



1、货代常用英文1 .FRI (For your infromation or for youinference)根据你提到的。2.请查一下收货人是否提货。Pls check if the cnee of a/m shpt picked upcargo or not.3.如遇破损。请尽快将拆箱报告发给我们。Pls urgently check and provide devanningreport(拆柜报告)for this shipment to us.4.请回复一下此票货物的状态Pls advice the status for below shipment.5.请放货给收货人Pls rele

2、ase cargo to con signee6.请扣货Pls hold cargo7.请告知一下何时能拆完箱Pls adv when could you finish theunstuffing ?&请凭正本提单放货。Please release cargo to consignee Againstcollecting o/bls as attachment9.同行说他们现在联系不到发货人。明天会再试着联系Co-loader said they could not con tact shpr now,they would try to ctc them again tomorrow.

3、10.关于仓库费的问题Pls pay atte nti on whe n the cnee pick up cargo.Pls advised whe n the storage charges occur , for7days free storage charges what you provided tous,You could debit us for the 8th daythe 10th day.You could debit cnee all storage charges if theydid not p/u cargo on the 11th day after deva n

4、ning.As the co-loader said, they could p/u cargoon 15th, JAN11.请确认一下这票货的实际到货日期。并且查 一下收货是否提货。Pls ki ndly check the exact arriv ingdate of this shipme nt,a nd whether con sig neepicked the shipme nt or not?(一) 船代Shippi ng agent船舶代理Han dli ng Agent操作代理Booki ng Agent订舱代理Cargo Can vass ing揽货FFF:Freight F

5、orwarding FeeBrokerage / Commissi on佣金(二)订舱Book ing订舱Book ing Note订舱单货代佣金Book ing Number订舱号Dock Receipt场站收据M/F (Manifest ):a manifest that lists only cargo,without freight and charges舱单Cable/TelexRelease电放A Circular Letter通告信/通知书PIC:Person in Charge具体负责操作人员The said party所涉及的一方On Board B/L:On Board提单

6、A B/L in which acarrier ack no wledgesthat goodshave bee n placed on board a certa in vessel。Usedto satisfy the requirements of a L/CCan cellati on退关箱(三)港口BP Base Port基本港Prompt release即时放行Tran sit time航程时间/中转时间Cargo availability at desti nati on in货物运抵目的地Seco nd Carrier(第)二程船In tran sit中转Tran sporta

7、ti on hub中转港(四)拖车Tractor牵引车/拖头Low-bed低平板车Trailer拖车Tran sporter拖车Truck ing Compa ny车队(汽车运输公司)Axle load轴负荷Tire-load轮胎负荷Toll Gate收费口(五)保税Bon ded Area保税区Bonded Goods ( Goods in Bond)保税货物Bonded Warehouse保税库Caged stored at bon ded warehouse进入海 关监管Fork Lift叉车Loadi ng Platform装卸平台(六)船期A Friday(Tuesday / Thu

8、rsday)sailing周五班A fortni ght saili ngA bi-weekly saili ngA mon thly saili ng双周班周双班每月班On-schedule arrival / departure准班抵离ETA:Estimated(Expected) Time of Arrival预计到达时间ETB:Estimated(Expected)Time ofBerth ing预计靠泊时间ETD Estimated(Expected) Time of Departure预计离泊时间The saili ng Schedule/Vessels are subject t

9、ocha nge without prior no tice。 船期/船舶如有变更将不作事先通知Closi ng Date:截止申报时间Cut-off time:截关日(七)费用Ocea n Freight海运费Sea Freight海运费Freight Rate海运价Charge / Fee(收)费Dead Freight空舱费Dead Space:Space in a car, truck, vessel, etc.,that is not utilized亏舱Surcharge / Additio nal Charge附加费Toll桥/境费Charges that are below a

10、 just and reaso nable level低于正当合理的收费Market Price Level市场价水平Special Rate特价Rock Bottom Price最低底价Best Obta in able Price市场最好价CC Freight to Collect到付运费Freight Payable At Dest in ation到付运费Back Freight退货运费Fixed Price固定价格Comm. Commissi on佣金Rebate回扣/折扣Drayage charge:made for local hauli ng by dray ortruck拖运

11、费GRI:General Rate In crease运价上调SGRI:Sec ond Gen eral Rate In crease第二次运价上调GRD:General Rate Decrease运价下调TGRD:Temporary General Rate Decrease临时运价下调PSS:Peak Season Surcharge旺季附加费Wharfage:A charge assessed by a pier aga instfreight han dled over the pier码头附加费THC:Terminal Handling Charge码头操作 附加费ORC:Origi

12、n Receiving Charge始发接单费CUC:Chassis Usage Charge拖车运费IAC:In ter-modalAdmi nistrativeCharge(U.S. In la nd Surcharge)内陆运输附 加费DDC:Destination Delivery Charge(目的 地卸货费)OAC:Origin Accessory Charge始发港杂费MAF:Manifest Amendment Fee舱单改单 费(八)For prompt shipme nt立即出运Cargo Supplier(供)货方Upcom ing Shipme nt下一载货Same A

13、ssig nment同一批货Nom in ati on Cargo指定(指派)货In dicated / Nomin ated Cargo指装货Shipments under B/L No。XXX XXX提单货Cargo Volume货量Freight Volume货量Reefer Cargo冷冻货High-value Cargo(goods) 高价货Miss Description虚报货名Agreeme nt Rate协议运价D & H dan gerous and hazardous危险品(九)单证S/O Shippi ng Order托(运)单B/L Bill of Ladi n

14、g提单B/L Copy提单副本OBL Ocea n Bill of Ladi ng HBL House Bill of Lading TBL Through Bill of Ladi ngAdva need BL Adva need Billof ladi ng海运提单无船承运人提单全程提单Anti-Dated BL Anti-dated Bill of Lading倒 签提单Bla nk BL Bla nk Bill of Ladi ng空白提单To OrderB指示提单Combi ned Bill并单(提单)Separate Bill拆单(提单)Straight B/L:A non-neg

15、otiableB/L。thePomere ne Act gover ns its operati on in theUS。记名提单On Board B/L:A B/L in which a carrier ack nowledges that goods have bee n placed on board acertain vessel。Used to satisfythe requirements of a L/C=On Board提单ShippedB/L:A B/L issued only after the goods haveactually bee n shipped on boa

16、rd the vessel,asdistinguishedfrom thereceived for Shipme nts B/L已出运的货物提 单(OnBoard B/L;Shipped B/L已装船提单)Received for Shipme nt B/L备运提单Tran shipme nt B/L转船提单Through B/L联运提单Shipper(Consignee ) Box发(收)货人栏(格)Arrival Notice到货通知书:An advice that the carriersends to the con sig nee advis ingof goodscom ingfo

17、rward for delivery.Pert inentin formati onsuch as BLNo.,c ontainer No. and total charge due fromcon sig nee, etc, are in cluded and sent to con signee prior to vessel arrival. This is done gratuitouslyby the carrier to ensure smooth delivery but there isno obligati on by the carrier to do so. The re

18、sp onsibility to monitor the transit and present himself totake timely delivery still rests with the con sig nee.M/F:Mani fest docume nt that lists in detailall the Bs/L issued by a vessel or its age ntor master,ie,a detailed summary of the totalcargo舱单Batch Fili ng批量报备Man ifest Discrepa ncy舱单数据不符Ac

19、kno wledgeme nt of Mani fest Receipt收 至U舱单回执Pack ing List装箱单Cargo Receipt承运货物收据D/R Dock Receipt场站收据D/O Delivery Order交货单(小提单)ShippersExport Declaration货主出口申报单Shippi ng Advice装运通知(似舱单NVOCC用)Manifest in formati on舱单信息FCN Freight CorrectionNotice舱单更改单(通知)Surre nder O B/L copies for con sig nment交回提单副本R

20、elease Note receipt signed by customer ack nowledgi ng delivery of goods货物收讫 单(九)Inspection-relatedTerms检验相关术语Customs In specti on海关查验Commodity In specti on商品检验Tally理货Tally Report理货报告Check查验/检查/核对Fumigati on熏An imal / Pla nt In spection动植物检验INSP In spection / In spector检验/检验员Certificate of Origin (

21、normally issued or sig ned bya Chamber ofCommerce or Embassy )(始发地)原产地证书Arbitratio n仲裁ACH:Automated Clearing House ( part ofACS )自动清关AMS:AutomatedManifest System ( foran ti-terrorism )自动舱单(反恐)申报系统CSS:Cargo Selectivity System货物抽验CHB:Customs House Broker报关行SED:(EX-DEC) Shippers ExportDeclaration货主出口报关

22、单BONDED WAREHOUSE保税库BONDED AREA保税区BONDED GOODS保税货物QUOTAs Qua ntity of one HTS item allowedto be imported at either higher or lower rate ofduties.进口配额DDP:Delivery Duty Paid完税DDU:Delivery Duty Un paid未完税DRAWBACK:Duties payment refunded becausefreight is re-exported or for similarcircumsta nces退税金额Cust

23、oms fine海关罚款Customs seals海关关圭寸Applicati on for in specti on Toexpedite the cleara neePilferage盗窃/偷窃To beliable for a pen alty ofNon-fraudule ntviolati on非故意违反规定To file certificati ons with Customs向海关申报有效证明To follow the curre nt procedure遵循现行程序To abide by。rule遵照。规定To provide specific Ian guage提供一定说法T

24、o be not authorized不予认可检验申请加快清关受到。处罚of the regulation(十)箱子COC CarrierOwn Container(CARRIEROWNED CTN) 船东自有箱Container Clea ning洗箱VEN Ven tilated通风FRZ Froze n冰冻HTD Heated力口热I.D. I nside Dime nsi on箱内尺码In side Measureme nt箱内尺码TW ( TARE WEIGHT ) The weight of an emptycontainer箱子皮重Container Leas ing Co。租箱

25、公司Equipme nt Excha nge (In tercha nge) Receipt设备交接单Repositi oning集装箱回空Container Leasing long-term / short-termlease集装箱租赁长期/短期Leas ing Compa ny租箱公司premises for Ion ger period tha n provided inTariff空箱滞箱费Demurrage重箱滞箱费国际货运词汇1. IGO inter-governmentorga ni zati on政府间国际组织2. NGO non-governmentorga ni zati

26、 on非政府间国际组织3. ICS intern ati onal chamber shipp ing国际航运公会4. BIMCO Baltic and in ternatio nal maritimecou ncil波罗的海国际海事协会5. CMI committee maritime in ter nati onal国际海事委员会6. IMO in ter nati onalmaritime orga ni zati on国际海事组织7. LNG liquified n atural gas液化天然气8. LPG liquified petroleum gas液化石油气9. SF stow

27、age factor货物积载因数10.IMDG Code in ternati on al maritimedan gerous goods code国际海运危险货物规则11. ISO international standard organization国际标准化组织12. SOC shippers own con tai ner货主箱13. COC carriers own con tai ner船公司箱14. TEU twen ty-foot equivale nt un its计算单位,也称20英尺换算单位15. FCL full con tai ner load整箱货16. LCL

28、less co ntai ner load拼箱货17. CY co ntai ner yard集装箱堆场18. CFS con tai ner freight stati on集装箱货运站19. DOOR货主工厂或仓库20. DPP damage protectio n pla n损害修理条款21. SC service con tract服务合同22. B/N book ing n ote托运单23. S/O shippi ng order装货单,也称下货纸、关单24. M/R mates receipt收货单,也称大副收据25. M/F ma nifest载货清单,也称舱单26. S/P

29、stowage plan货物积载图,也称船图、舱图27. D/O delivery order提货单,也称小提单28. MSDS maritime shipping document ofsafety危险货物安全资料卡29. D/R docks receipt场站收据30. EIR(E/R) equipme nt in tercha nge receipt设备交接单31. CLP co ntai ner load pla n集装箱装箱单32. SOF stateme nt of facts装卸事实记录33. B/L bill of ladi ng提单34. HB/L house bill of

30、 ladi ng代理行提单,或称子提单、分提单、货代提单、无船承运人提单、 仓至仓提单等35. Sea B/L (Master B/L, Ocean B/L, MemoB/L)海运提单,或称母提单、主提单、船公司 提单、备忘提单等36. On board B/L, Shipped B/L已装船提单37. Received for Shipment B/L收货待运提单38. Straight B/L记名提单39. Ope n B/L (Bla nk B/L, Bearer B/L)不记名 提单40. Order B/L指示提单41. Clean B/L清洁提单42. Foul B/L (Un c

31、lean B/L)不清洁提单43. Direct B/L直达提单44. Tran sshipme nt B/L转船提单45. Through B/L联运提单46.Combi ned Tran sport B/L (In termodal Transport B/L, Multimodal Tran sport B/L)多式联运提单47. Minimum B/L最低运费提单,也称起码提单48. Adva need B/L预借提单49. An ti-dated B/L倒签提单50. Stale B/L过期提单51. On Deck B/L甲板货提单过期52. Switch B/L转换提单53. N

32、VOCC non-vessel operati ons comm oncarrier无船公共承运人或无船承运人54.Hague Rules海牙规则,正式名称为统一关于提单若干法律规定的国际公约55.Visby Rules维斯比规则,正式名称 为关于修订统一提单若干法律规定的国际公 约56.Hamburg Rules汉堡规则,正式名 称为1978年联合国海上货物运输公约57. SDR special drawi ng rights特别提款权58. LOI letter of in dem nity保函,也称损害赔偿保证书59. SLAC shippers load and count货主装 载、

33、计数60. SLACS shippers load, count and seal货主装载、计数和加封61. STC said to co nta in内容据称62. SWB seaway bill海运单63. V/C voyage charter航次租船,简称程租64. T/C time charter定期租船,简称期租65. TCT time charter on trip basis航次期租66. COA con tract of affreightme nt包运租船,简称包船67. C/P charter party租船合同68. F/N fixture note确认备忘录,也称订租确

34、认书69. GENCON 金康合同,全称为BIMCO统 一杂货租船合同70. NYPE Form 土产格式,全称美国纽约土产品交易定期租船合同71. BALTIME 波尔的姆格式,全称为BIMCO标准定期租船合同72. BARECONA标准光船租船合同A格式73. SINO TIME中租期租合同74. DWT dead weight tonn age载重吨75. GRT gross registered tonnage总登记吨,简称总吨76. NRT n et registered tonn age净登记吨,简称净吨77. LOA len gth over all船舶总长度78. BM bea

35、m船宽79. MT metric tons公吨(1000千克)80. LAY CAN layday/ca nceli ngdate受载期与解约日81. LINER TERMS班轮条款,即船方负担装卸 费82. BERTH TERMS泊位条款,即船方负担装卸费83. GROSS TERMS总承兑条款,即船方负担装卸费84. FAS free alongside ship船边交接货条 款,即船方负担装卸费85. FI free in船方不负担装货费86. FO free out船方不负担卸货费87. FILO free in ,li ner out船方不负担装货费但负担卸货费88. LIFO li

36、ner in, free out船方不负担卸货费但负担装货费89. FIO free in and out船方不负担装卸费90. FIOST free in and out, stowed andtrimmed船方不负担装卸费、平舱费和堆舱费91. N/R (NOR) notice of readi ness装卸准备就绪通知书92. WIBON whether in berth or not不论靠泊与否93. WICCON whether in custom clearaneeor not不论海关手续办妥与否94. WIFPON whether in free pratique or not不

37、论通过检疫与否95. WWDSHEXUU weather working days,Sun day, holidays excepted, uni ess used晴天工作日,星期天和节假日除外,除非已使用96. WWDSHEXEIU weather working days ,Sun day, holidays excepted, eve n if used晴天工作日,星期天和节假日除外,即使已使用也 除外97.WWDSATPMSHEX weather worki ng days,Saturday PM, Sun days, holidays excepted晴天工作日,星期六下午、星期天和

38、 节假日除外98. WWDSSHEX weather worki ng days,Saturday, Sun days, holidays excepted晴天工作日,星期六、星期天和节假日除外99. CQD customary quick dispatch按港口 习惯快速装卸100.WTS worki ng time saved节省的工作时间101.BFI Baltic freight in dex波罗的海运价指数102. CCFI Chi na contain er freight index中 国出口集装箱运价指数103. BAF, Bs bunker adjustment factor

39、; or bunkersurcharge燃油附加费104. CAF currency adjustmentfactor货币附加费105. THC termi nal han dli ng charges码头作 业附加费,或称码头操作费106. PSS peak season surcharge旺季附加 费107. DDC desti nation delivery charges目的 地交货费108. FAK freight all kin ds均一包箱费率109. FCS freight for class基于商品等级的包箱费率110. FCB freight for class and b

40、asis基于商 品等级和计算标准的包箱费率111.ICAOin ternatio nalcivil aviationorganization国际民用航空组织112.IATAin ter nati onalairtran sportassociation国际航空运输协会113. SITA国际电信协会114. AWB air waybill航空货运单115. HAWB(HWB)house air waybill航空分运单116. MAWB(MWB)master air waybill航 空主运单117. TC1,TC2,TC3 traffic conference area航空区划1、航空区划2、

41、航空区划3118. GMT Greenwich mean time世界标准时,也称格林尼治时119. TACT the air cargo tariff航空货物运价120. TACT Rules航空货物运价手册121. CN Chi na中国122. DE Germa ny德国123. SG Sin gapore新加坡124. CA Ca nada加拿大125. AU Australia澳大利亚126. BIS北京127. TAO青岛128. CAN广州129. SHA上海130. CKG重庆131. TSN天津132. SZX深圳133. HGH杭州134. KMG昆明135. XMN厦门1

42、36. DLC大连137. NGO名古屋138. CA中国国际航空公司139. CZ中国南方航空公司140. MU中国东方航空公司141. CI中华航空公司142. CX国泰航空公司143. NX澳门航空公司144. CAO cargo aircraft o nly仅限货机145. DIP diplomatic mail外交信袋146. SLI shippers letter of in structio n空运托 运书147. CBA cargo book ing adva nee国际航空 货物订舱单148. TRM cargo tran sfer man ifest转运舱单149. LAR

43、 live an imal regulation活动物规则150. DGR dan gerous goods regulati ons危险物品手册151. GCR general cargo rate普通货物运价152. SCR specific commodity rate指定商品运价153. AW air waybill fee货运单费,承运人收取此费为AWC;代理人收取此费为AWA154. CH clearanee charge for agency清关费,代理人收取此费为CHA155. SU surface charge地面运输费,代理人收取此费为SUA156. DB disburse

44、me nt fee垫付款手续费,承 运人收取此费为DBC,代理人收取此费为DBA157. RA dangerous goods surcharge危险 品处理费,承运人收取此费为RAC,代理人收 取此费为RAA158. SD surface charge地面运输费159. CC charges collect160. PP charges prepaid161. ULD unit load device备162. MCO旅费证,也称杂费证163. NVD no value declared没有声明价值dest in ati on目的站运费到付运费预付集装器,集装化设164. NCV no co

45、mmercial value无商业价值165. CCA cargo charges correctionadvice货物运费更改通知166. OFLD offloaded卸下,拉货167. SSPD short-shipped漏(少)装168. Oved over-carried漏卸169. POD proof of delivery交付凭证170.CASS, cargo aeeo unt settleme nt system货运帐目清算系统171. IPI in terior poi nt in termodal内陆公共点多式联运172. SLB Siberian land bridge t

46、raffic西伯利 亚大陆桥运输173. OCP overla nd comm on poi nt内陆公共点或陆上公共点运输174. MLB mi nila nd bridge小陆桥运输175. Combidoc由BIMCO制定的供经营船舶 的多式联运经营人所使用的国际多式联运单证176. FBL由FIATA制定的供作为多式联运经营 人的货运代理使用的国际多式联运单证177. Multidoc由UNCTAD依据联合国国际 货物多式联运公约制定的国际多式联运单证178. MTO multimodal tran sport operator多式联运经营人179. NVO non vessel op

47、erator无船经营人货代常用英语词汇货物运输Freight Tran sport班轮liner; packet ship包装单packing list包装货物packed cargo保价货物insured cargo保税货物bonded cargo笨大货物bulky goods不定期船tramp; tramper不合格货物disqualified goods不流通提单non-negotiable B/L不清洁提单unclean B/L不准转运no transshipment permitted部分陆运与部分海运运输part land and partsea tran sit残损货物damag

48、ed cargo超长货物Iong/lengthy goods超程动物distanee freight超重overweight超重货物heavy package/lift超载货物overloaded cargo陈旧提单stale B/L尺寸单dimensions list出发卷port of departure出发日期date of sailing/departure储运received forshipment船边交货free-alongside-ship(FAS)船期表list of sailings; sailing schedule船上交货free-on-board (FOB)船位拥挤co

49、ngestion ofshipping space大副收据mates receipt代运业务forwarding operation待领货物unclaimed cargo待装船received for shipment单独海损average uniess gen eral; particular average单独海损不赔freeof particular average至H达港port of arrival;destination port至U达口岸destination port抵达时间date and time of arrival定期船条件berth terms定期货船cargo li

50、ner定期客货船passenger andcargo liner定期由B船mail liner; mailer短卸货物short-landed cargo短装货物short-shipped cargo发货地国家country of delivery发货通知书con signment n ote费用已付charges paid费用已预付charges prepaid分批装船partial shipment公证书notarization共同海损general average惯驶航线usual route贵重货物treasure and valuable goods过境货transit cargo海

51、关发票customs in voice海关监管货物goods un der customs supervisi on合同货物con tract goods回运货return cargo货柜container货柜装货物container cargo货价、保险、运费、佣金及利息cost; in sura nee; freigh t;commissi on&in terest货价、保险、运费及汇兑费cost; in sura nee;freight&exchange (CIF&E)货价、保险、运费及佣金cost; i nsura nee;freight&commiss

52、i on (CIF&C)货价、保险及运费cos t; in sura nee&freight(CIF)货价及保险cost&in sura nce(C&I)货价及运费cost&freight(C&F)货物联运through-freight traffic货载船位cargo accommodation基本险marine risk集装箱container记名提单order B/L交货港port ofdelivery经由第三国过境passage in tran sit throughano ther country净重net weight开航日期sail

53、ingdate空白背书提单bla nk en dorsed B/L快运货express goods/cargo冷冻货reefer/refrigeratedgoods冷气货air-cooled cargo离岸价格free-on-board (FOB)联运提单through B/L零批货parcel of goods领事签证发票con sular in voice流通提单negotiable B/L漏卸货物leakage轮船代理人shipping age nt裸装货nude cargo毛重gross weight门至到H服务door-to-door service免税货物duty-freegood

54、s目的港port of destination (POD)皮重tare(weight)平安险free from particular average (FPA)破损险breakage起航港port of sailing启航日期date of sailing/departure窃盗遗失theft; pilferage&non-delivery轻泡货light/measurement cagro清洁提单clean B/L全部灭失险total loss only (TLO)全险all risk (in sura nee)绕航deviation; change ofvoyage容积货物ligh

55、t/measurement cargo商业发票commercial in voice收货代理人receivi ng age nt收货单mates receipt收货地国家country of destination收货人con signee收货人记名提单straight B/L受通知人party tobe notified输出口岸loading port水陆联运throughtransport by land and water; mixed risk水险marinerisk水渍险with particular average (WPA)提单billof lading (B/L)提单抄本non

56、-negotiable B/L体积吨measured ton通知关系人notified party统一发票uniform in voice投保单(risk) coverage note退关货物shut out cargo托运人shipper; con sig nor托运物con sig nment危险货dangerous/hazardous cargo违法物品contraband (articles)违禁物品contraband (articles)误卸货物mis-discharged cargo误装货物mis-shipped cargo限制物品restricted articles卸货船方免

57、责free outuni oadi ng卸货港port of unioading/discharge选择港port of option; optionai port押运人supercargo延滞日数days of demurrage沿途停靠港port of call一次装船one shipment一切风险one risk (in suranee)已完税货物duty-paid goods已装船on-board应税物品dutiable goods遇难港port of distress预定保单open policy预付运费freight prepaid预估启航期estimated time of d

58、eparture (ETD)预计抵达日期estimated time of arrival (ETA)原产地证明单certificate of origi n远洋航运oceanshipping运费待收freight to be collected; freightforward运费到收freight to be collected; freight forward运费回扣freight rebate运费已付freight prepaid运输代理人forwardi ng age nt运输委托书forwardingorder杂货general cargo载货容积吨数measurement tonn

59、 age在途中en route; in transit战争险warrisk丈量吨measured ton直达货through cargo中途转运港port of transshipment; in termediate port重货deadweight cargo重量不足underweight重量单weight list重量吨weight ton转船货transhipment cargo转船装运transhipment转口货transhipment cargo转运提单transhipmentB/L转载货transit cargo装货单shipping order装船日期shipping dat

60、e装船文件shipping documents装货港loading port; port of loading装货免装费freein term装箱单packing list装卸船方免责free in&out term (FIO)装卸费均免free in&out term (FIO)装运说明forwarding instructions装运条款shipment clause装运通知shipping notice/advice总重量gross weight最后停泊港last port; port oflast call贸易用语Trade Terms搬运费transportation charge磅码单weight list包packet;package皮重actual tare包装费pa


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