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2、留出5至10个空白处,要求根据对话情境及内容填入适当的单词,使对话结构通顺,意义完整。(3)补全句子型。该题型一般给出A、B两人对话,通常留出五个空白处要求填写适当的句子补全对话。补全对话具有考查的知识面广、综合能力强的特点,今后的考查将更加注重语境、语篇和西方人的交流习惯。题型仍将是选择句子型、单词填写型和句子填写型。对话材料的选择将越来越贴近生活、贴近社会。 (一)选择型1做好此类题,首先要对所提供的语言材料能够充分地理解与掌握。如对对话双方的身份、职业、年龄、性别、意图及交际活动的时间、地点、场景等要有准确的了解。2选择句子补全对话注重语境,答语的依据往往隐藏在问句中,而问句的依据往往隐

3、藏在答语中,因此,解答此类题目,一定要注意具体语境,联系上、下文,捕捉语境暗示的信息,结合习惯表达方式,准确理解题干的含义。3选择句子补全对话一般要求从57个选项中选出五个句子补全对话,个别选项迷惑性极强,因此需要根据题设情景反复推敲,瞻前顾后,通盘考虑。4检查整篇对话,看看上下文是否通顺、连贯,表达方式是否合乎习惯。发现不妥之处,立即纠正。A(2015,天津)ADont worry.BI am going to look at the board.CI entered a photo competition.DIs there anything new?EWould you like to

4、take part in it?FWhat do you want to do?GWhat is the topic?A:Hi,Betty.What are you going to do?B:Hi,Lingling!1._BA:Oh,I have just come from there.B:2._A:Yes.There will be an English speaking competition next Friday.B:3._A:Life in the Future.B:Thats a good topic.4._A:Yes,Id like to.I think I can prac

5、tise my spoken English.What about you?B:Oh,you know,I am shy.I am afraid I cant speak in public.A:5._ If you keep on practising,you will be successful.B:I will think about it.Thank you very much.D GE AB(2015,呼和浩特)AHi,where are you from?BHello,whos calling?CYou should learn from them.DDear listeners,

6、who can give him some advice?EWhy not have a good talk with her?FYou shouldnt argue with your mom.GWhats your problem?A:Hi,everybody.Im Becky.Welcome back to “The Problem Line”Today,were going to talk about problems with parents.Okay,its time for another call.1._B:Hello.My names David.BA:Hi,David.We

7、lcome to “The Problem Line”.2._B:Well,Im having problems with my mom.Every time we talk about something,we argue.A:3._ Its impolite.B:I know.But she always arranges(安排) everything for me.I cant even decide what to wear on weekends.A:Thats too bad.4._B:I tried,but she never listened to me.She thinks

8、I should listen to her because Im her child.G F E A:Well,thats a difficult problem.5._C:Hello,Im Vera.I think David should ask his teacher for help.Perhaps his mother will listen to his teacher.B:OK.Ill have a try.Thank you.D C(2015,安徽)AI hope so,too.BWhats the weather like in winter?CIs that true?D

9、I dont think so.EThank you for your kindness.FYes,its really a nice and bright day.GWhat about your hometown?A:It is such a lovely day.I love sunshine.B:1._A:I hope it stays like this.FB:2._A:Is the weather usually like this here?B:A bit hotter than today.A:3._B:Its pretty cold and it often snows in

10、 winter.4._A:A lot like the weather here,not too hot or cold.B:I heard it rains a lot.5._A:Mmm,yes.It rains but not any more than other places.ABGCD(2015,安顺)ADont you think its a little silly?BIm reading a book called Yu Gong Moves a Mountain.CThats better and faster than moving a mountain.DIn my op

11、inion,its really interesting.EDo you prefer to read stories?FI still dont agree with you.GHow about you?Emma:What are you doing,Li Lin?Li Lin:1._Emma:I have read it before.What do you think of the story?Li Lin:2._ Yu Gong found a good way to deal with his problem.Emma:Really?3._ It seems impossible

12、to move a mountain.Li Lin:But the story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard.Yu Gong kept trying and didnt give up.Emma:4._ I think we should try to find other ways to deal with a problem.DA FBLi Lin:But what could Yu Gong do except moving the mountains?Emma:He could build

13、 a road.5._Li Lin:We have different opinions about the story.Therere many sides to a story and many ways to understand it.Emma:Yes,thats fine.CE(2015,陕西)(An interviewer is interviewing a Chinese student who is studying in America.)Aan interviewerBa Chinese studentA:Excuse me.1._B:Sure.A:How long hav

14、e you been studying here?B:2._A:How are you getting on with your study?B:Very well.A:3._B:Im going back to China.DEG A:Why?B:Er,you know,China is developing faster and faster.4._A:Any more reasons?B:Yes,Id like to spend more time with my parents.A:Wow! Good! Caring for parents comes first in China.5

15、._B:Thank you.BAAWish you a nice future!BAnd I want to do something for it.CCan I help you?DMay I ask you some questions?EFor about two years.FWhen are you going back to China?GWhat are you going to do after finishing your study?(二)填词型1首先通读整篇对话,获取有用信息在做填词型补全对话时,应忽略空白处,快速把全篇对话通读一遍,从而把握对话的内容、语境及话题范围,理

16、解谈话双方的意图。2前后照应,逐句推敲做题时,要把自己假设为对话人物,设身处地猜测大意并根据上下文来判断所填的内容。有的答案是根据上下文内容决定的,必须在纵观全文,全盘考虑,然后再回头补填。特别是提示填词型对话,所填的词不仅要求语义适合,还要求词性正确,因此在特定的句子中一定要考虑所填单词的正确形式。3复读对话,确保无误在做完题目后要复读全篇对话,确保对话语句通顺,意思连贯,且符合西方国家的语言风俗习惯。A(2015,宁波)Marie:Roy and Carla,what are your ideas for solving these pollution problems?Roy:To cu

17、t down air pollution,we should take the bus or subway instead of 1. Carla:Yeah,or ride a bike.There are other advantages of bike riding.Its good for health and it doesnt 2._ much!Marie:Great ideas!What about waste pollution?drivingcostCarla:Mmm,I think simple things like bringing a bag to go shoppin

18、g can help.I started doing that a year ago.Roy:Me,too.Also,I never take wooden chopsticks or plastic 3._ when I buy takeaway food.I use the ones at home.Carla:And remember to throw rubbish in the bins and keep 4._ places clean and beautiful for everyone.Marie:So together,our actions can make a 5._ a

19、nd lead to a better future!forkspublicdifferenceB(2015,哈尔滨)A:Hello,is that Tom speaking?B:Hello,this is Tom.A:Have you made a plan for this weekend?B:Not yet.Im 1. busy to think about it.What is your idea?A:What about playing basketball at the City Gym this Saturday?B:Good idea.When shall we meet?A:

20、Lets 2._ it 8:00 am.B:All right.3._ are we going to meet?A:At the bus stop near our school.B:How 4._ does it take to go to the gym by bus?too makeWherelongA:About half an hour.B:Why not go there by subway?The traffic may be very awful on Saturday morning.A:I cant agree with you.Then we can meet at t

21、he subway station.B:Do you know what the 5._ will be like that day?A:The radio says it will be rainy.B:6. better take umbrellas with us.A:OK.I think well have fun together.Im looking forward to that.See you.B:See you.weatherWed C(2014,桂林)David:Hi,Tom.Tom:Hi,David.1._ were you last night?David:I went

22、 to the cinema.Tom:Oh,yes?What film 2._ you see?David:I saw Kong Fu Panda .Tom:Really?It is 3. _?David:Sure.Its about a panda called Po,he saved his 4._ in danger.Tom:It sounds exciting,too.I will go to see the 5._ this evening.David:OK.Enjoy yourself.Tom:Thanks.Wheredidinterestingfriendsfilm(三)补全句子

23、型 1先通读全文,认真阅读对话内容,通过题目所提供的信息掌握对话的主题,判断出它是涉及哪方面的情景或内容(如购物、看病、问路、谈论天气等)。2对话通常包括提出话题、展开话题和结束话题三个阶段。顺着这个结构,充分利用所给的词句(包括标点符号在内)的信息,掌握基本大意,了解说话者的身份、态度和意图,弄清句和句、首和尾之间的逻辑关系。3对话通常以问和答的句式展开,这些句式必然会出现相关的疑问句、情态动词、助动词等,动词的时态、语态与其是互相呼应的,甚至还会出现相关的句型。因此要抓住对话中的信息点,找出对应语句。我们可以根据空格后的标点符号,在有问号的空格中填上一个问句,而在有句号的空格上填上一个陈述

24、句。如果后面没有标点符号,我们要仔细揣摩上下文的关系,从中得到启示,补上所空缺的句子。4通读整篇对话,确保句意的通顺连贯、语法的准确恰当及表达的灵活贴切。A(2015,郴州)A:Can you tell me where I can buy some stamps?B:Sure.You can go to the post office.A:1._?B:Go down this street.Its on the left next to a library.A:2._?B:Yes.Its a little far from here.Youd better take a bus.A:3._?

25、B:No.5 bus.Wheres the pos officeIs it far from hereWhich bus shall I takeA:4._?B:It takes about twenty minutes.A:Thank you.B:5. How long does it takeYoure welcomeB(2015,龙东)A:Hello,could I speak to Linda?B:1._A:Hi,Linda,its Judy here.I called you at seven and you didnt pick up.2._?B:I was taking a sh

26、ower at that time.A:I see.What are you going to do this weekend?B:3._I dont have any plans.Linda speaking./This is Lind speakingWhat were you doingNothing much./Not muchA:4._?B:Science Museum?No,I havent.A:Would you like to go with me?B:5. _When and where shall we meet?A:Lets meet at the school gate

27、 at eight on Saturday morning.B:Thats a deal.Sure/Yes,Id love/like toSure/Yes,Id love/like toC(2015,长沙)A:Hey,Frank.1._?B:Pretty good.A:Did you have fun last weekend?B:2._. I went to the old people house with my friends and have a good time.A:Wow.What did you do there?B:We helped the old clean their

28、houses and chatted with them.How about you?A:I just read a science magazine.B:Oh,really?3._?Hows it goingYes,we didWhats it aboutA:Hum it is about the main causes of smog and ways to beat it.B:Great!But 4._?A:We can live a greener life by using cleaner energy to solve the problem,I think.B:You do?A

29、: Ye s , n a t u r a l g a s i s a g o o d c h o i c e . B y t h e w a y ,5._?B:Its 7:45 now.A:Oh,God.Hurry up or well be late.B:OK.how can we live a greener lifewhats the time nowD(2015,河南)A:Morning,Tina.Did you enjoy your holiday in the country last week?B:Yes,I really had a lot of fun there.A:Great!1._?B:With some of my friends.A:2. _?In a hotel?B:No.We camped in a mountain village.And we cooked our meals over an open fire.Who(m) did you go there with/Who(m) did you enjoy your holiday withWhere did you stayA:So


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