



1、华伦中学小升初考试题以及合肥育英中学小升初考试题 华伦中学小升初考试题以及合肥育英中学小升初考试题标题:(1)把一张纸剪成5块,从所得纸片中取出假设干块各剪成5块,再从以上所得纸片中取出假设干块,每块又剪成5块,如此进展下去,到剪完某一次后停顿时,所得纸片总数可能是()a2002 b2003 c2004 d2005考点:规律型:图形的变化类分析:按照剪纸的规律,每一次都是在5的根底上多了4张,那么剪了n次时,每次取出的纸片数分别为x1,x2,x3,xn块,最后共得纸片总数n,按照数的整除性这一规律可得出答案解答:解:设把一张纸剪成5块后,剪纸还进展了n次,每次取出的纸片数分别为x1,x2,x3


3、色的扑克6张,好摸到同一花色的至少要取出多少张才能到达3张同色?(7)语文有文言文,精卫填海的内容 。(8)关于名著的作者的,选出错误的那个(9)成语错别字(10)关于a dog named bobby 完形填空,不过填6个空,不是10个。betty has a dog.( 1 )name is bobby.it likes to run and play ( 2 )people.one sunday afternoon,betty is out.her parents,brother and sister are ( 3 )something at home.the dog also wan

4、ts ( 4 )something.it runs over to bettys father.he is watching soccer game ( 5 ) tv.he often does this on sundays.he does not even ( 6 )the dog.bobby goes to bettys brother jim.he is doing his homework.he isnt going to play with bobby.bettys sister mary often plays with bobby.( 7 )she is reading a p

5、icture book now.bobby runs to bettys mother.she ( 8 )it to go to sleep.now the door opens,and there ( 9 )betty.she looks at the dog and says,come with me,bobby.im going to take pictures in the park.bobby is ( 10 )and goes quickly after her.1.a、it b、its c、its2.a、with b、for c、to3.a、do b、to do c、doing4

6、.a、to do b、for c、with5.a、in b、at c、on6.a、look b、look for c、look at7.a、and b、but c、or8.a、lets b、asks c、says9.a、goes b、are c、comes10.a、happy b、fine c、sorry(11)语文好似有一题是讲松鼠关于语序的(12)一件商品先提价百分20,又降价百分之20,征询如今是比原价低了仍然高了,仍然相等?(13)有个底面积是314平方厘米的圆柱体,里面有装的一些水,放入一个圆锥,使圆锥完全浸没,水面升高了10厘米,求这个圆锥的体积是多少?(14)_ cheese d

7、o you need? -just a little,please. a how much b ? c how many(15)10以内质数最简真分数有几个?(16)两个质数相乘1合数2质数3奇数4偶数(17)it was a cold day in december in new york city. a little boy about 10 years old was standing in front of a shoe store on broadway. he was looking through the windows. barefooted(赤脚的) and shiverin

8、g(颤抖的)with cold. a lady walked to the boy and said, “ my little boy, what are you looking at?” “i am asking god(上帝)to give me a pair of shoes,” the boy said.the lady took him by the hand and went into the store. she asked the clerk to get a pair of socks for the boy. she then asked if the clerk coul

9、d give her a basin(脸盆) of hot water and a towel. the clerk quickly brought the things to her. she washed the boys little feet and dried them with the towel. by this time, the clerk had returned with the socks. the lady put on the socks for the boy, and then bought him a pair of shoes. she patted(轻拍)

10、him on the head and said,“my little boy, do you feel more comfortable now?”as she turned to go, the boy caught her by the hand suddenly and looked up in her face. with tears in his eyes, he asked the question with these words,“are you gods wife?” “no, im a mother,”said the woman.按照短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分)(

11、) 1. the little boy standing at the store was about _.a. eight years old b. nine years oldc. ten years old d. seven years old( )2. the boy was looking through the window because_.a. he wanted a pair of shoes b. it was fun to do soc. he was interested in the window d. he was hungry( )3. according to

12、the passage the lady was _.a. gods wifeb. a kind womanc. the boys motherd. the boys friend2020合肥育英中学小升初考试题一,选择题1、以下选项中,同时是2,3,5的倍数的数是()2、要反映一周的最低气温变化情况,我们一般采纳()3、把3米长的铁丝平均分成5段,每段长是这根铁丝的( )4、把一根棱长为a的正方体截成两个长方形,这两个长方体的外表积之和是()5、一个正方体共有()条棱6、6:()=3/5=()/15=()/5+20=()%7、20:2.5化成最简整数比为(),比值是()8、假设长方体的长宽高比为4:2:1,体积为64立方厘米,那么长比宽多()厘米。9、分母是6的最简分数有()个,和是()。10、小于10的所有质数之和是()。三、计算题略四、应用16.秦扬印刷厂四月份的总产值为180万元,比三月份增加20%,求四月份比三月份总产值增加多少万元?18.要运2100吨东西,甲乙如下分担,


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