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1、HND人力资源管理outcome2作者:日期:2个人收集整理,勿做商业用途8Individual ReportF84T 34Managing People and Orga ni sati onsOutcome 2NAME:SCN:CLASS:Con te ntsIn troducti on5.Sectionl: Content and Process Theory within Application5Secti on 2: Methods impro ving job performanee6Secti on 3a: Importa nee of Teamwork7Secti on 3b:

2、 Three factors affect ing team cohesive ness and performa neeCon clusi on8.Referenee8.IntroductionThree points in this report. Using the Maslow' s theory analySis fttaeeShnangrithe case. The ben efits of expecta ncy theory. Combi ning with case write five ways to improve performa nee. The conten

3、t of the final in cludes Belbi n-team roles and con tributi on and three factors in flue ncing of team cohesi on. The followi ng is the main content of the paper.Sectionl: Content and Process Theory withinApplicationMaslow stheory: Maslow' theory is put forward by Maslow in the mid-1950s. Maslow

4、 describes the human needs into the same pyramid from low to high level be divided into five kin ds. The Shan gri- La Hotel ' s kitche n staff are an alyzes and bases on an analysis of Maslow' s theory.Basic and physiologicalneeds:The kitchen staff have physiological needs. So the Shangri-La

5、 Hotel mast offers kitchen staff food and shelter. The Shangri-La Hotel promises kitchen staff the satisfaction of physiological needs. Kitchen staff will defi nitely work hard.Safety and security needs: The kitche n staff have safety and security n eeds. The Shan gri-La Hotel must provide in sura n

6、ee for kitche n staff pers onal safety. Shan gri-La links with in sura nee compa nies and in sura nee compa nies provide kitche n staff in sura nee.Social needs: Kitche n staff main tai ns kitche n 'regular operati on. Kitche n staff are important part in kitchen. Kitchen staff hard work in the

7、kitchen, has is able to realize self-value.Ego needs:Craig is a sous chef but he does not respect the views of his employees. Craig is not to given the ego of kitchen staff. Kitchen staff want respect, so Craig mast give n ego of kitche n staff and kitche n staff mast self-respect.Self-fulfilment ne

8、eds: Kitchen staff has their purpose and intents. Kitchen staff realizes their value in the work and make their progress in the work. Kitchen staff works hard and become a chef.ConclusionMaslow' s hierarchy has diversificatio n. People at differe nt times have differe nt n eeds.Maslow proposed t

9、hat all humans seek to fulfill a hierarchy of needs. His hierarchy be represented with a pyramid by him. The potential has kitchen staff' s need and peoplehave pote ntial dema nd. Maslow' Hierarchy has variability. People have differe nt dema nd in differe nt en vir onmen ts.Expectancy theor

10、yExpecta ncy theory is put forward by Vroom. Expecta ncy theory that motivati on is heighte ned whe n behaviors are highly in strume ntal in achiev ing desires outcomes.Instrumentality includes the Shangri-La hotel Managers wants have reward system and rewards can include a promotion and a rise. The

11、 reward system mast befit the employees ' expectations. Manager ' s valences for rewards weather or not employees be attracted by reward and reward positive or n egative impact on employee.ConclusionThe discretion of the expected value is embodied by self-nterest. Manager' s RewardsSyste

12、m attracts employs but rewards system depends on human ssubjectivity and experie nee.Section 2: Methods improving job performanceThere are so many ways to improve job performa nee such as job desig n, quality of worki ng life, the n ature of supervisi on, use of tech no logy, the meanin gfuln ess of

13、 work, job rotati on and improvi ng job performa nee of team members, aut onomy and reward. Select five points comb ines with casesJob design: Chef' pers onal methods in flue nee hotel man ageme nt. Craig preve nts waiting staff deal with the problem that affect efficiency. Redistribution of pow

14、er from Craig ' power to managers. So Shangri-La Hotel improves the processing efficie ncy that con ducive hotel developme ntReward: Shangri-La Hotel sets up a bonus system. Rewards can improve staff motivation. Alisa rewards hotel staff who studies in local collage. Hotel staff studies in colla

15、ge can improve their service quality that for the hotel development. Alisa can finding the most successful people and promoting them out and take them become man ages.Job rotation: Shangri-La hotel need training programs, such as rotations. Alisa can get managers working on every area of the site in

16、 hotel, so they know different work ing en vir onment and they have a variety of work experie nee. Job rotati on can help man agers elim in ates the monotony of work.Use of technology Use of tech no logy in the Shan gri-La hotel ' s kitche n. Upgrade the product ion line and reduced operat ing c

17、osts. Use of tech no logy in the kitche n can improves the product ion efficie ncy.Autonomy: Sous chef has a new menu but Craig do n ot agree to use the new menu to cook. Sous chef has his power so sous can talk about the ben efits of the new menu with Craig and in troduces a new menuin order to bet

18、ter meet customer' s dema nds.Section 3a: Importance of TeamworkA team must have a com mon purpose or goal. The team cooperati on can in crease batter to satisfy ing objectives. Team in crease en terprise competitive ness. The team cooperati on van impro ving productivity and enhan ces service q

19、uality and inno vative. The team cooperati on can in creases motivati on and commitme nt.Belbin-team roles and contribution Belb in thi nks not prefer in dividual, on ly has the perfect team. Belbin-team' scontent includes Monitor Evaluator, Team worker, Completer Finisher, Specialist, Implement

20、er, Co-ordinator, Shaper, Plant, Resource In vestigator.Tuckman-stage of team: Tuckma n put the team growth into four stage. Four stage in cludes forming, storm ing, norming, perform ing and perform ing stages.Section 3b: Three factors affecting team cohesivenessand performanceTeam cohesive nessis v

21、ery importa nt to a team. Team cohesive nessis esse ntial can plays an important role in digging out its potential and keeping the team exist. A cohesive team is an eligible team.Three factors, which effect the team cohesi on and performa nee in the kitche n of hotel case.Size of team: Case of no te

22、am in the kitchen.Craig is in the kitchen range to set up asmall team. Small team effort would be a much more efficient approach. The Craig' steam include the delegates of work in the kitchen. Craig' s team discuss the problemsabout kitche n related that can make up for many of the problems

23、before, such as lack of con sultati on, poor com muni cati on and lack of participatio n.Lack of communication:Craig is a personal totalitarian people due to he is lack of com muni catio n with his staff in the kitche n. Lead ing to the lack of cohesive force in the kitche n. Stren gthe n the com muni cati on betwee n man agers and employees that can improve team cohesi on.Team members are positive and motivated: In the kitche n, the man ager mast has the intense


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