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1、2009 Hisuntech Corp.Translation Skill Semantic Extension (翻译技巧(翻译技巧 句子成分转换)句子成分转换)谓语、表语、宾语、状语转译成主语;谓语、表语、宾语、状语转译成主语;主语、定语、表语、状语转译成谓语;主语、定语、表语、状语转译成谓语;主语、状语、宾语转译成定语;主语、状语、宾语转译成定语;定语、谓语、主语转译成状语;定语、谓语、主语转译成状语;主语、状语、谓语转译成宾语;主语、状语、谓语转译成宾语;主语、宾语转译成表语。主语、宾语转译成表语。 句子成分转换是指词类不变而成分改变的译法。通过改变句子成分转换是指词类不变而成分改变的

2、译法。通过改变原文中某些句子成分,以达到译文逻辑正确、通顺流畅、重点突原文中某些句子成分,以达到译文逻辑正确、通顺流畅、重点突出等目的。出等目的。谓语、表语、宾语、状语转译成主语谓语、表语、宾语、状语转译成主语lGases Gases differ differ from liquids in that the former have greater from liquids in that the former have greater compressibility than the pressibility than the latter.l译:气体和固体的译:气体和固体的区别区别,在于

3、前者比后者有更大的压缩性。(谓语转译,在于前者比后者有更大的压缩性。(谓语转译成主语)成主语)lRubber is a better Rubber is a better dielectricdielectric but a poorer insulator than air. but a poorer insulator than air.l译:橡胶的译:橡胶的介电性介电性比空气好,但绝缘性比空气差。(表语转译成主语)比空气好,但绝缘性比空气差。(表语转译成主语)lWater has a Water has a densitydensity of 62.4 pounds per cubic

4、foot. of 62.4 pounds per cubic foot.l译:水的译:水的密度密度是每立方英尺是每立方英尺62.462.4磅。(宾语转译成主语)磅。(宾语转译成主语) lAluminum is very light Aluminum is very light in weightin weight, being only one third as heavy as , being only one third as heavy as iron.iron.l译:铝的译:铝的重量重量很轻,只有铁的很轻,只有铁的1/3.1/3.(状语转译成主语)(状语转译成主语) lThe same

5、 signs and symbols of mathematics are used The same signs and symbols of mathematics are used throughout throughout the world.the world.l译:译:全世界全世界都使用同样的数学记号和符号。(状语转译成主语)都使用同样的数学记号和符号。(状语转译成主语)谓语、表语、宾语、状语转译成主语谓语、表语、宾语、状语转译成主语主语、定语、表语、状语转译成谓语主语、定语、表语、状语转译成谓语lThe The prevention prevention of many type

6、s of occupational diseases isdistinctly of many types of occupational diseases isdistinctly within the realm of possibility.within the realm of possibility.l译:许多职业病显然可以译:许多职业病显然可以预防预防。(主语转译成谓语)。(主语转译成谓语)lA semiconductor has a A semiconductor has a poorpoor conductivity at room temperature, but it co

7、nductivity at room temperature, but it may become a good conductor at high temperature.may become a good conductor at high temperature.l译:在室温下,半导体导电率译:在室温下,半导体导电率差差,但在高温下,它可能成为良导体。(,但在高温下,它可能成为良导体。(定语转译成谓语)定语转译成谓语) lThe wide applications of computers affect The wide applications of computers affect

8、tremendously tremendously the the development of science and technology.development of science and technology.l译:计算机的广泛应用,对科学技术的影响译:计算机的广泛应用,对科学技术的影响极大极大。(状语转译成谓语)。(状语转译成谓语)lAlso Also presentpresent in solids are numbers of free electrons. in solids are numbers of free electrons.l译:固体中也译:固体中也存在存在着大量

9、的自由电子。(表语转译成谓语)着大量的自由电子。(表语转译成谓语)主语、定语、表语、状语转译成谓语主语、定语、表语、状语转译成谓语主语、状语、宾语转译成定语主语、状语、宾语转译成定语lCMOS chipsCMOS chips in the computer work a thousand times more rapidly in the computer work a thousand times more rapidly than nerve cells in the human brain.than nerve cells in the human brain.l译:译:电脑芯片电脑芯片

10、的工作比人类大脑中的神经细胞要快的工作比人类大脑中的神经细胞要快10001000倍。(主语倍。(主语转译成定语)转译成定语) lIn BritainIn Britain the first stand-by gas-turbine electricity generator was the first stand-by gas-turbine electricity generator was in operation in Manchester in 1952.in operation in Manchester in 1952.l译:译:英国英国的第一台辅助燃气发电机于的第一台辅助燃气发电

11、机于19521952年在曼彻斯特开始运转。年在曼彻斯特开始运转。(状语转译成定语)(状语转译成定语) lBy 1914 Einstein had gained By 1914 Einstein had gained world fameworld fame. .l译:译:19141914年爱因斯坦已成了年爱因斯坦已成了著名的著名的科学家。(宾语转译成定语)科学家。(宾语转译成定语)定语、谓语、主语转译成状语定语、谓语、主语转译成状语lAfter more experiments, Galileo After more experiments, Galileo succeeded insucce

12、eded in making a much making a much better telescope.better telescope.译:又做了一些实验之后,伽利略译:又做了一些实验之后,伽利略成功地成功地制造了一架好得多的望远制造了一架好得多的望远镜。(谓语转译成状语)镜。(谓语转译成状语)l The result of its revolutionary designThe result of its revolutionary design is that the engine is much is that the engine is much smaller, works mo

13、re smoothly, and has fewer moving parts.smaller, works more smoothly, and has fewer moving parts.l译:译:由于他在设计上的革新由于他在设计上的革新,发动机变得小多了,工作得更平稳了,发动机变得小多了,工作得更平稳了,活动部件也少了。(主语转译成状语),活动部件也少了。(主语转译成状语)lIt was an amazing piece of It was an amazing piece of scientific scientific clairvoyance, comparable clairv

14、oyance, comparable perhaps to Charles Babbages anticipation of the principle of the perhaps to Charles Babbages anticipation of the principle of the puter.l译:这个理论在译:这个理论在科学上科学上充满了元件卓识,也许可以跟巴贝奇的计充满了元件卓识,也许可以跟巴贝奇的计算机原理相提并论。(定语转译成状语)算机原理相提并论。(定语转译成状语)定语、谓语、主语转译成状语定语、谓语、主语转译成状语主语、状语、谓语转译成宾语主语、状语、谓语转译成宾语

15、lThe mechanical energyThe mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by can be changed back into electrical energy by means of a generator.means of a generator.l译:利用发电机可以把译:利用发电机可以把机械能机械能重新转变成电能。(主语转译成宾语)重新转变成电能。(主语转译成宾语)lTelevision has been Television has been successfully success

16、fully sent by laser, toosent by laser, too. .l译:用激光发射电视也获得了译:用激光发射电视也获得了成功成功。(状语转译成宾语)。(状语转译成宾语) lThe sun The sun affectsaffects tremendously both the mind and body of a man. tremendously both the mind and body of a man. l译:太阳对人的身体和精神都有极大的译:太阳对人的身体和精神都有极大的影响影响。(谓语转译成宾语)。(谓语转译成宾语)主语、宾语转译成表语主语、宾语转译成表语

17、lA great contribution of EdisonA great contribution of Edison was the carbon microphone. was the carbon microphone.l译:炭精传声器是译:炭精传声器是爱迪生的一大贡献爱迪生的一大贡献。(主语转译成表语)。(主语转译成表语) lThe production had considerable The production had considerable difficulty difficulty getting patent getting patent protection if

18、it had no patent tection if it had no patent right.l译:如果产品没有专利权,要获得专利保护是译:如果产品没有专利权,要获得专利保护是相当困难的相当困难的。(宾。(宾语转译成表语)语转译成表语) 由此看来,句子成分的转译显得变化万千,异彩纷呈,难于穷究,几乎所有的句子成分都可以互相转译。进行成分转译的目的是为了使译文通顺,合乎汉语习惯和更好地跟上下文响应。CHAPTER 11 CASTING- - 1212 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTING- - 1313 - -p砂型和芯是用型砂和芯砂制造的。型砂型和芯是用型砂和芯

19、砂制造的。型( (芯芯) )砂是由原砂是由原砂、粘结剂、水和附加物按一定比例混合制成。砂、粘结剂、水和附加物按一定比例混合制成。p用一种遇热硬化的型砂(酚醛树脂覆膜砂)覆盖在用一种遇热硬化的型砂(酚醛树脂覆膜砂)覆盖在加热到加热到180180280280的金属模板上,使其硬化为薄壳的金属模板上,使其硬化为薄壳(薄壳厚度一般为(薄壳厚度一般为6 61212毫米),再加温固化薄壳,毫米),再加温固化薄壳,使达到足够的强度和刚度,因此将上下两片型壳用使达到足够的强度和刚度,因此将上下两片型壳用夹具卡紧或用树脂粘牢后,不用砂箱即可构成铸型夹具卡紧或用树脂粘牢后,不用砂箱即可构成铸型,浇注铸件金属模板的

20、加热温度一般为,浇注铸件金属模板的加热温度一般为300300左右,左右,使用的型砂为树脂砂,即以酚醛树脂为粘结剂的树使用的型砂为树脂砂,即以酚醛树脂为粘结剂的树脂砂。同样也可用上述方法将型芯制成薄壳芯制造脂砂。同样也可用上述方法将型芯制成薄壳芯制造薄壳铸型常用翻斗法。制造薄壳芯常用吹制法。薄壳铸型常用翻斗法。制造薄壳芯常用吹制法。- - 1717 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGp The principal casting processes are classified according to the kind of mold used. These are sand mold

21、s, plastic-bonded shell molds, permanent and semipermanent metal molds, die-casting metal molds, plaster molds, and investment molds.p主要的铸造工艺是根据使用的模具种类来分类的。模具类型主要的铸造工艺是根据使用的模具种类来分类的。模具类型是砂型,塑性粘结壳型,永久和半永久性的金属型,压铸金是砂型,塑性粘结壳型,永久和半永久性的金属型,压铸金属模型,石膏模具,熔模铸型。属模型,石膏模具,熔模铸型。 classify 分类;分等分类;分等permanent 永久的永

22、久的砂型铸造视频砂型铸造视频- - 1818 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGp The first step in the production of a sand casting is to make a metal or wooden pattern.The pattern is a replica of the part being made but has slightly larger dimensions to allow for shrinkage during solidification and cooling of the casting. p砂型铸造生产的第一

23、步是制造一副金属或木质模型。该模型砂型铸造生产的第一步是制造一副金属或木质模型。该模型是所铸零件的复制品,但是考虑到铸件凝固和冷却过程中产是所铸零件的复制品,但是考虑到铸件凝固和冷却过程中产生收缩,这个模型尺寸有些许放大。生收缩,这个模型尺寸有些许放大。 replica 复制品,复制物复制品,复制物shrinkage 收缩收缩- - 1919 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpThe pattern is often made in two or more parts so it can be removed easily from the mold. To make the mol

24、d, sand is rammed or packed around the pattern, the sand being held in place by a boxlike container known as a flask. p木模往往被做成两部分或更多部分,所以他们能够很容易地木模往往被做成两部分或更多部分,所以他们能够很容易地从模具中(这个模具其实就是沙子制成的)取出。为做出这从模具中(这个模具其实就是沙子制成的)取出。为做出这个模具,砂子在木模周围要压紧、夯实,砂子被放在称为铸个模具,砂子在木模周围要压紧、夯实,砂子被放在称为铸型砂箱的盒子形状的容器内。型砂箱的盒子形状的容器内

25、。ram 压实、夯实压实、夯实 packed 充满充满的,塞满了的,塞满了的的boxlike 箱型的箱型的 flask 砂箱、铸型砂箱砂箱、铸型砂箱 - - 2020 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpAfter the flask is filled with sand, the pattern is withdrawn, leaving a mold cavity similar to the finished casting.p当砂箱充满砂子后,木模被抽回,剩下具有与成型铸件一模当砂箱充满砂子后,木模被抽回,剩下具有与成型铸件一模一样的模具型腔。一样的模具型腔。 withdra

26、w 取出;撤退取出;撤退- - 2121 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpIf there are hollow spaces in the casting, such as an axle hole in a wheel, sand molded to the shape of the hollow space must be placed in the mold cavity. These void-producing shapes are known as cores. p如果铸件有中空部分,例如轮零件的中间轴孔,在这种模具如果铸件有中空部分,例如轮零件的中间轴孔,在这种模具

27、型腔中,需要放置被制成中空形状的型砂。那些能形成中空型腔中,需要放置被制成中空形状的型砂。那些能形成中空形状的型砂被称为型芯。形状的型砂被称为型芯。hollow 中空的、空心的中空的、空心的 axle hole 轴孔轴孔 void-producing 产生空隙产生空隙 core 型芯型芯- - 2222 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpThe sand used for the mold and cores is held together by clay and cereal-bonding agents. If the molds are baked, they are kno

28、wn as dry sand molds. If used in the moist condition, they are known as green sand molds. p用于模型和型芯的砂子是用粘土和谷物粘结剂粘结在一起的。用于模型和型芯的砂子是用粘土和谷物粘结剂粘结在一起的。如果模型进行烘干,他们就被称作干砂铸造。如果在潮湿的如果模型进行烘干,他们就被称作干砂铸造。如果在潮湿的条件下使用,他们就被称作湿砂铸造。条件下使用,他们就被称作湿砂铸造。clay 粘土、白土、泥土粘土、白土、泥土 cereal-bonding agents谷物类粘结剂谷物类粘结剂 baked 烤烤 mois

29、t 潮湿潮湿- - 2323 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpDry sand molds are stronger than green sand molds and show greater resistance to erosion and crushing. Surface quality of sand castings is improved by covering the pattern with a fine sand known as facing sand before ramming the balance of the sand.p干砂模型比湿砂模型要坚固,

30、而且表现出较强的耐侵蚀和抗干砂模型比湿砂模型要坚固,而且表现出较强的耐侵蚀和抗压碎能力。在对砂子进行均匀紧实之前,通过对砂型表面覆压碎能力。在对砂子进行均匀紧实之前,通过对砂型表面覆盖被称为面砂的细砂,能使砂型铸件的表面质量得到了提高。盖被称为面砂的细砂,能使砂型铸件的表面质量得到了提高。crushing 压碎、破碎压碎、破碎- - 2424 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpPlastic-bonded shell molding is a modification of sand casting. A metal pattern is heated to about 350F(

31、175 C ) and then clamped on top of a box containing a mixture of fine sand and a thermosetting resin.p塑性粘结壳型铸造是砂型铸造的改良。先把金属模型加热到塑性粘结壳型铸造是砂型铸造的改良。先把金属模型加热到175度,然后固定在装满细砂和热固树脂的盒子的顶部。度,然后固定在装满细砂和热固树脂的盒子的顶部。 clamp 夹紧、夹持、卡紧夹紧、夹持、卡紧 thermosetting resin 热固塑胶(脂)热固塑胶(脂)壳型铸造视频壳型铸造视频- - 2525 - -CHAPTER 11 CAST

32、INGp When the box is inverted and its contents fall on the hot pattern, the resin is softened by heat. This causes a thin shell of molding material to form around the pattern. p当盒子倒置过来时,盒子里的砂子会落在热的模型上,树脂当盒子倒置过来时,盒子里的砂子会落在热的模型上,树脂就会被热软化。这样就在模型周围形成了一个薄薄的模具的就会被热软化。这样就在模型周围形成了一个薄薄的模具的壳。壳。invert 倒置倒置- -

33、2626 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpThe box is then returned to its original position, and the unreacted resin and sand fall away from the pattern. After the resin has had time to harden fully the shell is stripped. p然后盒子返回原位,没有起作用的树脂和砂子就会落下离开然后盒子返回原位,没有起作用的树脂和砂子就会落下离开模型。当树脂经过一定的时间重复硬化后,这层壳就被剥离。模型。当树脂经过一定的时间

34、重复硬化后,这层壳就被剥离。unreacted 没有起反应、没有起作用没有起反应、没有起作用resin 树脂树脂- - 2727 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpA finished mold consists of two matching shells held firmly together and surrounded by metal shot (or some other backing material) that is kept in place by a flask. Use of metal shot increases the speed of cooling

35、 and solidification.p一副完成的模具包含两个紧紧地固定在一起的匹配的壳,并一副完成的模具包含两个紧紧地固定在一起的匹配的壳,并环绕着模具包裹着的铁丸(或者一些其他的基底材料),运环绕着模具包裹着的铁丸(或者一些其他的基底材料),运用金属喷丸会提高冷却和固化的时间。用金属喷丸会提高冷却和固化的时间。- - 2828 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpPermanent and semipermanent molds are made of metal. Permanent molds use metal cores if coring is required. Se

36、mipermanent molds use sand cores. The halves of the mold are frequently hinged and fastened with a screw device. p永久或半永久型模具由金属制成。如果需要型芯永,那么久永久或半永久型模具由金属制成。如果需要型芯永,那么久性模具使用金属芯。半永久性模具运用的是砂芯。两半模具性模具使用金属芯。半永久性模具运用的是砂芯。两半模具频繁地被铰链在一起并被螺旋装置固定。频繁地被铰链在一起并被螺旋装置固定。hinged 铰链、用铰链(结合、附着)铰链、用铰链(结合、附着)fastened 扣紧、固

37、定、关牢扣紧、固定、关牢 screw 螺旋(丝、孔、钉)螺旋(丝、孔、钉)- - 2929 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpMold coatings or washes consisting of a refractory material, a lubricant such as graphite or rouge, and a binder, are used to assist removal of the casting from the mold. Different mold materials are used depending upon the metal be

38、ing cast. p模具涂料或薄涂浆中包含有耐火材料,石墨或过氧化铁粉的模具涂料或薄涂浆中包含有耐火材料,石墨或过氧化铁粉的润滑剂,粘结剂,涂料用来帮助从模具中取出铸件。模具材润滑剂,粘结剂,涂料用来帮助从模具中取出铸件。模具材料的运用依赖于铸造的金属不同。料的运用依赖于铸造的金属不同。washes 涂浆、洗涤剂涂浆、洗涤剂 refractory 耐火耐火的的lubricant 润滑剂;润滑油润滑剂;润滑油 graphite 石墨石墨rouge 红铁粉红铁粉,三氧化二铁三氧化二铁 binder 粘结剂粘结剂- - 3030 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpCentrifugal

39、casting is a special form of permanent mold casting, using a rotating mold that throws the metal outward against the mold walls. It is used for castings that have a rotational axis of symmetry, such as pipe, gun tubes, and gear stock.p离心铸造是永久性模具铸造的特殊形式,它运用旋转的模具离心铸造是永久性模具铸造的特殊形式,它运用旋转的模具把金属向外正对着抛向模具四

40、壁。常用于具有对称性旋转轴把金属向外正对着抛向模具四壁。常用于具有对称性旋转轴的铸件,像管状铸件、炮管、齿轮装置。的铸件,像管状铸件、炮管、齿轮装置。centrifugal casting 离心铸造离心铸造 gear stock 齿轮装置齿轮装置离心铸造视频离心铸造视频- - 3131 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpDie casting is an improved version of permanent mold casting. The essential features of a die-casting die are shown in Fig. 11.1. In d

41、ie casting, the molten metal is forced into the mold or die under pressure. p压铸是永久型金属模铸造的改进的形式。图压铸是永久型金属模铸造的改进的形式。图11.1表示了压铸表示了压铸模的基本特征。在压铸模铸造中,熔融的金属在压力的作用模的基本特征。在压铸模铸造中,熔融的金属在压力的作用下进入型腔。下进入型腔。version 版本版本- - 3232 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpHalf of the die is rigidly attached to the frame of the die-cast

42、ing machine, and the other half is movable. Design of the die is such that the casting tends to adhere to the movable portion of the die.p一半模具被刚性地固定在压铸机的框架上,另一半模具能一半模具被刚性地固定在压铸机的框架上,另一半模具能够运动的。模具如此设计,能使铸件依附于模具的动模部够运动的。模具如此设计,能使铸件依附于模具的动模部分。分。rigidly 刚刚性地性地 frame 框架;结构框架;结构adhere 依附;粘着依附;粘着 portion 部

43、分部分- - 3333 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpAs the mold opens, the casting is carried with the movable portion of the die until knocked clear by the ejector pins shown in Fig. 11.1. Dies are oil-or-water-cooled to permit more-rapid operation. p随着模具的打开,铸件跟随动模部分运动直到由推杆把铸件随着模具的打开,铸件跟随动模部分运动直到由推杆把铸件完全推离模具,如图完全推离模

44、具,如图11.1。为了快速生产,模具用水路或者。为了快速生产,模具用水路或者油路冷却。油路冷却。knock 敲;打敲;打 clear 完全地完全地ejector pins 顶杆顶杆 ;推杆;推杆- - 3434 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpWhen hot metal enters the mold, it forces the air from the die cavity through shallow grooves ground in the die faces. Some die-casting machines are also fitted with vacuum

45、 devices that evacuate the die cavity before the hot metal is charged into it. p当热的金属液进入模具,金属液就会把模具型腔内的气体通当热的金属液进入模具,金属液就会把模具型腔内的气体通过分型面的浅槽排出去。一些压铸机也安装有装置,能在热过分型面的浅槽排出去。一些压铸机也安装有装置,能在热的金属液充填型腔之前就抽空模具型腔中的气体。的金属液充填型腔之前就抽空模具型腔中的气体。 shallow 浅的、薄的浅的、薄的 groove 槽、沟槽、沟 vacuum 真空真空 evacuate 抽空、排空抽空、排空 charge

46、d into 冲向冲向- - 3535 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpThis reduces the amount of air trapped in the casting and produces more dense metal and more sound casting.p这样就减少了铸件中的含气量,生产出更致密更光洁的金属这样就减少了铸件中的含气量,生产出更致密更光洁的金属铸件。铸件。 trapped in 把把关在关在里里dense 稠密的;浓厚的稠密的;浓厚的 sound 好的好的- - 3636 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpPlaster mo

47、lds are similar to sand molds, except that a mixture of plaster of Paris and water is poured into a flask that holds a pattern. After the plaster begins to set, the pattern is withdrawn.p石膏型模具铸造与砂型铸造像类似,除了熟石膏和水的混合石膏型模具铸造与砂型铸造像类似,除了熟石膏和水的混合物是浇注进装有模型型腔的砂箱。当石膏模制成之后,模型物是浇注进装有模型型腔的砂箱。当石膏模制成之后,模型被撤走。被撤走。p

48、laster of Paris 熟石膏熟石膏石膏型铸造视频石膏型铸造视频1石膏型铸造视频石膏型铸造视频2- - 3737 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpIf cores are required, they too are made of plaster. Molds and cores are baked to eliminate water and produce a porous mold through which entrapped air and gases can escape.p如果需要型芯,它们也被做成石膏型芯。烘烤模具和型芯排如果需要型芯,它们也被做成石膏型芯

49、。烘烤模具和型芯排除水分,并生产出透气的模具,通过它能够使空气或其他气除水分,并生产出透气的模具,通过它能够使空气或其他气体排出。体排出。eliminate 排除排除 entrapped 诱捕诱捕, 使陷入圈套使陷入圈套 porous 1. 多孔的多孔的 2. 渗水的渗水的;透气的透气的- - 3838 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpInvestment molds are used for making precision castings. This casting technique is also known by the name lost wax process. T

50、he process is unique in that both a new pattern and a new mold are required for each casting. p熔模铸造用来制造精磨铸件。这种铸造技术也被叫做熔模铸造用来制造精磨铸件。这种铸造技术也被叫做“失蜡失蜡铸造铸造”这个名字。每制造一个铸件,都需要新模型和新模具,这个名字。每制造一个铸件,都需要新模型和新模具,只有熔模铸造有这一特点。只有熔模铸造有这一特点。wax 蜡蜡 permanent 永久的永久的熔模铸造视频熔模铸造视频- - 3939 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpThermoplast

51、ic or thermosetting resins, low-melting alloys, mercury, and waxes have been used to make patterns. The pattern is, in reality, a die-casting or injection-molded plastic or wax part reproducing the details of the finished object. p热塑性或热固性树脂,低熔点合金,水银和石蜡已经被用来热塑性或热固性树脂,低熔点合金,水银和石蜡已经被用来做制作模型。事实上,模型是一个压铸

52、件或注射模制作的塑做制作模型。事实上,模型是一个压铸件或注射模制作的塑料件或蜡件,这些塑件或蜡件能翻印出成品件的细节。料件或蜡件,这些塑件或蜡件能翻印出成品件的细节。 mercury 汞、水银汞、水银 reproducing 仿制、模拟、翻印仿制、模拟、翻印finished object 成品、光制品成品、光制品- - 4040 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpThe pattern is dipped into a mixture of water and fine-grained refractory of creamy consistency. This forms a th

53、in layer corresponding to facing sand on the surface of the pattern. p把模型浸入水和细粒耐火材料组成的油状混合物。这样模型把模型浸入水和细粒耐火材料组成的油状混合物。这样模型表面的面砂就产生一层薄层的壳。表面的面砂就产生一层薄层的壳。dip 把把浸入浸入 fine-grained 细粒的细粒的 creamy 含乳油的含乳油的consistency 稠度,稠性稠度,稠性corresponding to 相对于、对应于相对于、对应于- - 4141 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGp Coarse-grained si

54、lica is then sifted over the pattern and some of the particles are retained by the wet refractory coating. The coarse particles act as an anchor for the backing material of the mold. p大晶粒的硅土从模型上被淘汰下来,一些微粒通过液态耐火大晶粒的硅土从模型上被淘汰下来,一些微粒通过液态耐火涂料被保留。那些大粒硅土可以当作模具基体材料固定器。涂料被保留。那些大粒硅土可以当作模具基体材料固定器。coarse-grain

55、ed 粗粒的粗粒的 sifted 过滤、挑选过滤、挑选、淘汰、淘汰 particles 微粒、小粒微粒、小粒 anchor 锚、固定器锚、固定器- - 4242 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpThe pattern is next placed in a flask that is filled with a substance such as silica flour bonded with ethyl silicate. The backing material sets, and the flask and contents are fired at high temper

56、ature to melt or burn out the pattern and drive off all moisture. p接下来,模型被放置在砂箱中,砂箱中充满着诸如被硅酸乙接下来,模型被放置在砂箱中,砂箱中充满着诸如被硅酸乙脂粘结在一起的硅砂脂粘结在一起的硅砂粉粉这样的材料。基体材料装置和砂箱及这样的材料。基体材料装置和砂箱及其内容物在高温下开始熔化或烧尽,从而除去掉所有的水分。其内容物在高温下开始熔化或烧尽,从而除去掉所有的水分。silica flour 硅砂粉硅砂粉 silicate 硅酸乙脂硅酸乙脂moisture 水分水分- - 4343 - -CHAPTER 11 CA

57、STINGpA clean mold cavity remains, which has the same shape as the original pattern. Casting is often accomplished by clamping the mold on top of a tilting furnace.p这样一个光滑的型腔就被保留下来,它与原始模型有着相同这样一个光滑的型腔就被保留下来,它与原始模型有着相同的形状。铸件经常通过被固定在的形状。铸件经常通过被固定在倾转炉倾转炉的顶部的模具来完成。的顶部的模具来完成。tilting furnace 倾转炉倾转炉CHAPTER

58、 11 CASTING- - 4444 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTING- - 4545 - - - 4646 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpDepending upon the particular casting process and the alloy used, the properties of castings vary greatly. Mechanical properties are probably of greatest importance.p由于铸造工艺和使用合金的不同,铸件的性能差别很大由于铸造工艺和使用合金的不同,铸件的性能差别很大。其其

59、中,力学性能是很重要的。中,力学性能是很重要的。tilting furnace 倾转炉倾转炉- - 4747 - -CHAPTER 11 CASTINGpGenerally speaking, cast metal has inferior properties when compared to the same metal in wrought form. This is particularly true with respect to ductility and toughness at room temperature. However, proper design may cance

60、l out these inherent shortcomings. p一般而言,相同一般而言,相同的材料,的材料,相较于锻造金属相较于锻造金属而言,而言,铸造金属具铸造金属具有较差的性能。尤其是在室温下有较差的性能。尤其是在室温下的的延展性和韧性延展性和韧性方面方面,更是更是如此。然而,正确的设计可能会抵消这些固有的缺点。如此。然而,正确的设计可能会抵消这些固有的缺点。inferior 差的,下级的差的,下级的 wrought 锻造的锻造的 inherent 固有的固有的with respect to 关于关于 ductility 延展性延展性 toughness 韧性韧性- - 4848


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