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2、调用。又叮嘱鲁肃千万别告诉周瑜。<p<p鲁肃又来见诸葛亮,第一天不见动静,第二天也不动。第三天四更时分,诸葛亮密请鲁肃到船上。同时,把二十条船用绳索连好,向曹营进发。此时,江上大雾迷漫,对面看不见人。五更时分,船只接近曹营。诸葛亮让军士们在船上擂鼓呐喊,装作周瑜来偷袭。无奈江上雾大看不清楚,曹操只好调三千弓箭手向船上射箭。待草人身上密密地插满了箭,天已放亮,诸葛亮下令收船。<p军士们高喊着:“谢谢曹丞相的箭。”高高兴兴地往回走了。回营后,把箭取下,十万有余。3草船借箭的材料<p【注音】co chuán jiè jiàn<p【解释】运用

3、智谋,凭借他人的人力或财力来达到自己的目的。<p【用法】作宾语、定语;指借他人的力量。<p【结构】紧缩式<p【灯谜】孔明造箭<p【歇后语】草船借箭满载而归<p草船借箭多多益善<p草船借箭坐享其成<p草船借箭有误<p草船借箭曹操多疑<p草船借箭机智孔明<p4草船借箭英文版<pTo Borrow Arrows with Thatched Boats<pThis is an episode from the Three Kingdoms. Zhou Yu ordered Zhuge Liang tomanufacture 100

4、,000 arrows within ten days. Zhuge said, “Give me three days.” Healso signed a pledge placing himself liable for punishment should he fail tocomplete the order. Zhou Yu ridiculed that Zhuge Liang was looking forself-destruction. On the one hand, Zhou Yu ordered his troops not to provideZhuge Liang w

5、ith materials to make the arrows. He also sent Lu Su to spy on himto find out what was going on. In fact, Zhuge Liang had already realized thatthis was a plot by room, Zhuge said to Lu Su, “Save me please.” He asked Lu Suto lend him 20boats, each lined with straw-made scarecrows and manned by 30sold

6、iers. He requested that Lu Su not tell Zhou Yu what was happening.<pWhen Lu Su came again to see Zhuge Liang, he did not find anything unusual.Nothing happened on the second day either. In the small hours of the third day,Zhuge Liang invited Lu Su for a boat ride. The 20 boats were tied together

7、withstrong ropes. Zhuge's fleet sailed toward the camp of Cao Cao. A thick mist hadspread over the surface of the river. People could hardly see each other on theriver. When Zhuge's fleet got close to the Cao camp before dawn, Zhuge Liangordered his soldiers to shout and beat drums to fake a

8、n attack. Zhuge and Lu Susimply sat inside one of the boats and drank wines to enjoy themselves.<pAs soon as the Cao camp heard the shouting and drum beating, they mistookit for a surprise attack by the Zhou Yu camp. Since they could see nobody on theriver, they gathered 3,000 bow men and ordered

9、 them to shoot arrows towardswhere the shouting and drum beating came. The front of the scarecrows wasquickly shot full of arrows. After a while, Zhuge Liang had his fleet turnedaround to expose the other side of the scarecrows. When this side was also shotfull of arrows, the day broke. Zhuge Liang

10、ordered his soldiers to return totheir base port. The soldiers shouted, “Thank you, Cao Cao, for your arrows.”After they got back to their camp, they collected more than 100,000 arrows fromthe scarecrows.<p5草船借箭借的谁的箭<p草船借箭,历史上确有其事,但主要人物并非诸葛亮,而是孙权,不过有两个版本的。据三国志·吴主专裴松之引注吴历,孙权屡屡向曹操军挑战,曹操坚守不出。孙权就亲自乘了一艘轻船,从濡须口进入曹操军水寨前。曹操一看,就知道孙权来了,是孙权要亲自来看看曹军的阵势,下令军队严加戒备,箭弩不得妄发。孙权再曹操面前走了五六里路,才返回。走的时候还向曹军击鼓奏乐。所有这些都被曹操看在眼里叹息说:”生子当如孙仲谋。”<p这个跟草船借箭没什么关系,但是下面这个就有了。<p在魏略中却不是这个说法。它说孙权来的时候,不是乘轻舟,而是坐大船。曹操也没有说箭弩不得妄发,而是下令射箭。结果万箭齐发,都射在了孙权的船上,船就向一边倾斜,于是孙权便下令掉头,使“箭匀船平”,孙权也就回去了。这件事后来被罗贯中移花接木,变成了


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