starts with the death of Walt
21、er Scott, or the implement of the Reform Act in 1832 and ends with the death of George Eliot in 1880Elizabeth Barrett Browning ( 1806-1861 ) Sonnets from the Portuguese.Charles Darwin ( 1809-1882 ). The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection ( 1859 ).Alfred, Lord Tennyson ( 1809-1892 ). &qu
22、ot;Break, break, break,"William Makepeace Thackeray ( 1811-1863 ). Vanity Fair: A Novel Without a Hero ( 1848 ).Robert Browning ( 1812-1889 ). My Last DuchessCharles Dickens ( 1812-1870 ). Oliver Twist ( 1837-38 ). A novel about the London underworld A Christmas Carol ( 1843 ). Dombey and Son (
23、 1847-48 ). David Copperfield ( 1849-50 ). Bleak House ( 1852-53 ). Hard Times ( 1854) Little Dorrit ( 1857-58 ).A Tale of Two Cities ( 1859 ).a novel about the French Revolution Great Expectations (1860-61 ).Charlotte Brontë ( 1816-1855 ). Jane Eyre ( 1847 ).Emily Brontë ( 1818-1848 ). Wu
24、thering Heights ( 1847)George Eliot ( 1819-1880 ). Adam Bede ( 1859 ). The Mill on the Floss ( 1860 ). Middlemarch ( 1871-71)Oscar Wilde ( 1854-1900 ). The Importance of Being EarnestModern Literature (1910-1940 or to the present)Thomas Hardy ( 1840 - 1928 ) Return of the Native ( 1878) Tess of the
25、D'Urbervilles ( 1891 ).Jude the Obscure ( 1895) The Mayor of Casterbridge ( 1886 ).Joseph Conrad ( 1857 - 1924 ). Heart of DarknessJohn Galsworthy The Forsyte Saga ( 1922)E. M. Forster ( 1879 - 1970 ). A Passage to India, 1924Virginia Woolf ( 1882 - 1941 ). A Room of One's Own ( 1929 ). Mrs.
26、 Dalloway ( 1925 ).To the Lighthouse ( 1927 ). James Joyce ( 1882 - 1941 ). Dubliners ( 1914) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ( 1916) Ulysses ( 1922 ). Finnegan's Wake ( 1939 ). D. H. Lawrence ( 1885 - 1930 ) Sons and Lovers (1913)T. S. Eliot ( 1888 - 1965 ). The Waste Land (1922)Samuel
27、Beckett (1906-1989). Waiting for Godot (1952) the 1969 Nobel Prize laurete Put the following literary terms into Chinese. 1. Aesthetic 11. iambus
28、 21. cavalier poets 2. Imagism 12. poet
29、; 22. enlighten 3. Modernism 13. romanticism 23. sentimentalism
30、 4. tragedy 14. trochee 24. naturalism 5
31、. comedy 15. Critical Realism 25. historical novel 6. monologue
32、0; 16. Renaissance 7. blank verse 17. humanism 8. sonnet 18. artistic 9. quat
33、rain 19. literary career 10. anapest 20. metaphysical poetsKeys:III.1.审美原理 2. 意象主义(派)
34、;3. 现代主义 4. 悲剧 5. 喜剧 6.独白 7.素体诗 8. 商籁体(十四行诗) 9. 四行诗 10. 抑抑扬格 11.抑
35、扬格 12.音步 13.浪漫主义 14. 扬抑格 15. 批判现实主义 16. 文艺复兴 17.人文主义 18.艺术的 19.文学生涯 20. 玄学诗人 21. 骑士诗人
36、60; 22. 启蒙主义 23.感伤主义 24.自然主义 25.历史小说Put the literary terms into English. (20%)1.头韵 2. 传奇文学/罗曼司 3. 讽寓 4. 无韵诗/白体诗 5. 夸饰文体 6. 悲剧 7. 遥曲/民谣/民歌 8. 挽歌/诗
37、;9. 田园牧歌作品 10. 流浪汉小说 11. 英雄双行/韵体 12. 抒情诗 13.玄学派诗人 14. 斯宾塞诗节 15. 现实主义小说 16. 浪漫主义 17. 诗章 18. 独白 19.新古典主义 20. 插剧 1. alliteration
38、; 2. Romance 3. allegory 4. blank verse 5. euphuism
39、; 6. tragic-comedy 7. ballad 8. elegy 9. pastoral &
40、#160; 10. picaresque novel 11. heroic couplet 12. lyrics 13. metaphysical poets 14. Spenserian stanza
41、60; 15. realistic fiction 16. Romanticism 17. canto 18. soliloquy 19. n
42、eo-classicism 20. interludeName the Writers by the given passages and comment its theme: ( ) 1. What man art thou,quoth he, That lookest as thou wouldst find a hare;
43、; For ever on the ground I see thee stare.( ) 2. Here where nothing is private, the common affairs be earnestly looked upon.There where all things be common to every man, It is not to be doubted that any an shall lack anything necessary
44、 for his private use, so that the common storehouses bars be sufficiently stored( ) 3. Can honor set to a leg ?no, or an arm? No:.what is honor? A word, what is that word, honor? Air.( ) 4. .What though the field be lost?
45、; All is not lost; the unconquerable will And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield.( ) 5. It sucked me first, and now sucks thee,
46、160; And in this flea, our two bloods mingled be; This flea is you & I,& this Our marriage-bed, marriage temple is.( ) 6. To err is human,
47、 to forgive ,divine( ) 7. Imitation here will not to do the business. The picture must be after Nature herself.( ) 8. Mother bore me in the southern wild And I
48、am black, but O ! my soul is white; White as an angel is the English child But I am black, as if bereaved of light( ) 9. Farewell my friend ! farewell my foes !
49、0; My peace with these, my love with those: The bursting tears my heart declare- Farewell the bonnie banks of Ayr!( ) 10. I love all that thou lovest
50、160; Spirit of Delight ! The fresh earth in new leaves dressed And the stary night Autumn evening, the moon &
51、#160; When the golden mists are bornKeys:1. Geoffrey Chaucer 2. Thomas More 3. Shakespeare 4. John Milton 5. John Donne 6. Alexa
52、nder Pope 7.Henry Fielding 8. William Blake 9. Robert Burns 10. Percy Bysshe Shelley( ) 1."Farewell,my friends ! Farewell, my foes ! My please with these, my love with those:
53、0; The bursting tears my heart declare_ Farewell the bonnie banks of ayr ! "( ) 2. The curfew tolls the knell of parting day. The lowing herd wind sl
54、owly o'er the lea; The plowman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to blackness and to me.( ) 3. My mother bore me in the southern wild,
55、0; And I am black, but o ! my soul is white; White as an angel is the English child, But I am black, as if brereav'd of light.( ) 4. Vain, very vain, my weary search to find &
56、#160; That bliss which only centers in the mind. Why have I strayed from pleasure and repose To seek a good each government bestows ?( ) 5. When I had once addressed
57、your lordship in public, I had exhausted all the art of pleasing which a retired and uncouthly scholar can possess.Is not a Patron, my lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the water, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help ?( ) 6. Break, break, break, On thy cold gray stones, sea ! And I would that
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