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1、五信給仁保小學的回信名產篇五年信班號姓名 仁保小學的朋友們你們好,讓我來告訴你們我們新竹的名產是什麼 hi ! my friends. let me tell you our famous food in hsinchu.我們新竹的名產有很多例如:貢丸米粉芋頭餅水蒸蛋糕地瓜餅等等。 we have many famous foods: for example, meat balls, rice noodles, taro cakes, water-steamed cakes, yam cakes, etc.我們這組最多人喜歡吃的是貢丸,因為貢丸裡面可以放許多配斜,而且還很有嚼 勁感覺特別棒喔!

2、 our group likes meat balls most because we can put a lot of ingredients in them and the taste is great! 我們的米粉好吃到吃起來可是會讓你們無話可說喔! our rice noodles are also very delicious!而且我們的米粉有銷售到你們日本那裡去耶! you can buy our rice noodles in your country.貢丸的作法: how to make meat balls:首先將瘦肉切開,將1/2大匙的鹽,平均灑在豬肉上, cut the

3、red meat first, and then spill 1/2 spoon of salt on the pork.然後用槌肉器,把豬肉槌爛。 use the meat-beating device to beat the pork. 全部槌完之後,把肉泥放到一旁備用。 after finishing the beating, you can put the meat mud aside for later use 接著把肥肉切成小塊?再把它剁成肉泥,與剛剛的瘦肉放在一起。 cut the fat meat into small pieces, chop it into the meat

4、 mud , and fin ally put it with the red meat把薑切片以後,用刀背拍碎,放到小碗裡, cut the ginger into slices use the back of a knife to shred the gin ger. put it in the small bowl. 倒兩大匙的米酒,浸泡薑片,稍微拌一下,就變成薑酒了, pour two spoons of rice wine to soak the ginger. it will become the ginger wine.取一大匙薑酒,放到肉泥的碗裡, pour one spoon

5、 of ginger wine to the bowl of the meat mud再加1/2小匙的胡椒粉、1小匙的鹽, add 1/2 spoon of pepper powder and one spoon of salt.把蛋白加進去,不要蛋黃, add egg without yolk , please. 再加1大匙的太白粉,然後用手把這些材料揉成泥狀。 add 1 spoon of white powder. use hands to make meat mud揉完以後9把肉泥用力甩到碗裡, then throw the meat mud into bowls 這樣來回的甩,可以使

6、肉泥產生黏力,這樣與用木棒扌追擊的效果是一樣的。 by doing this for several times, you can make the meat mud more sticky利用拇指與食指所形成的圓圈,巧妙的將肉泥擠成球形, use your thumb and forefinger to shape the meat mud into the round balls.用湯匙挖起來,放到已經煮開的熱水裡, use the spoon to fetch the meat balls and then put them into the boiled water.煮到貢丸浮起來,變

7、成白色狀,貢丸就煮熟了。 the meat balls will be finished when they become white and float to the top水蒸蛋糕的作法: how to make water-steamed cakes:麵粉、發粉仔細拌勻, mix flour and baking powder thoroughly.過篩2次(這樣做出來的蛋糕才會質地細緻) filter the powder twice.蛋和糖用打蛋器打到發起在蛋汁中加入酒、粉和部分葡萄乾,全部混合均勻。 use the device to make the egg and sugar

8、swollen. add wine, powder, some raisins to the egg liquid and then mix all together.模型(8吋直徑,10公分高)中舖玻璃紙(抹油), put the oiled paper inside the model that is 8 inch in diameter and 10 cm high. 麵糊倒入後移置蒸籠,入蒸鍋(已大滾)用大火蒸2025分鐘即可。 put the dough in the steamer to steam it for 20-25 minutes蒸到15分鐘時,打開籠蓋撒下剩餘的葡萄乾,

9、再加蓋續蒸至熟透 15 minutes later, spill the rest raisins to the top of the cake and continue to steam it.米粉的作法: how to make rice noodles:傳統的米粉製造過程非常繁複, the process of making the traditional rice noodles is very complicated製造米粉的主要原料是米, rice is the main ingredient of rice noodles.米泡溫水一個晩上後磨成漿,瀝乾,就費掉兩天, it ta

10、kes two days to prepare the rice which needs to be soaked in the warmwater for the whole night, then ground into liquid, and finally dried第三天開始搓揉,放進蒸籠蒸到半熟, on the third day, put the rice in the steamer to steam it until it becomes half done.搗碎後再搓揉,放進米粉筒裡,一條條的米粉就出來了。 finally put all the rice into the

11、 rice pipe. rice noodles will come out automatically.柿餅的作法: how to make dried persimmon:柿餅的製作過程簡單的說,就是將新鮮的柿子脫澀後削皮,然後不斷的重複烘乾、捏壓的過程,直到將柿子的水分幾乎抽乾為止, to put it simply, the process of making the dried persimmon is the continuing process of drying the persimmon.整個過程大約需6天時間。 it takes 6 days to finish the w

12、hole process.竹塹餅的作法: how to make the chu-chien cake: 將內餡材料的冬瓜糖、肥豬肉切丁, cut the wax-gourd sugar and fat meat into small pieces.奶油置於室溫軟化, let the butter melt at the room temperature.糖粉過篩,白芝麻炒熟備用。 filter the powder and fry the white sesame.將內餡材料的熟麵粉築粉牆,中間放入奶粉、麥芽糖,用手抓拉成粉絲。 put butter and malt sugar into

13、the dough and then blend it.將其他內餡材料一起拌勻成糰,分割為每份80公克備用。 mix all the rest ingredients together and then divide it into 80 grams per piece. 將餅皮材料中的低筋麵粉、糖粉過篩備用。 filter the flour and sugar powder.在麵糰中加入其他餅皮材料拌勻揉成表面光滑麵糰,蓋上塑膠袋靜置約30分鐘, put the above powder into the dough, mix it, and cover it with the plast

14、ic bag for 30 minutes.再分成每個20公克備用。 divide it into 20 grams per piece.取一份餅皮包入一份內餡,滾圓後壓扁5表面刷上蛋黃水、沾上白芝麻,入烤箱以200°c烤約20分鐘即可。 put the ingredients into the 20 grams piece, press it, brush the outer part with the yolk, stain it with the white sesame, and fin ally put it in the 200 degrees centigrade ov

15、en for 20 minutes芋頭餅的作法: how to make the taro cake:芋頭去皮洗淨,切片蒸熟後搗成泥, peel the taro, cut it, steam it, and finally smash it. 趁熱加入糖、油、麵粉拌勻。 add sugar, oil, powder and mix it.芋糰分成三十份,鹹蛋黃亦切成三十份。 divide the dough into 30 pieces and salty yolk, also 30 pieces白芝麻與麵包屑混勻。 mix the white sesame and the crumbs芋糰

16、包上蛋黃,搓圓沾上蛋液後裹3料。 put the yolk into the taro dough, wrap it with the yolk liquid.用中火炸至芋丸呈金黃色即可。 fry the taro balls into golden ones.地瓜餅的作法: how to make the yam cakes:煮熟搗爛好的地瓜泥加入細砂糖拌均。 add the fine sugar into the yam mud 地瓜粉分次加入攪拌5至看不到地瓜粉粒為止。 put the sweet potato powder slowly into the mud until the powder cannot be see n.將地瓜糰捍成05公分厚度,以圓形模壓出圓片。 make the dough into 0.5 cm


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