



1、希望对您有帮助,谢谢 关于动物的英文谚语 导读: 本文是关于关于动物的英文谚语, 如果觉得很不错, 欢 迎点评和分享! 1、蚂蚁搬家蛇过道,燕子低飞雨来到。 The ant moved down the snake aisle and the swallow came down in the low rain. 2、狗吃草,要落雨。 Dogs graze and rain. 3、燕子窝垫草多雨水多。 Swallows nest is covered with grass and rainy. 4、蚂蚁搬家蛇过道明天必有大雨到。 Ant moving snake aisle will have

2、heavy rain tomorrow. 5、细雨没久晴,大雨无久落。 The fine rain lasted for a long time, and the heavy rain lasted for a long time. 6、雨中闻蝉叫,预告晴天到。 Smell the cicada in the rain and predict the sunny day. 7、河里鱼打花,天上有雨下。 Fish blossom in the river and rain falls in the sky. 8、好天狂风不过日,雨天狂风时间长。 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 Its windy on a

3、 good day, but windy on a rainy day for a 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 long time. 9、鸡愁雨,鸭愁风。 Chicken worries about rain, duck worries about wind. 10 、蚂蚁搬家早晚要下。 Ants move sooner or later. 11 、河里鱼打花,天天有雨下。 Fish blossom in the river and it rains every day. 12 、瓦块云,晒死人。 Clouds of tiles kill people. 13、蜻蜓飞得低,出门要带笠。 Dragon

4、flies fly low and go out with hats. 14、一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅粥。 A piece of rat excrement spoiled a pot of porridge. 15、南风怕水溺,北风怕日辣。 The south wind is afraid of drowning, and the north wind is afraid of hot days. 16 、泥鳅跳,风雨到。 Misgurnus anguillicaudatus jumps, wind and rain come. 17、家鸡晒翅膀,到不了后晌。 The chickens cant

5、 burn their wings until later. 18、蜻蜓飞得低,出门带斗笠。 Dragonflies fly low and go out with hats.希望对您有帮助,谢谢 19、黑蜻蜓乱,天气要旱。 Black dragonflies are chaotic and the weather is dry. 20、蚂蚁成群,明天勿晴。 Ants in flocks, not sunny tomorrow. 21、鸭子潜水快,天气将变坏。 Ducks dive fast and the weather will get worse. 22、黄鹂来,拔蒜薹;黄鹂走,出红薯。

6、 Yellow Oriole comes and pulls garlic; Yellow Oriole and comes out of sweet potatoes. 23、蚯蚓封洞有大雨。 There was heavy rain in the cave sealed by earthworms. 24、泥鳅跳,雨来到。 Loach jumps, rain comes. 25、泥鳅静,天气晴。 Loach quiet, sunny weather. 26、蚯蚓路上爬,雨水乱如麻,蝼蛄唱歌,天气晴和。 The earthworms climb on the road, the rain i

7、s in disorder, the earthworms sing, the weather is sunny and peaceful. goes 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 27、今日公鸡进笼早,明天太阳红彤彤。 The cock enters the cage early today, and the sun is bright tomorrow. 28 、燕子低飞蛇过道,蚂蚁搬家山戴帽。河里鱼打花,天天有 雨下。 Swallow low flying snake aisle, ants move to the mountains to wear hats. Fish blossom in

8、the river and it rains every day. 29、鸡进笼晚兆阴雨。 Chickens come into cages late and threaten rain. 30、鹁鸪叫两声,有雨不肯晴。 Two calls from the partridge, whether it rains or not. 31、日垸长江水,夜垸草头枯。 The rivers of the Yangtze River in the day and the grass in the night are withered. 32、早晚烟扑地,苍天有雨意。 Sooner or later, t

9、he sky is rainy. 33、莫学狗占马槽不吃草。 Dont learn that dogs take up manger and dont eat grass. 34、鳥鼠趖竹篙,一目過一目。 Birds, rats and bamboo poles can be seen at a glance. 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 35、蜜蜂采花忙,短期有雨降。 Bees are busy collecting flowers and raining in the short run. 36、蜘蛛结网天放晴。蚊子聚堂中,来日雨盈盈。 Spider netting clears up. Mos

10、quitoes gather in the hall, the rain will be plentiful tomorrow. 37、蝼蛄叫,晴天到。 The cricket calls. Its sunny. 38、蚊子见血,麦子见铁。 Mosquitoes see blood and wheat iron. 39、大榕树冬不落叶,兆春寒。 Big banyan leaves do not fall in winter, auguring cold in spring. 40、鸡发愁,淋破头。 Chickens are worried and their heads are shatter

11、ed. 41、燕子低飞天将雨。 Swallows will rain in low-flying skies. 42、白蚁灯下飞,大雨洪水至。 Termite lamp flying, heavy rains and floods. 43、蜘蛛预报天气法。 Spider Forecast Weather Method. 44、知了叫,割早稻。知了喊,种豆晚。 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 Know it, cut early rice. Know shout, grow beans late. 45、龟背潮,下雨兆。 Turtles back tide is a sign of rain. 46、瘦死的骆驼比马大。 A lean camel is bigger than a horse. 47、蚯蚓堆粪,雨淋地湿。 Earthworms pile up dung and the rain is wet. 48、蚊子咬的怪,天气要变坏。 Mosquitoes bite strange, the weather will deteriorate. 49 、蟋蟀上房叫,庄稼挨水泡。 Crickets go to the house and cry, and


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