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1、english20092009password: 119119高级技能辅导词汇与阅读1 总体安排1) 全面概览,查漏找缺:词汇,语法:a; 认知性;复用性; a/an act n. 法律,法案law, bill, statute, constitution, legal code, rules, regulation, draft, treaty, convention ,2007 2006 20051. voc: 10 3.5 4 32. read: 5. writing 13 0 2) 针对漏缺,专项攻破:3) 综合练习,全面提高internet , influenceweb, net;

2、effect, impact同义互释; 主题词猜答案;2 考试概况3 词汇 辅导4 阅读辅导-alt: high, heightaltitude=al, 高gao;exalt: ex-: out e-, er-: herd, herb: althorn, altherbase:高草群落 -spir, -sper: breathespirit, conspire, conspiracy, desperate, exasperated, inspire, sars-severe acute respiratory syndrome-it: go, walk exit=go out visit=go

3、 to see initiate=go intobeing=系动词;人,生物体; be=实意动词, live,existto be, or not be;this is a question. -mut-: change mutation, mutable, mutability, mutase: 变位酶 latitude=维度wei, longitude=经度,jing, attitude, multitude, magnitude -spic, -spis, -spec-, -spect: see, lookconspicuous=obvious, evident, suspicious,

4、 suspicion, despise, speculate, respectful, inspection, prospective, retrospect=look back, suspect, introspect=look inside, spectator, spectacle, spectaculardivert-: di-, dis-, dif-: away, apart, divide, divorce, different-vers, -vert: turn, change historical reversal-turn back; al, diverse, convert

5、, conversation, versatile, adversary: against, opposite 英语词汇的奥秘, 蒋争, 中国国际广播出版社p25conference=meetingto err is human.confidential sth to sb., preside; private, personal, secret, prefer, transfer, infer, differ, defer.pre-: before prepare, predict, preview-scribe, -script: writeinscribe, inscription; d

6、escribe, description; proscribe, prescribe, prescription subscribe, manuscript be occupied with=be busy with: timebe preoccupied with =concentrate/focus/bent on/ be absorbed inused to do=be used to doing=out of question=no probemout of the question=impossibleinoculate=instillinstructor, mentor, dire

7、ctor, tutor-struct: build ob-, op-: against; ad-construct=, obstruct=build against, intestinal obstruction intestine; -is, -es -itis: ; diabetes=diabetes destroy, structure, infrastructure obsess: be obsessed/absorbed inobesity -ful, -ous: beautiful, dangerous-ive, -ate,-ent: active, permissive, con

8、siderate, intelligent, diligent-able,-ible, -uble: eatable, edible; visible, insoluble =solve-ic, -cal, -al: respectful, respectable, respective; intelligent, intelligible, intellectual;incredible, increditable, incredulous; considerable, considerate; economic, economical; historic, historical; heal

9、thy, healthful preeminent: impressive= -pressimpress: express, oppress, depressant, stimulant de-: down gene-, gen-, -gn: producegenetic, genetics, eugenics,benign, malignantbene-, beni-: good p24-251-5 dcabd 6-10 bcabd11-15 caaaa 16-20 ddabap25-27a. 1c 2d 3c 4a 5d6a 7b 8d 9a 10db. 1d 2c 3c 4d 5a 6c

10、 7c 8b 9a 10cc. 1d 2a 3b 4a 5c 6b 7c 8d 9c 10ad. 1d 2b 3a 4a 5 d 6c 7 b 8d 9a 10bprovided that.-lev: high, height level, lever, maglev=magnetically levitated train-tain, -tin, -ten: keepsustainable, detain, container, maintainable=maintenance, obtain, attain, continue=keep ontenant, tenacious -ant:

11、人:assistant, accountant, flight attendant-剂: stimulant, depressant, retardant, insect repellant repel: -pel, -pul: pushpropeller =push forward, impel=push into, repel=push back, expel=push out expel=expulsion dispel=push away, compel=push together, compulsory, compulsion, pulse, impulse-ceed, -cede,

12、 -cess: go, walk; -it, -gress:aggressive=go towardsprogress=go forward, ingress=go intoegress=go out, transgression=go acrossproceed=go forward, precede=go before, succeed=go after/behind, exceed=go out, recede=go backeconomic recession, concede=go together, inaccessible=go towards, procedure, pacif

13、y=pacific entrance/entry/access to internet/wtoar-, ac-, ag-: to/towardsprocess, unprecedent, success, successive, successful contra-, contro-: against, oppositeas soon as =hardly when=no sooner thandis-: away , apart-tract: pull, drawtractor, contract=pull together, extract=pull out, abstract=pull

14、away from, attract=pull towardsive, subtract=pull down/underinter-: between internet, international, intercity, interstate, interview,-fereinterrupt= -rupt: break, corrupt= , volcanic eruption=break outdisrupt=break away/apart-ject: throw, castinterject=reject=throw back, projectile=throw forward, i

15、nject=throw intoion, deject=depress=throw down, projector, eject=throw out ruin, spoil; hurt/wound, injuredspare the rod, spoil the child.-mini-, min-: tinyminute organism/ minimum, mini-skirt/car/busapproximately-proximityef-:, ex-, e-:fuse-, fus-: pour, flowrefuse=pour/flow back, infuse=flow/pour

16、into, confusion, effuse, profuse, interfuse, perfuse, transfuse=trans: change translate, transform, transaction, transplant, transfer -scend: comeascend, descendent -mit, -mis: senddismiss=send away/apart, missile, emit=send out, waste emission, omit, omission, permit, admit, pseudo-: falsepseudo-so

17、methingpseudopodium: 伪足-ped, -pod: footcentipede, pedal, pedestrian, peddler, tripod-nym: name synonym, antonym; acronym=nba, wto, nasa: acrobathttp:=hypertext transmission/fer protocol词组测试出题思路:1. 动词词组:动同介副异;fall over/in/up/out 动异介副同:work out, figure out, make out, take outon, off; up, down;put on,

18、take on, get on: get off; take off: go on, keep on;break off, cut off, turn on, turn off, show is onput/come/make/ across; in, out; in turn, in return, in terms of, in the long/short run; seaquake; tsunami hard-to-get-to placesthe women-would-jump-onto-the-chair-at-the-sight-the-mouse era passed.fre

19、shmen, blue-blooded, green-eyed=envious=jealous, red-eyed: on the 2nd thought, think twice; one thousand and one ways to express self there are numerous greenflies on the stems and leaves of certain plants.greenfly: fly butterfly, dragonfly, horsefly, gadflyfirefly; lightfly greenroom, greenhouse滋,

20、呲, 喵, 哞叽, 咯, 嘎 soar=嗖, baby-boom, boost, poptop, pop the ball into the basket renaissance, aristotle; fix afaffix prefix, suffixpend-:hangexpend, suspend, spend, pendant, pendulum crus-, cruc-: crucial, cruciform, cruciferous flowerscin-: burn, ash;incinerator, incineration, cinders, cinderella comm

21、unications satellite astronaut empty the box. the paper is only an introduction and a conclusion sandwiched with some extracts from other thesis.air, aero-plane, telephonevegetable=veg, cab, cabman, cabbyheli copter; auto mobilebird influenza flu, fridge= refrigerator xmas, fax=facsimile 2. 介副词词组:3.

22、 固定搭配centimeter=cm, financee actor, -ess: actress, tiger=tigress, princessla nina , hiphop: hopstitch world wide web=world wide watchyoung urban professionals= yuppiehomepage, car care, litterrubbishlog on 重要词汇复习思路abandon (desert, discard, give up, let go, relinquish) abide by (obey, observe, comply

23、 with, conform to)a. abide b. conformc. comply d. observe_ to law abolish (cancel, eliminate, get rid of) acceptable, accessible, available, adaptable accident(ally), incident(ally), event(ually), incidence=rate of occurringacquaint (with), acquire, require, inquire, enquire adapt, adjust, accommoda

24、teaccount (for, to, on account of, take into account) accumulate addiction, addition, condition, prediction adapt, adept, adopt admit, permit, allow, promise advocate advanced advantage affect, effect, afford, effort allege allocate altitude, attitude, latitude, longitudeamateur ambitious amendment

25、amusement announcement annoy annual(yearly) anticipate(expect, dream, imagine) anxious appalling, appealing apparent appoint appreciate appropriate approve approximate arbitrary arouse, arise, rise, raise array, arrange argueartificial(man-made) assault(attack) assemble assert assess asset assign(me

26、nt) associate (with, to) assume assure(ance) astonish attach to, detach from attain, obtain, contain, sustain, maintain attempt (try, manage) attend to attract, contract, abstract, subtract, distract authentic authority (authorize) automatic average, common, usual, ordinary avoid award, reward be aw

27、are of awkward, embarrassed 重要词组复习思路break (in, up) call (for, up) check (in, up) come (across, out) cut ( in, off) die (down, out) drop (in, out) fill (in, out) get (back, by) give (in, up) go (after, on) hand (in, out) hold (in, on) keep (from, up) lay (aside, down) live (by, on) look (at, after) m

28、ake (for, out) pass (away, on) pay (for, off) pull (in, out) put (away, off) result (from, in) run (for, against) see (off, into) set (out, up) show (off, up) stand (by, for) take (in, up) try (on, out) turn (in, on, up) wait (for, on) wear (down, off, out) work (at, on, out) ward off, resort to, st

29、ick to, accuse of, attend to, back up, burn (out, up, down), burst into (tears, blames)break into (crying, fire) calm down, dedicate (devote)to, depriveof, derivefrom, figure out, focus on, concentrate on, center on, count on, depend on, rely on/upon, relievefrom, remind sb. of shut (up, off) speak

30、(for, of, out) stop(keep, prevent, prohibit, ban)from 高频词汇50 state 42 take 39change 33 say 30 penalty 29 technology 26 result, statement22 global, paragraph 21 live, means 20 cent, consume, radiation 19 company, lack, medical, murder, program 18 increase, space, step 17 aid, mark, possible, rate, us

31、ed 16 choice, deal, social 15 center, graph, point 14 interview, less, mental, physical, reason, soup 13 climate, modern, provide, purpose, tech, traditional 12 ability, drought, kill, knowledge, last, matter, million, pollution, public, revenge, rise, society, spend, stock, title, volunteer 11 cult

32、ure, emission, function, importance, individual, late, level, limit, material, minute, necessary, nuclear, patient, research, travel, type 10 applicant, cell, common, crime, factor, harmful, international, least, line, main, manner, personal, pressure, prevent, researcher, scientific, serious, sheet

33、 9 complete, confidence, current, drop, effort, environment, estimate, expect, general, government, investment, lead, limited, remain, save, sell, set, traffic, video 8 capable, certain, continue, decade, effect, fuel, imply, involve, likely, living, measure, product, relate, tend, term 7 available,

34、 average, avoid, behavior, care, comprehension, cross, electronic, fall, keep, majority, motorist, murderer, natural, occur, popular, price, project, pure, record, refer, regard, retail, seal, section, single, species, suggest, trend, typical, victim 6 acquisition, adapt, allow, apply, approach, ast

35、ronaut, attack, attitude, balance, clear, complex, concept, control, corporation, damage, data, decline, emergency, endanger, extinct, jam, leave, lie, loss, nature, object, perception, progress, prove, reflect, replace, response, restrict, riot, safety, service, shift, significance, smoke, solve, s

36、urrounding, theory, thought, total, tradition, university, value, view 5 adequate, appear, atmosphere, aware, belong, bother, creature, cue, custom, dependent, diagnosis, electrical, entire, exchange, failure, feedback, former, heap, image, immediate, impact, improve, insight, issue, lot, lower, mar

37、ry, mention, national, network, objective, organize, practical, prefer, previous, raise, reduce, relation, relationship, rescue, safe, self, sense, share, sign, similar, situation, status, store, suffer, survival, threat, transmit, tribe, various, vast, wave, zone 4 account, agreement, amount, appli

38、ance, arrow, aspect, bamboo, block, broadcast, career, cast, cause, chase, choose, consider, convention, cope, detail, enormous, entertain, evidence, executive, exist, express, extreme, flight, focus, fossil, fundamental, historical, ideal, impression, intend, locate, logical, lost, maintain, major,

39、 market, mid, mystery, notion, opinion, organization, overseas, ownership, participate, predict, protect, pump, purchase, rapid, realize, receive, recipe, register, regulation, relief, remains, report, responsible, revolution, risk, rule, satellite, scheme, select, sentence, silence, simple, standar

40、d, subject, support, survey, switch, system, taste, technique, throw, topic, trade, train, training, transport, understanding, universal, unusual, vehicle, visual, voltage, whole 3 absorb, academic, access, alive, alternative, appropriate, association, band, basic, bid, broad, cable, challenge, char

41、ge, chronic, cite, clue, code, colleague, comfort, construct, contact, crack, curiosity, cycle, desirable, develop, device, divorce, eliminate, entertainment, escape, essential, exception, exhaust, expand, expend, expert, fatal, favor, feasible, female, fiction, funeral, generation, genetic, genuine

42、, goal, gossip, hydraulic, ignore, imagine, indicate, influence, initial, instruction, intelligence, introduction, item, jury, latter, layer, list, logic, mass, microwave, misery, mission, mobile, narrow, nerve, official, order, origin, ozone, pattern, permit, philosopher, pioneer, powerful, preserv

43、e, process, production, publish, punishment, quarter, range, rare, react, recite, reinforce, reluctant, remedy, remote, represent, require, requirement, retard, return, review, rhythm, running, scan, sequence, sight, significant, special, spirit, stand, steady, strengthen, substance, succeed, suppos

44、e, sweat, teaching, tolerate, transfer, transportation, treat, unique, unknown, veto, vital, weak, willing, yield 2 achieve, acquire, adjust, alliance, analysis, anticipate, appeal, associate, attract, auction, bandwidth, bang, bargain, benefit, biological, blame, boost, bound, breathe, breed, campa

45、ign, capital, carbon, casual, circle, club, communicate, compare, compensate, conclusion, conscience, conscious, consequence, consist, contrary, contribute, controversial, cost, council, course, cover, criminal, criticize, cure, cushion, debate, define, design, desire, desperate, diagnose, dioxide,

46、disposal, distribute, doctrine, dominant, dose, drift, economical, effective, enterprise, enthusiastic, establish, evident, exclusive, execute, explosion, extend, faith, familiar, fatigue, feature, figure, financial, flame, forbid, frequent, fund, harsh, hawk, hazard, hostile, hunt, implication, imp

47、ose, improper, independent, indifference, inherit, injection, inner, innocent, intention, interact, lean, legal, male, massive, microscope, migration, mix, motivate, negative, note, obstacle, obtain, offer, oppose, organ, outlet, outwards, oven, overall, owing, pace, passion, personnel, perspective,

48、 philosophy, pill, pilot, pipe, plot, policy, potential, pound, powder, precede, prevention, principal, private, procedure, prominent, prompt, property, recommendation, reference, religious, reserve, retirement, reward, role, roll, sacrifice, salute, satisfying, scarce, sculpture, season, seek, seve

49、re, shape, sharp, shock, shoot, shuttle, signal, solution, sponsorship, spouse, standardize, storage, strategic, studio, submit, subsequent, suit, summary, surge, survive, symptom, syndrome, temper, temporary, thirsty, tolerance, transform, trigger, undertake, unlikely, unprecedented, variety, volun

50、tary, waste, wealthy, web, wing, wireless, workforce, worried, worth, yearly 1 abandon, abnormal, abundant, accelerate, accustom, acquaint, advertise, advocate, affirm, afford, aggressive, alert, alone, amaze, ambitious, amuse, analyst, annoy, annual, appointment, appreciate, approve, architecture,

51、arouse, artistic, astonish, atomic, attach, automatic, awake, background, ban, banner, bare, beloved, bitter, blast, board, bough, brand, brutal, bulb, butcher, campus, canal, carve, cement, centigrade, central, channel, characteristic, charity, cheer(ful), chemical, chemist, chief, civilization, ci

52、vilize, cloudy, coil, coincide, collapse, command, commission, commit, compact, complaint, concede, conflict, confront, confuse, confusion, consciousness, consistent, constant, constitute, contend, content, context, contract, contrast, convenient, convict, convince, coordinate, cosmetic, count, crea

53、tive, credit, crew, critical, cruel, cyberspace, damp, declare, dedicate, deepen, delay, delicate, deliver, demonstrate, dense, deserve, differentiate, dim, dip, disappoint, discharge, dispute, dive, diversity, dna, drain, drug, due, dump, durable, dynamic, efficient, elementary, elevator, embarrass

54、, emotion, engage, entitle, era, eventually, evil, evolution, expertise, explore, extent, extinguish, extra, extraordinary, faculty, fail, famine, fasten, federal, feed, fill, filter, fireman, fit, flavor, formal, fraction, frequency, gain, gap, generate, grace, grant, gravity, gross, guidance, guil

55、ty, handicap, hesitate, historic, horrible, horror, humanitarian, humanity, humid, illustrate, illustration, imitation, impatient, impress, improvement, incidence, incline, infer, influential, informal, initiate, initiative, injure, inspector, insult, integration, intelligent, intense, interpret, in

56、vest, investigate, isle, jar, jewish, kilowatt, kit, knot, label, lawn, leap, learned, leisure, liable, limitation, liquid, literary, lobby, lonely, lovely, lucky, mammal, manufacture, march, margin, marine, marsh, medium, melt, memorable, mere, migrate, minority, modernization, modify, moral, motoring, mysterious, myth, navigation, neat, negotiate, neighbor(hood), nitrogen, noticeable, observe, obvious, occurrence, odd, opening, opportunity, opposite, optimistic, option, out


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