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1、标准操作程 序standard operating procedure文件编码doc. no.:颁发日期: issue date:生效日期:effective date:替代:supersedes:复审日期:review date:页码:第1页共5页page no.: 1 of 5标题:工作对照品/对照品/杂质对照品的接收、处理和保管标准程序title: receipt, handling and maintenance of working/reference andimpurity standard1.0 目的 purdose:描述工作对照品/对照品/杂质对照品的接收、处理和保管的标准程序

2、to lay down a procedure for receipt, handling and maintenance of working standard/ reference standard and impurities.2.0 范围 scope:本程序适用于工作对照品/对照品/杂质对照品的接收、处理和保管。这些对照品来自研 发部门和外部原料药生产商。this procedure is applicable for receipt, handling and maintenance of working standard/reference standard and impurit

3、ies received from r&d & external api vendor.3.0定义 definitions:无 nil4.0责任 resoonsibilitv:所有的qc人员有责任在他们的岗位上遵循此标准操作程序的操作。all qc personal are responsible for following this sop as per their respective roles.5.0 程序 procedure5.1 接收 receipt:5.1在接收的时候,检查是否有检验报告单(coa)和支持性数据。若没有, 则向厂家索取。检查容器是否完好无损,对比c

4、oa和标签的内容。at the time of receipt, check the availability of certificate of analysis (coa) and supporting data. if not, then ask the source to provide them. check the intactness of containers and compare the contents of coa and label.5.1.2如果发现不符合之处,跟生产商联系来更正它。if any discrepancy is observed, then conta

5、ct supplier to correct them.5.3按照附录i的要求记录每个工作对照品/对照品/杂质对照品的接收细节。 record the receipt details of each working standard/reference standard and impurities as per annexure-i.5.4接收的序号应被视为工作对照品/对照品/杂质对照品的内部编码。制定人 prepared by审核人reviewed by批准人approved by签名/日期 sign / date名字name职务designationthe serial number o

6、f receipt should be treated as in-house id of working standard/reference standard and impurities.5.5在coa上注明内部编码,把所有的coa按内部编码的顺序放在单独的文 件夹里。mention in-house id on the coa and keep all coa in a separate file as per inhouse id.5.1.6关于原料药的工作对照品/对照品,检查一下coa和标签上是否折算过的含量。如果没有,用下面的公式,依据附录11,计算折算后的含量。for work

7、ing/reference standard for api, check if the potency on 4as-is-basis, is available on coa and label. if not, calculate the potency on 'as-is-basis9 using following formula as per annexure-ii.5.2 公式 formula:5.2.1如果含量是按无水物/干燥品计算if the assay is on anhydrous/dried basis折算后的含量(%w/w):potency of tas-is

8、-basis, (%w/w):按无水物/干燥品计算的含量(w/w)x(100 kf水分 /干燥失重)100assay on anhyckous/dried basis (%w/w) x (100water by kf/lod)1005.2.2如果含量是按无水物/干燥品和无溶剂物计算if the assay is on anhydrous/dried and solvent free basis折算后的含量potency of 'as-is-basis5 (%w/w):按无水物/干燥品计算的含量(w/w)x(100 kf水分/ )x (100溶剂)100 x 100assay on an

9、hydrous/dried basis (%w/w) x (100water by kf/lod) x (100 - % solvent)100 x 1005.2.3将附录附在接收的coa后。attach annexure-ii to the coa received5.2.4给小瓶贴上含有下面信息的中文标签。label the vials in chinese language with following details on the label:- 产品名称 name of product- 批号 batch/lot number- 内部编码in-house id- 折算含量 poten

10、cy on 'asisbasis'- 生产 r 期 manufacturing date复测日期retest date-储存条件 storage condition5.2.5每个接收的对照品依照附录iii做好“工作对照品/杂质对照品使用记 录"。issue 4working/impurity standard usage record' as per annexure-iii for each item received.526如果相同杂质/工作对照品多于一个小瓶,只能先使用一个。if more than one vial of same impurity/w

11、orking standard is available, only one vial should be issued for use.5.2.7剩余的小瓶应该作为库存,在前一个小瓶消耗完后,再分发使用。 remaining vials should be maintained as stock and should be issued after the consumption of previous vial.5.3 处理 handling531确保对照晶是有效的,还没过期。 ensure that the standard is valid and has not expired.5.

12、3.2冰箱中的小瓶存放在干燥器中,恢复到室温。refrigerated vials should be brought to room temperature by keeping in desiccator.5.3.3在确定工作区域是干净的,并且没有前面的污染后,再打开工作对照品的 小瓶。open the working standard vial after ensuring that the working area is clean and free from previous contamination.5.3.4从小瓶屮取出需要的数量,如果取出的数量过多,不要把多余的放回去, 丢掉

13、多余的。remove only required quantity from the vial, if excess quantity is removed, then do not put it back to vial, discard the excess material.5.3.5使用完后,立刻盖紧瓶子,恢复各自的储存条件。after use, immediately close the vial and return to the respective storage conditio n.5.3.6每个分发的小瓶按照附录iii记录分发情况。record the details a

14、s per annexure-iii issued for the particular vial.5.4 保管 maintenance541移走过期的小瓶。 remove expired vials from the use.5.4.2提前取得新对照品,取代过期的对照品。procure new standard to replace the expired standard well in advance.6.0相关文件 related documents:6外来工作对照品/杂质对照品接收记录(附件1)working/impurity standards receipt record (an

15、nexure-i)6.2 从外部接收的工作对照品的含量计算记录(附件11)potency calculation of working standard received from other lacations (annexure-ii)6.3 外来工作对照品/杂质对照品使用记录(附件111)working/impurity standard usage record (annexure-iii)7.0修订记录 revision record:序号si. no版本号revision status修订内容details of revision备注remarks序号si. no版本号revisi

16、on status修订内容details of revision备注remarks*文件终止符 end of document附表iannexure-i外来工作对照品/杂质对照品接收记录参照文件编码doc. ref. no.:working/impurity standards receipt record序号s. no.接收日期 date of receipt品名name对照品来源source批号lot no.储存条件storagecondition接收数量quantityreceived接收人received by备注remark表格号form no.:生效日期 effective dat

17、e: 第1页共1页page 1 of 1制定人 prepared by审核人 reviewed by批准人 approved by签名/h期 sign / date名字name职务designation从外部接收的工作对照品的含量计算记录potency calculation of working standardreceived from other lacations参照文件编码doc. ref. no.:表格号form no.:生效日期 effective date:第1页共1页 page 1 of 1从外部接收的工作对照品的含量计算记录potency calculation of wo

18、rking standard received from other lacations 工作对照品名称name of working standard:工作对照品批号b. no. /lot no. of working standard:工作对照品内部编码in-house id of working standard:含量,按无水物/干燥品计% w/w assay on anhydrous/dried basis:含量,按无水物/干燥品和无溶剂物计% w/w assay on anhydrous/dried and solvent free basis:水分/干燥失重% water content / loss on drying:残留溶剂含量% solvent contents:折算后的含量assay/p


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