1、apache https安全超文本传输协议配置1!首兔名装3个照务包apache服务包openssl服务包mod ssl服务包迪里用 yum 淺孑:mod ssiyum install ht t pd“ openssl -见下囹:rootlocalhostyum insteill httpd-* openss 1 -* mod_ss 1§3方便w跆嚴們就耙所有的傩檢券盏包祁朵上见下囹:dependencies reso1vedpackagearchversionrepositorysizeinsta11ing :httpd-deueli386z.z.3-zz.e15server148
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5、窃路q鏑入金令:make server .crt 逻的注册舌先握族你爺入倉徧:0下囹:e is 65537 (0x10001)enter pass phrase:uerifying - enter pass phrase :umask 77 ; /usr/bin/openss1 req -utf8 -new -key server.key -x509 -days 365 -out server.crt -s巳t_seria1 0enter pass phrase f or server ky:requestenter is what is ca1 led a distinguished nam
6、e or a dm. f ieids but you can leave some blankui11 be a defauit ualue, field will be left blank.you are about to be asked to 巳“ter information that mill be incorporated into your certif ica ubat you are about to there are quite a few for some fields there if you enterthe輪入 3 次京芻之后到第二步.下而聂求綸入炭:cn (中
7、) 吊伤:j s (口务) 込呂:huai an (沦名)所念单佞:wa n j i a f u ( 2家福)所念部d (更业):b o s s (老板)儼2 (迫1磯们侦乡本机i p地尬):1 92. 1 68. 1. 1 1 1是后杲邮付込览:nyz183country name (z lettgr code) gbj :cnstat巳 or province name (full name) berkshire:jsloca1ity name (eg, city) newbury:huaianorganization name (eg, company) my company ltd:w
8、anjiafuorganizationa1 unit name (egj section) j :booscommon marne (eg, your name or your serverj s hostname) j:19z.168.1.111 emai 1 address : nyzl83(?163 .comroott?localhost certs#內容摆立之后软们総入命今:丨s岌呢多出3 2个殳仔:server, crt 知 server, keyrooiocqlhost certsisca-bundle.crt localhost.crt mek巳一dummy-c巳rt makef
9、 ile server.crt server.key rootlocqlhost certs# cd /rootplocalhost /tt世就圣我们需理的2 个见l :下而衣们盯斥主紀罡殳件:vi m / et c/ ht t pd/ conf / ht t pd. conf涯盍路qg certs下而的crt 初 keysslcert if icatefile /etc/pki/t ls/cer.crt sslcert if icatekeyfile /etc/pki/t1s/certs/server.key夹们层是后一&加入世2旬请:(个人喜眄加右釆后方便杏痛)席瘙路总克爺入立能7
10、而幻科ssl . conf 殳付筛入路e: vim / et c/ ht t pd/ conf. d 血tab 従走召:总第 m ssl. conf 殳付幻科它rootylocalhost /j# uim /etc/httpd/conf.d/manua1.confproxy_ajp.conf squid.confwelcome.confper 1.confpython.confss1.confphp.confreadmeweba1izer.conf鏑入路 $: vi m i et cl ht t pd/ conf . d/ ssl .confrootolocalhost /# vim /etc
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14、务:鏑入命今:service ht t pd restart第一:尢筮名耐傀僱丘失販:铉居妙你鏑入宏錫(別才申褚的时佩鏑入的那3违的弦親)筛入2廉肓即句鱼£服务:ro ot (? loca lhos t /1# service httpd res tortstopping httpd :failedstarting httpd: apache/z.2.3 mod_ss1/z.2.3 (pass phrase dialog) some of your private key f iles are encrypted for security reasons. in order to r
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