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1、高一英语统练第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项.第一节:(共5小题,每小题1分.满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一题,每段对话仅读一遍。1 how does the man feel now?a. thirstyb. hungryc. tired2. what does the woman mean?a. she likes going fishingc. it's a waste of time to go shopping.3. where

2、is mike now?b. she caift go fishing with the man.c. upstairs.c. neighbors.c. do her homework.a. in front of the house.b. in the garden.4. what's the possible relationship between the two speakers?a. brother and siste匚b. mother and son.5. what is the woman going to do?a. go to bedb. go to her roo

3、m.第二节:(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独自。每段对话或独自后有几个 小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出量佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独 自前.你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段 对话或独自读两遍。听第6段对话,回答笫6至7题。6. what happened to adam?a he became seriously ill.b he fell off the horse and broke his leg.c. he fell off the horse and hurt his back.7.

4、what can we know from the conversation?a. adam likes reading booksb. adam doesn't like body-contact sports.c. adam likes playing football best.听第7段对话,回答第8至10题。& how much should the woman pay for one night without a membership card?a. 80 dollars.b. 100 dollars.c. 120 dollars.9. how can a pers

5、on get a membership card there?a. by having meals there for three timesb. by paying 80 dollars or staying there for five nights.c. by staying there for three nights.10. where is the dinning hall?a. on the first floor.b. on the second floor.c. on the third floor.听第8段对话,回答第11至13题。11 what's wrong w

6、ith ted?a. he doesnt like talking. b. he can9t stop moving. c he doesn't feel comfortable.12. what do we know about tects parents?a. they don,t like ted.b they no longer worry about ted.c. they don't know what's wrong with ted13. what does the man think of ted's younger sister?c. lov

7、ely.c. to go sightseeingc the marts classmate.c. she speaks three languages.a. noisy.b. clever.听第9段对话,回答第14至17题。14. why is the man going to china?a. to learn chinese.b. to visit his friends.15. who is li hui?a. the man's chinese friend. b. a tourist guide.16. what do we know about li hui9s mothe

8、r?a. she likes travelingb. she can speak english.17. what has the woman decided to do?a. to go to work in china next yea匚b to go to china with the man tomorrow.c. to go camping with lily and her brother.听第10段对话,回答第18至20题。18. how many years has the speaker been studying in park school?a. about 2 year

9、s.b. about 4 years.c about 6 years.19. when is the lunch break?a. from noon to 1:15 pm. b. from 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm. c. from 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm.20. which of the following subjects is not a must(关键)for students?a. scienceb. english.c. geography第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,50分)从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入 空白处的最佳选项,并

10、在答题卡上将该项涂黑。第一节:语法和词汇知识21. so far 90% of the rich man's moneyin helping the poor in the faraway villages.a. has been spent b. was spent c. has spent d. spent22. my father usually keeps a small notebook in his pocket, in whichthe names and addresses ofhis friends.a. writesb. is written c. has writ

11、ten d. are written23. the new soldiers9 daily training includes swimming a river in 5 minutes and runninga forest in 10 minutes.a. across; through b. through; across c through; through d across; across24.1 think you are suited to the positionyour ability and experience.a. in need of b in terms of c.

12、 instead of d in place of25. the value of one9s life should beby how much good he does for society, not how long helives in the worlda. affectedb. measuredc. observedd. produced26. the roads are too crowded now i think people should use publicmore than their owncars.exactly.a. transport b. tourism c

13、. treatment d. traffic27. the old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dogthem.a. to followb. following c. followedd. follows28. 一- have you ever hiked alone in the mountains? yes, i hiked when i was 18. it was quite an unforgettable.a. experimentb. experiencec. impressio

14、nd. example29. it suddenlyto the old man that the boy next door had probably taken away his pet dog.a. happenedb. occurredc believedd. turned30. when i got home last night, i heard the clocktwelvea. beatingb. hittingc knockingd. striking31. -一 i told you not to mention that in front of her.一-sorry,

15、i think i must apologize to her.a. i won't b. i beg your pardon c. i didn't get that d. fm afraid not32. in the dark forest, some large enough to hold several english towns.a. stand many lakes b lie many lakesc. many lakes lied many lakes stand33. what is happening over there?the police are

16、trying to find theof the accident.a. settingb. cause c. excused. space34mary, did you get newly published book of the writer?一 yes.、my friend bought one for me yesterday.a. thankfullyb. unfortunatelyc. sadlyd. hopefully35., the wind died down and people began to appear on the stree匸a. a little bitb.

17、 a bit less c. not a little d. little by little36.1 would like a job which pays more, buti enjoy the work fm doing at the moment.a. in other words b for one thing c. on the other hand d. for the other hand37. -一 how did your students express their thanks to you on teachers day?一 a gift together with

18、 many flowerssent to me.a. isb. arec. wasd were3&in a deep valley, the village is completely unknown to the outside world.a. situatedb situatingc. having been situated d. having situated39. the old couple moved to america with their children in 1998 and have lived therea. as wellb for everc befo

19、re longd. ever since40. he has been workingthe homework, but some problems are really difficult to worka. on; atb. out; onc. on; outd at; on41. he is a danger; there is no reason to shoot him,a. butb. whilec. thoughd. although42. jerry is the favorite student of all our teachers because he is always

20、the class.a. at the end of b at the start of c at the bottom of d. at the top of43. shefrench while she was away on a business trip in paris.a.picked out b. picked up c.set up d figured out44. shall we go shopping or just stay at home doing our homework? either is ok with me.a. all right b. that'

21、;s your decision c. glad to hear that d.it's up to you45. is no possibilitybob can win the first prize in the match.a.there; that b. it; that c. there; whether d. it; whether46. the disease,with smoking, is not easy to curea. connecting b. is connected c. connected d connects47. every effort mus

22、t beto help the people who have survived the mining disaster.a. takenb. hadc maded. produced4& the big fire was finally put out,$15,000 worth of damage to the department store.a. to causeb. having causedc. causingd caused49. by the time he got home, most of the work.a. has finishedb has been fin

23、ished c would finish d. had been finished50. the housefire and was destroyed一 whofire to the house?a. set; caughtb. caught; setc took; played with d. was; caught第二节:完形填空during a recent holiday i visited dusseldorf, a city in the former west germany. the nine-day trip left a deep impression 51 me, i

24、arrived at dussedorf airport at 7 pm. it was already 52 outside. the first thing 1 needed to do was to find a place to 53 i decided to telephone the youth hotel. but to use the phone i needed some 54 i asked a lady for help to my 55 she gave me three coins to use. but all the phones in the 56 needed

25、 phone cards. and phone cards could only be bought at post offices during the 57 i was 58 i would not be able to ccill the hotel. an old gentleman helped me he couldnt speak english 59 understand that i needed to 60 a phone call he showed me where the phone was and inserted(插入)61 phone card. i calle

26、d the youth hotel and found a place to stay that night.the 62 of the german people made me feel that i was not 63 my first day in germany wasnt as 64 as i expected. whenever i went, i asked people for 65. it surprised me that 66 everyyoung german could speak english fluently. older germans couldn

27、9;t speak english very well, but they would try to help me 67 they could one middle-aged man i asked for directions even 68 me tothe place i was looking foemy 69 in germany totally changed my impression of germans now 1 think the people couldn't be more 70.51. a onb forc. tod. about52. a. lateb.

28、 darkc. lightd. early53. a visitb eatc stayd keep54. a. cardsb. informationc. moneyd coins55. a. joyb. disappointmentc. emotiond. surprise56.a. hotelb airportc. cityd. pavement57. a. nightb daytimec. tripd. rush-hour58. a. afraidb surec. gladd eager59 a. orb. butc. anddso60. a. makeb havec. dod. ans

29、wer61. a anotherb. ac. myd. his62- a. useb successc. cared. kindness63. a reallyb nearly out ofc. far fromd close to64. a. interestingb goodc. badd busy65. a directionb distancec. traveld. serve66. a almostb evenc. onlyd. already67. a. wheneverb whateverc. whereverd however68. a droveb reachedc. mov

30、edd came69. a. experieneeb victoryc. visitd memory70. a. friendlyb unfriendlyc. cold-heartedd. valuable第三部分:阅读理解(共2()小题;每小题2分,共4()分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。anot many years ago, a wealthy and rather strange old man named johnson lived alone in a village in the south of england h

31、e had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries when he was seventy-five, he gave £ 12, 000 to the village school to buy land and equipment for a children's playground.as a result of his kindness, many people came to visit him. among them was a newspaperman. during their talk, j

32、ohnson remarked that he was seventy-five and expected to live to be a hundred. the newspaperman asked him how he managed to be healthy at seventyfive. johnson had a sense of humo匚he liked whisky and drank some each day/' i have an injection (注身寸)in my neck each evening.v he told the newspaperman

33、, thinking of his evening glass of whisky.the newspaperman did not understa nd what johns on meant. in his newspaper he reported that joh nson was seventy-five and had a daily injection in his neck. within a week johnson received thousands of letters from all over britain, asking him for the secret

34、of his daily injection.71. johnson became a rich man througha. doing business b. making whisky. c. cheating. d. buying and selling land72. the gift of money to the school suggests that johnsona. had no children.b. was a strange man.c was very fond of children.d. wanted people to know how rich he was

35、.73. many people wrote to johnson to find out a. what kind of whisky he hadb. how to live longe匚c how to become wealthy.d in which part of the neck to have an injection.74. the newspaperman.a. should have reported what johnson had told him.b. shouldn ' t have asked johnson what injection he hadc

36、 was eager to live a long life.d should have found out what johnson really meant.75. whe n johns on said he had an injection in his n eck each eve nin g,he really mea nt thata. he liked drinking a glass of whisky in the eveningb. he needed an injection in the neckc. a daily injection in the evening

37、would make him sleep well.d there was something wrong with his neckba student is learning to speak british english. he wonders: can i communicate with americans? can they understand me? learners of english often ask: what are the differences between british english and american english? how importan

38、t are these differences?certainly, there are some differences between british and american english. there are a few differences in grammar. for example, speakers of british english say “in hospital and “have you got a pen?,; while americans say "in the hospital” and “do you have a pen?',pro

39、nunciation is sometimes different. americans usually sound r in words like "bird "and "hurt: speakers of british english do not sound r in these words there are differences between british english and american english in spelling and vocabulaiy. for example, “colour" and "ho

40、nour" are british, “color" and uhonof' are american.these differences in grammar, pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary are not important, however. for the most part, british english and american english are the same language76. according to this passage, a student who is learning to

41、speak british english might be afraid thata. british people cannot understand him b. american people cannot understand himc. the grammar is too hard for himd. the spelling is too hard for him77. american english and british english are different ina. spellingb. pronunciationc grammard. all of the ab

42、ove78. what is not mentioned(提及)in the passage?a. whether there are differences between british english and american englishb. whether british english and american english are one language or iwo.c. how the differences between british english and american english came about.d. how important the diff

43、erences are.79. mostsay “do you have a watch?55a. british peopleb. americansc childrend. teachers80. according to this passage, british people and americans havedifficulty in understandingeach othe匚a. littleb. muchc. somed greatcearthquakes are something that people fear there are some places that h

44、ave few or no earthquakes. most places in the world, however, have them regularly. countries that have a lot of earthquakes are usually quite mountainous.the most talked about earthquake in the un ited states was in san fran cisco in 1906 over 700 people died in it. the strongest one in north americ

45、a was in 1964. it happened in alaska.strong earthquakes are not always the ones that kill the most people in 1755, one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded was felt in portugal. around 2,000 people diedin 1923, a very strong earthquake hit tokyo, the yokohama area of japan. a hundred and forty

46、 thousand people died most of them died in fires which followed the earthquakeone of the worst earthquakes ever was in china in 1976 it killed a large number of people the worst earthquake ever recorded was also in china, in which 400,000 people were killed or injured this earthquake happened in 155

47、6.earthquakes worry people a lot. the reason is that we often do not know when they are coming. people can not prepare for it81 earthquakes happen.a. in all the places in the worldb. only in the countries that have a lot of mountainsc. regularly in most places in the worldd. only in a few places alo

48、ng the mountains82. how many people died in the earthquake which happened in portugal in 1755?a. 500b. 140,000c. 400,000d. 2,00083 when and where was the worst earthquake ever recorded?a. 1964; alaskab. 1556; chinac. 1923; japand. 1976; china84. according to the passage, which of the following is no

49、t true?a. the stronger the earthquake is, the more people are killedb> earthquakes can cause fires.c. people still don" know how to tell when an earthquake will comed. earthquakes often come unexpectedly (出乎意料地).85. what may be talked about in the paragraph followed?a. how do earthquakes wor

50、ry people?b> what will people do to prepare for earthquakes?c. how can we save people when earthquakes happen?d. how do earthquakes happen?dthe clock struck eleven at night. the whole house was quiet. everyone was in bed except me. under the strong light, i looked sadly before me at a huge pile o

51、f that troublesome stuff (东西) they call “books” .i was going to have my examination the next day. "when can 1 go to bed? " i asked myself. i didrtt answer. in fact i dared not.the clock struck twelve. "oh, dear! i cried. "ten more books to read before i can go to bed! ” we pupils

52、 are the most wretched creatures in the world. dad does not agree with me on this. he did not have to work so hard when he was a boy.the clock struck one i was quite desperate (绝望的)now. i forgot all i had learned i was too tired to go on. i did the only thing i could i prayed, “oh, god, please help me pass the exam tomorrow i do promise to work hard afterwards amen. ” my eyes were so heavy that i could hardly open them a few minutes later, with my head on the desk, i fell asleep.86. when the author was going over his lessons, all the others in the house


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