1、the application of pragmatic strategy for international businessnegotiationabstract: with wto accession, china is becoming increasingly globalized and interrelated. negotiation is at the heart of every transaction and, for the most part, it comes down to the interaction between two sides with a comm
2、on goal but different methods. the pragmatic strategy is certainly a necessity for international business negotiation. the thesis aims to explore the use of pragmatic strategy in international business negotiation, such as euphemistic presentations, vague language, merits demonstrations, polite and
3、considerate language and correct and logical language, give full play to speeches in business negotiation and improve the successful proportion about business negotiations.key words: pragmatic; business negotiation; strategy语用策略在国际商务谈判中的应用摘要:进入wt0时代,随着全球经济的发展和市场化的运作,中国国际化的步伐 越来越快,商务活动当然必不可少,而商务活动则离不
4、开商务谈判。谈判是每笔 交易的核心。多数情况下,双方共同的目的和不同的交易方式都耍经过谈判来达 成,谈判屮所采用的种种方法包括合同屮的各个细节问题必须获得双方满意的接 受。因此,掌握一些谈判中所要用到的语用策略将会事半功倍。所谓“语用策略” 即“语言交际技巧”,就是探讨如何在国际商务谈判这一领域中应用语言,它重 视语言表达和施展谈判策略二者的有机结合。其研究0的在于如何充分发挥语言 在谈判中的作用,提高商务谈判的成功率。关键词:语用;商务谈判;策略iicontentsabstract in englishabstract in chinesei1. introduction12<the
5、overview on international business negotiation22.1 the definition of negotiation22.2 the features of negotiation22.3 five links of international business negotiation23.pragmatic strategy for international business negotiation53.1 euphemistic saying53.1.1 using soft word63.1.2 using passive voice63.1
6、.3 using empathy skill73.2 vague language73.2.1 the requirements of particular negotiating occasions83.2.2 the requirement of avoiding hurting feelings83.2.3 the requirement of avoiding face-to-face conflict93.3 merits demonstrations103-3-1 reducing exclamation10a) lessening flowery language10b) lim
7、iting direct comparison113.2 weakening subjective coloring123.4 polite and considerate language123.4.1 changing the commanding tone into requesting tone123.4.2 using the past subjunctive form133.4.3 using mitigation and avoid irritating partner133.4.4 using the joyful.thankful and regretful words or
8、 expressions133.5 correct and logical language153.5.1 using the formal legal language16in3.5.2 using the correct expressions163.5.3 coitectly understanding and using the commercial terms17conclusion19bibliography21acknowledgments221. introductionwith wto accession, china is becoming increasingly glo
9、balized and interrelated. we all know that in international business it is mostly through negotiations that exporters and importers bridge the difference and reach a fair and mutually satisfactory deal. negotiation is at the core of every transaction and mostly, it comes downs to the joint work betw
10、een two sides with a common goal but different methods. business negotiation plays a basic part in conclusion of a contract and has direct influence in the conclusion and implementation of a contract, and also has a great bearing on the economic interests of the parties concerned.international busin
11、ess negotiation deals with a full range of international business activities. on the grounds of international investment, import and export of products, machinery,equipment,technology,ernational business negotiation is a consultative process between governments,trade organizations,multination
12、al enterprises or private firms. in a wordjt is a consultative process between the buyers and the sellers. business negotiation is carried out either by correspondence or by face-to-face talk,and involves all kinds of terms and conditions of a sales contract including quality, quantity, packing, shi
13、pment, payment,insurance,inspection, claims, arbitration and force majeure etc. negotiations on some special trading mainly involve the following elements such as processing and assembling trade, compensation trade, technology importation and business corporation, etc.the pragmatic strategy is certa
14、inly a necessity for international business negotiation. the so-called "pragmatic strategy: i.e. "techniques of language intercourse in international business negotiations, is to make a research of how to apply language in the field of international business negotiations. (jean 13) it atta
15、ches the importance to the organic combination of language expressions with strategy practice. the thesis aims to explore the use of pragmatic strategy in international business negotiation,such as euphemistic presentations,vague language,merits demonstrations, polite and considerate language and co
16、rrect and logical language, give full play to speeches in business negotiation and improve the successful proportion about business negotiations. as a foreign trade worker, you should have a good command of expression techniques.2the overview on international business negotiation3.2.1 the definition
17、 of negotiationnegotiation is a common human activity also,it is a process that people deal with their relationships such as buyer and seller,husband and wife,children and parents. (jeffery 5) people need not to prepare for the process because the stakes in some of these negotiations are not very hi
18、gh. but in international business negotiations, the risks are usually high, people have to get careful preparations. both sides can get a better deal until they contact each other positively in this kind of negotiation,rather than simply accepting or rejecting what the other is offering. the whole p
19、rocess of negotiation is based upon the premise that both parties are interdependent, that is, one side cannot get what he/she wants without taking the other into consideration. in the process of negotiation, there are no rules, tradition, rational methods or higher authorities available to resolve
20、their conflict once it arises- negotiation is a voluntary process of giving and taking where both parties amend their offers and modify their expectations so as to come closer to each other and they can quit, at any time.3.2.2 the features of negotiationin international business negotiations,usually
21、,the important thing is the price. because it is directly related to the economic benefits of both sides. both sides seek a desired result.for the sake of getting the expected result or achieve a certain purpose,the negotiators should calculate carefully and decide the following three different targ
22、ets: l)the best target;2)the intermediate target;3)the acceptable target. (yue 36)all in all, the purpose of the negotiation is to reach an agreement to both side5s advantage. the successful results of the negotiations lie on the determined objectives,perseverance and the language expressed by the n
23、egotiators. they should use soft words, speak tactfully, use less flowery, have a sense of humor and create a harmonious atmosphere as best they can.carrying out a foreign ernational business negotiation is an important part. it is the business activity between seller and buyer by way of re
24、aching agreement on the price,quality,quantity,payment and other terms and conditions of a sale. evidently, the conclusion of sales contract issues from the business negotiation to the satisfaction of both sides.in view of the various terms mentioned above in the international business negotiation,t
25、o reach to an agreement generally needs coming through five links: inquiry, offer,counter-offer,acceptance and conclusion of a contract. of coursejt is not necessary to have all the five links taken for every transaction. sometimes, only offer and acceptance will do. it is stipulated that only offer
26、 and acceptance are the two essential factors in the laws of some countries, failure of which will make no contract.inquiryin a general inquiry, a businessman mentions clearly all the information he needsapproximate information, a catalog, or price list, a sample or some samples, etc.in a specific i
27、nquiry, he puts his finger on the product(s) he wants. he may demand for a catalog, a price list, samples, etc. or ask for an offer.they should be written briefly and clearly to the point.in inquiry卫 prompt and respectful reply is imperative also,it should cover all the information asked forofferoff
28、er is usually made to promise some specific business terms for the buyer at a stated price and within a stated period of time by the selle匸it is made in reply to inquiry of buyer.an offer will include the following:1) a thankful expression for the inquiry, if any;2) general information as name of co
29、mmodities, quality, quantity,and specifications;3) detailed information as prices, terms of payment, commissions, or discounts, if any;4) the way of packing and date of delivery;5) term of validity of the offer.counter-offercounter-offer is for signing the contract during negotiations.it is made in
30、response to the buyer by the seller.in the counter-offer, the buyer may be in disagreement about the certain term or terms instead of stating his own idea. such changes, no matter how slight they may start to be seen,represent that business has to be negotiated on the regenerative basis. the origina
31、l seller now becomes the buyer and he has the absolute right of acceptance or refusal. in the latter case, he may make another counter-offer of his own. not until business is finished or called off,this process can continue for many a round.acceptanceit is essential that a buyer should make an accep
32、tance during the period of a firm offer. ordinarilyn acceptance takes effect when it reaches the seller.an order can be taken as an acceptance of an offer. it should be clearly and correctly written out and mention all the terms of transaction. now many buyers use printed order forms which make sure
33、 that no important information will fail to take care. (ruan 64)conclusion of a contracta contract is an agreementjt creates a legal duty, that is an obligation, legally enforceable commitment between two or more competent parties- generally, it is formed from an exchange of promisean offer and an a
34、cceptance-causing an obligation to perform some specific act. in order to be valid, a contract must have the exact approval of the parties to it, that means, it must include both offer and acceptance. in international trade a sales contract is a legal document made by and came into between a seller
35、and a buyer as a result of their offer and acceptance. the contract definitely stipulates the right and obligation of both the parties,and binds them all together. a formal contract or confirmation should be arranged in duplicate; each copy should signed by both parties, and each party should keep a
36、 signed copy of it.3>pragmatic strategy for international business negotiation3.1 euphemistic sayingin business negotiation, there are many times when euphemistic saying are used, because sometimes negotiators limited by particular time, place, and atmosphere, can not say directly at that time an
37、d place. generally speaking, euphemistic presentations play the following roles.firstly, when a negotiator expresses his different opinions.or get the negotiation to be unable to move, they can make the tension of negotiating atmosphere less serious and break the stalemate. apart from avoiding embar
38、rassment and conflict,euphemistic saying is often easily accepted by others psychologically.euphemistic saying does not mean weakness in the tone of voice and attitude. actually, it is an effective negotiating ways for both sides. to find what your opponent need and meet it. you don't have to be
39、have uncompromising. the most important thing is to clarify your opponent how much he will benefit.1) using soft wordpeople can use soft word to express indirectly and inoffensively. with the strategy of avoiding giving a direct answer,a negotiator can make sure that he is not completely committed.
40、besides, this strategy can also soften the tone in the event of hurting the opponent. those expressions, such as "we would say", "it seems to mg 'tm afraid",“we would suggest: etc. turn the strong into the mild tone,thus getting the moderate, euphemistic effects.for example,
41、"fm afraid it/s difficult for us to agree to your request ” is better than ,9we can not agree to your request, "i would say it is unwise of you to have done that" is better than “it is unwise of you to have done thaf (zhang 187) beyond all doubt, this mild and friendly atmosphere is m
42、uch helpful to the progress of negotiation.2) using passive voicea passive voice is often vague as a form of the omission of the representative. then it is more possible to guess who is responsible for the deeds. even though the opponent, in his opinion, the passive voice seems more polite especiall
43、y when the speaker thinks the opponent are wrong in some regards. for example:1) a) obviously, you made a very seriously mistake here.b) a very seriously mistake was made here.2) a) for the past three years, you did not place any order from us.b) for the past three years, no order has been placed fr
44、om us.3) using empathy skillempathy is to try to understand the opponents9 feel. in business negotiation, when it is used honestly, it can improve the bargaining atmosphere. by showing that you understand and care about the opponents? problems,the progress of negotiation will go on better. the main
45、empathetic technique is to look from the opponents,standpoint. for example:3.3.1 we do not believe you will have account for dissatisfaction.3.3.2 we feel sure that you will be completely satisfied.the empathetic technique is powerful under circumstances like high tension or low trust. it is not eas
46、y for opponents to still be angry or firmly state unfair treatment in the face of efforts to be aware of theirs concerns, needs, or positions. somehow the empathetic technique helps negotiators to better comprehend each other. this understanding often gives into better proposals and more satisfactor
47、y agreements. (liao 45)a) vague languagevagueness and accuracy are all the basic feature of the human language. (joanna 172) there exist accuracy and vagueness in language use, both of which are too important to be without and supplement to each othe匸 in the interest of avoiding misunderstanding and
48、 trouble,whether it is in the oral form or written form of conversationjanguage should have been clear and accurate in business negotiation. but sometimes we can not state our idea clearly, or we do not want to say it clearly for some pragmatic purpose, in which cases we prefer to put vague language
49、 to reasonable use.vague language means using some indistinct words or phrases in meaning to express what you can not or will not express clearly. in foreign trade negotiations,vague language is regarded to be common language techniques and strategies. and it is suitable for using in the following s
50、everal situations:1. the requirements of particular negotiating occasionsinternational business negotiation is a complicated process ,and it involves many aspects. when you answer some questions is beyond the edges of your authority or when it is not convenient for you to reply on some occasions of
51、business negotiations, often, vague language should be used to handle. for example:1. we would give you our order as soon as possible.2. if your products are good in quality and reasonable in price, wetl place a large order immediately.3. our foreign trade policy has always been based on quality and
52、 mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.in the above sentences, the phrases "as soon as possible”,"place a large order immediatelyandubased on quality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goodsgive not clearly defined information. the information has more flexibility and can be u
53、nderstood and explained in different ways.322 the requirement of avoiding hurting feelingsbecause of the limits of negotiating occasions, sometimes negotiators should avoid using direct language in order not to give offence to the counterparts. in such situation, the use of vague expression should b
54、e most effective. (zhang,wang 251) for example:a) the demands on the international market are much more than we expect.b) the quantity of our order depends greatly on your prices.in the above sentences, such phrases as "much more than we expect二“greatly” are all general expressions, which expre
55、ss vague information to the listener. clearly, these vague expressions are used on the occasion that the direct language can not be adopted.323 the requirement of avoiding face-to-face conflictto save the faces of the counterpart during international business negotiationst is important to preserve a
56、 harmonious atmosphere and avoid making tense situation. when face-to-face conflict may begin to exist, it is the most effective way for us to use vague language. for example:1) a: if that's the case,hardly there is any need for further discussions, we might as well cancel the whole.b: what i me
57、an is that we'll never be able to get the price lower you name. the missing space is too great. well, in order to get business, we are quite willing to make some compromises.2) a: but carft you find some way to get around your manufactures for an earlier delivery? i hope you can give our request
58、 with your special attention.b: you may take it from me that the last thing we want to do is to disappoint a customer, especially an old customer like you, we'll get in touch with our manufacturer and do our best to advance delivery.as we can see, in dialogue l,b,the buyer is a bit angry because
59、 the price offered by the seller, a, is too high. but for the sake of keeping a harmonious atmosphere, the buyer uses the vague phrase in meaning44quite willing to make some compromises. in dialogue 2, "find some way to get around your manufactures for an earlier delivery二 anctdo our best to advance deliveryare also vague expressions.b) merits demonstrations3.4.2 reducing exclamationreducing exclamation is po
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