1、图形用户界面(GUI)详细发展历史发布者:飞翔浏览:评论:0History of the graphical user in terfaceThe graphical user in terface , or "GUI", is a computer i nterface that uses graphic icons and con trols in additi on to text. The user of the computer utilizes a poin ti ng device , like a mouse, to man ipulate these ic
2、ons and con trols. This was a great leap forward from thecomma nd line in terfaceused in other operating systems, in which the user types a series of text comma nds to the computer.In itial Developme ntsThe first con cept of a win dowi ng system begi ns with the first real-time graphic display syste
3、ms for computers, namely theSAGE Project and IvanSutherland ' s Sketchpad.Augme ntati on of Huma n In tellectDoug Engelbart ' s Augmentation of Human Intellect project atSRI in the1960s developed theOn-Line System , which incorporated a mouse-drivencursor and multiple win dows.Xerox PARCEnge
4、lbart ' s work directly led to the advances atXerox PARCSeveralpeople went from SRI to Xerox PARCin the early1970' s. The Xerox PARCteam codified theWIMRw in dows, ic ons, menus and poin ters/pull-dow nmenus) paradigm, firstpioneered on the Xerox Alto experimental computer,but which eventual
5、ly appeared commercially in theXerox 8010 (' Star')system in 1981.Apple Lisa and Macin toshBegi nning in 1979, led by Jef Rask in, the Lisa and Macin tosh teams at AppleComputer (which in eluded former membersof the Xerox PARCgroup) continued to develop such ideas. The Macin tosh, released i
6、n 1984, was the first commercially successful product to use a GUI. A desktop metaphor was used, in which files looked like pieces of paper; directories looked like file folders; there were a set of desk accessories like a calculator,notepad,and alarm clock that the user could place around the scree
7、 n as desired; and the user could delete files and folders by dragg ing them to a trash can on the scree n.There is stillsomec on troversy over the amount of in flue nee that Xerox' sPARCvork, as opposed to previous academic research, had on the GUIs of Apple' s Lisa and Macin tosh , but it
8、is clear that the in flue nce was exte nsive.The Macintosh ' s GUI has been revised with time since 1984, with a major update with System 7, and un derwe nt its largest revisio n with the introduction of the "Aqua" interface in 2001' s Mac OS XVisi OnGraphical user in terface prima
9、rily desig ned for spreadsheets by the company that wrote the legendaryVisiCalc spreadsheet. First introducedthe "windows" concept and a mouse to the PCenvironment, in 1983. Preceded the first Microsoft Windowsimplementations. VisiOn never took off because it could not be used to run other
10、MS-DO倉pplicatio ns and was buggy andexpe nsive. In spired the multitask ing system DESQview.Amiga In tuiti onAmiga computers developed a GUI in 1985 calledIn tuiti on .In this GUIdirectories were show n as fili ng cab inet drawers.The Amiga GUI was unique for its time because it featured a pop-up co
11、mma nd line in terface(CLI) for those times whe n a GUI does not offer eno ughcon trol.GEMAt the same time Microsoft was developing Windows in the1980s, DigitalResearch developed the GEM DesktopGUI system. GEM was created as an alter nativewi ndow system to run on IBM PCsystems, either on top of MS-
12、DOS(like Microsoft Windows) or on top ofCPM-86 DR' s own operating systemthat MS-DOS was pattere ned after. GEM achieved mini mal success in the PC world, but was later used as the n ative GUI on theAtari ST machi nes.GEOSGEOSvas another very early graphical desktop system. Originallywrittenfor
13、the 8 bit home computer Commodore 64it was later ported to IBM PC systems. It camewith several application programs like a calendar and word processor, and a cut-down version served as the basis for America Online ' s DOS clie nt. Compared to the competi ngWin dows 3.0 GUI, it could runreas on a
14、bly well on simpler hardware.Revivals were see n in the HP OmniGo han dhelds, Brother GeoBook line of laptop-applia nces, and the New Deal Office package for PCs. Related code found its way to earlier' Zoomer PDAs, creating an unclear lineage toPalm, Inc ' s later work.Microsoft Win dowsMicr
15、osoft modeled the first versi on ofWin dows released in1985, on theGUI of the Mac OS Win dows 1.0 was a GUI (graphic user in terface)for theMS-DOS)perati ng system that had bee n the sta ndard OS for with IBM PC a nd compatible computers since 1981. Windows 2.0 followed, then in 1990 the Windows3.0
16、launch was whenthe popularityof Windowsreally exploded. TheGUIs of subseque nt versi ons of Win dows have bee n similar to the GUI ofWin dows 3.0.In 1988, Apple sued Microsoft for copyright infringement of theLisa andApple Macintosh GUI. The court case lasted 4 years before almost all of Apple'
17、s claims were denied. Subsequent appeals by Apple were also denied, and Microsoft and Apple appare ntly en tered a fin al, private settleme nt of the matter in 1997 as a side note in a broader announcement of investment and cooperatio n.RISC OSEarly versions of what became called RISC OS were known
18、as Arthur , which was released in 1987. RISC OSwas a colour GUI operating system which used three-butt oned mice, a taskbar (called the icon bar), and a file n avigator similar to that of Mac OS. Acorn created RISC OS in the 1980s for theirARMCPUbased computers.NeXTSTEPNeXTine of computers.1989. It
19、usedDisplayThe NeXTSTEIinterface ' s mostsig nifica nt in terfacefeature was the Dock, carried details that some found madeitinto MacOSX and had other mi nor easier and more intuitive to useThe NeXTSTEPser in terface was used in the NeXTSTE's first major versi on was released in PostScript f
20、or its graphical underpinning.than previous GUIs. NeXTSTEP ' s GUI was the first to feature opaque dragg ing of win dows in its user in terface, on a comparatively weak mach ine by today ' s standards./H3> Origi nally collaboratively developed by Microsoft a nd IBM to replace DOS, versio
21、n 1.0 (released in 1987) had no GUI at all.Version 1.1 (released 1988) included Presentation Manager (PM), which looked a lot like the later Win dows 3.0 UI. After the split with Microsoft, IBM developed the Workplace Shell (WPS) for vers ion 2.0 (released in 1992), a quite radical, object-orie nted
22、 approach to GUIs. Microsoft later imitated much of this in Windows 95.BeOSX Win dow SystemThe PostScript -based NeWSNetwork extensible Window System) was developed by Sun Microsystems . For several years SunOSncluded a window system comb ining NeWS and the X Win dow System. Although NeWSvas conside
23、red technicallyelegant by some commentators, Sun eve ntually dropped the product. Un like X, NeWS was alwaysproprietary softwareThe X Win dow SystemThe standard windowing system in the Unix world, developed in the early 1980s, is theX Window System, or X. X was developed at MITas Project Athena. Its
24、 original purpose was to allow users of the n ewly emerg ing graphic term in als to access remote graphics workstations, without regard to the workstation' s operatingsystem or the hardware. Due largely to the availability of the source code used to write X, it has become the sta ndard layer for
25、 man ageme nt of graphical and in put/output devices and for the buildi ng of both local and remote graphical in terfaces on virtually all systems, in cludi ng UNIX, the BSD operati ng systems and the GNU/L inux distributi ons.X allows a graphical terminaluser to make use of remote resourceson the n
26、 etwork as if they were all located locally to the user by running a sin gle module of software called the X server. The software running on the remote workstation is called the client application. X' s network transparency protocols allow thedisplay and in put porti ons of any applicati on to b
27、e separated from the rema in der of the applicati on and ' served up ' to any of alarge nu mber of remote users.In the early days of X Window developme nt Sun Microsystems andAT&T attempted to push for a GUI sta ndard called Open Look in competition with Motif . OpenLook was a well-desig
28、ned standard developed from scratch while MOTIF was a collective effort that fell into place. Many who worked on Open Look at the time appreciate its desig n cohere nee. Motif prevailed the' religious ' war andbecame the bases for CDE(CommonDesktop Environment).Both X andOpen Motif are avail
29、able today as free software.In the late 1990s, there was significantgrowth in the Unix world,especially among the free softwarecom muni ty. New graphicaldesktop moveme nts grew up around GNU/L inux and similar operat ing systems, based on the X. A new emphasis on providing an integrated and uniform
30、in terface to the user brought about new desktopenvironments,KDEand GNOMESee also:* Apple v. Microsoft* Bill Atkin son Doug Engelbart ' s On-Line System« Graphical user in terface« History of computing« History of Microsoft Windows« Ivan Sutherland' s Sketchpad« Jef
31、Rask inExter nal lin ks:« VisiOn history - The first GUI for the PC以下来自: ne2.html1973April 1973, the first operational Alto computer is completed at Xerox PARC.The Alto is the first system to pull together all of the eleme nts of the moder nGraphical User In terface.Features:3-butt on mouse.Bit
32、-mapped display.The use of graphical win dows. Ether net n etwork.PLEASE HOST YOUR IMAGESFOR YOUR PAGES ON YOUR OWN SITC YOU ARE USING UP MY BANDWITH!1980r=I'm changing someone w«b page!If I were madn I would insert a nasty picutrv hero.19811981 June: Xerox in troduces the Star, the commerc
33、ial successor to the Alto.Notable features: Double-clickable icons, overlapp ing win dows, dialog boxes and a 1024*768 mono chrome display.1983ChrMflrtMic l1983 January: Apple introduces the Lisa.Notable features:Pull dow n menusand menu bars.0Ii&artServices |This gnuh shcia the snphical abiliti
34、BS of Visi In.Visi Corp releases Visi On, the first in tegrated graphical software en vir onment for IBMiiiM ii 2iR b*iaa iM rAisthgr Bxmssnt誉if -Legend 站iMhultipig ipps arg hjinning at the MM ti屋.Rl&rdt腔张桂山命矗狂 I肚曲 1 enhaue 2対PCs.un til 1985.PUNNotable features:J hln1984* rM« E»t view
35、spinel3 itvMrs22 nc Hl dl»hMicrosoft announ ces their newIELP CLOSE OFtN FULLCPI OKSTFfffi 圧 RSTtPii Itrijrii!(WWtt: Alpha4-jlt IGTdata 皆対le plot firmotaih Edit Pr|叶d胆 letE Cut娥astw locate Enhaux 时RHlfLfTlC RU4fi)a4 Li用伽砂吹h is n»i沐 strict bit <5诫rhufiblt 井I” UtKf mvm cttte istuliMnt inm
36、blW"出 atM ti H5f百"Win dows" program for the IBM PC but does not release itiEfrtpy FtiHir Cillrry H»lp thSfM Lutni»t Lift IHHFtT MIs supposed to have overlapp ing / resizable win dows.for: tcr*nJanuary 1984: Apple in troduces the Mac in tosh.9知 EEr*IjvlFm Faldrr llir wI r 和 f
37、.j_ S E E 1InryibfwrilhtrP#l I.畀0|业3 f ! £中 f.i n HexoebJMitJTilkftJ* .+CAUtiisXSeptember: Digital Research announces its GEMcon/desktop user in terface for 8086- and DOS-based computers. It also was later ported to the Atari ST.1985Jun e: "w in dow system X" announced at MIT.Versions
38、 1-6 were mono chrome only, and ran on DEC VS100' sdisplays conn ected to VAXe n and VAXstatio ns 1 and 2.Versions 8-10 dealt with color, for the VAXstati onII/GPX. X10 is the first vers ion that saw widespread availability and use on many ven dor' s systems.Versio n 11 was redesig n for hig
39、her performa nee, more win dow man ageme nt styles, exte nsibility and better graphics capability1986July: Commodore in troduces the Amiga 1000 with the Amiga Workbe nch Versio n 1.0.August: Microsoft fin ally releases the first vers ion of Win dows.Features:Windowscan not be overlapped, but are in
40、stead "tiled".Win dows are not allowed to cover an area at the bottom of the screen that is reserved for "ic oni zed" programs.19871986: Apple threatens to sue Digital Research because the GEM desktop looked too much like Apple ' s Macintos h. Digital Research cripples the de
41、sktop applicati on so Apple will not sue.The new GEM desktop now has just two unm ovable,non-resizable windows for file brows ing.March 1987 - Apple introduces the Apple Macintosh II, the first color Macin tosh.Features: 640*480*256 color with 24 bit color card available.JUf- flm rcl-ikftl-*-l il-H*
42、1-1 c;«wnw wmfJFPIFEDIF.EWEV >UBiaAAflaU*AMU£ALC. Cfll fHCMbF ciiriitiLEICk nnMiR: cuu IECHIP*MTI1 nh&L tiELUEMRCFH HlbERiMirEPh4.EXE PAimsEXEMcifgW tri斷诸i I i : SF! !|- IMFfupyrigrit O 时4c业 Fr«l WMWfr«:*ilLUldtAIrMicrosoft releases the sec ond vers ion of Win dows, vers i
43、on 2.03.Features:Fin ally has resizable / overlapp ing win dows and new win dow ing con trols.UIJ0QQILJlzjao£i 叵 W0UEEIOUJQOQJ©HE® B SFloppy :,TTl7 Stplfrter5 & 7 B 4 1» 11 12 13 H a If IT 1> U II n 12 23 » 25 2fi 2? Zl B 31Mk t<? bn tt »w *ff mwiI hvti fntWs
44、=占& tt*i 刃轧 immi, f时4First its uf senior schdo)HHp-旳 dHl囘9-5Xns|z一盯+©BBQ!P-aLMff B&hhins “昨临 diQi小丽H«llaAcor n releases "Arthur" for the Acorn computer, it is the basis for RISCOS. RISCOS2 and 3 have a similar look, but an improved feel.密二 W1IHI4 rimE 金S 口 Q*c*N4t tothriu
45、iOctober: The NeXT Computer is released for $6500. It in eludes a 25 MHz ' 30processor, 8 MB RAM, 250 MB optical disk drive, math coprocessor, digital processor for real time sound, fax modem, and a 17" mon itor.1990住 Filt Edu MiKwv Viw I: bC<i htrw| September 1988: Apple releases GS/OS,
46、 a 16-bit operating system with a Macin tosh-like GUI for the Apple IIGS.兽各加知空啊川JalFtFrE w- »< « >*春百HU1990: Commodorereleases Amiga Workbe nch 2 for the A3000.October: IBM releases OS/21.10 Standard Edition (SE) which added a graphical user in terface called Prese ntati onMan ager.
47、(OS/2 1.0 was text mode onl y!) The 1.10 GUI was writte n by Microsoft and looked like Win dows 2.Features: New 3d effects, arevised menu system and many other improveme nts.画Cvw©I1992PlMfliiii MniiaajEi1Minuirs s o枷 匚他MFV理PHJM杠竝峠 OMMKud No«>hOrtW-rbdJvMdfIwwmSHE囱 I (<-/i WEINW£
48、M4K« - iu AlMay1990: Windows 3.0 released by MicrosoftFeatures: Program Man ager shell.November: PC-GEOS released by GeoWorksOS.Spring of 1992: IBM releases OS/2 Version 2.0, a true 32-bitQ. ea5d»w 陲uTiMd 亦f AH 寺G:! 口rrm V|rwupw*" -沖电口 far! i>J.i2啊 H; - .>n h;画(B 0l:7v2i Rd皿XQW
49、命怖COSP 齢IdeMv5*i旳*111Features a new "WorkplaceShell", an object orie nted user in terfacethat is heavilyintegrated with the rest of theOS.hRBitaRIC l=aiZD153QLKkvvundFind4*her l mhme咅ft"CM Kzfa'viJ'iriPaNtt Luar*l11993a Qi 19945h 讪 if-“理皤E«hMarch: Microsoft in troduces Wi
50、n dows 3.1. The user in terface is basically the same as Win dows 3.0 but now in cludes their "multimedia" enhan ceme nts.May 1993 Microsoft releases the first versi on of Win dows NT, their 32-bit OS. They give it the version number "3.1" and use the same user in terface they do
51、 for regular Win dows 3.1. Madeavailable for In tel, Power PC, Alpha, and MIPS systems.1994: QNX Software Systems releases the first embeddable microkernel wi ndowi ng system, the Phot on microGUI.1995WeluiTne to WindowsOkf |OV Iumm-bfwhew ha 古 nprXwig wg 昭“ if. Hsia. J .辭 hebAm <ri hm ckk HUb-P
52、jlnvltHEnainw* bv paj%Msiwe*-鱼T4 riKF*i vW M19961995: Microsoft in troducesWin dows 95 on August 24th.October: Be introduced BeOSat Age nda 96. The first vers ion was designed to run on a custom multiprocessor system knownas the "BeBox". Later made1996: New Deal releases New Deal Office 2.
53、5, which was formerly PC-GEOS.Il二一h遇El吋KE Hi &«*:«>Hpti<I hd Irla-THlIBM Releases OS/2 Warp 4 with a significantfacelift for theWorkplace Shell.Microsoft releases Win dows NT 4.0 with the same user in terface as Win dows 95.mm Al* VBb*NR-Iv Mhinurf 4 HH-nmm Niimii. anlariFii Vtau
54、nrf ««Kfe- 171 iH®a it '已曰Pm 勺 WHC lehJuly 1997: Mac OS 8 is fin ally released. Selling1.25 millioncopies in less than 2 weeks, it becomes the best-sell ing software in that period.f«i>j hh 去> 小 m 化障 Ita EB« d ftffii TiniMvr Jw I?M- l¥iTg eh*i 9i i m-M 1 7, M
55、Ifu* JI!% Um>Emmc a* 灵砂:貝E初E F林tI T“h UM ” M. 3 J Ml varvUAlSlo* AMvn 12! pWir iW>W4Wim卅TfInfu1998June 25, 1998: Microsoft releases Win dows 98.Features: Internet Explorer Web browser applicati on takes over the role of the Win dows shell, advertis ing right on the desktop, en tire help system
56、 replaced by In ternet Explorer.ewH 亦November 22, 1998: Sha ne Brooks Releases 98Lite, an in staller that removes or prevents the installation of In ternet Explorer with Win dows 98.Features No Internet Explorer or advertis ing, all the hardware support of Win dows 98, faster boot time, and the more resp on sive Win dows 95 shell.1999臣gF丄呼June 1999 - RISCOS_td releasesRISC OS 4 for RiscPC, A7000 or A7000+ ma
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