1、水手英语会话答案Chapter 1Lesson 1 Daily English 考试重点;可能会考 口述1、Please say something about yourself (介绍下自己的情况)1)Your name ,age, rank, working experiences, hobbies (姓名,年龄,职务,工作经验,兴趣爱好) 2)Your daily work (你的日常工作)3)Your spare time activities (你的业余时间活动)1)My name is xxx, I am 21 years old, I am from Shandong( prov
2、ince).I am a student( now),I like reading books, playing football (我的名字是xxx,我现在21岁,我来自山东省,现在我是一名学生,喜欢读书,踢足球)2)Every day, I get up at 6 oclock, read English (loudly for ten minutes )and have breakfast. then begin my study of a day (每天我6点钟起床并大声读英语10分钟,然后吃早餐。随后就开始了一天的学习)3)In my spare time, I like readi
3、ng, watching TV ,playing football and so on(在课余时间,我喜欢读书,看电视,踢足球等等)2、Please say something about your family (说一下关于你家庭的情况) a、Members of your family (你的家庭成员) b、Their occupations (他们的职业) c、Their hobbies and characteristics (他们的爱好和特点)1)I have a very happy family. There are three members in my family, my
4、parents/my mother, my father and I. We live in a small city (我有一个非常幸福的家庭,我们家有三个成员,我的父母/我的母亲,我的父亲和我,我们生活在一个小城市里)2)My father is a worker( in a factory), my mother is a teacher (in a middle school )(我父亲是一家工厂的工人,我母亲是一所中学的老师)3)My father likes watching TV, my mother likes shopping. My father is very stric
5、t ,but my mother is very kind( and friendly) (我父亲喜欢看电视,我母亲喜欢购物。我父亲是非常严格的,但是我母亲非常善良和友好)3、Please say something about your hometown (说一下你家乡的情况) a、The geographical position ,population, and features of your hometown(地理位置,人口,家乡特点) b、The environment and customs of your hometown(你家乡的环境和风俗) c、The specialtie
6、s of your hometown (家乡的特产) 1)My hometown is a small beautiful city. It is in the Shandong (province). There are about 1million people in the city (我的家乡是一个美丽的小城市,在山东省,大概有一百万人) 2)There are(many new buildings), a lot of trees and flowers on both sides of the streets, the streets and roads very flat ,wi
7、de and straight. Most people here are good at making and flying kites (有许多新的建筑,道路两边有大量的树木和花卉,有非常平坦的街道和道路,宽且直;这里大多数人在制作和放飞风筝) 3)The specialty of my hometown is kites 4、Please say something about your responsibilities on board (说一下你在船上的职责) a、Your position on board (你在船上的位置) b、Your daily work on board
8、(你在船上的日常工作) c、Your duties on board (你在船上的职责) 1)I am an A.B. on board. I work on the deck department.(我是船上的一名水手,在甲板部工作) 2)Every morning , I go to bridge and take over the watch, and I am on the bridge to steer wheel and keep deck clean every day. 3) My duty on board is to steer wheel. When in a port,
9、 the bosun assigns work to us. We will do the maintenance work, such as: rust removing, painting, cleaning the deck, and so on. 问答1、what is your date of birth? 你的出生日期是什么? May the first 1983 1983年五月一日3、where are you from? Shandong China 你来自哪里?我来自中国山东6、which ports do you often call? Qingdao port 你经常挂靠
10、(停靠)的港口是哪个? 青岛港Lesson 2 Vocabulary commonly used on board 口述1、 Say something about ships manning (说一下船上配员情况)a、 The personnel for the Deck Department (甲板部人员)b、 The personnel for the Engine Department (轮机部人员)c、 The personnel for the Service Department (事务部人员)a)The personnel for the Deck Department inc
11、lude: chief officer, second officer, third officer, assistant officer, bosun, carpenter, able seaman(AB),ordinary seaman(OS) and deck cadet (甲板部人员包括:大副,二副,三副,驾驶员助理,水手长,木匠,一水,二水和甲板实习生)b)The personnel for the Engine Department include:Chief engineer, second engineer, third engineer, fourth engineer, a
12、ssistant engineer, electrician ,motorman, greasers and engine cadet(轮机部人员包括:轮机长,大管轮,二管轮,三管轮,轮机员助理,电工,机工,加油工和轮机实习生)c) The personnel for the Service Department include:Purser, steward and cooks 事务部人员包括:事务长,服务员和厨师3、Say something about ships structural (结构 使chua吃若)parts (说一下关于船舶结构的名称)(a) the main part o
13、f a ship(船舶的主体)(b)ships superstructure (船舶的上层建筑) a)The main body of a ship is the hull. Its the area between the main deck, the sides and the bottom(船舶的主体是船体,这部分区域在主甲板,两舷和船底之间)The hull contains the engine room, cargo space and tanks(船体包括机舱,货舱和液舱) b) The superstructure is above the main deck. It incl
14、udes forecastle, bridge and poop(上层建筑包括艏楼,驾驶台和艉楼)2、Generally speaking, how many officers are there in the deck department? three 一般来说,甲板部有几名驾驶员? 3名3、What department does bosun belong to? Deck Department 水手长属于什么部门? 甲板部4、Can you list some ships stores? Yes, I can. Such as hose, paint, dunnage, wire ro
15、pes, nail and so on 你能列举一些船上的物料吗? 当然,我能。例如皮龙,油漆,垫舱料,钢丝绳,钉子等等5、Can you list some ships tools? yes, I can. Such as spanner, saw, axe , hammer, drill and so on 你能列举一些船上的工具吗? 当然,例如扳手,锯,斧子,锤子,钻头等等6、What does “lifebuoy with light and smoke” mean? A lifebuoy equipped with self-igniting light and smoke sign
16、al 是一种配备有自亮灯和烟雾信号的救生圈8、What does “port side” mean? When standing in a ship and facing the bow, the left hand side is called port side 在船上如果面向船头,左边称为左舷Chapter 2Lesson 1 Helm orders口述What procedures(措施 泼谁遮使) should be taken when receive helm orders as a helmsman?(作为舵工,当你接收到命令时应采取什么措施) a)Three procedur
17、es a helmsman should be taken orderly when receive the helm order b)The manners in which a helmsman should take to answer the helm orders c)Measures to be taken when the vessel does not answer the wheel a)当接收到命令时,舵工应采取的三个步骤 b)作为舵工,回答口令时的方式 c)无舵效时采取的措施 1)First, you should repeat the orders, then carr
18、y out them correctly and immediately,(然后正确的执行这些) and last, you should report the orders.(作为舵工,首先应复述命令,然后迅速并正确操作,最后,你应该报告) 2)The helmsman should answer the orders loudly and clearly(回复命令时要清晰,大声) 3)when the vessel does not answer the wheel, the helmsman should be questioned(阔使ten得):what is your course
19、 ? the helmsman should report the course at once(当舵无反应时,值班驾驶员应向舵工询问:航向多少/舵工要立刻报告航向)问答1、How many orders are included in Standard Ship Orders? Can you list some?Yes, I can. Four, such as helm order, anchor order, engine order and so on船舶标准命令有几种,你能列举一些吗。当然,四种,例如舵令,锚令,车钟令等等2、If you are ordered “port fiv
20、e”, how do you reply and report? port five wheel is port five (当你被下达左舵5时,你应如何复述和报告)3、If you are ordered “steady”, how do you reply and report? steady course 125Lesson 2 Mooring and unmooring orders问答1、what does “single up forward to breast line and spring” mean? It means let go all lines forward exc
21、ept the breast line and spring船头单绑留横缆和倒缆是什么意思意思是除了横缆和倒缆外其他全部解掉2、If you want change the position of the headline forward for 3 meters, what do you say? Shift headline ahead 3 meters如果你想改变头缆位置,向前移动3米,应该怎么说?Lesson 3 Anchor orders问答1、what does “Anchor is foul” mean? It Means crossing anchor, that is, an
22、chor has its own cable twisted around itself or has fouled an obstruction. (锚绞缠是什么意思)2、If the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom, what do you report?(如果绞锚达到与海底清爽的状态,你应如何报告) anchor aweigh(锚离底)Chapter 33、Would you show me the way? Sure, this way, please. 你能给我带路吗?当然,请这边走7、
23、Would you please take me to see your captain? Sure, its my pleasure你能带我你见你们的船长吗? 当然,这是我的荣幸9、The head line is too tight Take in/Pick up the slack on the head line. 头缆太紧了 多松一点 Chapter 4Lesson 1 Keeping watch on the cargo operations 货物操纵值班问答1、Are holds clean? Yes, the holds are clean 货舱干净吗? 当然2、Are hol
24、ds dry? Yes,the holds are dry 货舱干燥吗? 当然3、Are holds free of smell? Yes, the holds are free of smell 货舱无异味吗?当然Lesson 2 Opening and closing hatches 开关货舱问答 1、How many holds do you have? My ship has five holds 你们船有几个舱? 5个舱Chapter 6问答2、What equipment can be used to load cargo? Crane, derrick, heavy derric
25、k 什么设备可用于装货? 克令吊,吊杆,重吊杆3、What can be used to cover the bilge before loading? Heavy planks 什么可以在装货前用来盖污水井? 厚木板4、What can be used to separate cargo in the hold? Plank, mat, wire and so on 什么可以用来分隔舱内货物 5、Who do work of loading and unloading? Stevedores 谁从事装卸货工作? 装卸工人Chapter 9口述1、Cleaning and repair wor
26、k on board(船上的清洁和修理工作) a)the importance of cleaning and repair work(清洁和修理工作的重要性) b)The contents of the cleaning and repair work(清洁和修理工作的内容) c)How to carry out the cleaning and repair work(如何执行清洁和修理工作)1. a) The importance of the cleaning and repair work is to maintain the ship in good condition for s
27、eaworthiness. b) Cleaning and repair work onboard includes clean the deck, holds, engine room and accommodation, and some repair to moving parts. c) The work should be done as planned. And some must be daily done.2、Painting work used on board(船上油漆工作) a)The basic types of paint used on board(船用油漆的基本类
28、型) b)Proper preparations(准备工作) c)The requirements for painting(油漆工作的要求) a)There are many kinds of paint used on board, such as primer, undercoat, top coat, non-slip paint, varnish and so on(船上有多种油漆,如底漆,内层漆,面漆,防滑油漆,清漆等) b) Before painting, . the surface should be well prepared, free of stains or rust
29、, dry, and free of dirt and scraped and brushed to bare metal.喷漆前,。表面应做好充分的准备,无污渍或生锈,干燥,无污垢,擦伤和刷到裸露的金属。 c)First, the paint should be evenly distributed in painted parts ,second, not apply the second coat until the first coat is fully dry. lastly, fire operation is prohibited during painting.(首先,油漆要均匀分布,第二,直到第一层油漆完全干燥后再涂第二层,最后,油漆区域禁止明火作业)问答1、Can you list at last three kinds of paint? Yes, I can, such as primer, undercoat, top coat and so on.3、What type of paint do you on deck? Non-slip paint 油漆甲板用什么? 防滑漆7、What repair work d
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