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1、unit four dream and responsibilitypart one warming-uplistening activity1directions: listen to the following dialogues and fill in the blanks with the missing words.dialogue 1a: which department do you want to register with?b: i doit know which clinic. i have rash all over my body. it itches badly.a:

2、 i think you should see a dermatologist first. if necessary wetl transfer you the physician.b: thank you.a: please pay for the registration.b: how much?a: five yuan.b: here you are.a: this is your registration card. please don't lose it and bring it whenever you come, b: yes, i will.dialogue 2do

3、ctor: hi, how are you feeling?sam: hoirible. i got a cold five days ago, and now it's getting worse. the cough has gotten deepen and i feel like fve been run over by a freight train!doctor: well, let me listen to your chest. deep breath in. .and exhale. .inhale.exhale.sam: hear anything interest

4、ing down there?doctor: it sounds like you have some congestion in your lungs. we need to get that junk loosened up. here is a prescription.sam: what's it for?doctor: it'll help loosen your chest up and calm your cough. i want you to take it every four hours for a week, ok?sam: fine.doctor: a

5、nd don't forget to drink lots of fluids.sam: i got it. thank you.doctor: yoif ve welcome. take care.directions: listen to the fallowing passage and fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases. the passage will be spoken tvvo times.in western countries, if you want to see a doctor, you m

6、ust make an appointment with the doctor first, otherwise you cant see him. there are many private doctors and private clinics as well as public clinics, hospitals and emergency wards. the doctor will often ask you about your problems and symptoms and examine you if necessary, so you'd better kno

7、w how to describe some common illnesses and your feelings such as headache, cough, toothache, etc. and you had better not say something like "i have a cold", which means you have known your trouble. it's considered bad manners. if you have known your trouble, why do you come to see the

8、 doctor then?3directions: in this section, you will hear 3 short conversations. at the end of each conversation, question will be asked about what was said. the conversation and question will be spoken only once. after each question there will be a pause. during the pause, you must read the four cho

9、ices marked a, b, c and d and decide which is the best answer.1. cw: the flight for guangzhou left 15 minutes ago.m: that's right. it is already 12:05.q: when did the plane leave?2. dm: i hope that the bank will be open.w: the sign says: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, 9 am to 12 noon saturdays. clos

10、ed sundays.q: when will the bank be open on saturdays?3. bw: how long will it take you to fix my bicycle?m: it shouldn't be longer than 4 hours.q: when will the woman get her bicycle fixed?reading activity1. a 2.c3. a 4.c5. bpart two reading aa. warm-up discussion1. do you still remember your dr

11、eam in your childhood? what is it?2. have you work hard to realize your dream?3. if somebody says that your dream is unrealistic, what would you do?be structurepart i para. 1 monty roberts lets me use his house to put on fund-raising events.part ii paras 2-9 the story that why monty roberts lend me

12、his house is shared with the assembled group.part iii para. 10 the conclusion一follow your dream, no matter what.c. detailed study of the text1.1 have a friend named monty roberts who owns a horse ranch in san ysidro. (para. 1)monty roberts was born in salinas, california on may 14, 1935 and is the s

13、on of horse trainer marvin e roberts, who authored his own self-published book called "horse and horseman training” in 1957. roberts believes that horses use a non-verbal language, which he terms "equus' and that humans can use this language to communicate with horses. in order to prom

14、ulgate his methods, roberts has authored a number of books including his original best-seller, the man who 厶istens to horses, and regularly tours with a live demonstration. he runs an equestrian academy in solvang, california and an "online university to promote his ideas.san ysidro is a distri

15、ct of the city of san diego, immediately north of the u.s.-mexico border.2. he has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs. (para. 1)he has agreed to let me use his house to have a party in order to raise money for young people at some dangerous p

16、rograms.to put on: to produce or perform some evente.g. the children put on a puppet show.there is a concert this weekend, but fm not sure which organization is putting it on.3. to go back to (para. 2)similar to "date back tom; to have origins that extend back to the time of someone or somethin

17、ge.g. this part of the palace goes / dates back to catherine the great.4. "he put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher (para> 4)to put one's heart into something: (figurative) to put all of one sincere efforts into something; to do so

18、mething with all of your energy and intereste.g. she put her heart and soul into the singing of the national anthem.come on, choi匚 you can sing better than that. put your heart into it!he wanted the restaurant to be a success and really put his heart into it.to hand something in to somebody: (or: ha

19、nd in something) to submit something by hand; to give something to a person in authority, especially a piece of work or something that is loste.g. did you hand your application form in?i forgot to hand in my test paper.you must all hand in your projects by the end of next week.5. theres no way you c

20、ould ever do it (para. 6)there's no way + (subject + verb)by stating "theres no way" you are relaying a thought of doubt about an event taking place now or in the future.e.g. there's no way your mother approves.6 to make up one's mind on something / to do something (para. 7)rea

21、ch / make / come to a decision about somethinge.g. at 35 and obviously aging, roy jones needs to make up his mind and decide on his future very soon.sam has made up his mind on his essay.7. "two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week” (para. 9)two

22、 years ago in summer, that same schoolteacher brought 30 students to pitch tents and live there on my ranch for a week.to camp out: to stay and sleep in an outside area for one or more days and nights, usually in a tente.g. we were living in the woods, camping out in tents.we used to go camping out

23、west when i was a child.fve done a lot of hiking in that park, but never camped out overnight.8 when i was your teacher, i was something of a dream stealer. (para. 9)when i was your teacher at that time, to some degree, i was a dream steale匚 something of a: to some degree; to some extent.it is used

24、to describe a person or thing in a way that is partly true but not completely or exactly.e.g. she found herself something of a celebrity.our professor is something of an eccentric.he has a reputation as something of a troublemaker.it came as something of a surprise.9. fortunately you had enough gump

25、tion not to give up on yours. (para. 9)luckily you are full of determination to hold on to your dream.to give up on somebody / something: to stop expecting anything from someone or somethinge.g. some officials seem to have given up on our public schools.lee was about to give up on ever getting to th

26、at party.cookes supporters gave up on him a week before the election.d. translation of the text追随梦想我有个朋友叫蒙提罗伯茨,他在圣思多罗有座牧马场。我常借用他宽敞的 住宅举办募款活动,以便为帮助青少年的有风险的项目筹备基金。上次活动时,他在致辞中提到:“我让杰克借用住宅是有原因的。这故事跟 一个小男孩有关,他的父亲是位驯马师,常奔波在马厩之间,赛道之间,牧场之 间驯马。所以,男孩的中学学习过程并不顺利。高中时,有次老师让他写作文, 作文是关于长大后的志愿。”“那晩他洋洋洒洒地写了七页纸,描述他的伟

27、大志愿,那就是想拥有一座属 于自己的养马场,并且仔细画了一张200亩农场的图表,农场里有一栋占地4,000 平方英尺的巨宅。”“他花了好大心血把作文完成,第二天交给了老师。两天后他拿回了作文, 第一页上打了一个乂红乂大的f,旁边还写了一行字:下课后来见我。”“脑中充满幻想的他下课后带着作文去找老师:'为什么给我不及格?' ”“老师回答道:'你年纪轻轻,不要老做白日梦。盖座农场可是个花钱的大 工程;你要花钱买地、花钱买纯种马匹、花钱照顾它们。你别太好高鸯远了。 他接着又说:'如果你肯重写一个比较不离谱的志愿,我会重新给你打分。'”“这男孩回家后反复思量了好

28、几次,然后征询父亲的意见。父亲只是告诉他: '儿子,这是非常重要的决定,你必须自己拿定主意。'”“再三考虑一周后,他原稿交回。他告诉老师:'即使不及格,我也不愿放 弃梦想。'”蒙提此时向众人表示:“我提起这故事,是因为各位现在就坐在200亩农场 内,占地4,000平方英尺的豪华住宅。那份高中时写的作文我至今还留着”。他 顿了一下又说:“有意思的是,两年前的夏天,那位老师带了 30个学生来我农场 露营一星期。离开之前,他对我说:,蒙提,说來有些惭愧。你读高中时,我曾 泼过你冷水。幸亏你有这个毅力坚持自己的梦想。'”不要让任何人打碎你的梦想。无论什么事,相信

29、自己。e keys to exercisesquestions for comprehensionanswer the following questions according to the text.1. because his father was a horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, and ranch to ranch, training horses.2. he wanted to own a 200-acre horse ranch with a 4,000-sq

30、uare-foot house on it.3. because the teacher thought it was an unrealistic dream for a young boy like him. owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. he has to buy the land, pay for the original breeding stock and later he'll have to pay large stud fees. there5s no way he could ever do it.4.

31、if the boy will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, he will reconsider his grade.5. no, he didnt he said “you can keep the f and fll keep my dream6. when i was your teacher, i was something of a dream stealer. fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours.exercisesi. transla

32、te the following expressions into chinese.1. 举办基金筹备活动2.画图表3.大量的心血4.不切实际的梦想5.重新给你打分6.下定决心7. 原稿交回&有点像梦想偷窃者il fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.l.of2. from3. for4. out5. up6. up7. up for8. out9. with10. of11. of12. of13. upiil choose the word in the box and complete the following sent

33、ence with itsproper form.1. requirement2. assemble3. description4. track5. original6. projects7. own& continual9. stock10. interruptioniv. choose the appropriate answer from the four choices.i 5: cbacb610: abadbii 15: babcb1620: aadcbv. choose the words and fill in the blanks with their proper f

34、orms to complete the following passage*modern ideas are beginning to influence the eskimos(爱斯基摩人),but not enough to make much difference to their way of life. they still spend the winter in igloos (冰屋),the round huts that are built of snow frozen hard. they still travel on sleds that are pulled by d

35、ogs. the winter is too cold for hunting, so during that season they live on the stores of seal meat that they have killed in the summer. but seal meat is not the only kind of food that they eat. in summer they hunt bears and reindeer(驯鹿),a type of deer with long branching horns that is used for milk

36、, meat and skin.they also fish all the year round. they eskimos who are hunter in summer are fisherrnen in winter. in winter they make holes in the ice and catch their fish through the holes that they have made. the eskimos are adaptable. that is why they are able to live in arctic regions.translati

37、ontranslate the following sentences into english, using the words or expressions given in brackets.1. it is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking.2. the band is hoping to put on a show before the end of the year.3. the students love camping out in summer holidays.4. they say that he had no

38、 university education, but he seems to be something of a scholar.5. she tells her audience that they should never give up on their dreams.6. you must turn in your uniform when you leave the army.7. we asked her to describe what kind of things she did in her spare time.8. to finish this work requires

39、 some time and patience.9. someone says that her those plans of being a star is exactly unrealistic.part three reading ba. about the authorbarack hussein obama (born august 4, 1961) is an american politician serving as the 44th president of the united states, the first african american to hold the o

40、ffice. born in honolulu, hawaii, obama is a graduate of columbia university and harvard law school, where he served as president of the harvard law review. he was a community organizer in chicago before earning his law degree. heworked as a civil rights attorney and taught constitutional law at univ

41、ersity of chicago law school between 1992 and 2004. he served three terms representing the 13th district in the illinois senate from 1997 to 2004, and ran unsuccessfully in the democratic primary for the united states house of representatives in 2000 against incumbent bobby rushin 2004,obama receive

42、d national attention during his campaign to represent illinois in the united states senate with his victory in the march democratic party primary, his keynote address at the democratic national convention in july, and his election to the senate in november. he began his presidential campaign in 2007

43、 and, after a close primary campaign against hillary rodham clinton in 2008, he won sufficient delegates in the democratic party primaries to receive the presidential nomination. he then defeated republican nominee john mccain in the general election, and was inaugurated as president on january 20,

44、2009. nine months after his inauguration, obama was named the 2009 nobel peace prize laureate. obama was reelected president in november 2012, defeating republican nominee mitt romney, and was sworn in for a second term on january 20, 2013.be warmup discussion1. what kind of work do you want to do a

45、fter graduation?2. what are the basic requirements for your dreamed career?3. how can you meet that requirement?c. structurepart i para. 1part ii paras. 2-5part iii para. 6the responsibility one should have to himselfeducation will help the students to achieve their dreams.the conclusionyou make you

46、r own future.d. detailed study of the textl to start with (para. 1)to begin a task or a process with someone or somethinge.g. i will start with one volunteer and then add others as we go along.i will start with one hot dog and get another later if i want it.2. you cannot drop out of school and just

47、drop into a good job. (para. 3)drop out: (1) to not do something that you were going to do, or to stop doing something before you have completely finished e.g. he dropped out of the race after two laps.(2) if a student drops out, they stop going to classes before they have finished their course.e.g.

48、 sally dropped out of school for some unknown reasons.drop into: basically, it means pass quickly and easily into (a habitual state or manner). in the text, it is created by the author to mean “to get a job”.e.g. she couldrtt help dropping into a geordie accent.in the beginning, when we entered the

49、room for the first morning sit, we might sense the utter stillness of the place, before dropping into our habitual world of thoughts.3. what you make of your education will decide nothing less than the future of this country. (para. 4)what meaning of education you understand will directly decide the

50、 future of this country.make something of somebody/something: to understand the meaning of a statement or action, or to have an opinion about something or someonee.g. what do you make of it all?i carf t make anything of this note.what do you make of the new boss?nothing less than: used to emphasize

51、how great or extreme something ise.g. farmers should not sell their maize to briefcase buyers who aim at nothing less than just exploiting them.my aim is nothing less than to make sure that no patient is left behind4. depend on (para. 4)(depend upon somebody / something) to trust someone or somethin

52、g and know that they will help you or do what you want or expect them to do. (upon is formaland less commonly used than on.)e.g. you can always depend on michael in a crisis.fm depending on you to keep your promise.you can't always depend on the trains arriving on time.5. what you,re learning in

53、 school today will determine whether we as a nation can meet our greatest challenges in the future. (para. 4)meet a/the challenge: to deal with it successfullye.g. are western nations ready to meet the enormous environmental challenges that lie ahead?6. youul need the knowledge and problem-solving s

54、kills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and aids, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment. (para> 5)in the future, if you become a doctor, you will need the knowledge and the skills of how to solve the problems you have learned in the courses as

55、 science and math to cure diseases like cancer and aids, and to think of some new energy technologies and protect our environment.7. boost (para. 5)to make something increase, or become better or more successfule.g. the theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices.i tried to boost

56、 his ego (二 make him feel more confident) by praising his cooking.& where you are right now doesnt have to determine where yoifll end up. (para. 6)whether you are excellent now or not doesnt decide what your future would be. end up: to reach a particular place or achieve a situation after other

57、activities e.g. after two weeks of traveling around europe, we ended up in paris.she ended up her speech with a poem.9. no one,s written your destiny for you, because here in america, you write your own destiny. (para. 6)no one has decided what kind of person you would be, because in america, what y

58、ou are doing now will decide your own destiny.destiny: the particular state of a person or a thing in the future, considered as resulting from earlier eventse.g. we all want to determine our own destinies.they would know that in future the destinies of all its citizens would be entirely in their own hands.she was unable to control her own destinye. translation of the text梦想与责任-贝拉克侯赛因奥巴马我首先要讲讲你们对自己应尽的责任。你们每个人都有自己的长处。你们每 个人都能做出自己的贡献。你们对自己应尽的责


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