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1、module 9 friendshiphelpline n. 服务热线服务热线lonely adj. 孤独的孤独的; 寂寞的寂寞的do you have many friends?do you often talk about anything with your best friend?how long have you been friends?do you have any problems with him/her? lingling wants to speak to betty / mrs king. betty is in / out. bettys friend / mrs k

2、ings friend works on the friendship helpline.listening im sorry, shes not in at the moment. is that mrs. king? could i speak to betty, please? may i have the number? can i take a message? thanks so much.2315461. who has the problem? linging.2. whats her problem? linging called to ask for advice abou

3、t her schoolwork. linging and her best friend are now in the same school. linging is happy to see her best friend at the same school. linging is having a hard time in the new school. linging gets help from the helpline.when you get (1)_ from a friend, it may create problems for your friendship. she

4、may not want you to see your other friends. if this is the case, she probably (2)_ you like that because she does not feel sure of (3)_.encourage herself introduce lonely patient regret separate treat separatedtreatsherselftry to find out whether she feels (4)_ without you. it is natural to feel lik

5、e that. she probably (5)_ hurting you. be (6)_ with her, (7)_ her to your other friends and (8)_ her to join in more.encourage herself introduce lonely patient regret separate treat lonelyregretspatientintroduceencourageeveryday english电话用语:电话用语:whos calling, please?this is speaking. dont tell me wh

6、o she is. tell me when the problem started. can you tell me how shes different? maybe she doesnt feel very sure of herself in her new school. ill encourage her to join in more.listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.1. we got separated when we went to different schools last term, but we

7、stayed in touch. get separated 意为意为“分开,分隔分开,分隔”。 e.g. we got separated when we were young. 我们小时候就分开了。我们小时候就分开了。2. so could you explain what happened then? explain v. 解释;说明解释;说明 explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事向某人解释某事e.g. can you explain the rules of the game? 你能说明一下游戏规则吗?你能说明一下游戏规则吗? ill explain the prob

8、lem to you. 我会向你解释这个问题。我会向你解释这个问题。 3. could i ask if youve mentioned this to her? mention sth. to sb. 意为意为“向某人说起某向某人说起某事事”。 e.g. i mentioned this idea to my mum, and she seemed to like it. 我把这个想法跟妈妈说了,她好像挺我把这个想法跟妈妈说了,她好像挺 喜欢的。喜欢的。4. but she refused to listen. refuse to do sth. 意为意为“拒绝去做某事拒绝去做某事”。 e.

9、g. i refused to buy those things. 我拒绝买那些东西。我拒绝买那些东西。5. do you know why she treats you like that? treat sb. like that 意为意为“向那样对待某向那样对待某 人人”。 e.g. he treated me like that when i was in trouble. 当我遇到麻烦时,他那样对我。当我遇到麻烦时,他那样对我。6. maybe she doesnt feel very sure of herself in her new school. herself 意为意为“她自

10、己她自己”。是反身代词。是反身代词。 e.g. she can look after herself. 她可以照顾她自己。她可以照顾她自己。7. try to find out whether she feels lonely without you. whether 意为意为“是否是否”,相当于,相当于 if。 feel lonely 意为意为“感到孤独感到孤独”。 e.g. he asked me whether she was coming. 他问我她是否来。他问我她是否来。 a lonely house in the country 乡下一间孤零零的房子乡下一间孤零零的房子8. im

11、sure she regrets hurting you. regret 意为意为“懊悔,遗憾懊悔,遗憾”。 regret doing sth. 意为意为“遗憾做了某事遗憾做了某事”。 e.g. i regret disturbing you when you study. 我很懊悔在你学习的时候打扰你。我很懊悔在你学习的时候打扰你。9. try to introduce her to them. introduce to sb. 意为意为“向某人介绍向某人介绍”。 e.g. let me introduce my friend to you. 让我向你介绍我的朋友。让我向你介绍我的朋友。10

12、. so be patient with her and explain to her that she can make friends with your other friends too. be patient with 意为意为“对对有耐心有耐心”。 e.g. ms wang is always patient with her students. 王老师对她的学生很有耐心。王老师对她的学生很有耐心。make friends with sb.意为意为“与某人交朋友与某人交朋友”e.g. i am glad to make friends with you. 我很高兴能和你交朋友。我很

13、高兴能和你交朋友。11. ill encourage her to join in more. encourage sb. to do sth. 意为意为“鼓励鼓励某某 人去做某事人去做某事”。 e.g. our teacher always encourage us to speak english aloud in class. 我们老师总是鼓励我们在课堂上大声我们老师总是鼓励我们在课堂上大声 说英语。说英语。join in 意为意为“加入加入, 参加参加”。指参加某。指参加某项活动。项活动。e.g. would you like to join in the party tonight?

14、 你来参加今晚的派对吗?你来参加今晚的派对吗?whether/if及疑问词引导的宾语从句及疑问词引导的宾语从句一、一、whether/if引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句如果我们要表达像如果我们要表达像“他不知道他们周六是他不知道他们周六是否会去植树否会去植树”或或“我记不清以前是否见过我记不清以前是否见过他他”这样的不确定的概念时,从句就要用这样的不确定的概念时,从句就要用 whether 或或 if 来引导,不能用来引导,不能用 that。e.g.he does not know whether they will plant trees on saturday or not.he asks

15、whether/if we will go fishing on sunday.tom wants to know whether/if he needs to come early tomorrow.注意:注意:if与与whether引导宾语从句时都有引导宾语从句时都有“是否是否”的意思,一般情况下可以互换。的意思,一般情况下可以互换。但是在动词不定式之前、介词之后或者但是在动词不定式之前、介词之后或者句尾有句尾有or not出现时,一般只能用出现时,一般只能用whether。e.g. we havent decided whether to go or not. the old woman

16、 asked me whether/if i knew the way to the bank.student a: you call the helpline to ask for advice on your problems: im shy and i havent had many friends. i had a big fight with my best friend and we dont talk to each other now. i have to go to a new school, but i dont want to leave my friends.stude

17、nt b: you work on the helpline. listen to student as problems and try to help.this is on the helpline. how can i help you?this is speaking. i have a problem the good friends got _ when they went to different colleges.a. part b. separate c. separated2. dont refuse _ to the new song, its so wonderful.

18、a. to listen b. listen c. listening3. my father often _ the importance of study to me. a. mention b. mentions c. mentioned4. when others dont understand, you should be patient _ them. a. to b. at c. with d. for1. do you know _ zunyi or not tomorrow? 【2012 黔西南】黔西南】 a. whether are they leaving for b.

19、whether they are leaving for c. if they are leaving for d. if are they leaving for 中考链接2. -what about going to the south lake for a picnic next weekend? 【2012 绵阳市】绵阳市】 - ok. but im not sure _ it will rain. a. why b. where c. when d. whether 3. -is tom still in new york or already back at home? -im n

20、ot sure _. ill call to make sure. 【2012 湖北十堰】湖北十堰】 a. how he will be back b. that he has come back c. why he has come back d. if he has been back 4. they wonder _ robots will make humans lose their jobs or not. 【2013 漳州】漳州】 a. that b. if c. whetherfinish the written task.诗歌是一种忧郁的媒体,而诗人的使命是孤独的。垂下的头颅只

21、是为了让思想扬起,你若有一个不屈的灵魂,脚下就会有一片坚实的土地。 只要春天还在我就不会悲哀纵使黑夜吞噬了一切太阳还可以重新回来只要生命还在我就不会悲哀纵使陷身茫茫沙漠还有希望的绿洲存在只要明天还在我就不会悲哀冬雪终会悄悄融化春雷定将滚滚而来 我和这个世界不熟。 这并非是我安静的原因。 我依旧有很多问题, 问南方,问故里,问希望,问距离。我和这个世界不熟。 这并非是我绝望的原因。 我依旧有很多热情, 给分开,给死亡,给昨天,给安寂。 我和这个世界不熟。 这并非是我虚假的原因。 我依旧有很多真诚, 离不开,放不下,活下去,爱得起。 我和这个世界不熟。 这并非是我孤寂的原因。 我依旧有很多诉求,

22、需慰藉,待分享,惹心烦,告诉你。 我和这个世界不熟。 这并非是我冷漠的原因。 我依旧有很多动情, 为时间,为白为天黑,畏天命。那时我们有梦,一切都是命运,一切都是烟云一切都是没有结局的开始,一切都是稍纵即逝的追寻,一切欢乐都没有微笑,一切苦难都没有泪痕,一切语言都是重复,一切交往都是初逢,一切爱情都在心里,一切往事都在梦中,一切希望都带着注释,一切信仰都带着呻吟,一切爆发都有片刻的宁静,一切死亡都有冗长的回声。 走吧,落叶吹进深谷,歌声却没有归宿。走吧,冰上的月光,已从河面上溢出。走吧,眼睛望着同一片天空,心敲击着暮色的鼓。走吧,我们没有失去记忆,我们去寻找生命的湖。走吧,路呵路,飘满了红罂粟

23、。 我不相信,生活是沼泽,我不相信,生命旅途不能一路高歌;我不相信,成长是懦弱,我不相信,双手握不住执着的绳索。人生一世,草木一秋,我们就跟大树上的叶子一样,早晚会枯黄陨落。树叶虽小但见证了春秋,既目睹了繁花似锦,也目睹了大树凋零。我们都是很相似的树叶,因为人生就是这样,生老病死是谁都要经过的。 如果你是条船,漂泊就是你的命运,可别靠岸。谁校对时间 谁就会突然老去 虽生犹死的寂寞让生命都凋零了人总要慢慢成熟,将这个浮华的世界看得更清楚,看穿伪装的真实,看清隐匿的虚假,很多原本相信的事便不再相信。但是,要相信,这个世界里美好总要多过阴暗,欢乐总要多过苦难,还有很多事,值得你一如既往的相信。人生不能像做菜,把所有的料都准备好了才下锅 卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证高尚是高尚者的墓志铭 早上,灿亮的阳光扑进来,他还睡着。我打开窗帘,看窗外那一片平凡而现实的风景。心想,在平凡和现实里,也必有巨大的美的可能吧。那时我们还年轻。穿过残垣断壁苍松古柏,我们来到山崖上。沐浴着夕阳,心静如水,我们向云雾飘荡的远方眺望。其实啥也看不到,生活的悲欢离合远在地平线以外,而眺望是一种青春的姿态。 才子当然心里冰雪般的透彻:有些事


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