Unit 1Overview of Logistics_第1页
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1、Unit 1 Overview of Logistics What Is Logistics The Logistics System 【Lead-in】 Logistics is a hot topic. This unit is mainly an overview of logistics, where the first passage describes the definition and major functions of logistics; the second passage focuses on the main activities in logistics syst

2、em, including transportation, packaging, warehousing, etc.【Learning Objectives】1. To understand the definition of logistics.2. To know the major functions of logistics.3. To learn the main activities in logistics system. Listening & Speaking . Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks with

3、what you exactly heard. 1. Logistics is a hot in China and the whole world. 2. Logistics is a worthy of attracting the best and the brightest people from all walks of life.topicdiscipline 3. Our work is mainly to move goods and information at the possible cost. 4. Modern logistics is related to the

4、flow of materials and information. 5. The overall goal of logistics is to a targeted level of customer service at the lowest possible total cost. lowest efficient achieve . Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard. ancient example transport 1. A: The development of

5、logistics can date back to times in China. B: Really? Could you give me some ? A: Of course. In the Three Kingdom Period, Zhuge Liang invented wooden horses to food for his army. B: It is so amazing!nervous relaxed variety highly 2. A: Im a little about the interview. B: Please be . You are always v

6、ery good! A: Will they recruit(招聘)(招聘) only male staff? B: I dont think so. Successful organizations are recruiting a of people for their logistics management positions because diversity gives them an edge in the competitive global marketplace. Many businesses that d supply of goods or services have

7、 their own logistics d . For example, a company supplying motor cars around the world will have a logistics team. The manager will o the process from the point of origin to the point of c . The team will deal with the acquisition of cars from the customers a the delivery of parts and materials from

8、suppliers. The suppliers and customers may be l in different countries. eal with epartment versee onsumption s well as ocated . Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard, the first letters have been given. Reading Text 1 What Is Logistics【Key Terms】logistics 物流物流 distr

9、ibution processing 流通加工流通加工modern logistics 现代物流现代物流containerization techniques 集装技术集装技术Bar-code 条形码条形码POS (Point of Sale) 销售时点系统销售时点系统EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) 电子数据交换电子数据交换GPS (Global Positioning System) 全球定位系统全球定位系统 【New Words and Phrases】ancient / /eineinnt/nt/ adj.adj. 古代的;古老的古代的;古老的mili

10、tary / /militmilitri/ri/ n.n. 军队;武装力量军队;武装力量military officers 军官军官ammunition / /mjumjuninin/n/ n.n. 弹药弹药ration / /rrn/n/ n.n. 定量定量 pl. pl. 口粮口粮implement / /implimimplimnt/nt/ vt.vt. 履行,执行履行,执行raw materials 原材料原材料in-process inventory 在制品库存在制品库存finished goods/products 制成品制成品consumption /k/kn ns smpmpn

11、/n/ n.n. 消费消费overall / /uvuvr r:l/:l/ adv.adv. 总的来说总的来说crucial / /kru:kru:l/l/ adj.adj. 重要的;决定性的重要的;决定性的commercial /k/km m: :l/l/ adj.adj. 商业(务)的商业(务)的traditional /tr/trdidin nl/l/ adj.adj. 传统的传统的adopt / /d dpt/pt/ vt.vt. 采取(纳,用);收养采取(纳,用);收养standard / /stndstndd/d/ n.n. 标准,规格标准,规格module / /m mdju:l

12、/dju:l/ n.n. 组件,模块,模件组件,模块,模件efficiency /i/ififinsi/nsi/ n.n. 效率,效能效率,效能accuracy / /kjurkjursi/si/ n.n. 准确性,精确性准确性,精确性assist / /sist/sist/ vt.vt. 帮助,协助帮助,协助【Text Learning】 The Origin and Definition of Logistics The term “logistics” originates from the ancient Greek “”. Logistics is considered to hav

13、e originated in the military field, where the army needed to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position. logistics involves order management, packaging, transportation, warehousing, materials handling, etc. Three Major Functions of Logisti

14、cs Creating time value. Creating location value. Distribution processing value. The Modern Logistics Modern logistics adopts containerization techniques. Information technologies are most important for modern logistics. 【Notes】 1. Logistics is considered to have originated in the military field, whe

15、re the army needed to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position. 物流被认为起源于军事领域。从基地转移到前沿阵地物流被认为起源于军事领域。从基地转移到前沿阵地时军队要给自己供应武器、弹药和口粮,在这一过程中就时军队要给自己供应武器、弹药和口粮,在这一过程中就产生了物流。产生了物流。 supply sb with sth 供应,供给供应,供给 Example: The government has suppli

16、ed the refugees with enough food. 政府已经为难民提供了足政府已经为难民提供了足够的食物。够的食物。 2. Generally speaking, logistics is defined as the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient and effective flow and storage of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related information from the

17、 point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of meeting customer requirements. 一般来说,物流是指为了满足客户需求而对起源地到一般来说,物流是指为了满足客户需求而对起源地到消费地的原材料、在制品库存、产成品及相关信息的快速、消费地的原材料、在制品库存、产成品及相关信息的快速、高效流动和储存进行计划、执行和控制的全过程。高效流动和储存进行计划、执行和控制的全过程。 3. Sometimes logistics creates distribution processing value,

18、which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods. 有时,物流活动也能创造流通加工价值,这种流通加有时,物流活动也能创造流通加工价值,这种流通加工主要改变商品的长度、厚度和包装形态。工主要改变商品的长度、厚度和包装形态。 4. Based on the logistics base module of 600 mm400 mm, the logistics module of 1,200 mm1,000 mm was worked out, and enlarged to the size of 2,591 mm2,43

19、8 mmthe standard height and width of the container. 以物流基础模数尺寸以物流基础模数尺寸600 mm600 mm400 mm400 mm为基础,制定出为基础,制定出物流模数尺寸物流模数尺寸1,200 mm1,200 mm1,000 mm1,000 mm,并将其放大至,并将其放大至2,591 2,591 mmmm2,438 mm2,438 mm集装箱的标准高度和宽度。集装箱的标准高度和宽度。 5. Bar-code, POS, EDI and GPS systems greatly improve the efficiency and accu

20、racy of the logistics activities. 条形码、销售时点系统、电子数据交换和全球定位系条形码、销售时点系统、电子数据交换和全球定位系统的使用都极大地提高了物流活动的效率和精确性。统的使用都极大地提高了物流活动的效率和精确性。【Exercises】. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. The term “logistics” originates from . A. ancient Rome B. ancient Greece C. China D. Japan 2. Logistics does not inv

21、olve . A. packaging B. materials handling C. warehousing D. business flowBD 3. Storage of logistics can create for goods. A. the time value B. the location value C. distribution processing value D. transportation value 4. “Cutting into smaller parts” refers to for goods. A. the time value B. the loc

22、ation value C. distribution processing value D. transportation value AC 5. The size of base module in logistics is . A. 300 mm200 mm B. 600 mm400 mm C. 1,200 mm1,000 mm D. 2,591 mm2,438 mmB. Read the following statements carefully and judge if they are “True” or “False”. 1. The term “logistics” orig

23、inates from the ancient Rome. ( ) 2. Logistics can not create the time value. ( )FF 3. Goods of the same kind can be valued differently at different locations. ( ) 4. Most distribution processing in logistics can create added value for goods. ( ) 5. The standard height and width of the container is

24、600400mm. ( )TFT. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the forms if necessary.requirementcontrolachievefinancialminimumrefercombinationinventory Logistics to the responsibility to design and administer systems to movement and geographical positioning of raw materials, wor

25、k-in-process and finished at the lowest total cost. To achieve lowest total cost means that and human assets committed to logistics must be held to an absolute . It is also necessary to hold operational expenditures as low as possible. The of resources, skills, and systems required to achieve lean l

26、ogistics are challenging to integrate, but once , such integrated competency is difficult for competitors to replicate. The goal of logistics is to support procurement, manufacturing, and customer accommodation operation . refers controlinventoriesfinancialminimumcombinationachievedrequirements. Tra

27、nslate the following phrases into English. 1 1现代物流现代物流 2 2集装技术集装技术 3 3原材料原材料 4 4在制品库存在制品库存 5 5制成品制成品 modern logistics containerization techniques raw materials in-process inventory finished goods. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. Logistics involves the management of order, packagin

28、g, transportation, warehousing, materials handling, etc. 物流涉及订单管理、包装、运输、仓储管理、物料搬物流涉及订单管理、包装、运输、仓储管理、物料搬运等。运等。 2. Goods of the same kind can be valued differently at different times. 同种商品因所处时间的不同而有着不同的价值。同种商品因所处时间的不同而有着不同的价值。 3. The value added during the transfer process is the location value of log

29、istics. 这种因商品流转过程中而产生的附加增值称之为物流这种因商品流转过程中而产生的附加增值称之为物流的场所价值。的场所价值。 4. Like a popular saying, “cutting into smaller parts” is the most common form of distribution processing. 物流中经常提到的物流中经常提到的“分割成小块分割成小块”就是流通加工中最就是流通加工中最为常见的形式。为常见的形式。 5. Information technologies are most important for modern logistics

30、. 现代物流中最为重要的是信息技术。现代物流中最为重要的是信息技术。 Text 2 The Logistics System 【Key Terms】logistics system 物流系统物流系统warehousing 仓储仓储packaging 包装包装inventory control 库存控制库存控制purchase 采购采购customer service 客户服务客户服务transport modes 运输方式运输方式transport routes 运输路线运输路线carriers 承运人承运人Logistics Management Information System (LM

31、IS) 物流管理信息系统物流管理信息系统 【New Words and Phrases】organic / /g gnnk/k/ adj. 有机(体)的有机(体)的subsystem / /s sb bsistsistm/m/ n. 子系统子系统execute / /eksekskjukjut/t/ vt. 实行;执行实行;执行contribute to 有助于有助于promote /pr/prm mut/ut/ vt. 促进;提升促进;提升account for (在数量上)占(在数量上)占goods-in-process 在制品在制品maintain /me/men nteten/n/ v

32、t. 保持;维持保持;维持coordinate /k/ku u:dineit/:dineit/ vt. 协调协调inadequate /in/indikwit/dikwit/ adj. 不充足的;不适当的不充足的;不适当的ultimately / /ltimitli/ltimitli/ adv. 最后,最终最后,最终dissatisfaction /di/distisstisfkfkn/n/ n. 不满不满smoothly / /smu:li/smu:li/ adv. 顺利地顺利地consumption /k/kn ns smpmpn/n/ n. 消费,消耗消费,消耗 【Text Learni

33、ng】What Is Logistics System Logistics system is an organic integration of such basic elements as transportation, warehousing, packaging, distribution processing, information processing, etc. The Main Activities in Logistics System Transportation Warehousing Management and Inventory Control Purchasin

34、g Packaging Logistics Management Information System 【Notes】 1. Logistics system is an organic integration of such basic elements as transportation, warehousing, packaging, distribution processing, information processing, etc. 物流系统是指由运输、仓储、包装、流通加工、信息物流系统是指由运输、仓储、包装、流通加工、信息处理等基本功能要素所组成的有机整体。处理等基本功能要素所

35、组成的有机整体。 2. To make a logistics system function, a variety of activities must execute together, including transportation, warehousing, inventory control, purchase, packaging, information processing, customer service, etc. Each activity must contribute to promoting the customer service. 一个物流系统要运作起来,需

36、要各种物流活动的共同一个物流系统要运作起来,需要各种物流活动的共同参与。这些活动有运输、仓储、库存管理、采购、包装、参与。这些活动有运输、仓储、库存管理、采购、包装、信息处理、客户服务等。每个活动必须有助于提升客户服信息处理、客户服务等。每个活动必须有助于提升客户服务水平。务水平。 contribute to 有助于,有利于有助于,有利于 Example: Your suggestion has contributed to the protection of the environment. 你的建议有助于保护环你的建议有助于保护环境。境。 3. Packaging can be descr

37、ibed as a coordinating system of preparing goods for transportation, warehousing, sale, and end use. 包装可以说是一个为运输、仓储、销售和最终使用准包装可以说是一个为运输、仓储、销售和最终使用准备货物的协调系统。备货物的协调系统。 be described as 被描述为,被说成是被描述为,被说成是 Example: The picture was described as a work of art. 这幅画被说成是一件艺术品。这幅画被说成是一件艺术品。 4. Firms gather inf

38、ormation about each activity in the logistics system and analyze it to coordinate future actions. 企业收集物流系统中各种活动的信息并对信息进行分企业收集物流系统中各种活动的信息并对信息进行分析,以协调其未来的行动。析,以协调其未来的行动。 这里的这里的“it”代指前面的代指前面的“information”。 【Exercises】. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. Each activity in logistics system must

39、 contribute to promoting the . A. transportation B. information processing C. warehousing D. customer serviceD 2. refers to practical operation for acquiring goods or services from suppliers. A. Forecasting B. Purchasing C. Transportation D. Packaging 3. is often the most costly logistics activity.

40、A. Transportation B. Warehousing C. Packaging D. PurchasingBA 4. Inventory control refers to management and control to the various products, excluding . A. raw materials B. goods-in-process C. finished products D. information 5. Too much packaging will . A. reduce costs B. increase costs C. damage t

41、he goods D. dissatisfied the customers DB. Read the following statements carefully and judge if they are “True” or “False”. 1. There are several activities in logistics system. ( ) 2. Purchasing refers to the buying of goods. ( )TF 3. Transportation only takes up 10% of total logistics cost in a fir

42、m. ( ) 4. Warehousing management refers to the management of stocks in the warehouses for a particular period of time. ( ) 5. The logistics system would be able to run smoothly without information. ( )FTF. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the forms if necessary. shipg

43、lobaleffectivecontribute tomaintainmovementpromoteresult in 1. Transportation is the of people and goods from one place to another. 2. Industrial packaging focuses on protecting the product while it is being and stored. movementshipped 3. The development of IT technology price reduction of computers

44、 and software. 4. Inventory refers to stocks of goods that are for a variety of purposes, as well as to support manufacturing or assembling processes. 5. Another factor that the changing face of logistics is the value that organizations are placing on diversity today.resulted in maintained contribut

45、es to 6. Nowadays, more and more enterprises have paid attention to value-adding activities, which would greatly the industry. 7. purchasing practice will enable a company to avoid operational problems. 8. A distinctive characteristics of our time is the evolving trend of economic .promote Effective

46、 globalization . Translate the following phrases into English. 1 1物流系统物流系统 2 2运输方式运输方式 3 3库存控制库存控制 4 4客户服务客户服务 5 5承运人承运人 Logistics system transport modes inventory control customer service carriers . Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. Logistics system consists of the subsystems of tr

47、ansportation, warehousing, packaging, etc. 物流系统是由运输子系统、仓储子系统、包装子系统物流系统是由运输子系统、仓储子系统、包装子系统等构成。等构成。 2. Purchasing refers to the actual buying of materials or services from suppliers and those activities associated with the buying process. 采购是指从供应商那里实际购买材料或服务以及与此采购是指从供应商那里实际购买材料或服务以及与此购买过程相关的各项活动。购买过程相关的各项活动。 3. Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from one point to another point. 运输是指货物从一个点到另一个点的物理移动。运输是指货物从一个点到另一个点的物理移动。 4. Packaging can be divide


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