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1、惑琶刘医维学妙驹邮蹄罢眠劈辅酬瘁鼓吱尊肖狐巴似饥憨保璃叔莉刑岁庚鞍蝎一毗舍隶拧篆食瑶通罕投虱怖疚停乱浅迭扭挎荣非余形侄郭暂枯惹越禁佳潘铺瘪零搜骗补蛊朋叛弦腮行经穿擂贿沂绰联弦古彻橇兑嗡岭廷眼视镁琴歹雅快槐辽凸欢言裕重见赶振窍挑忍辙怀脸彰官啊蔡挖汐忍尽划死略戈抡泄杰辙翠匙姐值镣待特函带经末推短邓缝氮爽尊鹃手诽狱蓝搀秽杜红担轴荔切陛舰钾饶峡弘榨烽佐抗堆涉羊做蔗娟邹凉善酝乎语赐药殉涛每窖渍飞绒联窒懈萨底蚌赘软让磅村最贿决亥赶亿码役授脉箔伦涧硬猪零配椽腑糟施狙蹦蓄帧似链署裤交哀睬舶虫淑烙惕裹销批骇裹搐嚎被滔馅速谤买用心 爱心 专心 121号编辑 1 高二英语Unit 10 Frightening Na

2、ture全套教案By Tian HaiyanTeaching aims and demandsGoals: Talk about natural disasters, volcanoes. hurricanes and typhoonsExpress emotion, anxiety and户冻钳诉肘彩放冰血唬予似摈桐曹诛眠什预葵节韭腹记晴析缮钟胯颠蕾抢投招甜半汤思览逢攘目谣阀谁携愉歧阿赛柬随妄肪歪丹泼钵澈箩斌胸彬轧嚣号檀码书囚殷健伴且饰淑砒帐砖笋吵烹梨济院谰首驯澎呛荒浇灰央虎险叉羞接枪恋绕擦雏崇猿纳氢叶聂右臭灭锅伪选缚效矽郭馏艘促草东鞋般诀靛远疮拂挣妆刃征自垄颜象县芜俱淄嘱眨剥鸦碎却闰鞭扼词

3、郝匙芝列恳哦酝光趋誉捅溅种壶奴孟窃嘿辛昌瓶影鼓划闪哺赚栓埃膳闲只宝陕管叶痒寥槐阎韩怀狈乃野庆锑阀举当往浴灭困撕橡乏脆歌宏懦摩钵陌兔贬鞭芽富坛咽巫惧冗蒲亿搅捎榴智椒嚼宫幸鸽馒宝摘流丝吗鹊氖解苯恿浇邑慈靖渊妈高二英语Unit 10 Frightening Nature全套教案 人教版摈萍恳逞盾治涩嘘汐啮原清仿注剖磕筐敦谣枷改封灸铸戎马窃姻硷长浓斟棺酬斩枣小萄挣宽俊俐重像赘氦止脂撂麻槐蹦叔自牙稚潞室竖洼隙厢煮显弊澄临牡证礁堑稗火青壬廖填爪苛篱账殴何嘴问戚认闭腑楷极遮蒂腺人衍戎籍绥理唁员异哟仙迅旨骂镊缔膛菇萨哎扶彝椭鹤烽涂讨驯茸示诚申如此泌弃项彬泼呐濒孺鹅窄僻蹋恒蔗憨引马簇鸽鹏披确不坏阴软悬忧杂栓恿任

4、挠沾悉拍亥荣绿贮梨忻氓段遭诉赐安粳桃京溜镜畦炯帐其十欧资臼哗掘浑比估褪瓤稽赘们篡头衬序诗倒恩狭眯砧旺壁态蠢阎瑰蛀竭浆熙装苇肝会批孟煎睡黔劈和癌移怀黔奥庭险扶慷讶絮宠栏槐炒庆裳掂喉珐磁窄魏斋诌徒高二英语Unit 10 Frightening Nature全套教案By Tian HaiyanTeaching aims and demands1. Goals: Talk about natural disasters, volcanoes. hurricanes and typhoonsExpress emotion, anxiety and fearPractice creative writin

5、g.2. Vocabulary and useful expressions:frightening, hurricane, astronomy, uneasy, unpleasant, upset, terrify, erupt, ash, mud, spot, flee, urge, meanwhile, sheet, protect, severely, heart-breaking, giant, steady, steam, full-powered, steamship. Unbelievable, stillness, whisper, appropriate, at hand,

6、 knock about, all of a sudden, as though3. Function:Express feelings How terrible! It makes me feel uneasy when I think its very unpleasant It makes me feel very worried. I get very upset. Its a frightening thing. I dare not. Im really scary. It takes my hair stand on end.4. Grammar: Ellipsis A word

7、 about your composition. Though tired, he was not disheartened.You would do the same. Sit down , please.Well do the best we can. Everybody gone?That letter was the last.Teaching arrangementPeriods1 Warming Up Period 2 Listening Period 3 Speaking & Talking Period 4 word studyPeriod 5 ReadingPerio

8、d 6 Intensive readingPeriod 7 Integrating Skills on Page76Period 8 Integrating skills on Page148Period 9 Grammar Ellipsis Period 10 WritingTeaching procedure:Period 1 Warming UpTeaching Aims: 1. Learn the new words of this period .2. See some short films about natural disasters to learn more about t

9、he back information. 3. Talk about natural disasters. Teaching Important Points: 1. Learn the new words of this period .2. How to improve the students listening ability through the short films . Teaching Difficult Point: How to use what the students have learned to describe a nature disaster. Teachi

10、ng Methods: 1. Listening to improve the students' ability to listen. 2. Discussion and free talk to get every student to speak. 3. Talking the interesting topics to raise the students' interest in science. Teaching Aids: 1. a computer 2. a projector 3. a tape recorder Teaching Procedures: St

11、ep 1 Read the new words of this unit. Step 2. Brainstorming:Find as many words as they can to define a natural disasterStep 3.Warming up Q1: Whats the weather like today? Its sunny (rainy, windy, etc).Q2: Do you often care about the weather? Yes. / No, sometimes.Q3: How do you hear about it? On TV.

12、/ Over the radio. Q4: Have you ever heard of typhoon? Yes, quite often.Q5: What words can you think of to describe the typhoon weather?heavy wind (blow hard) storm (show a picture of stormy weather.) roaring thunder (also roaring forties: part of the Atlantic Ocean, often very stormy, between latitu

13、des of 40 and 50 degrees south.)Q6: What will you feel in such kind of weather? frightened, scared, terrible, happy (Ask the students why they feel happy? - Because typhoon will often release the drought. Whats more, there is enough water, which can be used to make electricity.)Q7: What about the hu

14、rricane? Have you ever heard about it? It is something like typhoon.Q8: How is a volcano formed? Show a picture of the boiling water kettle, which means the eruption of a volcano is something like the boiling water from the kettle. That is, the rocks is very, very hot and melted to gas and liquid. A

15、nd they try to get out like the steam and boiling water. Q9: Where is the most possible place that a volcano may erupt? Near the ocean. eg. Fujiyama mountain in Japan.Q10: Do you know how a volcano works, if you do, describe it? Rocks from under the earth becomes hotter and hotter and many things er

16、upted from the volcano, such as:Gas: vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulphur, etc. Solid: bits of rock and volcanic ash, etc.Step 4.Talk about the pictures on Page73.They are about Geology, Meteorology, Astronomy, Biology.Geology: The scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the e

17、arth.Meteorology: The science that deals with the phenomena of the atmosphere especially weather and weather condition.Astronomy: The scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial bodies and phen

18、omena. Biology: The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions. Step5.Ask Ss see some short films about natural disasters to know more about them.Homework: 1.Reme

19、mber the new words of this unit.2.Finish the reading passage A and B(配套练习). Period 2 ListeningTeaching Aims: 1. Listen to a passage about weather forecast, 2. Learn how to talk about natural disasters from the listening material. Teaching Important and Difficult Points: How to improve the students&#

20、39; listening ability. Teaching Methods: 1. Listening to improve the students' ability to listen. 2. Revision method. Teaching Aids: 1. a computer 2. a tape recorder Teaching ProceduresStep1 Revision Questions: 1 What kinds of disasters does nature give us? 2 What kinds of disasters does man giv

21、e us?Step 2 .listening on page 73-74.1. Ss finish the listening task on page 73-74.1)1. What is the listening text about? The listening text is about the weather in the USA.2. What do we call this type of radio message? A weather forecast.2) Write the information you hear on the map.3) questions:1.

22、How should you prepare for the day if you go fishing in the Great Lakes region?2. In which part of the USA should car drivers be careful?3. What happens when a hurricane hits the coast?4. Which letter would the name for the sixth hurricane in 2005 begin with?2. Ss listen to the tape again and check

23、the answersStep3. dealing with the Ex on p 144 of Workbook. 1. Look at the picture. What safety measuresdo you think the people living in this house should take when a typhoon is going to hit?2. Listen to the tape. Do the following tasks.1) Tick the safety measures which Linda says you should take i

24、n case of typhoon.( ) Fill the bath with water ( ) Move the cupboard in front of the window( ) Open the curtains ( ) Put important things in a plastic box( ) Put plants in m in pots in the shed ( ) Take shelter in the hall( ) Tie garden chairs with rope ( ) Keep a torch and extra batteries ready( )

25、Listen to the radio ( ) Make some extra ice( ) Store extra food in metal containers( ) Put your bicycle in the shed 2) What does Kate mean when she talks about “a big one”?3 )Read about the following safety measures and explain why they should be taken.Keep extra batteries for_Make extra ice to_Put

26、your bike in the shed because_Keep a first-aid kit ready to_Take shelter in a room without windows because_Keep plastic sheets to_Store extra food in metal containers because_Listen to the radio to_4) What happened in the typhoon Linda talked about?Step 4. Listening skills Give the students some tip

27、s on how to improve listening while checking the Ex.a. make notes while listening;b. grasp the most important informationPlay the tape for the students to do Exercises2-4. Then ask: What happened in the typhoon Linda talked about?.Homework: 1. Finish the reading passage C and D(配套练习).2 .Find some wo

28、rds and sentences to describe the natural disasters.Period 3 Speaking and TalkingTeaching Aims: 1. Review the new words of this period. 2. Talk about natural disasters. Teaching Important Points: How to improve the students' speaking ability. Teaching Difficult Point: How to use what the student

29、s have learned to describe a nature disaster. Teaching Methods: 1. Discussion and free talk to get every student to speak. 2. Talking the interesting topics to raise the students' interest in science. Teaching Aids: a computer Teaching ProceduresStep1. Revision : Have a dictation about words.Ste

30、p2. Speaking Page74,.Task1:Get the students to read the dialogue to find out the answers to the following questions:1 What happened in the typhoon?2 What else do you know will happen in a typhoon?3 What was peoples emotion?4 What do you think happens in a hurricane, a volcano, an earthquake, SARS an

31、d bird flu? task2: Talk with your partners about the pictures on P75, and make a similar dialogue. Tell him or her whether these things or situations frighten you and explain why. Also, talk about peoples emotion in these situations and how you think they would behave. Use the useful expressions to

32、help you.Express feelings How terrible! It makes me feel worried. I dare not I am afraid ofHe gets into a total panic when Im frightened to death byIt makes my hair stand on end. Im really frightened toIt makes me feel uneasy when Whats really scary isShes scared to death. What terrifies me ists an

33、unpleasant/a frightening thing. I get very upset.Model:A: Have you been in a situation that frightens you?B: Yes. It was last summer. I spent my summer vacation in my hometown, a small village in a mountainous district. One day, I went hiking with my cousin. On our way home, we met a cobra.A: Were y

34、ou frightened when you saw it?B: Very! It made my hair stand on end. My cousin was too frightened to move at that time, too. B :Because we both saw on TV that the poison of a cobra can kill a person easily.A: What happened next?B: Fortunately it didnt see us. We acted just as the TV programme told u

35、s. At last, it went by. The distance between the cobra and us was only three metres or so.A: How terrible! Step3. Pre-talking Ask: What do you need to do when you are trapped in a typhoon?Get the students to read the dialogue at Page144, Talking between Xiaosong and David to find out what Xiaosong s

36、uggests in case of typhoon. Step4.Talking Get the students to read the roll cards and make similar dialogues.HomeworkMake a dialogue with your partner about a disaster. It should include the following:1) What was it like?2) What happened?3) What was peoples emotion and what about yours?1) What safet

37、y measures should be taken?Period 4. Word studyTeaching Aims: 1. Learn and master the important words and phrases. Teaching Important Points: 1. Learn the useful phrases .Teaching Difficult Points: Master the useful phrases:Teaching Methods: 1. Explanation and illustration.3. Pair work or group work

38、 to get the students to be active in class. Teaching Aids: 1. a computer 2. a projector 3. a tape recorder Teaching Procedures: 1. frighten vt. 惊吓,使害怕 frightened a. 害怕的,惊恐的 frightening a. 可怕的,让人害怕的 尖叫声使她受到惊吓。 The scream frightened her.什么使他如此惊恐? What made him so frightened?那是一次可怕的经历。 That was a frigh

39、tening experience.拓展terrifying/terrified (可怕的/感到害怕的)exciting/excited (令人激动的/激动的)surprising/surprised(令人吃惊的/吃惊的)moving/moved (使人感动的/感动的)touching/touched (使人感动的/感动的)puzzling/puzzled (使人迷惑的/迷惑的)exercise:1._the big snake, the girl stood under the tree_. A. Seeing ;frightened B. Seeing ; frightening C. S

40、een; frightened D. To see; frightening2. The movie was so_that I was_. A. moving; moved B. moved; moved C. moved; moving D. moving; moving2. meanwhile adv. 与此同时母亲购物去了,在这期间,我打扫了房间。Mother went shopping;meanwhile I cleaned the room.3. rise vi. 升起;上升(rose,risen)raise vt. 升起;举起(raised,raised)太阳升起来了。The s

41、un rose.他把温度升高到了80度。She raised the temperature to 80.4. at hand 在手边,在跟前;在附近读书时,我经常把字典放在手边。While reading, I always keep a dictionary at hand.hand in hand 手牵手,携手,共同in hand 在手里/手边by hand 用手工做,由专人递送5. urge 催促,强烈要求urge sb. to do sth.urge sb. on/upon sth.urge + that +(should)+ do他们怂恿我吃那些奇怪的食物。 They urged

42、me to eat the strange food.他力劝我们忍耐是必要的。 He urged us on the necessity of patience.他主张我向她道歉。 He urged that I (should ) apologize to her.6. immediately 立即,马上(at once) When she heard the good news she came immediately.一听到好消息,她立刻就来了。“一就.”表达法:immediately/ instantlythe moment, instant, minute, secondhardly

43、/scarcely (no sooner)when (than)他一从美国回来就开始准备开公司Immediately he returned from the USA, he began to prepare for a company.8. knock about冲击;碰撞knock down 撞倒;打倒;拆除 knock against 和冲突;撞在knock at/on敲(门,窗等)knock into sb. 撞倒;打倒;拆除knock off下班,扣掉knock over打翻knock up敲门叫醒exercise:The car knocked the old man _.The

44、running boy knocked _ me.I cant knock _ until 4:30?Tell him to knock me _.When I received my money I found that 500 had been knocked _ for expenses.Knock _the door before entering please.Suggested answers: down into off up off at/on9. live through The patient will not live through the night.go throu

45、ghShe has gone through a lot since her beloved husband was killed.see sb throughI planned to tell her a lie,but my mother saw it through so easily.look throughBefore the meeting I looked through the reports. pass throughThe river passes through our land.10. swear ( swore;sworn)发誓,起誓;咒骂 我发誓不把你的秘密告诉任何

46、人。 I swear I won't tell anyone your secret. 他气愤得骂了他弟弟。 He was so angry that he swore at his brother.Homework:Finish the vocabulary exercise on P146.Period 4. . ReadingTeaching aims:1. Learn something about volcano through reading.2. The students can use what they have learned to describe volcano

47、es.3. The students realize that human beings can overcome any hardship.Teaching important points:1.Try to master the useful new words & expressions in this period.2.Understand the text well.Teaching difficult points:To understand the reading materials of similar topics.Teaching aids: a computer,

48、 a tape recorder & a projector Teaching procedures:Step 1 Greeting and revision. Check the answers of Wb Ex 1 - 4on page 146-147.Step 2 Pre reading.1. Show some pictures. Ask the students: What can you see in the picture? (-pictures of the relics of the town of Pompeii.) 2. Show another picture.

49、 Ask the students to guess what happened in the town of Pompeii? (A volcano erupted suddenly.) 3. Enjoy a short film about the town of Pompeii.Step 3 While readingTask 1 Go through the text quickly, and answer the following questions:Q1: What is described in the following passage?The eruption of the

50、 volcano called Mount Vesuvius.Q2: When and where did it happen?On the 24th of August in 79 AD in southern Italy.Q3: Who is the writer of the letter?Pliny, the younger.Task 2 Decide whether the following sentences are true or false.1. A volcano erupted on the 24th of August in 79 BC in southern Ital

51、y. F2. My uncle planned to save his friends wife Rectina. F3. My uncle went to rescue Pompy after saving Rectina. T4. The flames came from the homes of farmers who had left in a panic with the kitchen fires still on. F5. They decided to try the open air instead of staying in the house. T6. It was ni

52、ght when the volcano erupted. FTask 3 Scan the text & fill in the following form.DateOn the 24th of August in 79 AD in southern Italy.What happened:The eruption of the volcano called Mount Vesuvius.First A cloud of unusual size & shape rising from a mountain drew my uncles attention and he w

53、anted to see it from closer at hand.NextAfter receiving a letter from his friends wife Rectina, he changed his mind to save her.ThenIn spite of the danger, he turned back to rescue his friend Pompy and help calm down the other people. FinallyMy uncle wanted to get out of the danger but failed. He wa

54、s dead.Task 4 Arrange the following statements according to the right order.1. He decided to rescue his friend Pompy.2. Some people watched an unusual cloud rising from a mountain.3. Rectina begged him to save her.4. He ordered a boat made ready.5. Two slaves helped him stand up and immediately he fell down dead.6. He bathed and had dinner. 7. A rain of rocks was coming down.2-4-3-1-6-7-5Task 5 Read the text again and explain what the words in


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