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1、牛津上海版六年级卜. Umt7-UmtlO重点知识点复习及练习六年级下17-10重点知识点复习及练习Module 2 Unit 7知识点梳理重点词组:1. a double-decker bus 一辆双层巴士2. a fare box 一个投币箱3. an air-conditioned bus 一辆空调巴士4. a public transportation card一张公交卡5. a bus conductor 一位公交车售票员6. by ferry/underground乘轮船/乘地铁7. traffic jams 交通堵塞8. all of/ most of/ some of/ non

2、e of所有的/大部分的/一段的/没有的9. inyears' time十年以后10. in the past 在过去11. have to / has to do sth.不得不12. travelling in Garden City 花园城市的交通13. more pavements/crossings footbridges, escalators/car parks/tunnels 更多的人行道.14. fewer traffic jams更少的交通堵塞15. less traffic更少的交通16. take an underground to: goby undergro

3、und 乘地铁去重点句型:1. None of the bus drivers were women in the past.2. What will travelling in our city be like in 10 years' time?3. Perhaps all/most/some/none of the people will travel by4. Perhaps there will be more/fewer小作文范文:There are a lot of traffic jams every day. There aren' t enough unde

4、rground. There aren, t a lot of flyovers. More and more people like travelling by underground. Not many people like going out by ferry. Fewer people like riding motorcycles. Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams because there will be much more flyovers. People don' t have to walk across the c

5、rossings because there will be more footbridges.Module 2 Unit. 7 复习练习I.默写1 . 一辆双层巴士 2. 一个投币箱3 .一辆空调巴士 4.一张公交卡5. 一位公交车售票员 6.乘轮船/乘地铁7 .交通堵塞8 .所有的/大部分的/一些的/没有的 9 . 十年以后 10.在过去11. 不得不 12.花园城市的交通13.更多的人行道 14.更少的交通堵塞#/24牛津上海版六年级卜. Unit7-UmtlO重点知识点复习及练习/24515.更少的交通16.乘地铁去II. Complete the sentences with the

6、 given 给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)words in their proper forms.(用括号中所1.What willin Shanghai be likein the future? (travel)2.There are no(conduct) on thebus.3.You can use a publiccard, (transport)4.One of the(air-condition) doesnt t work.5.In the future,we can see(many) flyovers,(few) ferries and(little) traffic.

7、III. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)15%)1.There are only twointhis office.doctors)2.)3.4.A. man doctorsB. men doctorC. men doctorsD. mansPassengers do not buy tickets now.They put money ina boxA. alsoB. tooC. either D.insteadWhatA. willThere isA. carsShanghailikenoin 10 years' time?B. is>ee

8、like C. iseeebe likeD. willbe likein the village.B busesC. traffic D.taxisL o.of thestudents likes thiskind of music.A. BorhB. AllC. MostD. None)6. Are you going toCanadaship?A. byB. withC. forD. in()7. I would rather at home.A. not stayB. not to stay C. not staying D. not stayed()8. Nowadys, there

9、a lot of trafffic jams in Shanghai.A. is B. areC. wasD. were() 9. He collected money the passengers on the bus.A. in B to C. withD. from()10. I think of the books are useful and you can read them .A. much B. moreC. mostD. the mostIV. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写句子,每空格限 填一词)

10、1. All of the bus drivers are men.(否定句) the bus drivers are men.2. The conductor put the money in the bag.(划线提问) the conductor put the money?3. I stayed at home yesterday. I didn' t go out to play yesterday.(合为一句)I stayed at home out to play yesterday.4. People will build more footbridges in the

11、 future.(划线提问) people build in the future?Module 2 Unit 8知识点梳理重点词组:1. blow gently轻轻地吹2. a gentle wind 微风4. a slight fever 微烧3. fall down slightly 轻轻地落下5. break windows suddenly 忽然打碎玻璃 6. a sudden call 突然电话7. hold one, s raincoats tightly 紧抓雨衣 8. tight jeans 紧身的牛仔裤9. move fiercely 猛烈移动11. sink slowly

12、 慢慢下沉13. pass quickly 快速经过15. walk carefully小心翼翼地经过10. a fierce shark凶狠的鲨鱼12. a slow train 慢车14. a quick wave 急浪16. careful students 细心的学生17. take flower pots to(into) flats immediately 立即把花盆端进房间18. immediate food即食/速食食品19. go windsurfing happily 开心地玩冲浪20. happy street cleaners快乐的街道清洁工21. seedo/doin

13、g看.干了/正干重点句型:1. What can you see when there is a gentle wind?I can see people flying kites in the park when there is a gentle wind.2. Heavy objects may fall on cars in the streets.3. They flew their kite in the park.小作文范文:Typhoon is a kind of strong wind. When there is a typhoon, we can see the clou

14、ds moving quickly. The wind blew fiercely. Typhoon is dangerous to us . Heavy objects may fall on cars in the streets. A strong wind nay blow away flower pots outside牛津上海版六年级卜. Unit7-UmtlO重点知识点复习及练习people* s flats. A strong wind may break windows. We shouldn, t go outside when a typhoon is coming. D

15、rivers should park their cars in the parking places. All ships and boats have to stay in typhoon shelters.Module 2 Unit 8复习练习I.默写1.轻轻地吹2.3.轻轻地落下5.忽然打碎玻璃7.紧抓雨衣9.猛烈移动1L慢慢下沉13 .快速经过15 .小心翼翼地经过17 .立即把花盆端进房间微风4.微烧6.突然电话&紧身的牛仔裤10.凶狠的鲨鱼12.慢车14. 急浪16.细心的学生18.即食/速食食品If. Choose the best answer:()1. There

16、car races in a week.A. is going to beB. are going to be C. will haveD.is going to have()2. What will happen a windy dayA. in B. onC. at D. of()3. We can see people morning exercise in the parkA. doB.doesC. doing D. done()4.Thereare differentof books in the library.A. kindB. kindsC.kindlyD. kindes5.A

17、licehelpsKittya displayboard.A.makeB.making C. doD.doing6.Peopleholdtheirraincoatswhen there is a typhoon.A.tightB.tightly C. slightD. slightly7.Peoplelikewindsurfingthe sea.A.inB.onC. atD. over8.The Titanicsankthe seain 1912.A.inB.onC. underD. below9.Stop smoking immediately. The underlined part me

18、ansA.at once B. at last C. at first D. quickly10. The strong wind blew my kiteA. wayB. always C. awayD. goneIII. Filling the blanks with the proper words:1. There are many on the tree, (leaf)2. The cars move when there is a traffic jam. (slow)3. The trees down when there was a typhoon, (fall)4. The

19、wind blows when there is a wind, (gentle)5. My grandfather lives on the farm, (happy)IV. Rewrite the sentences1. The clouds moved quickly.(对划线部分提问) did the clouds ?2. A strong wind may break windows.(对划线部分提问) may a strong wind ?Module 2 Unit 9知识点梳理重点词组:1. three quarters, a quarter 四分之三/四分之一2. on the

20、 Earth在地球上3. sea animals海洋动物4. the most intelligent, dangerous interesting important/beautiful最聪明的/最威胁的/最有趣的/最重要的/最漂亮的5. get food from the oceans从海洋中获得食物6. use/needto do sth.使用/需要去做7. be important to 对很重要8. keepclean保持干净9. stop polluting 停止污染10. brush one' s teeth 刷牙11. take a shower 冲澡,淋浴12. ta

21、ke a bath 坐浴,泡澡13. on one' s farms 在农场里14. a dripping tap 滴水龙头15. a running tap 冲水龙头重点句型:1. If there is no rain, we will have no water to drink.2. How can we save water?We can save water by fixing a dripping tap.We can save water by not playing water games.3. we can save water by taking a shower

22、 instead of a bath.小作文范文:Water is very important to all animals and people on the earth. Many fish and animals live will die without water. If there is no rain , we will have no water to drink. If there is no rain, we won' t have any water to wash our clothes or to wash the dishes. Farmers need

23、water to water to water the crops and vegetables. Cooks need water to cook food. Firemen won' t put out fires without water. However, people sometimes waste precious water. Let' s save water . We can save water by fixing a dripping tap. We can take a shower instead of a bath. We mustnT t bru

24、sh your teeth under a running tap. We promise not to play a water games.Module 2 Unit 9复习练习I.默写1.四分之三/四分之一 2.在地球上3.海洋动物4.从海洋中获得食物5.最聪明的/最威胁的最有趣的最重要的最漂亮的6.使用/需要去做 7.对很重要8.保持干净 9.停止污染/249牛津上海版六年级卜. Umt7-UmtlO重点知识点复习及练习/2410.冲澡,淋浴1L坐浴,泡澡12.冲水龙头II.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当答案):)1. Alex isintelligent b

25、oy and helikes playingbasketball.A.an; the B.a; theC. a;/D. an;/A.()2.Take a showerinsteadB. instead of)3. Harry Potter is one ofA. most interesting booksbooksA.A.A.A.A.a bath.C.toB.C. the most interesting books)4. Scientists use telescope(望远镜)watchB. to watchinstead toD. instead onchildren in the w

26、orld.the most interesting bookD. the more interestingC. watchingtheskys.D.to watching)5. Would youopenB.please keep the windowopeningC. to openD.opened6. Whathappenif there is no water?B. happenedC. willhappenD. happens7. We can keep our city clean byrubbish everywhere.A.throwing B. to throw C. not

27、throwing D. not to throw8. I use waterwashing; at)9. Don, ton B. at)10.B.washC.the disheshome.to wash; in C. to wash; at D. washing; invegetablesa running tap.inD. undercan we look after the earth?牛津上海版六年级卜. Unit7-UmtlO重点知识点复习及练习A. What B. How C. Which D Whoplete the sentences with the given words i

28、n their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的 适当形式填空):1. Whales are the animals on the Earth, (large)2. It' s to stand in front the moving car. (danger)3. Water covers almost three of the Earth, (quarter)4. They' re preparing for a class about the oceans, (compete)5. use nets to catch fish and prawns, (fis

29、h)V. Rewrite the sentences as required.1. Whales are larger than any other animal on the Earth.(保持原句的意思)Whales are animals on the Earth.2. If there is no rain, farmers will have no water to water vegetables.(保持原句的意思)If there any rain. Farmer have water to water vegetabes.3. We can save water by fixi

30、ng dripping taps. (划线提问) you save water?4. If there is no water, animals will die. (划线提问) will if there is no water?5. We can save water. Turn dripping taps off. (合为一句)We can save water dripping taps.We can save water. Don' t wash our hands under a running tap. (合为一句)We can save water our hands

31、under a running tap题专题知识梳理一一句型转换句子改写包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、反义疑问句、否定句、感叹句、同义句、连词成 句,考查的是学生对句式的掌握,特别需要强调的还是基本功:时态、单复数、基本词组 搭配等。1 .改为一般疑问句:一提二改三问号一提:提前助动词:顺序是:1)情态动词-2) be动词-3)助动词(现在完成时的 has/have» do, does, did)二改:适当地改人称;some改成any: never改为ever: already改为yet等。三问号:加上问号。2 .改为否定句:一加二改一加:加not:顺序是:1)情态动词2) be动词3

32、)助动词(现在完成时的has/have» do, does, did):改:适当地改人称:some改成any; never改为ever; already改为yet等。经典易错:1) have/has:只要是其后有过去分词的,则为现在完成时,have/has为助动 词,直接后加not。否则,耍提前do, does, did.2)缩写's的判别:如果's之后是名词或者动词过去分词或者to do,则为#7 24牛津上海版六年级卜. Unit7-UmtlO重点知识点复习及练习has的缩写;如果后为形容词,则为is的缩写。3 .划线提问:疑问词+一般疑问句疑问词:1) for

33、two daysHow long2) in two daysHow soon3) twice a weekHow often4) 100 meters/ 10 minutes , walkHow far5) in BeijingWhere6) by bus/ by doing-How7) to do/BecauseWhy8) sthWhat9) sb.Who10) Sb' sWhose4 .改为反意疑问句:前肯后否,前否后肯。否定词: no, not, never, nothing, nobody, neither, none, little, few, hardly, seldom,

34、 rarely.5 .改为感叹句:How +adj/ adv + 主语+谓语!What+a/an+可数名词单数+ +主语+谓语!What+不可数名词/可数名词复数+ +主语+谓语!感叹句常说考不可数名词:information, fun, weather, advice, news, music, milk, water.6 .改为同义句动词转换:pay, spend, cost, take; (sb spend sm on sth/in doing sth; sb pay sm for sth; sth cost sb sm; it takes sb st to do sth)say, ta

35、lk, speak, tell;建议的表达法互换:(shall we=let' s; how about = what about; why don't you = why not)等。would like to=want to借和还的互换(lend sb sth/lend sth to sb; borrow sb sth/borrow sth from sb)7 .连词成句连词成句常考句型和搭配:It is adj for sb to do;It takes sb sometime to do;Tell/ask sb to do; give sb sthRewrite the

36、 following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):L变一般疑问句Kitty usually goes to the tennis club al weekends (改为 ,般疑问句) Kitty usually to the tennis club at weekends?Does go;提前助动词,因为是Kitty是三单,所以是does,后面用原形。8 .改为否定句There will be a lot of food in the forest in winter. (改成否定句)There be food in the f

37、orest in winter.won' t much: will是情态动词,否定直接后面加not,然后缩写是won' t,后面a lot of换成much。9 .划线提问The bag of rice weighed 5 kilograms.(划线部分提问)the bag of rice bag weigh?How much did所划线部分为数量,用how much动词weigh是过去式,所以助动词为 dido10 改为反意疑问句He has to put the magazines on the shelf.(反义疑问句)He has to put the e magaz

38、ines on the shelf,?/2417牛津上海版六年级卜. Unit7-UmtlO重点知识点复习及练习doesn' t he;前面has后接的是t。do,所以为实义动词,反义疑问句要提前助动词 does,前肯,则后否。11 改为感叹句Hei Longjiang looks very beautiful in winter. (感叹句) Hei Longjiang looks in winter!How beautiful:主谓在 Hei Longjiang looks* 剩 E beautiful* 为形容词用 how。12 改为同义句The chicken cost me

39、45 yuan.(保持句意不变)I 45 yuan thechicken.spent. on/ paid for: cost是原形,主语是三单,所以为过去时。主语现在换成了人, 所以可用spend和pay»分别的搭配是spend. . on: pay. . for。13 连词成句1. us to you would join like92. Monday New Year ' s Day is next it3. that new year party to is evening a have going class our4. legs fried bring going

40、li Jin chicken some to is5. cucumbers tomatoes bring shall and some I96. some you vegetables bring could91. Would you like to join us?2. It' s New Year' s Day next Monday.3. Our class is going to have a New Year party that evening.4. Li Jin is going to bring some fried chicken legs.5. Shall

41、I bring some tomatoes and cucumbers?6. Could you bring some vegetables?L 一般疑问句,提前情态动词,然后搭配是would like to doo2. 时间状语next Monday的位置。3. is going to 句型和 that evening 时间短语。4. bring sth to sbo5. Shall I do sth. ?6. bring sb sth。注意接双宾的一些单词的位置!如 show sb sth= show sth to sb; buy sb sth=buy sth for sb.等等0作业一:

42、检测1:1. We usually take air-conditioned bus in summer and winter.A. aB. an C. the D. /2. Both my mother and my aunt are.A. woman driver B. woman drivers C. women driver D. women drivers3. In the past, the bus drivers are women.A. some ofB. many ofC. none of D. most of4. will travelling in Garden City

43、 in the future?A. What. . likeB. What. . . be likeC. How. . likeD. How. . . be like5. Perhaps theremore underground station in the future.A. will haveB. will hasC. will beD. will is6. Our school a garden.A. is likeB. likes C. is liked D. will like8. I will be a teacher time.A. in ten year'sB. in

44、 ten yearsC. after ten years D. after ten/2421years9. There weretraffic jamsthe past.A. moreB much C. fewerD.less11. We are going to visit Garden CityA. next Sunday B. last SundayC. the next SundayD. the last Sunday14. Where your sister on Green Island?A. have. . beenB. has. . been C. is. . . beenD.

45、 goes15. What about to Ocean Park?A. going B to go C. goD. went16. All of the bus drivers are men.(保持句意不变)of the bus drivers are1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 8. B 9. C 11. A 14. B 15. A 16.None. women检测2:1. Sometimes typhoon is dangerous.A. a B. an C. the D. /2. Mother is taking into the flat.A. flo

46、wer pot B. flowers potC. flower pots D. flowers pots3. We may home when it is raining heavily.A. stay B. stay at C. staying D. staying at4. I can see people when there is a strong wind.A. windsurfing B. to windsurf牛津上海版六年级下Umt7-UmtlO重点知识点复习及练习C. windsurfed D. windsurffing6. Ben holds his hat in the

47、street when the wind blows.A. gently. . . lightly B. quickly. . . suddenlyC. tightly. . fiercely D. immediately. . . slightly7. The story happened a rainy night last summer.A. in. .inB. on./C. at. .inD. on.in9. There's traffic in the city. We all hope there will be trafficjams in the future.A. m

48、any. . . few B. much. . . lessC. a lot of. . fewer D. less. . more10. Tommy feels because he has got poor marks in the exam.A. happily B. unhappyC. happyD. unhappily11. Linda often helps her motherthe houseworkon weekends.A. with B. to C. ofD. for12. Therea new film on next week.A. will haveB. hasC.

49、 will beD. will is13. I can't find my keys. It here just now. Who itaway?A. was. . has taken B. was. . . tookC. has been. . . has taken D. has been. . . took14. November 2005, Mr White flew to London for a meeting.A. At B. In C. On D. During1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 6. C 7. B 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. B 作业二:Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限 填一词):1 .变一般疑问句The boats and ships sank in the sea.(改为一般疑问句) the boats and ships in the sea?Did sink2 .改为否定句(1)Jack has to finish his homework befor


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