1、 子宫颈癌子宫颈癌 cervix cancer 病者年三十一已婚病者年三十一已婚 patient age 31 marriedn病者来自荷兰育有二子及丈夫住病者来自荷兰育有二子及丈夫住 在新加坡两年期间患上子宫颈癌在新加坡两年期间患上子宫颈癌n经医院诊断及治疗未见疗效经医院诊断及治疗未见疗效npatient came from netherlands with her husband and two children and had been staying in singapore for the past two years diagnosed with cervical cancer a
2、nd underwent certain treatment but ineffective医院诊断为一期鳞癌细胞医院诊断为一期鳞癌细胞hospital diagnose 1st stage of squamous cellcarcinoma 一九九二年十一月七日医院病理检验报一九九二年十一月七日医院病理检验报告她患上子宫颈癌告她患上子宫颈癌7th november 1992the pathology confirms a cervical cancer显微镜检查发现显微镜检查发现 microscopic findingn慢性炎症及湿疹慢性炎症及湿疹 上皮鳞癌上皮鳞癌 一期癌症一期癌症 nch
3、ronic inflammation involving the endocervical and ectocervical stratified squamous epitheliumnthere is presence of focal suprerimposed/cin i flat condylomanconclusion : cervical fragments focal cin i 病理报告病理报告 histopathology report n一九九三年一月十八日的病理切片一九九三年一月十八日的病理切片诊断为诊断为第一期子宫颈癌第一期子宫颈癌nthe cervical biop
4、sy showed cin i with hpv infection on 18th jan 1993 第三次第三次子宫颈切片检验子宫颈切片检验 the 3rd medical diagnostic with cervical biopsy report on 30 march 1993n年一九九三年三月三十日再作病理切片年一九九三年三月三十日再作病理切片捡查在宫颈三点区捡查在宫颈三点区 诊断为疣病毒病变诊断为疣病毒病变ncervical biopsy 3 oclock was diagnosis as koilocytosis with cin i.nconsistent with vira
5、l wart seek from acupuncture treatment 经过医院病理诊断及观察多种治疗经过医院病理诊断及观察多种治疗 一九九三年一九九三年 七月七日医院报告七月七日医院报告 治疗无效治疗无效 寻求另类医学针灸治疗寻求另类医学针灸治疗 获得疗效获得疗效 july 7 1993 the multiple method of treatment based on the pathology and various studies had no effectalternative medical treatment such as acupuncture therapy had
6、good response and success寻求针灸治疗寻求针灸治疗 针灸疗法针灸疗法 acupuncture treatmentn针灸治疗十五次为一疗程针灸治疗十五次为一疗程 取穴如下取穴如下 na course of 15 sittings were performed on acupoints qihai ren-6 气海气海 guanyuan ren-4 关元关元 zhongji ren-3 中级中级 sanyinjiao sp-6 三阴交三阴交 taichong liv-3 and zhaohai k-6 太冲及照海太冲及照海二零零四年来新加坡二零零四年来新加坡 表示健康良好表
7、示健康良好 conformed in good health when visited singapore august 2004n一九九六年移居美国一九九六年移居美国 每年皆来信报健康每年皆来信报健康n二零零四年二零零四年 与家人前来造访我与家人前来造访我 表示健表示健康正常康正常nduring 1996 migrated to united states the family sent new year greeting almost every year naugust 2004 she visited me with her grown-up children and conforme
8、d she is healthy 其他子宫病例供参考之一其他子宫病例供参考之一 other uterus complaintsn子宫颈癌病依丽莎白子宫颈癌病依丽莎白 二十八岁二十八岁 未婚未婚 澳洲人澳洲人n1992年年 患第一期子宫颈癌患第一期子宫颈癌 妇科医生多种方法妇科医生多种方法包括采用激光治疗一年无效包括采用激光治疗一年无效 nmiss elisabeth r. age 28 australia miss elisabeth r. age 28 australia suffering from cervix cancer n1st stage cervix cancer during
9、 1992 she had been a year of treatment without any effectiveness although her gynecologists given various kinds of treatment include laser therapy 全息针灸疗法全息针灸疗法 e-system acupuncture therapyn全息针灸诊断全息针灸诊断 全息第二掌骨全息第二掌骨 肾区及下腹部穴肾区及下腹部穴区区 出现阳性反应点出现阳性反应点n针灸穴位针灸穴位 全息全息e-system 胃及肾区胃及肾区 三阴交三阴交 关关元元 肾腧肾腧na dia
10、gnosis finding from e-system on 2nd metacarpal bone was positive on both her kidney and lower abdomen areasnpoints selected on e-system stomach kidney and lower abdomen sanyinjiao guanyuan and shenshu一九九九年七年后一九九九年七年后 她重游新加坡她重游新加坡 7 years later on 1999 she visiting singaporen她表示最近检查她表示最近检查 健康良好健康良好 并
11、表示明她明并表示明她明年将结婚年将结婚nshe visited my clinic and told me that her recent examination still in good condition and she will be getting married next year 针灸治愈子宫颈癌针灸治愈子宫颈癌 cervix cancer cured by acupuncturen治疗前后图片介绍治疗前后图片介绍nbefore and after treatment n before 前前 after 后后子宫卵巢囊肿之二子宫卵巢囊肿之二enlargeovarian cyst
12、少女依比拉少女依比拉 二十二岁二十二岁 来自俄罗斯来自俄罗斯 一九九八年十月十日在新加坡医院诊断发现卵巢一九九八年十月十日在新加坡医院诊断发现卵巢长有一长有一cm 囊肿囊肿 因发现增长太快医生建义立即进行卵巢切除术因发现增长太快医生建义立即进行卵巢切除术 miss elvira age 22 from russia was diagnose with 4 cm ovarian cyst by hospital singapore 10 october 1998 she was advised to have surgery because of her ovarian cyst had gro
13、wn rapidlyn 全息胚针灸全息胚针灸 治愈卵巢囊肿治愈卵巢囊肿ovarian cysts cure by e -systeacupunctureeciwo main points on kidney and liver e-system acupuncture points located on medial tibia which related to the urinary bladder kidney liver and spleen accompanied with sanyinjiao sp 6 guanyuan ren 4 zhongji ren 3performed wi
14、th deep inserted needle and moxa therapy全息胚胫骨区的全息胚胫骨区的 膀胱膀胱 肾肾 肝肝 脾反应点脾反应点 的针灸穴位的针灸穴位 配配 穴穴 三阴交三阴交 关元关元 中极中极 治疗方法治疗方法 深刺九留针深刺九留针 加温针灸加温针灸取穴重点取穴重点: 全息第二掌骨全息第二掌骨 肾及肝肾及肝经旧客户介绍前来针治疗经旧客户介绍前来针治疗referred by former patientcame for acupuncture treatment n她经我的前病人她经我的前病人 建议寻求我的针灸治疗建议寻求我的针灸治疗n我提议给她一疗程我提议给她一疗程 十
15、次的全息针灸疗法十次的全息针灸疗法 nshe was referred to me by my former patient require my acupuncture treatment ni recommended her to try a course of ten sitting with e-system acupuncture treatments 第四次治疗后卵巢囊肿消失after the fourth treatment her ovarian cyst had disappeared 一九九八年十月二十四日一九九八年十月二十四日 第四次治疗后第四次治疗后 她到医院作检查她到
16、医院作检查 卵巢囊肿已消失不见卵巢囊肿已消失不见after the fourth treatment on 24th october 1998 she went back to the hospitalfor a scan showed that her ovarian cyst had disappeared 全息针灸穴位全息针灸穴位e-system acupuncture pointn全息针灸全息针灸 肾及下腹部肾及下腹部 第二掌骨反应点第二掌骨反应点n全息胚针灸穴全息胚针灸穴 位於胫骨内侧反应点位於胫骨内侧反应点n 体穴体穴 关元关元 中极中极 三阴交等三阴交等neciwo kidney
17、 and lower abdominal point on 2nd metacarpal bonene-system acupuncture point located on medial tibianacupuncture points guanyuan ren 4 ren 3 sanyiinjiao sp 6 卵巢囊肿约卵巢囊肿约4 cm 针灸后消失针灸后消失 the ovarian cyst 4 cm had disappeared after acupuncturen治疗前治疗前before treatment 治疗后正常治疗后正常after treatment 10-10-98 4
18、cm normal 24-10-98 子宫卵巢畸瘤/多囊肿之三multiple ovarian cystsn日本少女患子宫卵巢畸瘤日本少女患子宫卵巢畸瘤 右侧右侧3.62 左侧左侧4.03 医生建议手术切除医生建议手术切除n经十四次针灸后经十四次针灸后 到日本肿瘤医院检查及听取意见到日本肿瘤医院检查及听取意见n卵巢肿瘤卵巢肿瘤 全部已经消失全部已经消失na japanese lady was confirmed by her doctor that she was suffering from multiple ovarian cysts 4.03 cm on the right and 3.
19、62 cm on the left and operation was suggestednafter 14 continuous treatments the patient returned to japan for second opinion and further diagnosisnthe ovarian cysts had complete disappeared 针灸前针灸前 before acupuncture treatment 针灸治疗后针灸治疗后 after acupuncture n20 may 2005 report from cancer institute hospital japan肝癌是指发生于肝脏的恶性肿瘤,包括原发性肝癌和转移性肝癌两种,人们日常说的肝癌指的多是原发性肝癌。原发性肝
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