1、新编大学英语教案(4)Unit 6 Risks Aims of TeachingMaster the words describing some risky activitiesImprove the students abilities of reading comprehension and writing Key PointsIntroducing the methods of locating the key sentence of each paragraph to sum up the whole text Learning to employ the following key
2、words and phrases into practice. risk or other play the/a part of on the strength of all manner of pose questions to .on vacations feed on definitive rather than what if end up may well be associated with in other words reduceto afford have a feel for in question by contrast not necessary versus div
3、ideby turn out be opposed to focus on eliminate sensible preferable (to) preoccupation with die fromstrike terror in bring under control come along threat to exposure to show up bearin mind have/with a mind to do . be apt to do . be indifferent to . make sense in this/that light on the basis of by v
4、irtue of claim compareto bareartificial concentrate contrive inflicton in many cases evolve have grounds for as yet dependable emission have a good idea of outside ones control raise doubt(s) about in response to no doubt greetwith . identifyas qualifyas allow for chance reflection close to Methods
5、of TeachingUsing multi-media teaching equipmentGroup-DiscussionLiving performanceTime Arrangement:1 Preparation 2-3In-Class Reading: Risks and You4After-Class Reading5ExercisesUnit 6 RisksPart one preparation1) T and Ss list different jobs, and then Ss discuss the corresponding risks Jobs: nurse, ps
6、ychiatrist, businessman, policeman, coal miner, lawyer, stockbroker, presidents, secretary, beggar, teacher, fighter pilot, accountant, football player, interpreter, fireman, singer, civil servant, ambassador Categorize them into three types: physical ones, financial ones, emotional ones2) Which act
7、ivity is riskier? Rock climbing, working on a farm, driving a car, skiing, being a 65-year-old man,flying in an airplane, driving a motorcycle, and skydiving 3) Issue discussion: Do you think CET-4 causes risks in the students? If there is some, what are they? (certificate, degree, emotional influen
8、ce)In-Class Reading: Risks and You1. Words and expressions1. or other: (usu. used with somebody/something/somewhere, someday, somehow, etc.) expressing uncertainty or vagueness about a person, thing or place. a. The box is somewhere or other in the kitchen.箱子在厨房的某个地方。b. Somehow or other, John manage
9、d to get a well-paid job in the bank.不管怎么说,约翰设法在银行找到了一份待遇不错的工作。 Cf. or rather: (used when making a statement more accurate or correct) 更确切地说a. We stayed at my friends house, or rather at my friends parents house. 我们住在我的朋友家,更确切地说,住在我朋友的父母家。b. He is my relative-or rather my fathers cousin. 他是我的亲戚,更确切地
10、说,是我父亲的表兄。 2. risk: (instance of the )possibility of meeting danger or suffering harm, loss, etc. 遇险;风险;受害a. Is any risk of the bomb exploding? 有炸弹爆炸的危险吗?b. Theres no risk of her failing/that shell fail. 她没有失败的危险。Phrases:at risk: threatened by the possibility of loss, failure, etc; in danger 处在危险之中a
11、. The whole future of the company is at risk. 这家公司的整个前途都处于危险之中。b. My job is at risk. (I may lose my job.) 我的工作处在危险之中。 at the risk of (doing sth.): with the possibility of (doing sth.) 冒的危险;不顾的危险a. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I must refuse your offer. 恕我不能领情,我必须拒绝你的意见。 at risk to sb./sth.: wi
12、th the possibility of losing or injuring sb./sth. 冒着的危险 a. He saved the child at considerable risk to himself/to his own life. 他冒着极大的生命危险救了那个孩子。run the risk (of doing sth.): do sth. that exposes one to a danger, possibility, etc. 做危险的事;冒险a. We cant run the risk (of losing all that money). 我们不能冒失掉那全部
13、钱的危险。b. He runs more risk of being arrested. 他冒着被逮捕的更大危险。 run/take a risk/risks: do sth. that involves the possibility of failure, danger, etc. 冒险(做可能失败、有危险的事)a. You cant get rich without taking risks. 你不冒险就不能发财。b. Thats a risk Im prepared to take. 那是我准备好甘愿去冒的危险。 risky: adj. full of danger; full of
14、potential for failure, loss, etc. 充满危险的;很可能失败或损失的a. a risky undertaking 一项充满风险的事业3. definitive: clear and having final authority; that cannot or need not be changed 明确的;最后的;具有权威性的;不可改变的a. Her book is the definitive work on Milton.她的书是论述米尔顿最具权威性的作品。 b. a definitive answer, solution, verdict 最后的正式答复,解
15、答,判决 Cf. definite: 1) clear, not doubtful 明确的,无疑的a. I want a definite answer, “yes” or “no”. 我要一个明确的回答:是还是否。 2) (used as a predicate) (作表语)a. He seemed definite about what had happened. 他对发生的情况似乎很肯定。 b. Its now definite that the plane crashed. 现在可以肯定飞机已经坠毁。4. rather than: prep. (followed by n./ v./
16、pron etc.) in preference to sb./sth; instead of 其后的成分表示否定概念,意为“与其不如,宁可而不,不是而是”a. She is a writer rather than a teacher. 她是一名作家,而不是一名教师。b. The old man lay rather than sat in the chair. 那位老人躺在椅子上,而不是坐在椅子上。c. I rather than you, should shoulder the responsibility. 我应该承担这个责任,而不是你。d. Rather than risk brea
17、king up his marriage he told his wife everything. 他宁可冒离婚的危险,也把一切告诉了他妻子。 would/had rather(than do sth).: (usu. shortened to d rather) prefer to 宁可,宁愿a. Id rather walk than take a bus. 我宁可走路,也不愿坐公共汽车。b. Shed rather die than lose the children. 她宁愿自己死去,也不愿失去孩子们。 Cf. ratherthan: 意为“宁愿而不,与其说还不如说”,rather 后
18、的成分表示肯定概念,than后的成分表否定概念a. I would rather you settle the problem in private than by law. 我宁愿你把这件事私下了结,而不要去诉诸法律。b. It is rather pleasant than tasteful. 与其说它文雅,不如说它赏心悦目。c. He would rather remain obscure than get fame in such a despicable way. 他宁可默默无闻,也不愿意用这种可耻的手段去沽名钓誉。5. may well: be very likely to 很可能
19、a. She may well refuse to speak to you, because shes in a very bad mood. 她很可能拒绝与你说话,因为她心情很不好。 Cf. may/might as well: advise sb. to take certain actions 不妨a. It is very late, so you may/might as well go to bed. 现在很晚了,因此你不妨上床睡觉吧。b. She said that I might as well apply for the job. 她让我不妨申请一下这份工作。6. have
20、 a feel for: have a sensitive appreciation or an easy understanding of sth.对某物有感受力a. She has a good feel for languages. 她很有学语言的天才。7. oppose: express strong disapproval of or disagreement with sth./sb. esp. with the aim of preventing or changing a course of action 强烈反对;不赞成或不同意a. He opposed the propos
21、al to build a new hall. 他反对建造新礼堂的提议。 be opposed to sth./doing sth.: be strongly against sth. 强烈反对的 a. She seems very much opposed to your going abroad. 看来她极力反对你出国。 as opposed to: in contrast to 与相;与成对比a. I am here on business as opposed to a holiday. 我不是在度假,相反,我是在此执行公务。 Cf .object to sb./sth./doing
22、sth.: say that one is not in favor of sb./sth.; protest 不赞成;反对a. I object to such treatment/to being treated like this. 我反对这样的对待。b. I object to the plan on the grounds that it is too expensive. 我反对这项计划,理由是费用过于庞大。 8. sensible: 1) having or showing good sense; reasonable 判断力强的;明智的;明事理的a. It was sensib
23、le of you to lock the door. 你把门锁上很明智。b. She gave me some sensible advice. 她给了我一些很明智的劝告。 2) pred aware of sth.知道;觉察到a. Are you sensible of the dangers of your position? 你感到你的处境危险了吗? Cf. sensitive: easily offended or emotionally upset 易于被冒犯的或情绪容易波动的a. He is very sensitive about being small, so dont me
24、ntion it.他对自己个子小很敏感,因此不要提及那一点。 b. A writer mustnt be too sensitive to criticism. 作家不应该对于批评太敏感。2. Pre-reading recruitment1) Issue discussion: Have you ever experienced some risky situation? 2) text-relevant questions: a. what kinds of risks do people fear in their daily lives? b. are risks a matter o
25、f probability or certain? c. how to evaluate which risks are safer? d. is there any way reducing the rations of risks?3. Ss are 18 minutes to finish reading in class, and then 10 more minutes are given to them to finish the comprehension questions of ex.1 & 2 on p.251-253.4. Text analyses 1) Gen
26、eral comprehension: checking answers for comprehension questions 2) Grammatical pointsAnd from these treatments come questions (L.6-7) 以介词短语为首的句子要倒装 eg. From the room came the sound of children singing. (屋里传来孩子们的歌声) Only on campus make her calm down. (只有呆在校园里才能使她平静)此外以否定词为首通常也倒装,如hardly, nor, no soo
27、ner thandifficult sentences: “And from these treatments” (L.6-7) “But what ifthus causing an.occurred otherwise?” (L.20-21) “If you areexposures.” (L.57-58)Important structures1. Some people just have to hear about a new disease and they begin checking themselves to see if they may be suffering from
28、 it.(L2)2. And from these threats come questions that we must pose to ourselves. (L6)3. But what if you get hit from the side and end up trapped inside the vehicle, unable to escape because of a damaged seat belt mechanism? (L17)4. The answer is that you are roughly twice as likely to die in a serio
29、us crash in a small car than in a large one. (L30)5. The larger this ratio, that is, the closer it is to 1, the riskier the activity in question. (L50)6. the latter turns out to be four times riskier than the former. (L56)Assignment: exercises for in-class reading, after-class readingAfter-Class Rea
30、dingPassage I: Health Risks1. prefer: choose sth. rather than sth. else; like sth. better 较喜欢;更喜欢; 宁愿a. I prefer walking to cycling. 我喜欢步行胜过骑自行车。b. I would prefer tea to coffee. 茶和咖啡,我更喜欢茶。c. She prefers to be alone. 她喜欢独处。d. Their father prefers them to be home early. 他们的父亲愿意他们早回家。e. I prefer walki
31、ng alone. 我喜欢独自散步。preferable adj. (not used with more) more desirable or suitable ;较合人意的;较好的a. He finds country life preferable to living in the city. 他觉得住在乡下比城里好。b. Anything was preferable to that dreadful noise in the house. 什么也比住房里那讨厌的喧闹声好。2. show up: arrive, often after a delay; appear 到场(经常在延误一
32、段时间后);露面a. It was ten oclock when he finally showed up. 到十点钟,他才露面。b. We were hoping for a full team today but only five players showed up. 我们原希望今天全队人员到齐,但仅有五名选手到场。Cf. show off: try to impress others with ones abilities, wealth, intelligence, etc.炫耀;卖弄a. Do stop showing offits embarrassing. 千万不要再卖弄了-
33、那令人难为情。b. The child danced around the room, showing off to everybody. 那个孩子在屋内各处跳舞,向每个人炫耀。3. differ: 1)be unlike; not the same as sb./sth. 不同;有异a. The brothers differ widely in their tastes. 这兄弟几个情趣大不相同。b. In this respect, French differs from English./French and English differ. 在这方面,法语和英语不同。2) disagr
34、ee; not share the same opinion 不同意;意见不同a. Im sorry to differ with you on that. 对不起,关于那个问题我和你看法不一致。b. We differ on many things. 我们在很多事情上意见不同。different adj. not the same (as sb./sth.) 与不一样的a. Their tastes are different from/to mine. 他们的情趣和我的不同。b. He is very different from/to his brother. 他和他的兄弟大不相同。in
35、different: having no interest in sb./sth.; not caring about sb./sth.; neither for nor against sb./sth. 对不感兴趣的;漠不关心的;不重视的a. How can you be indifferent to the sufferings of starving people? 你对忍饥挨饿的人的苦难怎么能漠不关心?b. Some explorers are quite indifferent to the dangers of their journey. 有些探险家对旅途中的危险毫不介意。4.
36、make sense: 1) have an understandable meaning 有意义;有道理a. What you say makes no sense. 你的话没有道理。b. These words dont make sense. 这些话毫无疑义。2) be sensible 明智的a. It doesnt make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 这些便宜的外衣质量同样好,偏要买那件贵的是不明智的。b. It would make sense to leav
37、e early. 早点走是明智的。 Cf. make sense of: understand sth. difficult or apparently meaningless 弄懂a. Can you make sense of these poems? 你读得懂这首诗吗?5. claim: 1) demand or request sth. because it is or one believes it is ones right or ones property(根据权利)要求;认领a. She claims ownership of the land. 她提出她对那块土地拥有所有权。
38、b. After the Dukes death, his eldest son claimed the title. 公爵死后,他的长子要求承袭爵位。 2) demand money under an insurance policy, as compensation, etc. 索赔a. You can always claim for damages. 你永远都能要求赔偿损失。 3) state or declare sth. as a fact (without being able to prove it); assert 声称;自称a. After the battle both
39、sides claimed victory. 战斗之后双方都宣称取得了胜利。b. She claims to be related to the Queen. 她自称与皇后有亲戚关系。 4) (of a disaster, an accident, etc.) cause the loss or death of sb. (指灾难或事故)造成损失;招致伤亡a. The earthquake claimed thousands of lives/victims. 地震致使几千人死亡。Passage II: Risks from Nature and Technology1. come to 1)
40、 reach a point at which one realizes, understands, believes, etc. 终于认识,明白相信等a. She had come to see the problem in a new light. 她终于对这个问题有了新的认识。b. I have come to believe that the governments economic policy is misguided. 我终于认识到政府的经济政策有失误。 2) arrive at a place where the speaker or writer is or at a pla
41、ce being referred to by him到达;来到a. They came to a river. 他们来到一条河边。b. Ive come to collect my book./for my book. 我来取我的书。come to nothing/not come to anything: have no useful or successful result; be a complete failure无效;毫无结果;一场空a. All her plans have come to nothing. 她的计划全盘落空了。b. How sad that his effort
42、s should come to nothing. 他的努力毫无成效,多么令人伤心啊! come to oneself: return to ones normal state 恢复正常;醒悟过来;恢复知觉a. The shock made her hesitate for a moment but she quickly come to herself. 震惊使她迟疑了一会儿,但是很快就恢复过来。2. evolve: 1)cause to develop naturally and usu. gradually (使)演化;(使)演变a. The American constitution
43、was planned; the British constitution evolved. 美国的宪法是按计划制定的;而英国的宪法是自然演进的。b. He has evolved a new theory after many years of research 经过多年研究,他.逐渐发展出一种新学说。 2) (of plants, animals, etc.) gradually develop from a simple form to a more complex one 进化a. Many Victorians were shocked by the notion that Man
44、had evolved from lower forms of life.许多维多利亚时代的人对人是从较低级生命形式进化而来的见解感到震惊。3. no doubt: very probably 很可能a. No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way. 无疑他原意是要帮忙,但事实上他正好碍事。 without (a) doubt: certainly 肯定地;无疑地a. He is without doubt the cleverest student Ive ever taught. 毫无疑问,他是我所教过的最聪
45、明的学生。 beyond a/any/all doubt: certainly 肯定地;毫无疑问地 a. She was beyond all doubt the finest singer of her day. 毫无疑问,她是那个时代最杰出的歌唱家。 doubt: v. feel uncertain about sth.; question the truth of sth. 怀疑;不相信;拿不准a. I dont doubt that hell come. (Im sure he will come.) 我不怀疑他会来。b. I doubt whether hell come. 我怀疑他
46、是否能来。c. I doubt if that was what he wanted. 我拿不准那是不是他所需要的。 4. reflect: 1) (esp. passive) (of a mirror, etc.) make a visible image of sb./sth; (of a surface)throw back (light, heat, sound, etc.) (镜中)反映出的影象a. He looked at his face reflected in the mirror. 他看着自己在镜中反映出的面孔。b. The moon shines with reflect
47、ed light. 月球是借反射阳光而发光的。 2) show the nature of or express sth. 表达;表现的性质;与一致a. Her sad looks reflected the nature of her thoughts. 她忧郁的面容反映她思想的特征。b. The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes. 一个时期的文学反映该时期的价值和情趣。 3) (no passive) think deeply about, or remind oneself of, past events; con
48、sider 思考考虑a. I need time to reflect on your offer. 我需要时间来考虑你的建议。b. She reflected on his argument for a long time. 对他的论点她考虑了很长时间。 reflection: n. thing reflected, esp. an image in a mirror, still water, etc 被反射或反映的物(尤指镜中或静水中的映象)a. Under the bright moonlight, people can see the reflection of the trees
49、in the lake. 在明亮的月光下,人们可以看到湖中树木的倒影。 Cf. shade: (place where there is ) comparative darkness and often coolness caused by sth. blocking direct light or heat, esp. of the sun 荫,荫凉处 a. Stay in the shadeits cooler. 呆在荫凉处那儿凉爽。b. The trees give some welcome shade from the sun. 绿树遮住了阳光形成人们喜欢的荫凉。 shadow: (p
50、atch of ) shade caused by an object blocking direct rays of light 阴影,影子a. The chair casts a shadow on the wall. 椅子的影子投在墙上。b. Shadows are longer when the sun is low in the sky. 太阳在天空中低时影子长。 on reflection: after reconsidering sth. 再考虑后a. On further reflection, I saw that she might be right, after all.
51、 经过进一步考虑我终于认为她可能是正确的。b. She decided, on reflection, to accept the offer. 重新考虑后,她决定接受这建议。Important Structures1. Although this is short-sighted, it does make sense to discount long-term risks more than short-term ones. (L19)2. That criticism fails to consider the fact that, bad as that is, might sugge
52、st. (L45)3. Put differently, finding a cure for AIDS would be likely to add about 25 to 30 years to the life of each potential victim. (L48)4. Other things being equal, the sooner a risk causes damage or death, the more that risk is to be avoided. (L58)Passage II: Risks from Nature and Technology1.
53、If we have been able to ., that is because we have been clever enough to contrive ways of delaying the decay, disease, and destruction that is inflicted on us by nature. (L16)2. It has been estimated that we consume 10,000 times as many natural pesticides as artificial ones. (L22)3. In fact, such st
54、udies as there are raise doubts about the commonly assumed risks of some pollutants. (L44)4. To qualify as a possible human carcinogen, . even allowing for differences in body weight.(L55)Paraphrase the following sentences:In-Class Reading: Risks and You1. Some people just have to hear about a new disease and they begin checking themselves to see if they may be suffering from it. (L2)2. Our uncertainties mul
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