



1、共 4 页第 1 页学校:班级:姓名:考号:装.订线译林版小学六年级下册英语期中测试卷得分听力部分(30 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项,听一遍。(10 分)( )1. a. healthy b. health c. help ( )2. a. letter b. little c. litter ( )3. a. meet b. mean c. meat ( )4. a. soft b. safely c. safety ( )5. a. pavement b. passage c. parrot ( )6. a. flower b. follow c. flew ( )7. a. r

2、ed man b. yellow man c. green man ( )8. a. mouth b. month c. mouse ( )9. a. story b. strong c. street ( )10.a. just now b. from then on c. just then 二、听录音,根据听到的内容选择正确的回答,听两遍。( 5分)( )1. a. at home. b. a big cake and some drinks. c. i went to the park. ( )2. a. oh, i see. b. i don t know.c. no, i can

3、t.( )3. a. some porridge. b. some steamed buns. c. bread and eggs. ( )4. a. a lot of sweets. b. i lot of meat and cola. c. a lot of vegetables. ( )5. a. we must run on the road. b.we must look for a zebra crossing. c.we mustn t look at the traffic lights.三、听录音,根据听到的对话及问题选择正确的回答,听两遍。(5 分)( )1. a.yes,

4、 they can. b. no, they ca n t. c. sorry, i don t know.( )2. a.yes, she does. b. no, she doesn t.c. a lot of fruit. ( )3. a.it s jim s bedroom.b. yes, it is. c. no, it isn t.( )4. a.liu tao. b.yang ling. c. wang bing. ( )5. a.he wants to watch tv . b.at school. c. at home. 四、听录音,完成短文,一空一词,听三遍。(10 分)l

5、iu tao is a good boy. he always gets up _and never_to school late. he does_ at school. he_ to his teachers in class. he is _ in the library now. but he has a bad _. he does his _ late. he usually _ his homework at half past nine at_. he often feels _ in the morning. 笔试部分 (70 分) 一、辨音,相同的写“s” ,不相同的写“d

6、” 。 (6 分)1. listen bite ( ) 2. fast large ( ) 3. throw flower ( ) 4. touch mouse ( ) 5. cooked collected ( ) 6.their thank ( ) 共 4 页第 2 页二、单项选择。(10 分) ( ) 1. let me you our house. a. show.to b. show.round c. show.around ( ) 2.we should eat sweet food at a time. a. a lot of b. a little c. a few ( ) 3

7、. the women in the chair are chatting . a. happy, happy b. happily, happily c. happy, happily ( ) 4. you can t eat meat. you should eat vegetables. a. too many, some b. too much, some c. too much, a little ( ) 5. sam is a boy. he plays table tennis very . a. good, well b. good, good c. well, well (

8、)6. would you like to go walking with us? _, but i must help mum with housework first. a. of course not b. yes, i do. c. i d love to ( ) 7. any juice in the bottle. a. is there b. there is not c. there are not ( ) 8. you watch tv. you go to bed now. it s too late.a. can; must b. can t; must c. mustn

9、 t; can ( ) 9. in london, people drive on the _ side of the road. oh, we drive on the _ side in wuxi. a. left, right b. right, left c. right, right ( )10. tim, how do you get _ your aunt s house? i get _ there by car. a.to; to b. to; 不填c. 不填 ; to 三、词汇检测(10 分) a) 根据提示,写出相应的中英文。1._ (老鼠 )under the bed

10、are so big. 2._( 为了保持健康), you should do more exercise. 3.don t _ _(喝许多冷水 ) . 4. my mother gets up early and she _ ( 叫醒我 ) every morning. 5. the question is a little difficult, you can t finish it _( 容易地 ). b) 用所给词的适当形式填空。6.can i have some_ (mango) juice ? sure, here you are. 7. last night i _ (not f

11、inish) my homework late. 8. there are many black clouds in the sky now. it _(rain) soon. 9. (run) _ makes people healthy. 10. we should keep road (safe)in mind all the time . 四、按要求完成句子。 (10 分)1. my mother got up at six yesterday morning .( 对划线部分提问) 共 4 页第 3 页_ _ _ mother get up yesterday morning? 2.

12、 my friend is dancing beautifully in the music room. (用 often 改写 ) my friend often _ _ in the music room. 3. i got some presents from my parents. (改成一般疑问句) _ you _ presents from your parents? 4. my brother is good at table tennis.( 改为同义句 ) my brother in table tennis . 五、根据汉语完成句子。( 11 分)1、首先,你必须要寻找斑马

13、线。first, you must look for a _ _. 2、比利大声地为他们欢呼。billy _ _ them _ . 3、山姆路过商店的时候,商店已经关门了。when sam _ _ the shop, it was closed. 4、你可以和其他人一起过马路,司机可以很容易看到你。you can _ the _ with _ people, the driver can see you _. 六、选错并改错。(8 分)( )1.dad says i must watch tv after i finish my homework. _ a b c ( )2.what abou

14、t go fishing with me? _ a b c ( )3.there is two cups of milk on the table. _ a b c ( )4.peter, doesn t do your homework quickly. _ a b c 七、 阅读理解。(10 分)(a)判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写t,错误的写f。 ( 5 分)tom wants to go to the shopping centre, but he doesn t know the way. he sees an old woman in the street. you, tell m

15、e the way to the shopping centre! the old woman doesn t answer.tom gets very angry and shouts, old woman, tell me the way to the shopping centre! can you hear me? the old woman looks at him and says, walk along this road and turn left at the third crossing and turn left. and you will find the shoppi

16、ng centre.tom does what the old woman says. he walks for an hour. he meets the old woman again. tom is very angry and shouts, why do you tell me the wrong way? the old woman says, because you ask in the wrong way.共 4 页第 4 页( ) 1. tom would like to buy things in the shopping centre. ( ) 2. tom is fri

17、endly to the old woman. ( ) 3. the old woman doesn t tell tom the right way to the shopping centre.( ) 4. it takes tom an hour to find the shopping centre. ( ) 5. because you ask in the wrong way here way means 路.(b)根据短文,选择正确的选项。(5 分)everybody wants to be healthy. you know food is very important. th

18、ere are many healthy foods. you can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are good for you. but don t eat too much chocolate. it s not good for you. but don t eat too much chocolate. it s not good healthy food. healthy food can make you grow and make

19、you strong and happy. remember there is a saying, “ an apple a day keeps the doctor away. ” sports can also keep you healthy. get up early and do some sports every day. don t be lazy! you will be healthy and happy. ( ) 1. which is right? a. everybody is healthy. b. we want to be healthy. c. we are important. d. food is not important. ( ) 2. what are healthy foods? a. fru


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