



1、地勤面试英文自我介绍范文地勤主要是针对航空部门,一般由机场和航空部门组成 工作包括,安 检,售票,客服等等。以下这篇是关于地勤面 试英文自我介绍范文,欢迎阅读参考。 地勤面试英文自我介绍范文I was born in a small village of Sha n Dong Provi nee on April 4th, 19xx. Whe nl was young, my family was very poor, so I had to work to earn money to help my pare nts after class whe n I was in the middle

2、 school.In 20xx I was admitted by Un iversity of In ter nati on alBus in essandEcon omics (or: UIBE) to pursue a bachelor degree in Econo mics. My major is acco un ti ng in Departme nt of Intern ati onal Bus in ess Man ageme nt. The un dergraduate educati on gave me a wide range of visio n and taugh

3、t me how to cooperate with others. I developed several professi onal in terests in Acco un ti ng, Finan ce, and Intern ati onal Trade.The followi ng eightyear worki ng experie nee offered me a good cha nee to give full play to my creativity, i ntellige nee and dilige nee. In 20xx20xx, I worked as an

4、 assista nt to funding man ager in China Nati onal Tech ni cal Import and Export Corporati on. In 20xxprese nt, I was employed by Chi na Kin gdom Import and Export Corporati on to be the Man ger of Finan cial and Acco unting Divisio n.I do believe that with my hard early life, solid educati onal bac

5、kgro und andample worki ng experie n ee, I would be an excelle nt stude nt of you MBA progra m.WHY CHOOSE 丫 OUR MBA PROGRAMAfter I have worked in bus in ess area for eight years, I feel that I n eed to continue my educati on by pursu ing a Master degree in bus in ess admi ni strati on. I have practi

6、ced my professi onal expertise in acco un ti ng, dem on strated my leadership abilities and perfected my comm uni cati on skills. But I have yet to become an en trepre n eur in my own right, and to fully master the ben efited mostly the compa nies that I worked for, but a good bus in ess educati on

7、in your uni versity will probably become a new era for me.art of moder n bus iness.vigorouslyin scie ntificsyn thesis.There are achalle ngesin Chi na thatcon fide ntto seize. MyI want to be trainedmoremethods of an alysis andlot ofopport un ities andI do not yet fellbus in esscareer has so farfullyY

8、our uni versity is well known for its excelle nce in China ' s bus in ess educati on. I am sure that, with my exte nsive bus in ess experie nce, I can be a worthy stude nt of yours. I am an xious to ben efit from your seas oned guida nce and take adva n tage of your research facilities.更多英文自我介绍范文范文推荐阅读1 博士复试英文自我介绍范文3、酒店管理专业英文


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