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1、m2- unit 1 一、学习目标与重难点1、知识目标:susies schoolyour schoolnumber of pupils in the school number of pupils in a classarrangement of seats in the classroom sports areas (1) 词汇:ours tie row pool pass secondary school absent bell(2) 句型: what are english schools like ? here are. a few photos. so ours is a bit

2、bigger. everyone is sitting around tables in the classroom. they dont sit in rows.2、能力目标:能听懂有关谈论学校的对话,正确交流学校生活情况3、情感目标:通过谈论彼此之间在校的生活,激发自己的爱好兴趣和学习热情二、课前预习1 读出下面的单词或短语并写出词意ours_ tie_ row_ pool_ pass_secondary school_ absent_ bell_-be surprised to do sth _ enjoy yourself _ a bit bigger_ wear a jacket a

3、nd tie _ wear school clothes _ in our class _ sit around tables _ sit in rows _ 2.朗读对话三、课堂活动1、检查预习2、默读对话,画出下面的短语be surprised to do sth _ enjoy yourself _ a bit bigger_ wear a jacket and tie _ wear school clothes _ sit around tables _ sit in rows _ 3快速阅读对话,回答下面的问题 who did tony visit in lonon? which c

4、lass is a bit bigger , susies or damings ? what does betty hope to do one day ?4 仔细阅读对话,完成表格p11 act 4. 四、重点句及语言点归纳1. what are english school like? 英国的学校是什么样的?句中like为介词, 意思为“像”,如:(1)今天天气如何?_ the weather_ today? (2)你们英语老师人怎么样? _your english teacher_? (3)你看上去像你舅舅。you_ your uncle. 2. lets have a look. 让

5、我看一看。have a look at 看 let sb. do sth. 意思为“让某人做某事”。注意:lets 开头的反意疑问句的附加疑问部分为:shall we? (1)我能看看这本有趣的书吗?can i_ this interesting book?(2)我们明天一起去看电影,好吗? lles go to see a film, _?3. so ours is a bit bigger. 因此我们的学校更大一点。 ours 我们的 名词性代词,相当于 our + 名词this is my book ,that book is _ (your) a bit 修饰比较级。常见的比较级修饰词

6、还有much ,even, still, a lot ,far 等(1)他的书比我的书更有趣:his book is_mine.(2)他的英语比我的英语更好: his english _mine.五、反馈检测:ex1:1. these book are _(their).2. the chair has lost one of _(it) legs.3. its time for _(we) to have lunch.4. he played games instead of _(do) his homework.5. the boy as well as his friends _(pla

7、y) football now.6. either you or she _(be) going to the museum this afternoon.7. she wants to give the cat to a friend of _(her).ex2:完成句子:1.我们都去过北京_ have been to beijing.2. 我们俩都没有去过北京_ has been to beijing.3.which would you like,tea or coffee? - i dont mind. _ ok.( 我不介意, 任何一种都可以)4. 他给我两本书,但对我来说两本书都不容

8、易。he lent me two books, but _ is easy for me.六 课后作业:1背诵词汇及对话module 2 unit 2一、学习目标与重难点:1、知识目标:(1) 词汇:present, have a break, two more lessons , instead of ,such as, once a term, a a parents meeting ,talk about(2) 句型: if i pass my exams next year, ill stay here until im 18. we have two more lessons bef

9、ore school finishes.we have a large sports ground for football and tennis ,where we can play both during and after school hours .2、能力目标:能读懂关于学校教育生活的文章,体会作者的思想感情;能写一篇描述自己学校生活的文章。3、情感目标:通过阅读,了解不同的学校生活,使同学们更加珍惜自己美好的学习时光。学习重点; (1) 句型:ive been at park school, london since i was 11. we have a large sports

10、 ground for football and tennis ,where we can play both during and after school hours(2)语法:代词学习难点: 代词二、课前预习1. 模块重要单词和短语默写:1.出席_2缺席的,_ 3通过考试_4 休息一会 _5 还有两节课_6. 例如_7.每学期一次 _8.家长会_9. 代替 _2.朗读课文三、课堂活动1.检查预习2.默读课文并画出下面的短语1.a secondary school _ 2.primary school_3.have a break _ 4 have two more lessons _5.

11、a sports ground _6. sports club. _7. language societies _8.a parents meeting _3.快速阅读短文回答问题how long has susie been at river school ?how long does her schoolday last?does all the students at river school have the same subjects?how do you like susies school life ? why? 4.仔细阅读完成下面的信息 put the statements

12、into the correct groups.(1).susie has been at school since she was five and she will be at school until she is eighteen.(2).all schools in the uk are like river school.(3). lessons start at 9:05 am.(4).the fourth lesson starts at 1;15pm.(5).there is parents meeting each term.we can get the informati

13、on from the passage directly:_we can get the information from the passage indirectly:_we cannot get the information from the passage:_四知识点拨:1. present(1)形容词,“现在的,目前的” e.g. im not satisfied the p_ situation. (2)名词,“现在,目前”,常用短语at present e.g. _ _(目前) he cant afford this house. (3)名词,“礼物”=gift(4)动词,授予2

14、.safety 名词“安全”。其形容词safe 副词safely e.g. he carried the boy to a _ (安全)place _(安全). 3.as well as也,不但而且【用法点拨】as well as长做并列连词,连接两个并列成分,其意义相当于not onlybut also。但它们强调的侧重点不同: a as well as b所强调的对象是a,而not only a but also b 强调的对象是b。e.g. he is clever as well as handsome.他不但英俊,而且聪明。he is not only clever but also

15、 hard-working.4. ive been at park school, london since i was 11. 本句是由since引导的时间状语从句表示一段时间,故主句用现在完成时态。e.g. we _ (live)here since i _(come) to this city.【联想辐射】(1)ever since从那时起,用于现在完成时态e.g. he_(teach) english there ever since. (2)常用句型:itshas been +时间段+ since从句 e.g. it _(be) ten years since i knew you.

16、2.we have a large sports ground where we play football, tennis and athletics both during and after school hours. 结构分析:句中where引导定语从句,修饰先行词a large sports ground。关系副词where在从句中作地点状语,相当于on a large sports grounde.g. this is the hospital where you were born.(where作地点状语,相当于in the hospital)五当堂达标一、根据句意和首字母提示完

17、成单词。1. how many people were p_ at the meeting?2. the little girl is a _ from the school because of illness.3. in b_ class, we study plants and animals.4. ill never forget the s_ he gave to on the playground.5. football is l_ popular than basketball in america.6.he was ill yesterday. now he is even w

18、_.7.-what are you going to do tomorrow?-ill e_ stay at home or go shopping. i havent decided it.8. the weather in sanya in winter is very nice. its n_ hot nor cold, so many people go there for holiday.二、选择填空( ) 1. -will you get there by _ bus? -no, ill take _ taxi. a., b. a, the c. , a d. the, a( )

19、2. jenny gave us _ on how to learn english well. a. some advices b. many advices c. some advice d. an advice( ) 3. after playing football for two hours, the students took_ rest. a. a few minutes b. a few minutes c. a little minutes d. a little minutes( ) 4.lucy knew nothing about it _ her sister tol

20、d her. a. because b. until c. if d. since ( ) 5. bill was listening to the radio while ann _. a.watches b.watched c.was watching d.has watched( ) 6. it was _ weather that we decided to go for a picnic. a.such fine b. such a fine c. so fine d. so fine a三、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.我们明天要乘飞机回北京。 we _ _ _ _ beijing t

21、omorrow.2-暑假过的怎么样? -相当不错。- _ _ your summer holiday? - _ _. 3.尽管他尽了最大努力,可还是没通过考试。 _ he _ _ _, he didnt pass the exam. 4.在开始吃饭的时候,妈妈告诉我一个好消息。_ _ _ _ dinner, mum told me a piece of good news. 5.不要大声跟她说话。 dont talk to her _ _ _ _.六能力提升一、用词的适当形式填空1. i_(make) a lot of friends since i came here.2. he _(not

22、 go) to bed until his mother comes back.3. he was late, but _(fortunate) the meeting hadnt started.4. he played games instead of _(do) his homework.5. the boy as well as his friends _(play) football now.6. either you or she _(be) going to the museum this afternoon.7. the two men didnt know what _(do

23、) next.8. these book are _(their). 9. the chair has lost one of _(it) legs.10. its time for _(we) to have lunch.11. she wants to give the cat to a friend of _(her).二句型转换1. there are few apples on the trees, _ _? (反意疑问句)2. lucy usually cleans the cages every two days. (画线提问) _ _ _lucy usually clean t

24、he cages?3. he asked me, “what are you doing?”(改为间接引语) he asked me _ _ _ doing.4. its half an hours walk from my home to school. _ _ _ _ from your home to school?5. my father went to the park. he didnt go fishing. (同义句) my father went to the park _ _ _ fishing.6. he likes english better than chinese

25、. he_ english _ chinese.7. the story is less interesting than that one. (同义句) the story is_ _ _ _ that one.8. i met a girl yesterday. the girl is from japan.(合并为一句) i met a girl _ _ from japan.三阅读理解a boss put an advertisement in a newspaper for a boy to work in hisoffice. out of nearly sixty who cam

26、e for the job, the boss chose one. “i would like to know why you liked that boy,” said a friend, “you know he brought no recommendation(推荐信).” “you are wrong.” said the boss, “he is the right boy. he cleaned his feet at the door and closed the door after him, showing that he was careful. he gave his

27、 seat immediately to the old man, showing that he was kind. he took off his cap when he came in and answered my questions quickly. this showed that he was polite and bright.” “all the others walked over the magazine that i had purposely(故意地) put on the floor. he picked it up and placed it on the tab

28、le and he waited quietly for his turn instead of pushing. when i talked to him, i noticed his clean hair and fingers. cant you see that these things are excellent recommendations?”( )1.the story shows _.a. good manners are not importantb. good manners are less important c. good manners are not so im

29、portant d. good manners are very important ( )2. the story as a whole is about_. a.a careless boss b.a careful boss c.a kind boss d.an unfair boss( )3. from the story we know the friend _.a. was as clever as the boss b. was cleverer than the boss c. was not as clever as the boss d. had reasons to be

30、 angry( )4. why did the boss purposely put the magazine on the floor? a .because he wanted to find out who was the most careful.b. because he wanted to find out who was the rudest.c. because he wanted to find out who was the cleverest.d. because he wanted to find out who was the cleanest.( )5. which of the following is not true?a. the boss chose a


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