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1、.Leadership SkillsIn Complex Project EnvironmentsThe Concept, Tools and Techniques forManaging Multidisciplinary Work TeamsHans J. Thamhain, PhD, PMPPresented atProject World - BostonMay 2001Table of Content1. Critical issues of team leadership2. Organizing and motivating project teams3. Leading sel

2、f-directed teams4. Building high performing project teams;Speaker Biography.Dr. Hans J. Thamhain, Professor ofManagement at Bentley College in Waltham, Massachusetts He iswell known for their research and writings in project management.He is a frequent speakers at major conferences and consult in al

3、lphases of project management. Dr. Thamhain is a certified ProjectManagement Professional, PMP.1Section 1Critical Issues ofTeam LeadershipComplex Projects:What is Different?®Complex solutions® Changing and evolving processes® Contingencies, risks, problems, conflict® Innovation a

4、nd creativity® Complex organizational interfaces &interactions® Difficult measurability and control® Highly skilled workforce® Need for sophisticated people skills2Leadership ImpactAs organizations become flatter, leaner,more agile and self-directed, projectleaders must manag

5、e with little or noformal authority®Authority must be earned®Leadership effectiveness involves manycomponents (empowerment, commitment.)®R&D performance is team-centered®Team leaders role is facilitator &cheerleaderTraits of a High-PerformingProject TeamMembershipHigh Res

6、ponse RateConflict ManagementSelf-Development Innovative BehaviorRisk-SharingSelf-DirectedChange OrientedHigh Morale &Team SpiritEnjoy WorkTheEffectiveTeamCommittedEffectiveCommunicationsEffective Cross-FunctionalInterfaces & AlliancesHigh Need forAchievementsMinimal Relianceon ProceduresQua

7、lity Oriented3Influences of Project PerformancePeopleProcessToolsSection 2Organizing andMotivating ProjectTeams4What is Your Role as aProject Team Leader?Role of Project LeadernnnnnnnnFacilitatorCoalition/team builderProblem solverConflict managerTop administratorDirection and leadershipLink to uppe

8、r management and customerCheerleader=> To be effective project leader must havemutual trust, respect and credibility !5What the Team expectsfrom the Leader.5.Take 2 Minutes“Critical Thinking”6.What the Leader expectsfrom the Team Members.5.Take 2 Minutes“Critical Thinking”6.6What th

9、e Team Expects Fromthe LeaderlllllllllllClear direction and leadershipClear expectations/objectivesAutonomy and freedomAssist in problem solvingFacilitate a quality work environmentCreate stimulating environmentEncourage accomplishmentsProvide visibility and recognitionResist change and external pre

10、ssuresDeal with conflict and power strugglesProvide stable work environmentWhat the Leader Expects fromthe Team MemberslllllllllllllProject ownership and commitmentShared leadershipCooperation, team spirit, shared valuesWillingness to take and share risksInnovative, creative behaviorEffective commun

11、ication and interfacingOrganize tasks and team assignmentsJob skills and self-developmentCapacity for conflict resolutionChange orientationAccountability; self-direction and self-controlInformation processing, group decision makingContinuous effort toward work process improvements7Traits of a Winnin

12、g Project TeamMembershipHigh Response RateConflict ManagementSelf-Development Innovative BehaviorRisk-SharingSelf-DirectedChange OrientedHigh Morale &Team SpiritEnjoy WorkTheEffectiveTeamCommittedEffectiveCommunicationsEffective Cross-FunctionalInterfaces & AlliancesHigh Need forAchievements

13、Minimal Relianceon ProceduresQuality OrientedCharacteristics of a TeamTeam members have .l1. Common goal, purposel2. Sense of belonging (identification)l3. Shared dependenciesl4. Shared attitudes, norms, values8Why isPower and Influenceso Important?Take 2 Minutes“Critical Thinking”Why is Power andIn

14、fluence so Important?Necessary to .®Motivate,inspire, get buy-in®Obtain & maintain commitment®Build and refuels credibility &®Stimulate innovative behaviorrespectUnify teams-9®Build cross-functional linkages-9®®Direct and lead®®®Resolve confl

15、ictManage changeRecognize accomplishmentsHow do you getorganizationalpower & influence ?9Team Leadership EffectivenessRisks & AnxietiesLeadersAbilities&PersonalitiesOrganizationsAbilitiesRewardsOrg EnvironmentWork ChallengeLeadershipEffectivenessActualPowerInfluenceLeadershipEffective-ne

16、ss&Structures· Project support/direction· Personality· Work environment· Career development· Job security· Work challenge· Accomplishments· Comfort & stability· Rewards (tangible)What do You need to beeffective as a Team Leader?10InfluenceBaseHow

17、much Influence do You need?LittleSomeMuchAuthorityAbility to RewardAbility to PunishExperience, Knowledge,SkillsCharisma, Friendship,EmpathyMuch (Earned)MuchMuchMuchMeasuring Team PerformanceA simple ModelWork/OrganizationEnvironmentTeamCharacteristicsTeamPerformanceProjectPerformanceLeadership Styl

18、eHow do You build Your Basesof Influence?11Influence BaseCategoryElementsAuthorityRewardPunishmentExperienceReferent PowerHow do you “earn” Authority ?How do you build Credibility,Trust and Respect?Take 2 Minutes“Critical Thinking”Criteria forEffective Team LeadershipDirect: hProfessionally stimulat

19、ing,challenging work environmenthRecognition, accomplishmentshMinimal conflict, anxieties, problemshClear objectives & directionsIndirect:8Effective communications8Job skills8Mgmt involvement & support8Stable work environment12Dealing with Conflict® Conflict® Conflictcan be benefic

20、ial:can be detrimental:Dysfunctional Consequencesof Conflict®®®®®®®®Team decision-making process becomes lengthyand cumbersomeExcessive documentationTeam members may avoid constructive conflictsolving if process becomes “distasteful”Coalitions may become consp

21、iraciesInnovation and creativity sufferCommunications become ineffectiveCommitment and ownership are weakenedMotivation and enthusiasm are reduced13Conflict Resolution ApproachesResolutionStyleBeneficial+Detrimental-WithdrawalSmoothingCompromisingForcingConfronting(Negotiating)Managing Conflictin Pr

22、oject Teams®®®®®®®®14Section 3Leading Self-DirectedTeamsTraits of a High-PerformingProject TeamMembershipHigh Response RateConflict ManagementSelf-Development Innovative BehaviorRisk-SharingSelf-DirectedChange OrientedHigh Morale &Team SpiritEnjoy WorkTheE

23、ffectiveTeamCommittedEffectiveCommunicationsEffective Cross-FunctionalInterfaces & AlliancesHigh Need forAchievementsMinimal Relianceon ProceduresQuality Oriented15How High Performing (Self-Directed)Project Teams See ThemselveslllllllEnjoy work and accomplishmentsHave autonomy and freedomHave st

24、rong support and cooperation from othersHave clear direction and leadershipMake significant contribution to companyOrganizational environment is pleasant & supportiveHave mutual trust, respect, competenceThe Role of CommitmentWhy is commitment important to projectperformance?Take 2 Minutes“Criti

25、cal Thinking”16The Role of Commitmento Enhancesmotivationo Stimulates communicationso Focuses on resultso Enhances self-direction & controlo Enhances capacity for conflict resolutiono Lowers risk perceptiono Enhances innovationo Enhances cooperation and teamworkCommitment versus ControlHigh-Tech

26、Low-TechLow.Intensity of Measuring & Reporting.High(Management Control)17Individual & Team Commitmentto ResultsDilemmaHigherLevel ofCommitment(Low).Need for Innovation, Quality, Flexibility, Change(High)Suggestions for“Gaining” CommitmentSuggestions for“Refueling” CommitmentTake 2 Minutes“Cr

27、itical Thinking”18Need for Schedule & Budget Control(High)Suggestions for “Gaining” CommitmentoooUnderstand (and remove) barriers to commitment- Fear of failure, anxieties, discomfort with assignment- Lack of benefits or interest- Lack of leadership, trust, credibilityMake project desirable- Vis

28、ibility, organizational involvement- Incentives, benefits, career-focus- Work challengePromote management involvement & support- Clear objectives & (agreed-on) plans- Risk sharing- Good team spirit- Mutual respect, trust, leadershipSuggestions for “Refueling”Commitment. Same as for “gaining”

29、., plus:o Recognition of accomplishments- Accomplishments against plan, milestones- Small increments; Phases, Stage-Gate, Concurrent ProjManagement- Measurability- Early winsoBuild team spirit, mutual trust & respecto Support problem solvingo Deal with conflict, politics, risks, anxietieso Provi

30、de god direction & leadership19A Final NoteProject control involves a complex set of variables····Organizational IssuesHuman FactorsManagement and LeadershipTools and TechniquesProper toolsPeople involvementInteresting workQuality peopleManagementsupportLeadershipTeam desiret

31、o apply andfine-tunecontrol toolsSelf-directedproject control11Section 4Building High-Performing ProjectTeams20How High PerformingProject Teams See ThemselveslllllllEnjoy work and accomplishmentsHave autonomy and freedomHave strong support and cooperation from othersHave clear direction and leadersh

32、ipMake significant contribution to companyOrganizational environment is pleasant & supportiveHave mutual trust, respect, competenceTraits of a High-PerformingProject TeamMembershipHigh Response RateConflict ManagementSelf-Development Innovative BehaviorRisk-SharingSelf-DirectedChange OrientedHig

33、h Morale &Team SpiritEnjoy WorkTheEffectiveTeamCommittedEffectiveCommunicationsEffective Cross-FunctionalInterfaces & AlliancesHigh Need forAchievementsMinimal Relianceon ProceduresQuality Oriented21Influences to Organizational PerformanceOrganizational Environment-Resources-ToolsTeam Leader

34、shipTeam CharacteristicsOrganizational Performance·Communications· Risks· Uncertainties· Conflict· Power· PoliticsR&D Team 3Building Complex Project Teams RequiresSophisticated Management SkillsHigh Teambuilding SkillsLow Teambuilding SkillsLOTime to Build Fully Int

35、egrated TeamHI22Four Stages of Team DevelopmentStage 1FormationFormingStage 2Start UpStormingStage 3Partial IntegrationNormingStage 4Total IntegrationPerformingSDT-07Major Barriers toTeam Performance®People· Different objectives, interests, viewpoints· Role conflict, confusion, anxiet

36、y· Fear of failure· Personal conflict and power struggles· Mistrust, collusion· Work is not enjoyable· No sense of achievement and recognition· Little flexibility and change orientation· Little mutual trust, respect, competence· Group thinkR&D Team 723Majo

37、r Barriers toTeam Performance®Tools & Process· Unclear technology transfer process· Weak project management system· Unclear channels of communication,responsibility and control· Weak administration support· Inability to track progressR&D Team 8Major Barriers toT

38、eam Performance®Leadership· Insufficient direction and leadership· Inappropriate leadership style & motivation· Inability to assist in problem solving· Inability to assist in conflict resolution· Inability to develop “can-do” atmosphere, risksharing· Inability

39、to attract and hold quality people· Inability to create “intrinsic rewards”· Inability to create “effective work environment”R&D Team 924Major Barriers toTeam Performance®Organization· Changing work environment, instability· Changing business objectives· Poor interf

40、unctional linkages and communications· Inadequate functional support and resources· Improper “command control” structure (too rigid,too flat, etc.)· Insufficient rewards, growth potential and mobilityR&D Team 10Suggestions for RemovingBarriers to ProjectTeamworkSelected Barrier(s)

41、:Suggestions for Removing Barrier:25Leadership EffectivenessFocus: Project Formation PhaseSituation: Your work environmentAnalysis:What kind of barriers to effective team performance doyou anticipate during the project-formationphase?-What kind of leadership and management actions areimportant for e

42、ffective role performance duringthe project-formation phase?+Leadership Style vs Team IntegrationLOW.Efficiency-Oriented Style X.HIGHPhase 4:Integration-IIPhase 3:Integration-IPhase 2:Start-UpPhase 1:Formation26MotivateSellDelegateTell.People Orientated Style Y.HighFramework for Team Process Improve

43、mentCriteria Assessment Diagnosticfor of sEffective PerformanceTeamPerformanceSuggestions for ImprovementI II III IVWe Support Team leader Management(team) functions should should should should R&D Team 13Criteria for BuildingHigh-Performing TeamsMetrics®Right people® Plan detail®

44、 People involvement, agreement® Measurable milestones, deliverables® Check points® Regular reviews® Continuity® Appropriate control tools27(why isperformancenot perfect)Criteria for BuildingHigh-Performing TeamsHuman Factors®Interesting, challenging work® Sense of

45、accomplishment® Recognition, visibility, importance® Management involvement & commitment® Mutual trust, respect, leadership credibility® Minimum interruptions, conflict, politics® Risk sharing® Team spirit and leadershipTools & Techniques for Building High-Perfo

46、rming Project Teamsø 1. Involvement in project planningøø2. Stage-gate process3. Personal sign-onø 4. Reviews: project, design, structured analysis, etc.ø 5. Concurrent engineeringø 6. Design for manufacturing and assembly (DMF/A)ø 7. Quality function deployment (QFD)ø 8. Interface definition, e.g. N²ø 9. Co-locationø 10. Core team conceptø 11. Information technology: tel, fax, LAN, CAD, CAM, etcø 12. Team building sessionø 13. Business pro


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