



1、.PREVENTIVE DENTISTRYOuyang Yong Department of Preventive DentistryGuanghua College of StomatologySun Yat-sen UniversityPreventive MedicinePreventive Medicine is the branche of medicine dealing with preventing illness or its spreadIt is the branch of medicine that is concerned with the prevention of

2、 disease and methods for increasing the power of the patient and community to resist disease and prolong life. It is the science and art of preventing illness or its spread, prolong life, promoting emotional health of human bodyPreventive dentistryThe branch of dentistry that deals with the preserva

3、tion of healthy teeth and gums and the prevention of dental caries and oral disease.The formation of disease can be divided into two stage: prepathogenesis stage (病理形成前期) stage of pathogenesis(病理形成期)the science of the care required to prevent disease of the teeth and supporting structures.There are

4、three levels of preventive dentistry: The use of a topical fluoride gel to prevent caries is an example of primary preventionA dental restoration is an example of secondary preventionAnd a fixed bridge is an example of tertiary preventPrimary preventionv Before tissue is damaged by etiological facto

5、rs, use effective ways to get rid of those factorsv Objects:common peoplev Strategy:oral health education Secondary preventionv Early detection, diagnosis and treatment of disease, prevent disease from further progressionv Objects:patientsv Strategy:filling, root canal therapuy,Scaling, root plannin

6、g, periodontal surgeryTertiary Preventionv To treat disease with medicine and surgery, maintaining good function of oral cavity, restore missing teethOral Hygience Disease enters by the mouth “病从口入” There are more than 300 organism in the mouth The risk factors of many chronic diseases come in at th

7、e mouth Mouth is the route of transmission of many contagious diseases such as hepatitis B, AIDS et alOral Hygience objective Oral Hygience focus on Plaque control, eliminating debris and food residues Promting physiological stimulationthe basis of individual Oral health education Plaque control by

8、personal Plaque control by professionalMechanical plaque control methods Gargle Toothbrushing Using dental floss Using dental pick Interproximal brush Scaling Root planningFluoride Mouth Rinsing 0.2NaF(900mgf-kg) solution 0.05NaF(230mgf-kg) solution Stannous fluoride氟化亚锡、ammonium fluoride氟化铵 The con

9、centration of ammonium fluoride should be ranged in 100250mgf-kgMethod of rinse water with fluoride mouth rinseing Spit out it after keep 510ml of fluoride solution in mouth for 1 minute Eating or drinking is forbiden in half an hour It is not recommended for Child under 5 years oldSome secondary ef

10、fects of Chlorhexidine Dental Coloring (reversible and easy eliminated) Tongue Coloring Bitter taste, metallic taste Possible peeling of the oral mucousToothbrushingPurposes of toothbrushing The most efficient, simple and comfortable method to eliminate dental plaque at the individual's level Da

11、ily removal of dental plaque can make the individual avoid the most frequent diseases caused by plaque: caries and periodontal diseases.Bristle hardness Technology has allowed the making of head filaments with diverse diameters, and according to the overall diameter used the hardness of the head wil

12、l vary. Another factor is the length of the filaments, the longer they are the softer the brush This is the reason behind the different kinds of hardness in toothbrushes: soft, medium and hard; some commercial brands have increased this classification, adding the ultra soft toothbrushes for sensitiv

13、e teeth Actually there are no mutual agreements or studies that indicate how should the ideal toothbrush be, but in general, dentists recommend medium hard toothbrushes, considering there are no dental pathologies that require the use of a softer toothbrush.TOOTHPASTES Fluoride Toothpastes - Read pa

14、ckage carefully used by children. to avoid excessive fluoride ingestion by young children using a fluoride toothpaste, dispense the amount of a small pea on the toothbrush. Anti-plague / Anti-calculus Toothpastes clinical efficacy in reducing calculus formation above the gum line has been reported.

15、works most effectively after teeth have been thoroughly scaled professionally. Cosmetic Toothpastes none currently accepted by the ADA. usually more abrasive and not recommended for daily use. intended for superficial stain removal only. Desensitizing Toothpastes effective in reducing hypersensitivi

16、ty from exposed root surfaces. ADA accepts four OTC products. not for exclusive use Toothbrush techniques Vertical brushing technique Horizontal brushing technique most commonly used and effective in children The Bass Method Roll Method Charters Method Modified Shillman Method Horizontal Scrub Metho

17、dVertical brushing technique This technique uses vertical movements, always from the gums at the edge of the tooth: in the upper jaw from up to bottom and on the lower jaw from bottom up. Horizontal brushing In children and in adolescents it is allowed, they are easier but with excessive force can p

18、roduce injuries to the gum and tooth It is also allowed when cleaning the occlusal sides (chewing sides of molars and premolars), also on these sides the circular technique is used, this is using circular motionThe Bass Method Direct the filaments apically (up for maxillary, down for mandibular teet

19、h). Even though the brush placement calls for directing the filaments at a 45-degree angle, it is usually easier and safer for the patient to first place the brush parallel with the long axis of the tooth. From that position the brush can be turned slightly and brought down to the gingival margin to

20、 the 45-degree angle. Place the brush with the filament tips directed straight into the gingival sulcus. The filaments will be directed at about 45 degrees to the long axis of the tooth. Press lightly so the filament tips enter the gingival sulci and embrasures and cover the gingival margin. Do not

21、bend the filaments. Vibrate the brush back and forth with very short strokes without disengaging the tips of the filaments from the sulci. Count at least 10 vibrations. Apply the brush to the next group of two or three teeth. Take care to overlap placement The entire stroke (Parts A through D, above) is repeated at each position around the maxillary and mandibular arches, both facially and lingually.Toothbrushing Precautions For fluoride toothpaste, squeeze a pea size squirt of fluoride toothpaste on your bristles for children Brush at least twice a day just before going to bed and


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