



1、英文文献与翻译:农村-城市差异化推广策略cctv.com 2007年09月29日14:31责编:刘娜娜更多原创经管论文及英文文献与翻译请访问:http:/经管论文.com/ ,并提供定制服务过去我们常常说:中国人口 10亿,8亿在农村。随着中国城市化进程的加快,发展到 今天,虽然城市人口有所增加,但农业人口目前仍然占国内总人口的绝大部分。市场定位是 开展市场营销的前提,越來越多的企业认识到市场定位的重要性,过去的大多数企业往往是 先开发产品,然后根据产品的特性进行市场定位与细分,然后再进行相关的市场营销与推广, 而现在越来越多的企业已经充分认识到市场调研和市场定位的重要性,在产品出来之前,已

2、经通过大量的市场调查,确定了明确的市场定位和推广方向。可见,根据不同的市场定位来 采取不同的营销策略的关键性和重要性。品牌在目前的市场推广策略上,根据目前产品的特性和公司品牌发展战略的整体规划和 步骤,仍然采用“农村包围城市”的战略,“在稳步发展农村市场的前提下,有计划、有步 骤地切入城市市场”是目前我们市场推广的指导方针。作为国内各区域市场,除儿个区域发 展成熟、为城市市场特性外,日前大多数地区是农村市场,作为经营者一定要根据城市市场 和农村市场的差异,实施有针对性的市场策略。具体来讲,目前城市市场和农村市场存在的 差异有以下几个方面:一在时间和空间上的差异我们在营销的过程屮,都讲究投入。做

3、为产品的经营者,都希望厂家能够大投入,电视、 报纸等强势媒体不停地、全方位地轰炸,软性、硬性的宣传文章不停地发,认为只要花钱、 只要投入就是好的,当然全方位、大手笔的投入有利于品牌的建设,但是却忽略了市场定位, 忽略了不同市场的不同消费者在时间、空间的观念上是完全不同的。城市市场主要看你有没 有广告,而且各种软性的、硬性的、有形的、无形的广告不停地炒,成本很高。因此从时间 上讲,城帀广告出现的频率非常高;从空间上来讲,它是海陆空全方位的,包括电台、电视、 报纸、户外、礼品等。在农村,如果我们也按照这样的一-种吋间和空间的方式去做的话,就 会费力不讨好了。我们曾经在农村进行过一次大范围的调查,我

4、们调查了 30户农民,其中 比较有代表性的问题是这样设计的,问:“你为什么选择这个品牌? ”回答是:“这个牌子 的冰箱好啊!”问:“你是听谁讲这个品牌好? ”回答:“俺村村长家就是这个牌子,说用着不错。” 问:“县城那么多卖家电的,你为什么会去这一家买? ”回答:“我们村里很多人都去他那 里买机器,都说他那里服务不错。”这就是农民最朴实的回答。在信息不发达,很少有电视、 报纸的农村,农民靠什么获得信息呢?就是靠口碑、靠流传、靠意见领袖引导。这就是农村 的传播方式。后来我们又到其它地区的农村做同样问题的调查,都充分印证了这一点。因此, 我们做市场推广,一定要清楚地知道,农民究竟是靠什么渠道知道我

5、们这个牌子的,他们是 如何获取信息的,知道这一点后,我们要采取适当的方式,一定要让我们的产品和服务在农 村建立起良好的口碑效应。二淡季和旺季的差异经营过产品的代理商都会有这样的感觉,每到旺季,公司总部总是在想尽办法提高产能, 但是往往还是会出现货源不足,工厂在短时间内不能制造出足够多的产品来满足提货的需 求,产品会出现断货的现象。而在产品的淡季,却生意清淡,无论什么样的推广都很难造成 大的突破。这就是农村市场淡、旺季明显的特性。而相対一些城市市场做得比较好和成熟的 区域,一年12个月的销售相对都会比较稳定,没有太明显的差异,这就是城市市场淡旺季 不明显的特性。如果我们不遵循这个基本特性来做市场

6、,就会南辕北辙,失去很多的销售机 会。如果在产品的销售淡季,我们把大部分精力放到了农村市场去做大规模的投入,其投入 和产出就会不成比例,相反,在旺季我们一味地加强城市市场的推广力度,也会坐失旺季的 农村市场。可见,我们应该充分认识到农村市场和城市市场淡旺季的特性,来做合理的推广 资源分配。认识到这一点,我们可以看到,目前我们的销售网络增量的潜力是非常大的,作 为代理筒来讲,多开发一些城市市场的分销客户,增加城市市场的开发力度,有利于销量的 稳定,如杲城市市场也开发成功,会真正做到“淡季不淡,旺季更旺”。以往我们提倡的那 种“淡季养精蓄锐,旺季再火一把”的指导思想已经落后和过时了,淡季我们也要“

7、旺做”, 而淡季旺做最好的途径就是进行城市市场网络的开发与建设。做为厂家來讲,也应该改变过 去那种淡季被动的由经销商去拉动市场的销售方式,不然会吃苦头的。三现场管理的差异农村市场和城市市场还有一个差异:现场管理的差异。城市市场的现场管理要求比农村 市场的现场管理要求更高,从物料的陈列、产品的摆放,到促销员对产品的讲解陈述,都有 较大的差异。提升销量最直接的办法就是加强售点的现场管理,而对城市市场和农村市场现 场管理的侧重点是不同的。城市市场更侧重的应该是规范化、现场管理的职业化。海尔现在 为什么在有的城市零售做得那么火?它主要解决了一个问题,就是现场管理的职业化问题。 包括促销员的培训与管理、

8、现场信息的收集与反馈,日常工作的“日清日结”等,都值得借 鉴与学习。农村市场的现场管理更侧重于亲情化、亲切化。比如把产品的卖点转化为通俗易 懂的语言,忽视产品功能的讲解而重视产品能给消费者带來的实惠、充分利用当地农村消费 者的需求进行有效的现场促销等等。谈到这里,我这里有一个好的案例:安徽的某个经销商 于去年的元旦前后在当地的农村做了一个关于冰箱的现场促销活动,买冰箱“财神请到 家”,所谓财神就是一个陶瓷的财神爷塑像,通过赠送财神塑像,迎合了当地农村的风俗习 惯,而“财神面前不好讲价”恰到好处地避免了过度砍价的现象,获得了良好的销售利润。 这个例子是个个案,不见得具备大范围的推广意义,但是充分

9、说明了农村市场的现场管理需 耍亲情、亲切化的原则。知道了农村市场和城市市场现场管理的差异,有助于我们采取不同 的推广策略,进行更加有效的推广活动。通过以上的农村市场和城市市场的差异化对比,你是否会从中得到一些启发?希望作为 经营者的你,能够根据自己区域市场的特点,根据城市市场和农村市场的差异化特性,因地 制宜、因时制宜地采取不同的推广策略,合理地分配推广资源,获得最佳的推广效果。rural - urban differences in strategies of promotioncctv.eom 2007 年 09 月 29 日 14:31 author: liunanain the pas

10、t we often say: china's population 1 billion, 800 million in rural areas. with the accelerated urbanization process, development today, although the urban population has increased, but still in the gross domestic agricultural population the majority of the total population. market positioning is

11、 a prerequisite to carry out marketing, more and more enterprises recognize the importance of market positioning, in the past most of the companies developing products is often the first, and then characteristics of the product market positioning and segmentation, and then the related marketing and

12、promotion, and now more and more enterprises have realized the market research and market positioning of the importance of the product out before, has been through a lot of market research to identify a clear market positioning and the way. visible, depending on the market position to take a differe

13、nt key and the importance of marketing strategy.brand in the current marketing strategy, based on current product features and brand development strategies and steps for the overall planning is still a ”encircling the cities11 strategy, "the steady development of the rural market in the premise

14、 of a planned, step by step to cut into the urban market his our marketing guidelines. as the regional market, in addition to the regional development of mature urban market characteristics, the current most parts of the rural market, as operators must be based on the urban market and rural market d

15、ifferences, the implementation of targeted marketing strategies specifically, the current market, urban markets and rural disparities in the following areas:a time and spatial differencesour marketing process, both pay attention to input. as the product of operators, manufacturers want to big invest

16、ment, television, newspapers and other powerful media constantly in all directions bombing, soft, hard fat, keep the propaganda article, as long as the money, as long as the input is good , of course, comprehensive, large investments are conducive to brand building, but neglected market position, ig

17、noring the different consumers in different markets in time and space concepts are completely different. major urban markets see you have no ads, and various soft, hard, tangible and intangible ads keep speculation, high cost. so from time to speaking, the city advertising the frequency is very high

18、; speaking from space, sea and air it is comprehensive, including radio, television, newspaper, outdoor, gifts. in rural areas, if we are in accordance with the time and space such a way to do it, it will thankless up. we have conducted a large rural area of investigation, we investigated the 30 far

19、mers, some of the more typical problem is that this design and asked: "why did you choose this brand?11 the answer is: "this brand of fridge well ah!q: hwho are you listening to talk a good brand?h replied: ni was the chief of the village house brand, that use of the good/ q: ”county to se

20、ll so many home appliances, why would you go to buy this one?" replied: nwe have to go to his village, where many people buy a machine, said he was there, good service/1 this is the most simple answer to the peasants information developed, with little tv, newspaper rural areas and farmers rely

21、on to get information? it was by word of mouth, through spread by opinion leaders guide. this is the mode of transmission in rural areas. we later went to other rural areas do the same survey questions, all fully illustrated this point. therefore, we do marketing, must be well aware that farmers rel

22、y on channels to know what is our brand, how they obtain information, know this, we should adopt an appropriate manner, we must allow our products and services in rural areas to establish the good word of mouth.second, differences in season and seasonthe agents ran a product will have such a feeling

23、, and every season, the company headquarters are always thinking of ways to increase productivity, but are still a shortage of supply, the factory in a short time can not produce enough product to meet delivery demand, the product will appear the phenomenon of out of stock. in the off-season product

24、s, but business was thin, no matter what kind of promotion is unlikely that a big breakthrough. this is the rural market short, obvious characteristics of the peak season the market has done relatively better in some cities and mature region, a 12-month sales will be relatively more stable, not too

25、significantly different, this is not obvious urban market characteristics of low and peak seasons if we do not follow the basic characteristics of the market that would entirely different, and lose many sales opportunities. if a sales season, we put the most effort to do large-scale investment in th

26、e rural market, its inputs and outputs will be out of proportion to the contrary, in the season we just strengthen the urban market promotion efforts, and will sit lost season of the rural market. can see, we should fully understand the rural market and urban market, the characteristics of short sea

27、son, to do the promotion of rational resource allocation. recognizing this, we can see, our current network of incremental sales potential is very large, as the agents concerned, more developed markets of distribution customers in some cities, increasing urban market development efforts to help sale

28、s stable, if the city has also successfully developed the market will really hdo not short off-season, season even more vigorously/1 we used to promote the kind of "off-season recharge your batteries, and then fire a seasonh has been the guiding ideology behind and outdated, off-season we have,

29、 "wang do11, but the best way to do off-season is busy for the urban market network the development and construction as the manufacturers concerned, it should change the previous season by the dealer to pull the passive way of selling the market, or will own peril.differences in the three-site

30、managementthe rural market and urban market, there is a difference: on-site management of differences. site management requirements of urban markets than rural markets higher on-site management requirements, from the materials on display, product display, to the promoters to explain the product pres

31、entation, there are great differences the most direct way to increase sales is to strengthen the sales point of on-site management, while the urban market and rural market site management focus is different. urban market is more focused should be standardized, on-site professional management. haier

32、now why some cities have done so retail fire? it is mainly to solve a problem that on-site professional management of the problem. including the promoters of the training and management, site information collection and feedback, daily work, mnissin day-end' etc., are worth learning and learning.

33、 rural market site management to focus more on family oriented, kind of. such as the selling point of the product into plain language, neglect to explain the product features of the product can give consumers the benefits, make full use of local rural consumer dema nd for effective on-site promotions and so on. at this point, i have here a good case: anhui, a dealer at last year's new year's day around the local countryside to do a pro


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