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1、Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip一二三一、阅读USING LANGUAGE部分,找出下列句子,并写出黑体词组的含义1.Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English.含义: 2.When people use words and expressions different from the “standard language”,it is called a dialect.含义: 3.American

2、 English has so many dialects because people have come from all over the world.含义: 信不信由你 与不同 遍及全世界 一二三4.Geography also plays a part in making dialects.含义: 5.To this day,Lester wont go near that place.含义: 在扮演一个角色/起作用 直到今天 一二三二、当你用英语进行交流,听不清对方的话或跟不上对方的说话速度时,你会用哪几种表达方式来委婉地告诉对方.5.参考答案:略一二三三、阅读STA

3、NDARD ENGLISH AND DIALECTS,选择正确参考答案1.Standard English is spoken .A.in BritainB.in the USC.in CanadaD.in no place2. is called a dialect.A.The native languageB.The language which is different from the “standard language”C.The language spoken in most parts of the countryD.The language spoken by most pe

4、ople参考答案:D参考答案:B一二三3.American English has so many dialects because .A.people have come from all over the worldB.the USA is made up of so many statesC.Americans move from one place to anotherD.the USA is a large country4.As many Americans moved all over the country,they .A.changed their dialectsB.too

5、k their dialects with themC.didnt speak their dialectsD.couldnt understand each others dialects参考答案:A参考答案:B 12345671.In English you use a command or a request when you want someone to do something.(P12)在英语中,当你想让某人做某事时,你可以使用命令或请求。考点一:command n.命令;指令;掌握vt.& vi.命令;指挥;支配We are asked to obey Jacks co

6、mmand.我们被要求执行杰克的命令。Besides,I have such a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.此外,我太精通英语了,可以被选作英语老师的助手。The general commanded the soldiers to attack the city.将军命令士兵们进攻城市。1234567考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,指出command后接宾语从句时的用法。I commanded that you (should) go to the front immedi

7、ately.我命令你们马上赶往前线。用法:command后接宾语从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语动词要用“should+动词原形”,其中should可以省略。12345672)阅读下列句子,指出command的词组及含义。They are commanded to open the door.有人命令他们打开门。词组:command sb to do sth含义:命令某人做某事 The captain gave the command to shoot.上尉下达了开枪的命令。词组:give the command (to do sth)含义:下达(做的)命令1234567command作

8、“命令”(无论是动词或名词)时,其后所接从句的谓语动词要用“(should)+动词原形”。command的词组归纳:have a good command of精通,掌握take the command of统帅;指挥command sb to do sth命令某人做某事give the command (to do sth)下达(做某事)命令1234567考点二:request n.& vt. 请求;要求【高考典句】(2015天津高考) The letter ended with a personal request:“Boy,on my next birthday,just tel

9、l me to wake up and get going,because I will have one less year to do thingsand there are ten million things waiting to be done.”这封信以一个私人请求结尾:“孩子,在我下一个生日时,要记住告诉我醒来,开始行动起来,因为我将少一年来做事了还有许多事情等待去做。”1234567So I carried on and found the bus stop,which was a request stop,where the bus wouldnt stop unless p

10、assengers wanted to get on or off.因此我继续走,并找到了大众汽车站点,这是一个招呼站,如果没有乘客上下车大众汽车就不停。You can request a free copy of the leaflet.你可以索要一份免费的宣传单。1234567考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,指出request的用法。They requested that ten doctors (should) be sent there.他们请求派十位医生去那儿。用法1:request后接宾语从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语动词要用“should+动词原形”,其中should可以省略。

11、 They requested us to reread the notice.他们要求我们再读一遍通知。用法2:request后可以接复合宾语,即:request+sb+to do sth。但不能跟“人称代词+for”的结构。1234567 His request was that he should be sent to China.他的请求是被派往中国。用法3:当request用作名词作主语时,其表语从句用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。2)阅读下列句子,指出request的词组及含义。 Professor Li came to our school at our he

12、admasters request.Professor Li came to our school at the request of our headmaster.李教授应我们校长的请求来到我们学校。词组:at ones request=at the request of sb含义:应某人的请求 The poor woman made a request for some food.那个可怜的妇女要一些食物。词组:make a request for sth含义:请求得到 1234567request后接从句时,其谓语动词要用“(should)+动词原形”。request词组归纳:at on

13、es request应某人的请求make a request for sth请求得到1234567123456712345672.The secretary said to the woman on the phone:“Could you hold on for a minute?”(P12)秘书在电话里对那位女士说:“你能稍等下吗?” 分析:Could you.?是一个表示请求的句子。Could you open the door for me?请你帮我打开门好吗?My pleasure.乐意效劳。考点:hold on请稍候;别挂断May I speak to Mr White?我可以和怀

14、特先生通电话吗?Hold on,please.请稍候。1234567考点延伸阅读下列句子,指出hold on的含义。 How much longer do you think the child can hold on?你认为那个孩子还能坚持多久?含义:坚持 Please hold on to my hand.请抓牢我的手。含义:抓牢/紧抓不放1234567123456712345673.Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English.(P13)信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。分析:There is no suc

15、h thing意为“没有这样的事”。该结构中such与其后的名词之间不能加冠词,但可加形容词。如:There is no such good thing as a free lunch.世上没有免费午餐这样的好事。1234567考点:believe it or not 信不信由你(常用作插入语)Its so nice to hear from her again.Believe it or not,we last met more than thirty years ago.再次收到她的来信真好。信不信由你,我们上一次见面是在三十多年前。He is a cheat,believe it or

16、not.信不信由你,他是个骗子。Believe it or not,the boy can speak more than ten languages.信不信由你,那个男孩能讲10多种语言。1234567可作插入语的短语有:to tell(you)the truth说实话to be honest老实说to begin/start with首先to make matters worse更糟的是whats worse更糟的是whats more而且generally speaking 一般说来1234567考点延伸翻译下列句子To tell you the truth,they are not m

17、y children.说实话,他们不是我的孩子。To start with,we should take good care of our parents.首先,我们应该照顾好我们的父母。123456712345674.When people use words and expressions different from the “standard language”,it is called a dialect.(P13)当人们使用不同于“标准语言”的词语时,那就叫方言。考点一:expression n.词语;表达;表示;表情【高考典句】(2015安徽高考)What does the un

18、derlined expression “take on” in Paragraph 3 mean?第三段中的画线词组“take on”的意思是什么?【高考典句】(2014课标全国高考)The boy can already understand basic Chinese daily expressions,his dad says.他父亲说,这个男孩已能明白中国基本的日常表达。1234567“Shut up” is not a polite expression.“闭嘴”不是礼貌用语。There was a puzzled expression on her face.她脸上流露出一种迷惑

19、不解的表情。考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,指出expression的词组及含义。The old man wears a sad expression.那位老人面带悲伤的表情。词组:wear a sad expression含义:面带悲伤的表情 The beauty of the West Lake is beyond expression.西湖的美无法形容。词组:beyond expression含义:难以表达,无法形容 12345672)阅读下面句子,指出黑体词的词性及含义。【高考典句】 (2014课标全国高考)There are many ways to express thoughts an

20、d ideasmusic,acting,drawing,building,photography.有许多表达思想和想法的方式音乐、表演、画画、建筑、摄影。词性:动词含义:表达12345673)阅读下列句子,指出express的词组及含义。He cant express himself in English.他不能用英语表达自己的意思。词组:express oneself含义:表达自己(的意思)Please send the goods by express.请用特快货运。词组:by express含义:用快递/速运 1234567wear a sad expression 面带悲伤的表情bey

21、ond expression 难以表达,无法形容express oneself表达自己(的意思)by express 用快递/速运1234567考点二:dialect n.方言My brother can speak the Sichuan dialect.我弟弟能说四川方言。考点延伸辨析:dialect/accentdialect意为“方言,土语”,指一个地区人们所使用的语言。accent意为“口音”,指某一地区语言的发音特征、重音。123456712345675.Geography also plays a part in making dialects.(P13)在方言产生的问题上地域也

22、发挥了一定的作用。考点:play a part (in) 扮演一个角色;参与;在中起作用【高考典句】 (2014福建高考) By focusing on saving oil,water,paper,food,and clothing,we are playing a part in cutting down on waste.通过节省油、水、纸张、食物和服装,我们在减少浪费方面发挥着作用。Nowadays,computers and mobile phones play an important part in our daily life.1234567考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,指出par

23、t的词组及含义。We should take an active part in the activities.我们应该积极参加这些活动。词组:take an active part in含义:积极参加 2)play a part (in)的同义词组:play a role (in) (在中)扮演角色;(在中)起作用play the role of 扮演的角色Do you know who will play the role of Song Jiang in the new film?你知道在这部新电影中谁将扮演宋江这一角色吗?1234567play a role (in)(在中)扮演角色;

24、(在中)起作用play the part/role of扮演的角色take (an active) part in(积极)参加 1234567123456756123476.So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost the same dialect as people in the northwestern USA.(P13)因此来自美国东南部山区的人与来自美国西北部的人几乎说同样的方言。考点:the same.as.跟一样【高考典句】(2014课标全国高考)How often do you f

25、ind yourself in the same position as the lion?你是否经常发现自己会与狮子处在相同的位置?He played the same part in the team as Jim did.他在小组中起的作用和吉姆一样。5612347考点延伸阅读下列句子,指出the same.as与the same.that的不同用法。 This is the same bicycle as I lost.这辆自行车和我丢的那辆一样。This is the same bicycle that I lost.这就是我丢的那辆自行车。用法:the same.as 表示同类的人

26、或事物。 the same.that 表示同一个人或事物。 561234767512347.Although many Americans move a lot,they still recognize and understand each others dialects.(P13)虽然许多美国人经常迁移,但是他们仍然能辨别和理解彼此的方言。分析:当状语从句用although或though 时,不能再与but连用,但可与still 或yet连用。6751234考点:recognize vt. 辨认出;承认;公认【高考典句】(2014四川高考) Further researches showe

27、d that in men the hormone oxytocin improves the ability to recognize competitive relationships,but in women it raises the ability to recognize friendship.进一步研究表明在男士身上,这种荷尔蒙催生素提供识别竞争关系的能力,但是在女士身上,它提高识别友情的能力。【高考典句】(2015浙江高考) They recognize theres something missing in their lives,but its hard to step off


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