1、租 约TENANC Y AGREEMENT出租方(甲方):LandLord(Party A ):帐户:Acco unt Name银行名称:Bank Name :银行地址:Bank Address:帐号:Acco unt No.:电话:Pho ne No:承租方(乙方):Tenant (Party B ):居住人:Reside nt :公司名称:Compa ny Name:通讯地址:Mail Address :电话:Phone No :传真:Fax No.:代理方:Age nt :(如代理方作为出租方代表,此项不适用)(This item is void whe n the age nt is
2、the delegate of the Ian dlord)通讯地址:Mail Address :电子邮件地址:E-mail Address:电话:Phone No.:传真:Fax No.:出租方 (以下简称甲方)与承租方 (以下简称乙方)于年月日,双方一致就以下各项条款达成协议。This agreement is made on the day of ,between the Iandlord(here in after referred to as Party A) and the tenant(here in after referred toas Party B) whereby it
3、 is hereby mutually agreed by and betwee n the said parties hereto as follows :第1条租赁标的:Tenancy :1.1 甲方同意将及其 家具、电器(见附件2)在清洁及良好状态下租给乙方。Party A hereby agrees to leaseand the furniture, electrical appliances(See Appe ndix II) therein in clea ned an d te nan table con diti ons to Party B.1.2 甲方出租给乙方使用的该房
4、屋建筑面积共 平方米。The architectural area of the leased property issquare meters.第2条租期:Term of Tenancy2.1 租赁期为_年,自年_月_日起至年_月_日止。The above property is hereby leased for a term of commencingonand expiri ng on_.2.2 出租房屋及其家具、电器应处于可供租赁的良好状态。The above property and its equipment and furniture shall be fully renova
5、ted or in stalledand in tenan table con diti on.2.3 租期届满,甲方有权收回出租房屋及全部家具、电器(包括附件二所例之所有家具、设备),乙方亦应如期交还;乙方如要求续租,则享有优先续租权,但须在本租约期满前二个月向甲方提出书面申请,租金双方另行协商。On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the leased property)inincluding all the furniture, fittings and equipment listed in Append
6、ix IIfull, and Party B must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry. If Party B wishes to extend the lease, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with two months advance written notice to Party A. The revised rental shall be negotiated between the two parties.2.4 租赁期间, 若甲方或甲方的
7、继承人出售该房屋时, 乙方自愿无条件放弃优先购买房屋 的权利。如甲方或甲方的继承人转让本租赁物业产权给第三方 (“受让人” ),甲方必 须在产权转让生效前三个月通知乙方, 并使该受让人与乙方达成协议, 受让人承诺以 房东身份继续根据本租赁合同的条件和条款履行本租赁合同, 特别是根据本租赁合同 规定,履行将保证金交还乙方的责任。 如乙方因受让人拒绝与乙方签订上述协议或违 反本合同而蒙受任何费用和损失,甲方应给予全部补偿。During the lease term, if party A or his/her heir sells this house, party B is willing to
8、 waive the preferential right to purchase this house without any condition. In the event that during the lease term, Party A transfers the ownership title of the Premises to a third Party (the "Transferee"), Party A must notify the Party B three months in advance of the transfer before the
9、 ownership transfer takes effect and cause the transferee to enter into an agreement with the Party B that the transferee shall continue to perform this Tenancy Agreement as the Landlord under same terms and conditions hereof, and in particular, be obliged to repay the Security Deposit to the Party
10、B in accordance with the provision herein . Party A shall indemnify Party B against any damages and costs resulting from the refusal by the Transferee to enterinto the aforesaid agreeme nt with Party B or any actions by the Tran sferee in violati on of this Tenancy Agreeme nt.第3条租金:Rent :3.1 租金每月为含税
11、费人民币 元,包括。The rent is RMB per mon th, i ncludi ng 3.2 乙方支付甲方每六个月的租金,应在每六个月的第 _日以前汇至甲方指定的银行帐号(按附件1汇款指示),支付租金日期以乙方汇出日期为准。甲方必须在乙方每次支 付前十日内向乙方开具正式完税发票。如若因甲方延迟提供完税发票原因,乙方有权相应延付租金。Party B shall pay each six mon ths' rent in adva nee, on or before thedayof each six cale ndar mon ths, by remitti ng the
12、amount of such rent to a bankaccount designated by Party A (as referred to in Appendix I). The date of remitta nces shall be the date of payme nt. Party A shall provide to Party B the official after-tax invoice within ten (10) days before Party B makes each payment. In case Party A fails to do so, P
13、arty B shall have the right to withhold ren tal payme nt.3.3 租金款以人民币支付,在本租约有效期内,租金不予调整。The rent shall be paid in RMB. The rent cannot be adjusted duri ng the term of this Tenancy Agreeme nt.3.4 本租约签订后的首六个月租金,乙方应在收到甲方提供的发票后,20个工作日 内全额付给甲方。Part B shall pay the rent for first six mon ths in full with i
14、n 20 work ing daysafter the sig nature of this agreeme nt and mea nwhile get the official tax inv oice.第4条押金:Deposit :4.1 乙方应向甲方缴付相当于 个月租金额的租赁押金计人民币 元。乙方如不再续租,乙方应在租赁期结束的当日将全部水,电,煤气费和应由乙方支付的杂费及电 话费等付清。如因帐单延期等原因,乙方承担的全部水,电,煤气费等杂费及电话费 无法在租赁期结束的当日内付清,乙方应向甲方支付水、电、煤、电话等公共事业费 押金,但保留的押金部分不因超过上一帐期水,电,煤气费、电话费
15、总额的二倍,待 相关费用数额确定后,扣除相关费用,退还剩余部分。Party B shall pay to Party A mon ths rent as deposit, which is equivale ntto in total. On completionof the tenancy period, if Party B will notcontinueto rent the leased property, Party B must clear the entireoutsta nding utilities fee such as water, electricity, gas,
16、fee and teleph one bill on the day of checkout. If such outsta nding utilities fee could not be settled because of limitation of the account due date, Party B shall deposit an amount of cash to Party A, which amount shall not exceed two times of thepaid utility bills of the previous month.Afterthe o
17、utstandingutilities fee could be confirmed, the deposit will be refunded to Party B after deducted the related fees.4.2 在租赁期内,因乙方原因而终止租约(不可抗力除外) ,押金不予退还。 如 在租约签订后,房租及押金支付前,因乙方原因而终止租约,乙方支付甲方相当于壹 个月租金的赔偿金,并支付房东税费损失。若甲方或乙方因有特殊原因,经双方协商 一致,甲方可以提前收回房屋或乙方可以提前退租, 无需向对方支付相当于一个月房 租的补偿。If Party B terminates th
18、e Tenancy Agreement during the lease term for reasons other than Force Majeur, the paid deposit will not be refunded. If Party B terminates the Tenancy Agreement after the signature of this agreement, and Party B has not paid the rent or the deposit by that time, Party B pays Party A one (1) months
19、rent as compensation and also the money of tax losses. If Party A or Party B has special cause, after friendly negotiation, Party A could withdraw the property or Party B could move out without paying the one month rent as compensation if both parties agree.4.3 甲方因乙方违反本合同的规定而遭受的损失, 可在押金中扣抵合理数目, 在甲方做
20、出 该种扣抵前, 需书面通知乙方将被扣抵的金额和理由, 乙方有权拒绝不合理或不公正 的抵扣, 经乙方确认的可以抵扣, 不足部分乙方必须在接到甲方付款通知后十天内补 足。Party A may deduct a reasonable amount from the security deposit towards payment of any actual damages Party A may have incurred or suffered as a result of Party B's breach of this Agreement. Prior to making such
21、 deductions,Party A shall inform Party B with written notice of the amount which it intendsto deduct and the reason for making such deductions. Party B shall be entitled to object to such deductions if Party B believes that such deductionsare unreasonable or unjustified. If the security deposit is n
22、ot sufficient to cover such amounts, Party B must pay the deficiency within ten ( 10 )days ofthe receipt of a demand from Party A after the confirmation of Party B.4.4 押金以人民币支付,甲方收到押金后,向乙方提供带有甲方签名的收据。The deposit shall be paid in RMB. Party A shall provide to Party B a receipt bearing Party A 's
23、signature upon receiving above deposit.第 5条 其它费用:Other Charges :5.1 乙方在租赁期内所用的水、电、煤气 (天然气 )等相关,物业管理公司或公共事业部门 将每月按房屋实际耗用量结算,乙方按单缴付。During the period of tenancy, Party B shall pay monthly all charges for usage of water, electricity, gas and etc based on the actual consumption amount billed by the mana
24、gement office or related government utility bureaus.5.2 乙方所用电话 , 按电信局标准收费,每月根据实际用量结算,乙方按单缴付。All telephone charges shall be paid by Party B and based on the actual usage according to the Telecommunication Bureau standard tariffs on receipt of thebills.5.3 乙方所用宽带使用费,由方支付。The mon thly board band usage
25、fee should be borne by Party.第6条甲方的责任:Landlord ' s Responsibilities:6.1 本租约签订后,甲方不得无故收回房屋,如甲方中途要求收回房屋,乙方有权拒绝。Party A is not permitted to take back the leased property during the term of the con tract without any reas on. If Party A wishes to do so, Party B has the absolute right to refuse.6.1.1
26、如乙方同意解除租约且乙方已按 4.1条约定交纳租金及押金并已入住,则甲方必须退还乙方剩余尚未住部分的租金并双倍返还乙方已付押金,本租约于甲方发出解约通知二个月后终止。若甲方或乙方因有特殊原因,经双方协商一致,甲方可以提前收回房屋或乙方可以提前退租,无需向对方支付相当于一个月房租的补偿。If Party B agrees to term in ate the Agreeme nt whereas Party B has paid the rent and deposit accord ing to Clause 4.1 and has moved in to the properties, Pa
27、rty A shall refund Party B the rental according to the actual living days and pay twice the amount of the deposit to Party B, and the Agreeme nt will be termi nated two (2) mon ths later after Party A issues the no tice. If Party A or Party B has special cause, after frie ndly n egotiati on. Party A
28、 could withdraw the property or Party B could move out without pay ing the one month rent ascompensation if both parties agree.6.1.2 如乙方同意解除租约且乙方已按约定交纳租金及押金但尚未入住 , 则甲方必须返还 乙方已付的租金及双倍返还押金 , 且本租约自甲方发出解约通知之日起终止。 If Party B agrees to terminate the Agreement whereas Party B has paid the rent and deposit
29、according to Clause but has not moved in the property, the Agreement will be terminated when Party A informs Party B with written notice of termination, and Party A shall pay Party B the paid rental, as well as twice the amount of the deposit which Party B has already paid.6.1.3 本租约签订后 , 乙方未交纳租金或押金前
30、 , 若甲方欲解除本租约 , 则应向乙方支付相 当于壹个月租金的赔偿金,本租约在甲方支付赔偿金的当日解除。If Party A wants to rescind the Agreement after the signature of this Agreement, and Party B has not paid the rent or the deposit by that time, the Agreement can be terminated only after Party A has paid Party B one (1) months rent as compensation
31、. The termination of the Tenancy Agreement effects on the day when party A pays the compensation to Party B.6.2 甲方应提供充分的保安 , 消防工作及安静清洁的居住环境。如果该房屋中存在有害气 体、噪音,经执法机关通过专业检测后证明房屋内的有害气体或噪音确实超过国家规 定的健康标准的, 乙方有权凭检测报告立即终止本协议并搬出此物业, 甲方应返还乙 方全额押金及已付房租。To provide adequate security, fire prevention and quiet &am
32、p; clean circumstance.If there is poisonous gas or noise in the apartment, which exceeds thestandard regulation stipulated by thegovernment, Party B has the right toterminate this Agreement & move out of the property immediately. Party A shall refund the whole amount of deposit & prepaid ren
33、tal to Party B.6.3 甲方应督促物业管理公司向乙方提供足够的服务 , 如冷水 , 热水, 电的供应及各种设 备的正常工作。To ensure that the estate management office to provide sufficient and timely service to Party B, such as supply of cold water, hot water, electricity and to ensure the proper maintenance of all kinds of equipments6.4 甲方应负责租赁期内房屋及其设
34、备的正常维修 , 并承担维修房屋及设备的正常磨损 而产生的费用。若乙方及其代理人通过租约注明的甲方联系方式无法通知到甲方及代 理人,乙方有权自行安排修理。修理产生的合理费用由甲方承担,乙方有权从下次应 付甲方租金中扣除相应的费用,并向甲方出示修理费用发票或收据。Party A shall be responsible for all normal maintenance of leased propertyand equipment during the term of the lease, and Party A shall bear allthemaintenance charges. I
35、n the event that Party B or its agent couldn't reachparty A or its agent via the contact information listed in the Tenancy Agreement, Party B shall have the right to arrange the fixing work by himself, the caused service charge shall be borne by Party A; Party B shall have theright to deduct the
36、 service charge which is accordance with the figure on the tax invoice of the maintenance service from the next rental payment withoutParty A 's prior permission.6.5甲方应对甲方的固定设施,包括该物业的或引入该物业的结构、屋顶、管道设施、排污、管道和缆线(包括电力及电话)等进行维护,使之处于完好、可租赁状态;如果 对上述各项的造成的损坏或破坏不是由乙方或其乙方相关人员的不慎、 疏忽或不良行 为造成的,或在租赁期内因任何原因,
37、包括但不限于停水、停电、漏水、漏气、空调 不能正常工作,及其他对乙方指定住户的正常生活秩序,造成房屋居住环境恶化,影 响乙方指定住户的正常生活秩序的, 则甲方在收到乙方发出的通知后迅速修理或修缮 该损坏处。甲方应在合理时间内以及在提前向乙方通知后进入该房屋进行必要的维修 或修缮工作。 若七天内甲方仍不能修缮或修缮无效, 乙方有权停止支付租金直到上述 情况改进至乙方合理满意为止或乙方有权以书面形式通知甲方终止本租赁合同, 乙方 已缴付的押金将如数归还乙方。Party A should maintain and keep the property' s fixtures, includin
38、g but notlimited to the property structure, roof, sanitary and plumbing facilities, drainage system, pipes and cables (including telephone and electrical power), make sure they are in good working condition. Any water stoppages, power outages, water or gas leaks, disruptions of air-conditioning supp
39、ly, and other events which cause adverse impact to the occupant 's daily life, and such deterioration has affected the normal living of the occupant of the Premises designated by Party B. Party A should promptly repair or remedy such defects after being notified by Party B, provided all such def
40、ects are not as a result of the Party B' s, or its relati ve 'snegligent action, omission or misconduct.Party A shall enter the said premises to do the necessary repairs or maintenance at reasonable time and with advanced notice to Party B. If PartyA fails to repair the said premise in compl
41、y with the demand issued by Party B within seven (7) days after receipt of such demand, Party B shall be entitled to withhold the Rent until rectification of the situation to the reasonable satisfaction of Party B, or issue a written notice to Party A to terminate this Agreement, and the security de
42、posit paid by Party B shall be returned in full to Party B.6.6 若甲方违反此租约的条款并在乙方发出书面通知七天后仍未改正, 乙方有权终止此租 约并收回押金,且有权进一步向甲方要求索赔。Party B shall have the right to terminate the Tenancy Agreement when Party A seriously breaches the Tenancy Agreement and fails to remedy the breach after written notification o
43、f seven (7) calendar days given by Party B to Party A, Party B shall also be entitled to withdraw the deposit without deduction and without prejudice to its right to claim for any losses and damages against Party A.6.7 甲方谨在此声明及保证甲方为出租房屋的合法拥有人并有合法地位出租此房屋于乙 方。就本合同及出租此出租房屋予乙方之事,甲方已取得所有有关机构的批准,包括 政府批准及
44、/或抵押权人的同意 (如适用 )。甲方于本合同所做出的声明及保证, 如有错 误或违反者,甲方须就乙方因此而引致的任何损失、损害、支出及费用做出全部补偿 (包括但不限于法律费用 )。Party A hereby represents and warrants that Party A is the legal owner of the leased property and has the necessary legal capacity to lease the property toParty B. Party A has also obtained all the necessary au
45、thorizations from allrelevant authorities in the People's Republic of China in respect of this Agreement and the leasing of the leased property to Party B, including any necessary government approvals or registrations and/or mortgagee consent (if applicable).6.7-1 甲方应提供证明其拥有租赁房屋的完整所有权或出租权的相关证明供乙
46、方查验 (包括 但不限于土地使用权证书、房屋所有权证书、身份证明及其他证明文件) 。Party A shall provide evidences to show its full ownership or right to lease the property for Party B' s verification, those evidences inclueds but not limitedto the Land Use Right Certification, House Ownership Certification, Identification Card and oth
47、er supporting documents.6.7-2 甲方保证如实、完整告知乙方关于租赁房屋权属、结构、环境及使用上的任何瑕疵 和缺陷,如因甲方违反上述保证而造成乙方的任何损失,甲方应负责赔偿。Party A guarantees it has made authentic and complete disclosure to Party B regarding for the defects of theproperty ' s title, structure, environment andits usage. Party A shall compensate Party
48、B any losses incurred due to any breach of Party A to its above-mentioned guarantees.6.8 甲方应保证物业的合法性 , 自行缴纳和承担一切政府征收的税费。Party A shall ensure the legality of the leased property, all the taxes and fees levied by the government shall be paid by Party A.6.9如在租赁期内,出租房屋发生所有权全部或部分的转移、 或其他影响乙方权益的事情时,甲方应保证所
49、有权人或其他影响乙方权益的第三者,能继续遵守本合同所有条款。纵使出租房屋已被转移,如乙方于本合同下的权益受此等所有权人或第三者所影响或 损害,甲方须负责补偿乙方的所有损失、损害、支出及费用。If during the term of this tenancy, all or part of the leased property is transferred to a third party by Party A, or Party B's right to use the leased property is otherwise being affected, Party A sha
50、ll en sure that such tran sferee or third party who has an effect on Party B's right to use the leased property will continue to abide by the terms of this Agreement. Even when the leased property is tran sferred where a tran sferee or a third party affects Party B in terests un der this Agreeme
51、 nt, Party A shall con ti nue to be liable to keepParty B fully indemn ified aga inst any costs, expe nses, and damages sufferedby Party B.第7条乙方责任:Tenant ' s Responsibilities:7.1 乙方应按本租约第三、五条约定,按期交纳租金及其他费用;本租约签订并且甲方提供发票后,若乙方未按本租约的约定支付首期租金及押金超过 个工作日以上,甲方有权在书面通知乙方后解除本租约(若因甲方提供的银行帐号错误或信息不全等原因造成乙方付款
52、的延迟除外),同时甲方有权向乙方索取相当于个月租金金额 的赔偿金。Party B should promptly pay the rent, deposit and other charges as set out inClauses 3 and 5 of the Agreeme nt. I n the eve nt that Party B fails to pay therent for the first month and deposit according to the stipulationof thisAgreement for more than _ working days,
53、 Party A is entitled to terminatethis Agreementwith written notice to Party B (the failure of the paymentcaused by the wrong banking in formati on provided by Party A, etc shall notapply ) , and at same time Party B should pay _mon ths ren tal to Party A ascompe nsatio n.7.2 租赁期内未经甲方书面同意,乙方不能转租其所租房屋
54、,私自转租无效。During the period of Tenan cy, uni ess with writte n consent from Party A, PartyB cannot sub-let or let in part or in full the leased property.7.3 乙方应爱护房屋及其设备,如因使用不当而导致损坏,乙方应负责赔偿。Party B must take good care of the property and its conten ts, otherwise PartyB should be resp on sible for the c
55、ompe nsati on to Party A for his improper use of the property.7.4 除房内已有的装饰和设施外,乙方如要增加设备或其他装修须征得甲方同意。租赁期 满,乙方向甲方交还房产时,必须恢复其原状(正常磨损除外),且承担相应的费用。In addition to the decoration and equipment already in the property, if PartyB wishes to make any alterations or decoration to such property, Party B should g
56、et the written approval from Party A. On completion of the Lease,Party B must hand over the property to Party A in its original condition(except for no rmal wear & tear) and all fees aris ing for re-i nstateme nt of suchshall be borne by Party B.7.5 由于乙方或与乙方有关系的官员、上司、雇员、客人、来访者、雇佣工人、代理、执 照持有者或被邀请
57、人等(统称与乙方相关的人)的粗心、疏忽或故意而造成房屋的损 害或损失的,乙方应当承担赔偿责任, 并允许甲方或其代理人在事先通知后进入房屋, 对房屋的损失或损害进行弥补及修复,由此所发生的费用由乙方负担。To indemnify Party A for any loss or damages to the leased property from negligent act or omission of Party B or any officer, director, employee, guest, visitor, servant, agent licensee or invitee of
58、 Party B (each referred to hereinafter individually as an“ aPsasrotyciaBteshoul”d p)e,rmit Party A orhis authorized representatives with advanced notice to enter the leased property to repair such losses or damages at the expense of Party B.7.6 在甲方合理的预先通知后, 乙方应允许甲方或其代理人在有理由的情况下进入及巡视 房屋,进行必要的维修或修复工作;在租赁期最后一个月内,允许甲方或其代理人带 领有意租赁或购买房屋的客人视察房屋, 但乙方已按第 2.4 条书面通知甲方将续租的 除外。With Party A' s reasonable notice in advance, Party B should permit Party Aand person authorized by Party A under reasonable circumstances to enter and view the leased proper
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