1、Ut552 Project Sweet主体问卷Questionnaire循环表Rotate OrderA类AB类BABCBCACABDEFEFDFDE主体问卷 U&A 部分QuestionnaireU&A Part品牌认知Brand Awareness不提示 TOMQ1. 请问你看到或者听说哪些巧克力的品牌呢?还有吗?还有吗?将被访者回答的第一个品牌记录在“第一提及 ” Q1a(单选)下面,“其它提及 ”记录在Q1b (复选)下面Which chocolate brand have you seen or heard of?Probe (write the first bran
2、d name under TOM Q1a (SA);write others under Q1b (MA).出示示卡 Show CardQ2. 除了你刚才提到的品牌之外,你还看到或听说过卡片上的哪些巧克力品牌呢?还有吗?还有吗?(复选)Besides the brand name you have mentioned, have you seen or heard of any chocolate brand names on the card? (MA) Probe出示示卡 Show CardQ3.请问你过去曾经买过哪些品牌的巧克力呢?(复选)Which brand of chocolate
3、 have you purchased before? (MA)出示示卡 Show CardQ4.请问您最常买的是哪个品牌的巧克力?(单选)Which brand of chocolate do you purchase most often? (SA)出示示卡 Show CardQ5 请问您 在过去 6 个月中 曾经吃过哪些品牌的巧克力呢?(复选)Which brands of chocolate have you hadin last 6 months? (MA ) (Sara in the Chinese translaton, does“ had” relate to“ ateYes.
4、 ”Recommend to add some time period, like a year, so to read: Which brands of chocolate have you had I thepast year?) I think if“6 months ”is better?出示示卡 Show CardQ6 请问您最常吃哪个品牌的巧克力?(单选)Which brand of chocolate do you have most often? (SA)(Saraadd Mauna Loa, Paton s direct competitorsto HH and Guylia
5、n 2nd tier competitor to HH)Q1aQ1bQ2Q3Q4Q5Q6第一提其他提及提示提及买过最常买吃过最常吃及OthersAidedHavePurchaseHaveMostTOM(specify)awarenesspurchasedmosthadoftenoftenhave好时 Hersheys1111111德芙 Dove2222222吉百利 Cadbury3333333M&M4444444奇巧 Kit kat (Nestle)5555555金帝 Le Coute6666666施华 Cemol7777777费列罗 Rocher (Ferrero)8888888士力
6、架 Snicks9999999大昌儿童 Dachongertong10101010101010申丰 Shenfeng11111111111111迪妮 Derry s12121212121212瑞士莲 Lindt13131313131313美可馨 Meikexin14141414141414豪氏( Hawaiian Host )15151515151515Ref. ut5331My Hawaii16161616161616金莎( Tr ésor Doré)17171717171717Mauna Loa18181818181818Paton s19191919191919其他(
7、请注明)Other (please97979797979797specify)_98989898989898不知道 / 无 Dont know/NoRef. ut5332消费习惯Consuming Behavior出示示卡 Show CardQ7请问您平均多久购买一次巧克力?(单选)How often do you purchase chocolate? (SA)一天一次以上 More than once a day .1一天一次 Once a day .2一星期4-6 次 4-6 times per week .3一星期2-3 次 2-3 times per week .4一星期一次 Onc
8、e a week .5两星期一次 Once every 2 weeks .6两星期一次以下 Less .7出示示卡 Show CardQ8请问您经常在哪购买巧克力呢?(单选)Where do you often purchase chocolate? (SA)超市 Supermarket .1仓储式超市 Warehouse supermarket .2杂货店 Grocery .3糖果店 Candy shop .4便利店 Convenience shop .5其他(请注明) Other (please specify) .97出示示卡 Show CardQ9请问您购买巧克力通常作为什么用途?Wh
9、at is the normal use of chocolate?自己享用 Self consuming .1与同事 /朋友分享 Share with friends .2与家人分享 Share with family .3作为礼物送给恋人(一般场合).4Gift to lover (normal occasion)作为礼物送给恋人(特殊场合).5Gift to lover (special occasion)作为礼物送朋友 Gift to friends .6其他(请注明) Other (please specify) .97Q10 请问您通常会购买什么包装的巧克力(包含太妃糖、巧克力棒等
10、巧克力产品)?In which package do you usually purchase chocolate( include toffee, bar ) ?Also candy bar精美礼盒装Delicate gift pack 1Sara- Is this is gift box?Yes袋装 Bag pack.2散装 Loose pack .3其他(请注明)_. 97Other, please specifyRef. ut5333Q11 请问您在购买巧克力的时候通常会考虑到哪些因素?(多选)What factors do you usually consider when you
11、are purchasing chocolate? (MA)Q12 在所有考虑的因素中,您认为哪个因素最重要?(单选)Which is the most important factor? (SA)Q11Q12品牌 Brand name .11价格 Price .22促销 Promotion .33包装精美 Nice packaging .44物有所值 Money for value .55口味 Taste .66产地 Origin .77购买方便 Purchase convenience .88香味( Aroma) . .99新鲜程度( Freshness ) .1010其他(请注明 _ )
12、 Other .9797Sara: Also freshness .出示示卡 Show CardQ13以下哪些描述巧克力的语句是符合您对巧克力的看法的?(多选)(没有对错,只需要您的真实看法)Do the following descriptions reflect your view of chocolate? (MA) (There will be no right or wrong, as we need your true opinion)高级的糖果 High class sweets .1最佳补充能量的食品Best energy food .2表达爱意、甜蜜的食品 .3Food re
13、pressing affection and sweet容易长胖的食品 Fattening food .4不利于健康的食品Unhealthy food .5好吃、上瘾的食品 Tasty and addicting food. 6对自己的一种奖赏a deserved indulgence or treat7其他(请注明) _ Other .97Sara - Also, how about a deserved indulgence or treat出示示卡 Show CardQ14请问您吃巧克力的频率?The frequency you have chocolateSara-Have meani
14、ng eat?yes一天一次以上 More than once a day .1一天一次 Once a day .2一星期4-6次 4-6 times per week .3一星期2-3次 2-3 times per week .4一星期一次 Once a week .5两星期一次 Once every 2 weeks .6两星期一次以下 Less .7Ref. ut5334Q15请问您通常喜欢吃什么类型的巧克力?What type of chocolate do you usually like to have?牛奶巧克力Milk chocolate1黑巧克力Black chocolate2
15、白巧克力White chocolate3果仁巧克力Nuts chocolate4太妃巧克力Toffee chocolate5酒心巧克力Alcohol chocolate6华夫巧克力Waffle chocolate7生巧克力fresh chocolate 8Sara- I m not sure what this is?it s fresh chocolate.其他(请注明)_ Other97Q16.1 . 请问您通常在一年中什么季节吃巧克力最多?In which season in a year do you have chocolate the most?春季 Spring1夏季 Summe
16、r2秋季 Autumn3冬季 Winter4没有季节区别No seasonal difference 5跳到 Q17 go to Q17Q16.2请问以下这些特殊的日子期间您购买巧克力最多?I For what occasions or holidays do you purchase chocolates the most?春节 Spring day ( chinese new year)元旦 New Years情人节Valentine sday结婚纪念日wedding anniversary自己或亲友、恋人的生日birthday of yours or your friends, love
17、r s母亲节Mother s day儿童节Children sday国庆节National day劳动节Labor day其他 other _Sara Also, can you ask a question on seasonal purchase of chocolates?OkIe: For what occasions or holidays do you purchase chocolates the most? (ie: New Years, etc.)Q17 您听说过夏威夷吗?Have you ever heard of Hawaii?是 Yes .1继续 Continue否 N
18、o .2跳到 Q21a Go to Q21aQ18 当我一提起夏威夷,您会想到什么?还有吗?还有吗?What do you think of when I mention Hawaii? Probe_Q19 您知道夏威夷的什么东西比较有名吗?Ref. ut5335Do you know what is famous in Hawaii?_Q20 夏威夷给你的主要印象是什么?What is your main impression of Hawaii?_Ref. ut5336A 类产品测试部分Testing Part for Product AA 类 1:Hawaiian Host部分产品代号
19、_Product code for Hawaiian Host访问员:现在我将出示一个巧克力产品的包装(记录包装代号_ )给被访者足够的时间观察包装,然后问以下问题Interviewer: Now I will display the packaging of a chocolate product; write down the code _Give respondents in enough time to inspect the packaging after they answer the following questionsQ21a. 请问您第一眼看过包装后感觉如何?还有吗?还有吗
20、?What is your first impression of the packaging? Probe_出示示卡 Show CardQ22a. 总的来说,您对这个包装的喜欢程度如何?请用1-5 分来表示, 1 分代表非常不喜欢,5 分代表非常喜欢。您可以选择任意的分数代表您的想法。?General speaking, how much do you like the packaging, please use 1-5 to indicate, 1 for dislike it very much and5 for like it very much. You can choose bet
21、ween 1-5 freely to express your likeness非常喜欢 Like very much .5喜欢 Like .4一般 Neither like it/Dislike .3不喜欢 Dislike . .2非常不喜欢 Dislike very much .1Q23a 您喜欢这个包装的哪些方面?还有吗?还有吗?Which aspect of packaging do you like? Probe_Q24a 您不喜欢这个包装的哪些方面?还有吗?还有吗?Which aspect of packing do you dislike? Probe_出示示卡 Show Car
22、dQ25a 对于这包装的每个部分,请用1-5分来表示您对这个包装的印象?Your impression on each part of the packing, using 1-5 to indicate从打 X 的开始循环 Rotate from X非常好比较好一般 /无所有些不好非常不好不知道ExtremelySomewhat谓好坏SomewhatExtremelyDo notgoodgoodNeitherbadbadknowgood/Bad色彩 Colour543219图案 Pattern543219设计风格 Design style543219形状 Shape543219包装方式 Pa
23、ck method543219字体 Font543219尺寸 Size543219Ref. ut5337包装材质 /质感 Material543219Ref. ut5338出示示卡 Q26a 请再看一下包装,我想问您对这种包装的产品印象。下面我将读出一些语句来描述这种包装的产品,请您用1-5分来表示同意程度, 1 分表示非常不同意, 5表示非常同意Please inspect the packaging again. I read out the following descriptions and please use 1-5 to indicate whetheryou agree or
24、not, 1 for totally disagree, 5 for totally agree.从打 X 的开始循环 Rotate from X非常同有些同意无所谓同意 /不有些不同意非常不同意意Somewhat同意SomewhatTotallyTotallyagreeNeitherdisagreeDisagreeAgreeagree/disagree这是高品质的产品54321This is a product of high quality这是我愿意购买的品牌54321This is the brand I d like to buy这是个高档的品牌54321This is a premi
25、um brand这种产品适合女性54321This product suits for female这种产品适合孩子54321This product suits for children它能使我心情舒畅54321Thisproduct makesmefeelhappy这是由一家值得信赖的公司制造54321的Thisis made by a trustworthycompany这是个适合送给朋友的产品54321This is a goods for using as gift这是个适合送给情人的产品54321Thisis a goods forgivingtolover这是个适合自己享用的产品
26、54321Thisis a goodsforselfconsumptive这是个适合与朋友分享的产品54321This is a goods for sharing withfriends访问员:下面想请您品尝一下这种巧克力被访者品尝巧克力 Interviewer: Now we would like you taste the chocolateRespondents tasting chocolate出示示卡 Show CardQ27a 总的来说,对这个产品口味的喜欢程度,请您用1-5 分来表示, 1 分表示非常不喜欢, 5 分表示非常喜欢,您可以用 1-5 之间的任何分数来表示您的意见G
27、eneral speaking, how much do you like the taste, using 1-5 to indicate, 1 for dislike it very much, 5 for like it very much. You can use 1-5 to indicate your likeness非常喜欢Like very much5喜欢 Like4一般 Neither like/dislike3不喜欢 Dislike.2Ref. ut5339非常不喜欢Dislike very much1Q28a. 您喜欢这个产品口味的哪些地方?还有吗?还有吗?Which a
28、spect of taste do you like? Probe_Q29a. 您不喜欢这个产品口味的哪些地方?还有吗?还有吗?Which aspect of taste do you dislike? Probe_Ref. ut53310出示示卡 Show CardQ30a. 请问您用1-5 分来对这个产品口味的每个方面打分?Please comment each aspect of taste using 1-5从打 X 的开始循环 Rotate from X循环非常好比较好一般 /无所有些不好非常不好不知道RotateExtremelyRelatively谓好坏SomewhatExtre
29、melyDo notgoodgoodNeitherbadbadknowgood/Bad色泽 Colour543219滑润度 Smoothness543219巧克力香度 Smell543219脆度 Crispiness543219回味 Aftertaste543219太甜有点甜适中有点苦非常苦不知道TooA bit tooJust rightA bit tooExtremelyDo notsweetsweetbitterbitterknow甜度 Sweetness543219太硬有点硬适中有点软非常软不知道Too hardA bit tooJust rightA bit tooExtremely
30、do nothardsoftsoftknow硬度 Hardness543219出示示卡 Show CardQ31a 不考虑产品的品牌和价格,就产品的包装和口味而言,你会去购买这个产品吗?Will you purchase the product for its packaging and taste, regardless brand and price?肯定会购买Definitely will .5跳至 Q33a Go to Q33a可能会购买Probably will .4跳至 Q33a Go to Q33a可能购买或不购买 Maybe/maybe not .3跳至 Q33a Go to
31、Q33 a可能不会购买Probably not .2继续 Continue肯定不会购买Definitely not .1继续 ContinueQ32a 请问您为什么这么认为?Why? Please give some reasons_Q33a. 您觉得这个产品合理价格以及可以接受的最高和最低(过低而让人怀疑产品品质)价格分别是多少?What is the reasonable price and the acceptable lowest and highest prices for this product?最容易接受的价格Most acceptable price过高的价格Too high
32、 price过低而让人怀疑品质的价格Toolowpricetotriggersuspicion in qualityRef. ut53311A 类 2:Hawaiian Host部分产品代号 _Product code for Hawaiian Host访问员:现在我将出示(另)一个巧克力产品的包装(记录包装代号_ ) 给被访者足够的时间观察包装,然后问以下问题Interviewer: Now I will display another chocolate packaging. Write down packaging code _Give respondents enough time t
33、o inspect packaging before answer following questionsQ21b. 请问您第一眼看过包装后感觉如何?还有吗?还有吗?What is your first impression of the packaging? Probe_出示示卡 Show CardQ22b. 总的来说,您对这个包装的喜欢程度如何?请用1-5 分来表示, 1 分代表非常不喜欢,5 分代表非常喜欢。您可以选择任意的分数代表您的想法。G eneral speaking, how much do you like the packaging, please use 1-5 to indicate, 1 for dislike it very much and5 for like it very much. You can choose between 1-5 freely to express your likeness非常喜欢 Like very much .5喜欢 Like .4一般 Neither like i
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