1、With the Shaanxi Expressway networking toll, toll extension business is now weighing charges for storage charges database security and backup of business data has become more prominent. After two years of operation, more and more awareness of the operating units to database stability issues is a pro
2、blem not to be ignored. Simple examples such as: failure of the servers and databases, general maintenance and management staff, in many cases, cannot be independent and quick recovery, had an impact on production. So we need a proper data backup solutions. Database is the core of the whole system,
3、database security should pay more attention. Therefore, the formulation of appropriate database backup strategy, is to maintain database security norms as well as the guidelines, to backup the data it needs from the technical, as well as administratively regulated. In data security, data security st
4、rategy is to maintain the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information. Therefore, database security policy will focus on these three points, including physical security, access control, data backup and emergency response. Here, in the toll collection system in the province uses the SQ
5、L Server database as an example to illustrate the idea of developing its security policy. 1 research background of construction of networked Expressway toll collection system reduced the number of drivers vehicles in the road network and improve road capacity, reducing environmental pollution due to
6、 parking, enhance the economic benefits of Highway and social image. Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll began in May 2004, as of now there are more than 200 data server, as more sections of grid-connected charges, charges data as the core of the whole system, it is necessary to establish
7、a set of data security and reliable solution. 2 purpose this time through the analysis of network data in server health, Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll system based on data, statistical methods of data storage, data research, original charge as possible security, integrity and privacy
8、 of data. For the opening section after incorporation fees provide a reliable set of data security policies. 3 database security situation in the province Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll system overview 3.1 database-tier systems, management systems, branch-level management system, the
9、provincial network centre split and transfer system, four-level system. Each system has its own separate data server is used to store their collection of premium business data, provide the basis for statistical analysis. 1, stand-level server storage fees collected from toll lanes flowing data and p
10、ass on this site blessing Kaku, cartridge information within this site, card box allocation, cartridge combination of information and frequency information. 2, the main storage server server charges collected water from under the jurisdiction of the station data and the pass of blessing Kaku, the in
11、ternal cartridge information, reallocation of the cartridge and cartridge combination, personnel information, flight information, charges the actual payment data entry work. 3, Center-class server storage server charges collected water from under the jurisdiction of the station dataWater data integr
12、ity can be up and running. So when a database server fails, you do not need to pass data to recover, simply through the collection procedure for charging water data collection to complete the fast recovery of server failures. 4.4 analysis summary summary analysis, lane because it is not a complete s
13、tation level data, so there is no need for dedicated backup. Stand-level server data because it is at the front of the charge as a whole, its fault directly affects the exercise normally, you need a complete offsite backup solution. Management, and data center server, due to its operations without m
14、anual data entry, so just use common artificial scheduled backups can be. 5 solutions in order to ensure that when the server after a hardware failover, backup data without changes or only minor changes can be quick and easy troubleshooting of server data recovery, you关于芜湖市通信管道有限公司城市地下 弱电通信管道搭建
15、价格的认证报告 芜价认200518号 一、委托单位:芜湖市通信管道有限公司二、认证单位:芜湖市价格认证中心三、认证项目:芜湖市通信管道有限公司城市地下弱电通信管道搭建价格四、认证目的:为价格主管部门制定我市城市地下弱电通信管道搭建价格提供参考依据五、认证时间:2005年9月1日至2005年10月9日止六、认证依据:1、中华人民共和国价格法;2、国家计委、建设部关于发布工程勘察设计收费管理规定的通知 计价格200212号;3、安徽省物价局关于商品(收费)调定价前进行成本预审、可行性论证暂行办法;4、芜湖市人民政府第89号会议纪要;5、通信建设工程概、预
16、算编制办法及费用定额;6、通信建设工程概预算定额;7、委托方提供的相关工程及财务资料;8、本中心调查收集的有关材料。七、认证过程:根据委托,我中心组成以注册会计师、造价工程师和价格鉴证师为主的认证小组,制定认证方案,对我市通信管道有限公司经营状况进行了全面了解,对我市通信管道有限公司已建成的城市地下弱电通信管道进行了实地勘察,对赭山东路和长江路城市地下弱电通信管道建设成本以及银湖中路和长宁路管道建设相关代收费用进行了认真审核。现将认证情况综述如下: 第一部分 芜湖市通信管道有限公司及项目基本概况 芜湖市通信管道有限公司是为适应我市城市和经济发展的新趋势,大力推进
17、国民经济和社会信息化建设,抓好电子政务,推动其他领域的信息化工作的需要,引进青岛矩智数码基础投资有限公司与市政管理处共同组建的。公司成立于二00二年九月,主要从事城市地下弱电管道的投资、经营,注册资本壹仟万元人民币。公司自成立以来,在市政府大力支持下,在各通信专业公司积极配合下,加快了城市地下弱电通信管道建设,目前已建成城市地下弱电通信管道近40公里,在全市已初步形成全城全网的格局,对芜湖市的政务、经济信息和经济发展起到了重要作用,并取得了较好的社会效益。 第二部分 制定搭建价格测算过程 根据芜湖市人民政府第八十九次专题会议纪要精神,我市城市地下弱电通信管道建设
20、中管材价格按协议价格计算,定额消耗取1%(注明:PE梅花管,UPVC波纹管,UPVC平直管)。PE梅花管13000+976+17000×1.0131146(元/孔里)UPVC波纹管13000+976+8000×1.0122056(元/孔公里)UPVC平直管13000+976+14000×1.0128116(元/孔公里)2、已确认的代收费用通信工程质量监督费:根据省物价局、财政厅皖价费字1998303号规定,按工程造价1.5计取。a.PE梅花管 31146×1.547(元/孔公里)b.UPVC波纹
21、管 22056×1.533(元/孔公里)c.UPVC平直管 28116×1.542(元/孔公里) 勘察设计费:根据国家计委、建设部计价格200210号工程勘察设计收费管理规定,并通过对银湖中路、长宁路的实际审核情况,确定按工程建设费1.6%计取,则:a.PE梅花管 31146×1.6%498(元/孔公里)b.UPVC波纹管 22056×1.6%353(元/孔公里)c.UPVC平直管
22、0; 28116×1.6%450(元/孔公里)规划道路定线(又称红线费):根据国家计委、建设部计价格200210号工程勘察设计收费管理规定,并通过对银湖中路、长宁路的实际审核情况,确定按每条路2000元计取。截止2005年9月底,通信管道公司共计完成16条道路405.517孔公里的管道建设,则:2000×16÷405.51779(元/孔公里)竣工测量费:按国家计委、建设部计价格200210号测绘工程产品价格规定为每公里4206.88元,通过对银湖中路、长宁路的实际审核情况,确定按规定的80%计取,通信管道公司实际已完成的道路中每公里平均为1
23、0.74孔,则:4206.88×80%÷10.74313(元/孔公里)数字化数据地形图:按国家计委、建设部计价格200210号测绘工程产品价格规定为每公里3856元/幅(规格为1/1000幅),每公里平均3幅图,则:3856×3÷10.741077(元/孔公里)规划许可证咨询费:根据省建设厅、财政厅、物价局皖价费1992156号规定,按工程造价1计取,则:a.PE梅花管 31146×131(元/孔公里)b.UPVC波纹管 22056×122
24、(元/孔公里)c.UPVC平直管 28116×128(元/孔公里)渣土费:分渣土中介调剂服务费和货物配载服务费。根据芜价经费2002132号,其中渣土中介调剂服务费按1.8元/吨计取,货物配载服务费按运费总价1.5%计取。通过对赭山东路、长江路的审核情况,赭山东路通信管道工程铺设9孔管道944.3m,运土318立方米,每孔公里为37.4立方米(318÷0.9443÷9)。长江路通信管道工程铺设9孔管道1952.5m,运土633立方米,每孔公里为36立方米(633÷1.9525÷9)。两者平均数取整每孔公里为3
25、7立方米。将体积单位换算成重量单位,即每孔公里为55.5吨渣土(37×1.5)。则:渣土费55.5×1.8×(11.5%)101(元/孔公里)已确认的代收费合计+a.PE梅花管 2146元/孔公里b.UPVC波纹管 1978元/孔公里c.UPVC平直管 2090元/孔公里
26、; 3、建设单位管理费依据通信建设工程概算、预算编制办法及费用定额通信建设工程价款结算办法,管理费按工程建设费的4.2%计取。PE梅花管(311462146)×4.2%1398(元/孔公里)UPVC波纹管(220561978)×4.2%1009(元/孔公里)UPVC平直管(281162090)×4.2%1269(元/孔公里)4、财务费用:由应收帐款和预留管道两部分银行利息组成。应收帐款财务费用:按应收帐款和应付帐款差额账龄
27、余额的50%计提年利息(利率6.12%),通管公司共计完成405.517孔公里,截止2005年8月31日应收帐款余额960.16万元,应付帐款余额287.93 万元,差额672.23万元,则:每孔公里应分摊的利息6722300×50%×6.12%÷405.517 507(元/孔公里)预留管道财务费用:根据
29、程建设费三年计算银行利息(利率取6.12%),则:预留管道财务费用(1300097613571)×6.12%×4 6744(元/孔公里) 财务费用合计:50767447251(元/孔公里)5、建设单位合理利润参照省内周边地区通信管道行业的平均利润率,结合我市实际经济发展状况按7%计取。PE梅花管31146×7%2180(元/孔公里)UPVC波纹管22056×7%154
30、4(元/孔公里)UPVC平直管28116×7%1968(元/孔公里)6、建设单位税金按3.413%计取。PE梅花管 (31146+2146+1398+7251+2180)×3.413%1506(元/孔公里)UPVC波纹管(22056+1978+1009+7251+1544)×3.413%1155(元/孔公里)UPVC平直管(28116+2090+1269+7251+1968)×3.413%1389(元/孔公里)7、平均搭建价格:在测算过程中未考虑顶管操作因素,以上诸项合计,则:PE梅花管:31146+2146+1398+7251+2180+15
31、06 45627(元/孔公里)UPVC波纹管:22056+1978+1009+7251+1544+1155 34993(元/孔公里)UPVC平直管:28116+2090+1269+7251+1968+1389
32、0; 42083(元/孔公里)八、认证结论:1、我市地下弱电通信管道搭建基准价格为:PE梅花管为45627元/孔公里,UPVC波纹管为34993元/孔公里,UPVC平直管为42083元/孔公里。如果管材由运营商自行提供,则双方以上述搭建价格为基础,按照管材市场价格协商确定不含管材的通信管道搭建价格。上述价格含通信工程质量监督费、勘察设计费、规划道路定线费、数字化数据地形图费、规划许可证咨询费、渣土费等六项代收费用。2、通信管道建设过程中发生的城市道路挖掘修复费和绿化费等代收费用分别按照省建设厅建城2002232号安徽省城市道路挖掘修复费补充标准(暂行)和省物
33、价局、省财政厅皖价费2004349号关于芜湖市城市绿化收费标准的通知文件规定据实结算。3、考虑到每条路施工环境不同,上述搭建价格不含顶管费用,顶管费用据实结算。九、附件:1、收费项目一览表。 芜湖市价格认证中心
34、60; 二00五年十月十日收 费 项 目 一 览 表
37、0; 单位:元序号收费项目计量单位收费标准收费依据1城市道路挖掘费-沥青路面元/m2280 省建设厅建城字1996640号 城市道路挖掘费-水泥砼路面元/m2350 省建设厅建城字1996640号2城市绿化
38、费-异地二类元/m2/月1200皖价费2004349号 - 绿地占用二类 元/m2/月300皖价费2004349号 3 通信工程质量监督费 按工程造价1.5省物价局、财政厅皖价费字1998303号 4工程质量监督费(中等城市)按工程造价2计价格2001
39、583号,省物价局、财政厅、建设厅皖价费1992156号 5 渣土中介调剂服务费 吨1.8 芜价经费2002132号 货物配载服务费按运费总价1.5 芜价经费2002132号 6
40、160; 规划道路定线公里4586.28国家计委、建设部计价格200210号工程勘察设计收费管理 7 竣工测量公里4206.88国家计委、建设部计价格200210号测绘工程产品价格 8 数字化数据地形图1
41、/500幅2774国家计委、建设部计价格200210号测绘工程产品价格 数字化数据地形图1/1000幅3856国家计委、建设部计价格200210号测绘工程产品价格 9 岩土工程设计费10万 10万6400
42、国家计委、建设部计价格200210号测绘工程产品价格 岩土工程设计费50万 50万28000国家计委、建设部计价格200210号测绘工程产品价格 岩土工程设计费100万100万54000国家计委、建设部计价格200210号测绘工程产品价格 &
43、#160; 岩土工程设计费500万500万230000国家计委、建设部计价格200210号测绘工程产品价格 岩土工程设计费1000万1000万430000国家计委、建设部计价格200210号 测绘工程产品价格 2000万按3.5收 10 规划许可证件咨询费按工程总支出1省建设厅建城字1996640号 11
44、0; 通信管网工程服务费 按工程总支出1皖价房2000423号 关于城市规划综合技术服务收费有关规定 编者语:随着经济建设的快速发展、信息化产业的迅猛崛起以及城市规划的要求,城市地下通信管网的地位和重要性日益显现。过去那种多家经营、各自为政的运营模式,其弊端已显露无疑,严重阻碍了城市信息化建设和发展。芜湖市政府高标准规划,多次召开政府专题会议,将城市地下弱电通信管道建设和经营权作为重要的公用事业项目,确立“统一规划、统一建设、统一管理”的“三统一”原则,大力发展该
45、项事业。市价格认证中心接受该项认证委托时正处于管道运营商与各通信专业公司围绕“出租”、“出售”和“搭建”价格纷争四起。双方价格差距落差高达二至三倍,矛盾日益突出。在市局的直接主持下,在吸取周边地市成功经验的基础上认证中心认真细致测算,反复分析研究,并与各方多次沟通探讨,另辟蹊径,创造性地开展工作,成功地完成该项任务,并且取得了良好的社会和经济效益。need to select the real-time synchronization method of the programme. Typically backup system comes with backup solutions sho
46、uld be preferred. If the system comes with a backup plan if it cannot meet the requirements, software development methods is needed. Or third-party software systems are selected for backup. Because third-party backup software is usually priced very high, charging units require high price, so for onl
47、y the first two methods are studied below. 5.1 use MS SQL2000 synchronized backups of SQL 2000 database in three ways, namely snapshot replication, transactional replication and merge replication. By comparison, excluding the first two programmes, select synchronization transactional replication and
48、 database Nothwind database, for example, for testing. The three parts of the main considerations in the synchronization of the data, can be thought of as three hosts. The Publisher, Distributor, and Subscriber; can be understood from the literal meaning, function is actually implemented to keep sub
49、scribers through the Distributor data timely and consistent data at the Publisher. 1, about snapshot replication to copy data changes infrequently, or are not required to keep the data current values (low latency), snapshot data is one of the best methods of data replication. When synchronization oc
50、curs, complete snapshot is generated and sent to the Subscriber. Because snapshot replication bulk copies released (items collection) a complete copy, it will publish all writes made to the snapshot folder. Project is to specify that you want to copy tables, data partitioning, or database objects. P
51、rojects can be a full table and certain columns (using a vertical filter), certain rows (using a horizontal filter), a stored procedure or view definition, the stored procedure execution, view, indexed, view, or user-defined function. Snapshot replication does not maintain data the fastest real-time
52、 updates, and the bulk copy released (items collection) a full copy of the mechanism will generate a lot of network traffic. Only small volumes of replication used, data is static and does not need to be updated in real time database. So do not use snapshot replication the synchronization modeData table, add a new data field MSrepl_tran_version, publishing software depending on whether the contents of this field changes to determine whether you need to publish the data. And SQL 2000 data is modified judging is mana
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