



1、Unit1 Topic3 The world has changed for the betterSectionB English Proverb:Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧Class Group Name Day Date Weather 【抽测】抽测完后,请给你的学习伙伴一个评价。抽测得满分者,可获得;测得满分且书写工整漂亮者,可获得。【学习目标】Learning Aims and Demands.1 继续学习含有since 和for的现在完成时,进一步了解现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。【预习导学】Preparing for lessons before cl

2、ass.在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.给我看一篇有趣的文章_2.无家可归的人_3.数百人_4.重新工作_5.过正常生活_6.发现需要帮助的人_7.选定适当的方式_8.medical treatment_9.给他们提供住处_10.对自己有信心_【基础知识】Basic Knowledge.1. Complete 1a 1b. Self-study. (独学) 读1a,填写1b的空格学法指导: 认真阅读,找出重点和难点并用双色笔作出记号并完成1b。独立完成2b并找出规律。 Pairwork and groupwork (对学与群学)学法指导 组内讨论重点内容,记好笔记并质疑。【专题提升】 Speci

3、al Promotion 讨论完成2a并区别一般过去时与现在完成时【深入探究】Further Learning观察2b中的句子,将下面一般过去时的句子转换为现在完成时a.The meeting finished a moment ago. _b.The film began 5 minutes ago. _c.They got to the airport an hour ago. _d.He became a doctor 5 years ago. _四在文中划出下面的句子并分析1. It is about a program that helps homeless people. 译:_点

4、拨:program - 节目,组织 注意:that在此引导了一个定语从句,修饰前面的program练习:a.That is a serious problem that makes us worry about. 译:_ b.He came up with a good way that helped him solve the problem successfully. 译:_点拨:provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.- 给某人提供某物同义句转换:The program also _.练习:a. 超市应该为我们提供各种健康食品。Superm

5、arket should _ us _ _ _ healthy food. b. 120必须为病人提供及时的救助。120 must _ help _ the patients _ _. 5. I think it is important for these people to feel good about themselves. 译:_点拨:feel good - 感到愉快(有信心) feel good about oneself-自信(自我感觉良好) 链接:feel well- 感觉(身体)好 注意:well在此是形容词,相当于:fine / healthy 6. He has been

6、 away from the army for nine years because of a leg wound. 译:_点拨:be away from-离开,不在某地(延续性) 区别:leave-离开(短暂性) 点拨:because of-因为 (后跟原因状语) 区别:because-因为 (后跟原因状语从句)点拨:a leg wound-腿伤 思考:眼伤-_同义句转换:He _ the army nine years _ _ he had _ _ _.练习:a. 因为流感,他两天没去上学了。He _ _ _ _school _ two days _ _ the flu. b. 因为下大雨

7、,他们一星期没出门。They _ _ at home _ _ _because of _ _ _ 【当堂反馈】Feedback.1单项选择。( )1 _you get lost, please call me . A Though B Until C Before D Once ( )2Please _the poor people _some food and clothes.A Provide ,for B provide, with C provide, of p D rovide, from( )3 Oh, youre late again, The film _for twenty

8、mintutes. _What a pity! A Has begun B began C has been on D ha ve been on ( )4The old photo makes me _my childhood. A Think of B think over C thinking of D thinking over( )5 I must go home now, I have been away from home_A Since 9 oclock B for two hours ago C for 9 oclock D at 9 oclock( )6 I think _

9、is necessary _him the news. A T hat, to tell B this , telling C i t ,to tell D it, tell( )7 The government helped the _people build the house.A Disable B disabled C homely D homeless( )8We havent _a plan。Could you give us some advice?A Decided on B decided to C decided with D decide on ( )9My grandpa _for


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