1、Chapter 4 Forward Exchange and International Financial InvestmentChapter 5Learning Requests Understand the reasons and forms of exchange rate risks, comprehend the circumstances and principal of foreign exchange markets and trading, master some kinds of foreign exchange transactions.Chapter 5Overvie
2、w1. Exchange Rate Risk2. The Market Basics of Forward Foreign Exchange3. Basic Principle of International Investment4. International Investment With Cover5. International Investment Without Cover6. Arbitrage Within the Spot Exchange Market7. Brief Introduction of Futures, Options and SwapsChapter 51
3、. Exchange Rate Risk1.1 Definition of Exchange Rate Risk People or organizations are exposed to exchange rate risk, because the value of the individuals income, wealth, or net worth changes when exchange rates change unexpectedly in the future. Chapter 51.2 Categories of Exchange Rate Risk 1.2.1交易风险
4、交易风险(1)外汇买卖风险(金融性风险)外汇买卖风险(金融性风险)(2)交易结算风险(商业性风险)交易结算风险(商业性风险)1.2.2折算风险折算风险(会计风险、转换风险)(会计风险、转换风险)1.2.3经营风险经营风险(经济风险)(经济风险)Chapter 51.2.1 交易风险交易风险 以外币计价的国际贸易、非贸易收支及外汇以外币计价的国际贸易、非贸易收支及外汇的买卖活动中,由于的买卖活动中,由于汇率波动汇率波动而引起应收而引起应收(付)款项的实际价值发生变化的风险。(付)款项的实际价值发生变化的风险。(1)外汇买卖风险(金融性风险)外汇买卖风险(金融性风险) 外汇银行在经营外汇买卖业务时
5、,或工商企外汇银行在经营外汇买卖业务时,或工商企业以外币进行借贷业务时,因汇率变动所产业以外币进行借贷业务时,因汇率变动所产生的风险。生的风险。(2)交易结算风险(商业性风险)交易结算风险(商业性风险) 进出口商以外币进行贸易或非贸易的进出口进出口商以外币进行贸易或非贸易的进出口业务时,因汇率变动所产生的风险。业务时,因汇率变动所产生的风险。Chapter 5例例1 1:金融性风险:金融性风险 某年某年3月月2日,苏黎世外汇市场上,英镑对瑞士法日,苏黎世外汇市场上,英镑对瑞士法郎的收盘汇率为郎的收盘汇率为1=SF3.08453.0855。某瑞士银。某瑞士银行从一客户买入行从一客户买入100万英
6、镑,向另一客户卖出万英镑,向另一客户卖出80万万英镑,从而出现英镑,从而出现20万英镑多头。万英镑多头。3月月3日开市时,日开市时,英镑对瑞士法郎的开盘汇率为英镑对瑞士法郎的开盘汇率为1=SF2.97622.9772,该银行将多头的,该银行将多头的20万英镑万英镑卖出,只能收回卖出,只能收回59.444万瑞士法郎(万瑞士法郎(20万万2.9722)。若按昨日收盘汇率卖出,可收回)。若按昨日收盘汇率卖出,可收回61.71万瑞士法郎(万瑞士法郎( 20万万3.0855 )。因此,该银)。因此,该银行蒙受汇率波动损失行蒙受汇率波动损失2.266万瑞士法郎。万瑞士法郎。Chapter 5总总 结结外汇
7、银行在某一营业日内对某一外汇,外汇银行在某一营业日内对某一外汇, 买入卖出买入卖出 多头多头 汇率下降汇率下降 卖出卖出多头平仓多头平仓 受损受损 买入卖出买入卖出 空头空头 汇率上升汇率上升 买入买入空头平仓空头平仓 受损受损Chapter 5例例2 2:金融性风险:金融性风险 1993年年12月美元对人民币汇率为月美元对人民币汇率为1=RMB¥ 5.8, 1994年年12月为月为1=RMB¥ 8.3。某公司。某公司在在1993年年12月借进月借进100万美元一年期贷款,万美元一年期贷款,借款时将美元兑换成人民币为借款时将美元兑换成人民币为580万人民币,万人民币,还款时需用还款时需用830
8、万人民币兑换成美元(不考万人民币兑换成美元(不考虑利息),则多支付虑利息),则多支付250万人民币。万人民币。计价货币汇率下降计价货币汇率下降 债权人受损债权人受损计价货币汇率上升计价货币汇率上升 债务人受损债务人受损Chapter 5例例3 3:商业性风险:商业性风险 我国某外贸公司从美国进口一批机械设备,我国某外贸公司从美国进口一批机械设备,货价为货价为250万美元,万美元,3个月后支付。签订合同个月后支付。签订合同时,美元对人民币汇率为时,美元对人民币汇率为 1=RMB¥ 8.0, 3个月后个月后 1=RMB¥ 8.2,该公司需支付,该公司需支付2,050万人万人民币,比签订合同时预期货
9、价多支付民币,比签订合同时预期货价多支付50万人万人民币。民币。出口收汇出口收汇 计价货币汇率下降计价货币汇率下降 出口商受损出口商受损进口付汇进口付汇 计价货币汇率上升计价货币汇率上升 进口商受损进口商受损Chapter 51.2.2折算风险折算风险(会计风险、转换风险)(会计风险、转换风险) 经济实体在将各种外币资产负债转经济实体在将各种外币资产负债转换成记账货币(本币)的会计处理换成记账货币(本币)的会计处理业务中,因汇率波动而出现账面损业务中,因汇率波动而出现账面损失的可能性。失的可能性。Chapter 5例例4 4:会计风险:会计风险 中国某公司持有银行往来帐户余额中国某公司持有银行
10、往来帐户余额100万美元,汇率为万美元,汇率为1=RMB¥ 8.7,折成,折成人民币为人民币为870万。以后美元贬值,人民万。以后美元贬值,人民币升值,汇率变为币升值,汇率变为1=RMB¥ 8.3,该,该公司公司100万美元的银行往来帐户余额折万美元的银行往来帐户余额折成人民币为成人民币为830万。因此,在两个折算万。因此,在两个折算日期之间,该公司日期之间,该公司100万美元的价值,万美元的价值,按人民币折算减少了按人民币折算减少了40万元。万元。Chapter 51.2.3 经营风险(经济风险)经营风险(经济风险) 企业的未来预期收益因企业的未来预期收益因意料外的汇意料外的汇率变化率变化而
11、可能受到损失的风险。它而可能受到损失的风险。它是对企业影响最大,企业最关心的是对企业影响最大,企业最关心的一种外汇风险。一种外汇风险。Chapter 51.3 Two Responses toExchange Rate Risk1.3.1 HedgingHedging is the act of reducing or eliminating a net asset or net liability position in the foreign currency to reduce exposure to exchange rate risk.1.3.2 SpeculatingSpecula
12、ting is the act of taking a net asset position (“long”) or a net liability position (“short”) in some foreign currency asset, usually to try to profit from the belief about what future exchange rates will be. Chapter 52. The Market Basics of Forward Foreign Exchange2.1 Forward Foreign Exchange Contr
13、act Forward foreign exchange contract is an agreement to exchange one currency for another on some date in the future at a price set now (the forward exchange rate).Chapter 52.2 Basic Principle of Forward Transaction Banks acting as foreign exchange dealers generally are willing to meet the needs of
14、 their customers for the specific size of the forward exchange contract (the amount of foreign exchange) and the specific date in the future for the exchange. Common dates for future exchange are 30, 90, and 180 days forward (one, three, and six months).Chapter 52.2 Basic Principle of Forward Transa
15、ction For instance, to buy 100,000 of 90-days forward sterling at $ 1.4407/, you sign an agreement today with your bank that 90 days from now you will deliver $144,070 in dollar bank deposits and receive 100,000 in pound bank deposits. The exchange of these amounts will take place to carry out the f
16、orward contracts, regardless of what the actual spot exchange rate turns out to be in 90 days. Chapter 52.2 Basic Principle of Forward Transaction In the opposite trade, somebody agreeing now to sell 90-day forward sterling must deliver pounds at the agreed price of $1.4407 in 90 days. That person n
17、eed not own any sterling at all until then, but the rate at which he gives it up in 90 days is already set now. Chapter 52.2 Basic Principle of Forward Transaction Do not confuse the forward rate with the future spot rate, the spot rate that ends up prevailing 90 days from now. The actual spot price
18、 of sterling that exists in 90 days could be above, below, or equal to the forward rate. In this respect, a forward exchange rate is like a commodity futures price or an advance hotel reservation. Chapter 5 (Forward Transaction) 亦称期汇交易,是指外汇买卖亦称期汇交易,是指外汇买卖成交后,当时(两个营业日内)成交后,当时(两个营业日内)不交割,而是根据合同的规定,不交割
19、,而是根据合同的规定,在在约定的日期约定的日期按按约定的汇率约定的汇率办办理交割的外汇交易理交割的外汇交易。Chapter 5(一)远期交易的交割日(一)远期交易的交割日 远期交割日远期交割日=即期交割日即期交割日+ +远期的月数或星期数远期的月数或星期数1.定期交割(固定交割日)定期交割(固定交割日)2.择期交割(选择交割日)择期交割(选择交割日)Chapter 5(二)远期交易的汇率(二)远期交易的汇率远期汇率的报价方式远期汇率的报价方式 1.直接报价直接报价 直接完整地报出不同期限远期外汇的买价直接完整地报出不同期限远期外汇的买价和卖价,通常用于银行对一般顾客的远期和卖价,通常用于银行对
20、一般顾客的远期外汇报价。日本和瑞士银行同业间的远期外汇报价。日本和瑞士银行同业间的远期交易也采用。交易也采用。例如:某日美元兑日元的例如:某日美元兑日元的3个月远期汇率为个月远期汇率为USD/JPY=116.40/116.54,美元兑瑞士法郎,美元兑瑞士法郎的的6个月远期汇率为个月远期汇率为USD/CHF=1.3459/1.3470Chapter 52.掉期率或远期差价报价掉期率或远期差价报价 掉期率(掉期率(Swap Rate):):某一时点某一时点远期汇率与即期汇率的汇率差。远期汇率与即期汇率的汇率差。Chapter 5 掉期率或远期差价报价方式报出远期掉期率或远期差价报价方式报出远期汇率
21、与即期汇率差异的点数,银行间汇率与即期汇率差异的点数,银行间的远期外汇报价通常采用这种方式。的远期外汇报价通常采用这种方式。例如:某日纽约的银行报出德国马克买例如:某日纽约的银行报出德国马克买卖价为:卖价为:即期汇率即期汇率 USD/DEM=1.6508/181个月掉期率个月掉期率 1/0.53个月掉期率个月掉期率 13/126个月掉期率个月掉期率 43/33Chapter 5 升水或溢价升水或溢价 (At Premium) 贴水或折价贴水或折价 (At Discount) 平价平价 (At Par or Flat)远期汇率即期汇率远期汇率即期汇率 升水升水远期汇率即期汇率远期汇率即期汇率 贴
22、水贴水远期汇率远期汇率 = 即期汇率即期汇率 平价平价例如:即期汇率例如:即期汇率1=DM2(DM1= 0.5) 远期汇率远期汇率1=DM2.5 (DM1= 0.4)表明远期美元升水,远期德国马克贴水。表明远期美元升水,远期德国马克贴水。1美元美元升水升水0.5马克,马克,1马克贴水马克贴水0.1美元。美元。Chapter 5例:例: 即期汇率即期汇率 3个月汇水个月汇水 6个月汇水个月汇水GBP/USD 1.5808/16 130/140 215/205如何计算远期汇率?如何计算远期汇率?一个重要的口诀:一个重要的口诀:前小后大往上加,前大后小往下减。前小后大往上加,前大后小往下减。则则3个
23、月远期汇率为:个月远期汇率为:1.5938/1.5956 6个月远期汇率为:个月远期汇率为: 1.5593/1.5611检验远期汇率计算是否正确的方法:检验远期汇率计算是否正确的方法:远期汇率仍是前一数值小,后一数值大;远期汇率仍是前一数值小,后一数值大;并且二者的差价大于即期汇率的买卖差价。并且二者的差价大于即期汇率的买卖差价。Chapter 5(三)远期外汇交易的程序(三)远期外汇交易的程序A: GBP 0.5 MioA:询问:询问GBP/USD的即期价位,金额为的即期价位,金额为50万英万英镑镑B: GBP 1.8920/25B:GBP的价位为的价位为1.8920/25A: Mine,
24、Pls adjust to 1 MonthB:买入英镑,并请调整为一个月后的交割日:买入英镑,并请调整为一个月后的交割日Chapter 5B: OK Done Spot/1 Month 93/89 at 1.8836 We sell GBP 0.5 Mio Val June/22/98 USD to My NYB:好的,成交。即期至:好的,成交。即期至1个月期的掉期率为个月期的掉期率为93/89,1月期汇率为月期汇率为1.8836,我们出售,我们出售50万英万英镑,镑,6月月22日为交割日,请将美元汇入我的纽日为交割日,请将美元汇入我的纽约帐户约帐户A: OK All agreed, My G
25、BP to My London Tks, BIA:好的,全部同意。请将英镑汇入我的伦敦帐:好的,全部同意。请将英镑汇入我的伦敦帐户。谢谢,再见户。谢谢,再见B: OK, BI and TksB:好的。再见,谢谢。:好的。再见,谢谢。Chapter 52.3 Hedging Using Forward Foreign Exchange2.3.1 Basic Principle of Hedging Hedging involves acquiring an asset in a foreign currency to offset a net liability position already
26、 held in the foreign currency, or acquiring a liability in a foreign currency to offset a net asset position already held. Hedgers in international dealings are persons who have a home currency and seek a balance between their liabilities and assets in foreign currencies. In financial jargon, hedgin
27、g means avoiding both kinds of “open” position in a foreign currency-both “long” positions (holding net assets in the foreign currency) and “short” positions (owing more of the foreign currency than one holds).Chapter 52.3.2 Buying Hedging Consider a U.S. company that has bought some merchandise and
28、 will have to pay 100,000 three months from now. Assuming that this represents an overall net liability position in pounds (perhaps because the company has no other assets or liabilities in pounds), the company is exposed to exchange rate risk. It does not know the dollar value of its liability beca
29、use it does not know the spot exchange rate that will exist 90 days from now.Chapter 52.3.2 Buying Hedging One way to hedge its risk exposure is to enter into a forward contract to acquire (or buy) 100,000 in 90 days. If the current forward rate is $1.4407/ , then the company must deliver (or sell)
30、$144,070 in 90 days. The company has an asset position in pounds through matches its pound liability to pay for the merchandise, creating a “perfect hedge”. The company now is assured that the merchandise will cost $144,070 regardless of what happens to the spot exchange rate in the next 90 days.Cha
31、pter 52.3.3 Selling Hedging Consider a U.S. company that will receive a payment of 1 million in 60 days is unsure of the dollar value of this receivable, because the spot exchange rate in 60 days is uncertain. It can hedge by selling pounds (and buying dollars) in a 60-day forward exchange contract,
32、 using the forward exchange rate to lock in the number of dollars it will receive. Chapter 52.4 Speculating Using Forward Foreign Exchange Speculating means committing oneself to an uncertain future value of ones net worth in terms of home currency. A speculator is anybody who is willing to take a n
33、et position in a foreign currency, whatever his motives or expectations about the future of the exchange rate. If a speculator thinks she has a fairly good idea of what will happen to the spot exchange rate in the future, it is easy to bet on the basis of that idea using the forward market. It is so
34、 easy, in fact, that the speculator can even bet with money she does not have in hand.Chapter 52.4 Speculating Using Forward Foreign Exchange Suppose that in April you are convinced that the pound sterling will take a dive from its current spot exchange rate value of about $1.45 and be worth only $1
35、.20 in July. Perhaps you see a coming political and economic crisis in Britain that others do not see. You can make an enormous gain by using the forward market. Contract a foreign exchange trader at your bank and agree to sell 10 million at the current 90-day forward rate of $1.4407. If the bank be
36、lieves in your ability to honor your forward commitment in July, you do not even need to put up any money now in April. Just sign the forward contract. Chapter 52.4 Speculating Using Forward Foreign Exchange On the contract date in July, instruct your bank to settle the forward contract against the
37、actual spot rate, which has sunk as you expected to $1.20. Effectively, in July you are buying 10 million in the spot market at $1.20 (total cost of $12 million) and selling the pounds at $1.4407 into the forward contract (total receipt of $14.407 million). You net a profit of $2.407 million for a f
38、ew minutes effort, a lot of foresight, and an understanding of “buy low, sell high”. If you are smarter than the others in the marketplace, you can get rich using the convenient forward exchange market.Chapter 52.4 Speculating Using Forward Foreign Exchange Your speculation may turn out differently,
39、 however. Suppose you are wrong. Suppose that Britains prospects brighten greatly between April and July. Suppose that when July comes around, the spot value of the pound has risen to $1.80. Now in July you must come up with $18 million to get the 10 million you committed to sell in the forward cont
40、ract for only $14.407 million. Chapter 5(四)远期外汇交易的目的(四)远期外汇交易的目的1.套期保值套期保值(Hedging) 买期保值(买期保值(Buying Hedging) 卖期保值(卖期保值(Selling Hedging)2.外汇投机外汇投机(Exchange Speculation) 买空投机(买空投机( Buy Long ) 卖空投机(卖空投机( Sell Short )Chapter 51.套期保值(套期保值(Hedging) 也称为也称为“海琴海琴”,是指预计将,是指预计将来某一时间要支付或收入一笔来某一时间要支付或收入一笔外汇时,买入
41、或卖出同等金额外汇时,买入或卖出同等金额的远期外汇,以避免因汇率波的远期外汇,以避免因汇率波动而造成经济损失的交易行为。动而造成经济损失的交易行为。Chapter 5(1)买期保值()买期保值(Buying Hedging) 将来有一定将来有一定债务债务者,先于外汇市场者,先于外汇市场买入买入与该负债金额相等、期限相同与该负债金额相等、期限相同的的远期外汇远期外汇,以避免因计价货币汇,以避免因计价货币汇率上升,负债成本增加而造成实际率上升,负债成本增加而造成实际损失的交易行为。损失的交易行为。Chapter 5 例:例:1998年年10月末纽约外汇市场行情为:月末纽约外汇市场行情为: 即期汇率
42、即期汇率 USD/DEM=1.6510/20 3个月掉期率个月掉期率 16/12 假定一美国进口商从德国进口价值假定一美国进口商从德国进口价值1,000,000马克的机器设备,可在马克的机器设备,可在3个月后支付马克。若美个月后支付马克。若美国进口商预测国进口商预测3个月后个月后USD/DEM将贬值(即马将贬值(即马克兑美元升值)到克兑美元升值)到USD/DEM=1.6420/30。 请判断:(请判断:(1)美国进口商不采取保值措施,延)美国进口商不采取保值措施,延后后3个月支付马克比现在支付马克预计将多支付个月支付马克比现在支付马克预计将多支付多少美元?多少美元? (2)美国进口商如何利用远
43、期外汇市场进行)美国进口商如何利用远期外汇市场进行保值?保值? Chapter 5解:(解:(1)美国进口商若不采取保值措)美国进口商若不采取保值措施,现在支付施,现在支付1,000,000马克需马克需1,000,0001.6510=605,693美元。美元。3个月后所需美元数量个月后所需美元数量1,000,0001.6420=609,013美元。美元。因此需多支付因此需多支付609,013-605,693=3,320美元。美元。 Chapter 5(2)利用远期外汇市场避险的操作为:)利用远期外汇市场避险的操作为: 10月末美国进口商与德国出口商签订进口合月末美国进口商与德国出口商签订进口合
44、同的同时,与银行签订远期交易合同,按同的同时,与银行签订远期交易合同,按外汇市场外汇市场USD/DEM3个月远期汇率个月远期汇率1.6494(1.6510-0.0016)买入买入1,000,000马克。马克。这个合同保证美国进口商在这个合同保证美国进口商在3个月后只需个月后只需606,281(1,000,0001.6494)美元就)美元就能支付马克货款的需要,比未进行保值少能支付马克货款的需要,比未进行保值少损失损失2,732美元美元(609,013-606,281),远期,远期交易的成本为交易的成本为588美元(美元(606,281-605,693)。)。Chapter 5(2)卖期保值()
45、卖期保值(Selling Hedging) 将来有一定将来有一定债权债权者,先于外汇市场者,先于外汇市场卖出卖出与该外汇资产金额相等、期限与该外汇资产金额相等、期限相同的相同的远期外汇远期外汇,以防止因债权的,以防止因债权的计价货币对本币贬值而蒙受损失的计价货币对本币贬值而蒙受损失的交易行为。交易行为。Chapter 5例:例:1998年年10月中旬纽约外汇市场行情为月中旬纽约外汇市场行情为:即期汇率即期汇率 GBP/USD =1.6770/802个月掉期率个月掉期率 125/122 一美国出口商签订向英国出口价值一美国出口商签订向英国出口价值10万英镑万英镑的仪器的协定,预计的仪器的协定,预
46、计2个月后收到英镑。假个月后收到英镑。假若美国出口商预测若美国出口商预测2个月后英镑将贬值,即个月后英镑将贬值,即期汇率水平将变为期汇率水平将变为GBP/USD=1.6600/10。则。则(1)如果美国出口商现在不采取避免汇率)如果美国出口商现在不采取避免汇率变动风险的保值措施,则变动风险的保值措施,则2个月后将收到的个月后将收到的英镑折算为美元时,相对英镑折算为美元时,相对10月中旬兑换成美月中旬兑换成美元将会损失多少?元将会损失多少?(2)美国出口商如何利用远期外汇市场进行)美国出口商如何利用远期外汇市场进行套期保值?套期保值?Chapter 5解解: (1) 如果美国出口商现在不采取保值
47、措施,如果美国出口商现在不采取保值措施,2个个月 后 将 收 到 的 英 镑 折 算 为 美 元 为月 后 将 收 到 的 英 镑 折 算 为 美 元 为1.6600*100,000=166,000美元美元,若现在兑成美元则若现在兑成美元则为为1.6770*100,000=167,700美元美元,损失了损失了167,700-166,000=1,700美元美元.(2) 利用远期外汇市场避险的具体操作是:利用远期外汇市场避险的具体操作是: 10月中旬美国出口商与英国进口商签订合同的月中旬美国出口商与英国进口商签订合同的同时同时,与银行签订卖出与银行签订卖出10万万2个月远期英镑的合个月远期英镑的合
48、同同.2个月远期汇率水平为个月远期汇率水平为GBP/USD=1.6645/58.这个合同保证出口商在付给银行这个合同保证出口商在付给银行10万英镑后一万英镑后一定得到定得到1.6645*100,000=166,450美元美元,比不进行套比不进行套期保值多收入期保值多收入166,450-166,000=450美元美元.Chapter 52.外汇投机外汇投机(Exchange Speculation) 外汇市场参与者根据对汇率变动的外汇市场参与者根据对汇率变动的预测,有意保留(或持有)外汇的预测,有意保留(或持有)外汇的空头或多头,希望利用汇率变动牟空头或多头,希望利用汇率变动牟取利润的行为。取利
49、润的行为。“买空买空”投机:投机:预测汇率上涨,先买后卖预测汇率上涨,先买后卖“卖空卖空”投机:投机:预测汇率下跌,先卖后买预测汇率下跌,先卖后买Chapter 5 例:一美国投机商预期英镑有可能大幅度下例:一美国投机商预期英镑有可能大幅度下跌。假定当时英镑跌。假定当时英镑3个月远期汇率为个月远期汇率为GBP/USD=1.6780,该投机商卖出,该投机商卖出1,000,000远期英镑,成交时他只需付少量保证金,远期英镑,成交时他只需付少量保证金,无须实际支付英镑。如果在交割日之前英镑无须实际支付英镑。如果在交割日之前英镑果然贬值,他可选择两种方法来了结获利。果然贬值,他可选择两种方法来了结获利
50、。(1)对冲)对冲 Off Set(平仓)(平仓)。 设远期英镑汇率跌为设远期英镑汇率跌为GBP/USD=1.4780,则,则该投机商再次进入远期市场,买入该投机商再次进入远期市场,买入1,000,000远期英镑,交割日和卖出远期英镑的交割远期英镑,交割日和卖出远期英镑的交割日相同。这一买一卖使他获得日相同。这一买一卖使他获得200,000(1.6780*1,000,000-1.4780*1,000,000)美元的投机利润。美元的投机利润。Chapter 5(2)(2)以即期英镑交割远期英镑。以即期英镑交割远期英镑。 设到期时即期英镑汇率跌为设到期时即期英镑汇率跌为GBP/USD=1.4780
51、,则该投机商进入即期外汇市场,买入则该投机商进入即期外汇市场,买入1,000,000英镑现汇,来交割到期的远期英镑。这一英镑现汇,来交割到期的远期英镑。这一买一卖使他获得买一卖使他获得200,000(1.6780*1,000,000-1.4780*1,000,000)美元的投机利润。)美元的投机利润。 在本例中,投机者先卖后买,并且在他抛售在本例中,投机者先卖后买,并且在他抛售外汇时,实际上手中并无外汇,所以这种投外汇时,实际上手中并无外汇,所以这种投机活动被称为机活动被称为“卖空卖空” ;若该投机者预期英;若该投机者预期英镑将升值,他可以采取先买后卖的手法以期镑将升值,他可以采取先买后卖的手
52、法以期获利,这叫做获利,这叫做“买空买空” 。Chapter 5课堂练习课堂练习 设英国某公司对美国出口一批商品,价款为设英国某公司对美国出口一批商品,价款为235,600美元,美元,3个月后收款,该英国公司运个月后收款,该英国公司运用远期外汇业务以防范美元汇率下跌的风险。用远期外汇业务以防范美元汇率下跌的风险。如按英国银行的外汇牌价:如按英国银行的外汇牌价: 即期汇率即期汇率 1=$1.3048/74 3个月远期汇水点数个月远期汇水点数 13/20 请叙述该出口商运用远期外汇业务进行保值请叙述该出口商运用远期外汇业务进行保值的过程,并求出最终的英镑收入。的过程,并求出最终的英镑收入。Chap
53、ter 53. Basic Principle of International Investment International financial investment has grown rapidly in recent decades. Decisions about international investments are based on the returns and risks of the available investment alternatives. Suppose that a U.S. investor invests in a foreign-currenc
54、y-denominated financial asset, like a British government security or a pound time deposit. Chapter 53. Basic Principle of International Investment First, she must convert her dollars into pounds at the initial spot exchange rate. Then, she uses the pounds to buy the pound-denominated financial asset
55、. She holds this asset, earning pound returns and having wealth in pounds a year from now. This can be converted back into dollars (either actually or simply to determine the dollar value of wealth) at some dollar-pound exchange rate that applies to foreign exchange transactions a year from now.Chap
56、ter 53. Basic Principle of International Investment What exchange rate can be used to convert pounds back into dollars a year from now? There are two major alternatives, and these correspond to our concepts of hedging and speculation. First, she can contract now for the exchange of pounds back into
57、dollars at the one-year forward exchange rate using a forward exchange contract. Her pound liability in the forward contract matches her pound asset position, so she has hedged her exposure to exchange rate risk. She has a hedged or .Chapter 53. Basic Principle of International Investment Second, sh
58、e can wait and convert back into dollars at the future spot exchange rate, the one that will exist a year from now. She does not know for sure what this future spot exchange rate will be so her investment is exposed to exchange rate risk. This unhedged investment has a speculative element to it, and
59、 it is called an .Chapter 5u 套利交易套利交易(Interest Arbitrage ) 利用两个国家货币市场出现的利用两个国家货币市场出现的利利率差异率差异,将资金从一个货币市场,将资金从一个货币市场(利率低)转移到另一个货币市(利率低)转移到另一个货币市场(利率高)场(利率高) ,以赚取利润的交,以赚取利润的交易活动。易活动。Chapter 5(一)套利的一般原理(一)套利的一般原理例:在某一时期,美国金融市场三个月定期存例:在某一时期,美国金融市场三个月定期存款利率的年率为款利率的年率为12%,英国金融市场三个月,英国金融市场三个月定期存款利率的年率为定期存款
60、利率的年率为8%,两地存在利差,两地存在利差会是资金从英国流向美国。在这种情况下,会是资金从英国流向美国。在这种情况下,英国的投资者可以按英国的投资者可以按8%的年利率从本国银的年利率从本国银行借入英镑,在即期外汇市场兑换成美元,行借入英镑,在即期外汇市场兑换成美元,存入美国银行作三个月的短期投资,这样他存入美国银行作三个月的短期投资,这样他可获得可获得4%的年利差。假设套利资金总额为的年利差。假设套利资金总额为10万英镑,则该投资者获得的万英镑,则该投资者获得的利润利润为为100,000*4%*3/12=1,000英镑。英镑。Chapter 5思考:思考:上述套利活动没有考虑汇率变动上述套利
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