已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 三年级上册英语知识点一自己能在最短的时间内听听、说说、读读下列单词吗?要求会拼写,能听写!Unit 1学习文具:pen (钢笔)   pencil (铅笔)  crayon (蜡笔) pencil box ( 铅笔盒)   ruler(尺子) eraser(橡皮) your(你的,你们的) book (书) bag (包) school (学校) no(不)Unit 2身体部位:red (红色的) yellow (黄色的)green (绿色的)blue (蓝色的) white (白色的) black (黑色的) orange (橙色

2、的)brown (棕色的) OK(好,行) mom(妈妈)Unit 3颜色: head  (头) face( 脸)  nose (鼻子) mouth(嘴)   eye (眼睛) leg (腿) ear (耳朵) arm (胳膊) leg (腿) foot (脚) body (身体)Unit 4动物: cat (猫) dog (狗) monkey (猴子) panda (熊猫) rabbit( 兔子) duck (鸭子) pig (猪) bird (鸟) bear (熊) elephant (大象) tiger(老虎) zoo(动物园)

3、 funny(滑稽的;好笑的)Unit 5食物:cake (蛋糕) bread (面包) Coke (可乐)juice (果汁) milk (牛奶) water (水) fish (鱼) rice(米饭) egg(蛋)Unit 6数字:one (一) two (二) three (三) four (四) five (五)six( 六)seven (七) eight (八) nine( 九) ten( 十) brother(兄,弟) plate(盘子)二对话!你能给下列问句配上合适的答句?1.向别人问好应该说A: Hello! (你好!) B: Hi! (Hello) (你好!) 2、 问别人的

4、名字应该说-A:Whats your name? What is your name?你的名字是什么?B:My names Chen Jie. 我的名字是陈洁。 My name is Chen Jie. 我的名字是陈洁。3. 跟别人分手应该说A: Bye. Good bye!(再见) 4. A: I have a pencil bagruler 我有一只铅笔书包尺子。B: Me too . 我也有。5. 早上相见应该说-A: Good morning. 早上好!B: Good morning! 早上好! 6.下午相见应该说A: Good afternoon! 下午好!B: Good after

5、noon! 下午好! 7. 跟新朋友第一次见面A: Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴。B: Nice to meet you,too! 见到你也很高兴!8. A: Lets go to school! 让我们一起去上学! B: OK! 好的。9. 看见久未见面的朋友或者别人身体不舒服,你该这么打招呼 A: How are you ? 你好吗? B: Fine,thank you我很好,谢谢你。10、A: Lets paint. 让我们画画。B: Great! 棒极了!11、 A: Look !I have a rabbit。 看,我有一只兔子。 B: Cool Great !

6、酷棒极了.12、自己想吃东西,你该这么说 A: Can I have some bread juicewater? 给我些面包果汁水,好吗? B: Sure. Here you are! 当然可以。给你!13、请别人吃东西,你该这么说 A: Have some milk. 喝点一些牛奶吧。 B: Thank you. No, thanks. 谢谢你。不,谢谢你。14、 A: Look at your bodyface! I like it! 看你的身体脸。 我喜欢它!B: Thanks 谢谢!16、A: Thank you. 谢谢你。B: You're welcome. You are

7、 welcome. 别客气。17、A:B: Happy birthday. 生日快乐!B: Thank you. 谢谢。18、A: How old are you? 你几岁啦?B: Im nine. 我九岁了。(要用数字回答哦!)19、A: Let's eat the birthday cake. 让我们吃生日蛋糕B: GreatOK! 棒极了好的!20、 A: How many giftscandlespenspandasbags? 多少个礼物蜡烛钢笔大熊猫书包?B: Four ten. 四个十个。 三、读读,记记下面的句子。你会更棒的!Unit1 1.Show me yo

8、ur pencil / ruler/ eraser/ crayon/ pen. 让我看看你的铅笔/尺子/橡皮/蜡笔/钢笔。2. Open your pencil box. 打开你的铅笔盒。 Close your book .合上你的书。 Carry your bag. 背起你的书包。Unit 2. 3.Show me your red/ blue / green / yellow / crayon. 给我看看你的红/蓝/绿/黄色的蜡笔。4.Black, black. Stand up. 黑色,黑色,站起来(起立)!Orange, orange. Sit down.橙色,橙色,坐下!Brown,

9、 brown.Turn around棕色,棕色,转个圈。White, white. Touch the ground. 白色,白色,摸摸地板。 Unit 3. 5 Touch your head./ nose/ eye/ mouth/ ear. 摸摸你的头/鼻子/眼睛/嘴巴/耳朵。6. Clap your hands. 拍拍你的手。 Wave your arms. 挥挥动你的胳膊。 Shake your legs. 抖动你的双腿。 Shake your body. 扭扭你的身体。 Stamp your foot. 跺跺你的脚。Unit4.7. Act like a bird/ duck/ pa

10、nda/ monkey/ rabbit/ dog. 模仿小鸟/鸭子/熊猫/猴子/兔子/小狗表演。8. Look at the cat.It is fat.看猫!它很胖! Look at the pig.It is big.看猪!它很大! Look at the dog.It's on the log.看狗!它在木头上! Look at the duck.It's in the truck.看鸭子!它在卡车里! Look at the bear.It's on the pear.看熊!它在梨上面!Unit5.9 .Show me your bread.让我看看你的面包。C

11、ut the cake.切蛋糕。Eat some eggs.吃些鸡蛋吧。Have some milk.喝点牛奶吧。Drink some juice. 喝些果汁。 练习一、读下列单词,写出中文意思 pen ( ) pencil( ) pencil box ( ) ruler ( ) eraser Head face nose mouth eye ear arm red yellow green blue white cat dog duck pig panda rabbit panda cake bread milk fish rice juice two one seven six five

12、three four boy my this crayon book bag school hand leg foot body black orange brown bird bear elephant Coke juice milk water nine eight ten kite nice meet goodbye too good morning good afternoon _ you your I my me see have some is are am what this that like name show touch it open close make look hu

13、ngry happy cut baby boy big fat log truck pear on in act like sit down stand up touch the ground turn around jump colour paint Play puppet great guess 二、读下列句子,写出中文意思. 1. Hello! _ Hi! _ 2. Hello! Im Wu Yifan. _ 3. Whats your name?_ 4. My names Chen Jie. _ 5. I have a pencil. _ Me too._ 6. Good mornin

14、g._ Good afternoon._ 7. This is Miss White. _Nice to meet you. _ 8. Where are you from? _ Im from America._ 9. Lets go to school. _ OK. 10. How many cakes? _One cake._ 11.How are you? _Im fine, thank you._ 12. Lets paint. _ Great._ 13. I like green._ Me too. _ 14. I have a rabbit. _ 15. Cool! _ Great!_16.Can I have some water? _Sure. _ 17. Here you are. _Thank you. _Youre welcome_ 18. I like milk._ Me too. _ 19. Have some eggs. _ 20. Can I have some rice,please? _Sure. _ 21. How old are you? _ Im nine. _22. How


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