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1、湖北省武汉市警予中学2022年高三英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. so far, i haven't adapted to the fast          of the life in toronto.a. step              b. style        

2、0;       c. pace             d. manner参考答案:c2. the detective, _ to read a newspaper, glanced at the man _ next to a woman.a. pretending; seat        b. pretending; seated 

3、0;   c. pretended; seat       d. pretended; seated参考答案:b略3. since nobody gave him any help, he    have done the research on his own.a. can       b. must       c. would    

4、0;    d. need参考答案:b略4. it is beyond my understanding that many adults _ be so crazy about harry potter series.ashall   bcan  cmust  dshould参考答案:d句意为:很多成年人居然对哈利·波特系列这么上瘾,对此我不能理解。这里用should表示“居然,竟然”。其他选项都没有这个含义。5. i dont think she knew anything about it, _? 

5、  a. doesnt she             b. does she                 c. did she               

6、;          d. do i 参考答案:c.6. -where is our english teacher?-she is in the classroom, _ the exercises _ the students have done at home.a. explaining; /b. explaining; forc. having explained; tod. explained; from参考答案:a7. teaching is a job which many say _ hi

7、gh patience and constant devotion of teachers.a. makes forb. pays forc. calls ford. stands for参考答案:c8.  i think you should complain _, of course, you are happy with the way things are.   a. unless            b. if   

8、;           c. although         d. because参考答案:a  9. _, some students tend to develop a range of unhealthy habits. -   a. parents dont watch over them       

9、60;      b. not having watched over   c. with no parents to watch over them          d. parents watched over参考答案:c10. ._ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challengeahowever a serious problem &

10、#160;    bwhat a serious problemchowever serious a problem      dwhat serious a problem参考答案:c略11. mrandrews has not yet given me those reports,but once_,ill mail them to you.    ahe does          

11、;  bhe will                    cthey do                   dthey will   参考答案:a12. tony said he could

12、fix my bicycle, but i really doubt it._     _. he's good at that sort of thing.       adon't worry                         

13、;        bof course       ca piece of cake                            di couldn't agree more参考答案:a13. 

14、0;we'll be free tomorrow, so i suggest _ to the history museum.    a. to visit         b. visiting         c. we visit       d. a visit参考答案:d14.  its not as _ as yest

15、erday, so there are _ children playing with their parents in the peoples square.    a. warm; fewer    b. warm; less    c. warmer; fewer    d. warmer; less 参考答案:a15. let your child learn to be independent, for _ he will leave home to lead his own

16、 life as a fully independent adult.a. thankfullyb. alternativelyc. definitelyd. eventually参考答案:d【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:让你的孩子学会独立,因为他最终会离开家,作为一个完全独立的成年人过自己的生活。a. thankfully感谢地;b. alternatively或者;二者择一地;c. definitely当然;明确地;d. eventually最终。依据句意可知,孩子最终会离家独立生活。故选d。16. since i dont like surfing the internet, shal

17、l i go to the library instead    the information we need?a. to get         b. of getting        c. of to get      d .getting参考答案:a17. 29they demanded that the government  

18、0; all political prisoners in the next two weeksafreed      bfree      cwould free        dwill free参考答案:b略18. its_ best to make_ friends with those who are honest.a. the; /       

19、  b. /; /             c. /; the         d. the; the参考答案:b27. for sustainable development, the government has decided to give _ to thoseenergy-conserving and environment-friendly businesses in man

20、y aspects.a. profit                  b. interest                     c. preference      &#

21、160;         d. advantage参考答案:c略二、 完型填空20. my whole life began to make more sense after i was diagnosed with turner syndrome(特纳综合征)at 12. before that, i  41  understood why when the rest of my classmates were growing like weeds, i 42  a seed stuck in

22、 the ground. i had always struggled being the 43girl in my class and was known as “shorty” . though this   44  me deeply, i refused to let my classmates   45  my enthusiasm for school and learning. i 46  lots of after-school activities, though they sometimes presented p

23、roblems. because girls with turner syndrome tend to have 47 coordination (协调), i hardly had any athletic ability. i loved to sing, but it proved   48  to share a microphone with a group of girls seven inches taller. despite this, i   49  to drive myself to prove that heart and br

24、ains could make up for lack of   50  . once diagnosed, i was given a 51plan that involved daily growth hormone (激素) injections. i am the type of person who   52a doctor's appointment for weeks in advance,   53  getting used to injections every day and even worse, giving

25、them to myself was a true test of my character.  54  , i got over this difficulty and after five years, i have grown 11 inches. this was a(n)   55response and i consider it my own little miracle. i am not   56   that i have turner syndrome. it has built up my character

26、and  57  me into the person i am today. i have learned that you need to try your best to   58   the difficulties in your life. someone once told me, “no one can make you feel inferior (自卑) without your permission.”this statement has always   59  me and so i will jo

27、urney on to the next stage of my life with  60  and self-confidence.41.a. sometimes        b. alwaysc. alsod. never42.a. dug              b. remainedc. searchedd. shared43.a. cleverest 

28、         b. shyestc. shortestd. stupidest44.a. touched           b. helped c. hurtd. bothered45.a. weakenb. checkc. buildd. develop46.a. came up withb. looked forward toc. paid attention tod. got involved in47.

29、a. goodb. physicalc. poord. personal48a. difficultb. interestingc. populard. important49.a. stoppedb. failedc. continuedd. pretended50.a. moneyb. powerc. heightd. time51.a. diet b. studyc. businessd. treatment52.a. knows aboutb. worries aboutc. waits ford.prepares for53.a. but b. orc. untild. so54.a

30、. therefore b. howeverc. besidesd.meanwhile55.a. wrong b. formalc. amazingd. complex56.a. glad b. surec. upsetd. sensible57.a. persuaded b. transformedc. forcedd. pushed58.a. overcome b. create c. ignored. increase59.a. shocked b. pleased c. inspiredd. confused60.a. love b. tear c. praised. pride参考答

31、案:dbccadcaccdbdbccbacd41考查副词。从后文可知,我由于得病,个子很矮。这句话表达的意思是在我被诊断出得病之前,我从来都不理解为什么当班里其他同学像杂草一样长时,我仍然像地里的一颗种子。sometimes有时;always总是;also也;never从不。根据句意及选项含义,故选d项。42考查动词。这句话表达的意思是在我被诊断出得病之前,我从来都不理解为什么当班里其他同学像杂草一样长时,我仍然像地里的一颗种子。dug挖;remained仍然;searched搜寻;shared分享。根据句意及选项含义,故选b项。43考查形容词。根据后半句 and was known as “

32、shorty” .可知我被称为“矮子”。cleverest最聪明的;shyest最害羞的;shortest最矮的;stupidest最愚蠢的。根据句意及选项含义,故选c项。44考查动词。同学们叫我“矮子”,这当然让我很受伤。touched触摸;helped帮助;hurt伤害;bothered打扰。故选c项。45考查动词。这句话要表达的意思是,虽然同学们取笑我,但是这并没有让我减少对学校和学习的热情。weaken减弱;check检查;build建造;develop发展。故选a项。46考查动词短语。前一句说我对学校和学习很有热情,因此应该是我参与许多课外活动。came up with想出,提出;l

33、ooked forward to期待;paid attention to注意;got involved in参与。故选d项。47考查形容词。根据后半句i hardly had any athletic ability可知我身体的协调性不好。good好的;physical身体的,物质的;poor穷的,不好的;personal个人的。故选c项。48考查形容词。因为我很矮,所以和那些七英寸高的女孩共用一个麦克风是很困难的。difficult困难的;interesting有趣的;popular受欢迎的;important重要的。根据句意及选项含义,故选a项。49考查动词。这句话要表达的意思是,尽管如此

34、,我依然没有放弃,我继续迫使自己前进,来证明心和大脑可以弥补身高的缺陷。stopped停止;failed失败;continued继续;pretended假装。根据句意及选项含义,故选c项。50考查名词。尽管如此,我依然没有放弃,我继续迫使自己前进,来证明心和大脑可以弥补身高的缺陷。money钱;power动力;height高度;time时间。故选c项。51考查名词。根据that involved daily growth hormone (激素) injections.可知我被安排治疗计划。diet饮食;study学习;business商业,生意;treatment对待,治疗。故选d项。52考

35、查动词短语。根据后半句getting used to injections every day,可知我担心医生提前几周的安排。knows about了解;worries about担忧;waits for等待;prepares for为准备。故选b项。53考查连词。我担忧医生提前几周的安排,因此习惯于每天注射。前后是因果关系。but但是;or否则;until直到;so所以。故选d项。54考查副词。根据i got over this difficulty and after five years, i have grown 11 inches. 可知我克服了这个困难,五年后已经长了11英寸了。因

36、此与前面内容是转折关系。therefore因此;however然而;besides另外;meanwhile同时。故选b项。55考查形容词。这是没有想到的结果,因此是令人吃惊的。wrong错误的;formal正式的;amazing令人吃惊的;complex复杂的。故选c项。56考查形容词。根据后半句it has built up my character可知我并没有对这个病感到失望难过。glad高兴的;sure确信的;upset难过的,不安的;sensible敏感的。故选c项。57考查动词。这句话要表达的意思是,它逐步建立了我的性格并且把我变成了今天的样子。persuaded说服;transfo


38、弃,而是克服了很多困难,最后终于取得了成功。三、 阅读理解21. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。amazing rafting adventureswhite water rafting is one of the classic, wild, activities in the outdoors. it is also an opportunity for an unbelievable family adventure. around the country, there are several riversand rafting outfitter

39、sthat are perfectly suited to the entire family.         here are three of the best:         new river gorge, west virginiarafting in west virginia is renowned for its established infrastructure, reliability, and easy ac

40、cess. these things make it an obvious choice for a family vacation. famous areas, including the new river gorge, offer everything from lazy floats to intense class iv runs.         read more: water water rafting: top 5 u.s. locations    

41、60;    jackson hole, wyoming         jackson hole provides a full range of opportunities in the outdoorsand white water rafting is certainly one of them. popular trips include the rough rapids of the snake river and gentle floats in nearby yello

42、wstone national park.         read more: what you need to know before visiting yellowstone national park         grand canyon, arizona         for really families, a multi-day trip

43、 down the colorado river in the grand canyon is the penultimate adventure. guided trips typically pack in boats-worth of supplies so the overnight adventures are far from “roughing it.” instead, evenings are catered in a rugged luxury style, allowing everyone to rest up for the next days activities.

44、         whether looking for a casual float or a challenging adventure, white water rafting is a great option for any active family vacation.60what is the common feature of the 3 rafting adventures?         athe three ra

45、fting rivers are all suitable for the whole family.         ball three rafting rivers are weary to access and reliable.         call three rafting rivers are suitable for active families.     

46、60;   dall three rafting rivers offer over night adventures.61if one family want to enjoy a multi-day white water rafting, where should they go?         anew river gorge, west virginia                


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