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1、2011-2012 2011-2012 学年第一学期学年第一学期初三英语期末复习建议初三英语期末复习建议期末考试功能定位:期末考试功能定位: 检测检测 导向导向 激励激励 期末考试范围:期末考试范围: 新目标九年级新目标九年级Unit 6Unit 6Unit 10Unit 10第1页/共70页U6-U10 U6-U10 语法项目语法项目1. 定语从句定语从句: : ( that who where)that who where) 理解引导定语从句的构成形式及基本用法。理解引导定语从句的构成形式及基本用法。2. 动词不定式动词不定式: : 作宾语、状语、宾补、定语、主语作宾语、状语、宾补、定语、

2、主语3. 被动语态被动语态: : 结构、形式及基本用法。结构、形式及基本用法。 (掌握:一般现在时、一般过去时)(掌握:一般现在时、一般过去时) (理解:一般将来时、含情态动词)(理解:一般将来时、含情态动词)4. 过去完成时过去完成时: : 结构、形式及基本用法。结构、形式及基本用法。5. 词法词法: :合成,派生,转化合成,派生,转化-P144-P144第2页/共70页Language GoalsU 6 Express preferences (偏爱)(偏爱) how to describe the things you likeU 7 Talk about traveling and v

3、acations how to describe places youd like to visit U 8 Do volunteer work some phrasal verbs U9 Talk about the history of inventions passive voice U10 Narrate past events past perfect tense 第3页/共70页Sentence structuresUnit 6 I like music that I can sing along with. I love singers who write their own m

4、usic.Unit 7 I hope to Id love to Id like to go somewhere relaxing.I like places where the weather is always warm.第4页/共70页Unit 8 He looks sad. Lets cheer him up.We need to come up with some ideas.Unit 9 Who was the telephone invented by?When was the telephone invented?What is the telephone used for?

5、Unit 10 By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.第5页/共70页复习内容复习内容与与Grammar FocusGrammar Focus常用短语和常用短语和与与第6页/共70页一、单元复习:一、单元复习: 1. 重点句型重点句型 2. 重点短语重点短语 3. 链接中考链接中考 第7页/共70页 Describe the music / persons you likeUnit 6 Target language 定语从句:关系词(that who) - Rosa likes music that

6、 is quiet and gentle. -What kind of music do you like? -I like music that I can sing along with. ( dance to ) -We prefer music that has great lyrics. -What kind of singers do you love? - I love singers who write their own music. 第8页/共70页9. stay away from10. be good /bad for 远离 对有好处/坏处第9页/共70页1.Its g

7、ood/bad for对对有好有好/ /害处害处 e.g.多喝水对你的健康有好处。 Drinking more water is good for your health. e.g.经常用MP3听音乐对听力不好。 Its bad for your hearing to listen to music with Mp3 more often. 2.one of +最高级最高级+ +名词复数形式名词复数形式:表示:表示之一之一 e.g. Amy e.g. Amy 是现代中国最著名的摄影师之一。是现代中国最著名的摄影师之一。 Amy is one of the best-known Chinese

8、photographers in the world today. 第10页/共70页3. someothers一些一些另一些另一些 e.g. 同学们正在上体育课.一些同学在踢足球,一些同 学在跑步。 The students were having PE class. Some are playing football, others are running. 4. make sb. do sth./ make sb. adj.让让做某事做某事e.g. 妈妈让我尽快把屋子整理干净。 My mother makes me clean the room as soon as possible.e

9、.g. 这些音乐家能让我们开心。 They are the musicians who make us happy.第11页/共70页Describe places Unit 7 Target language 1. Where would you like to go on vacation? Id like to visit somewhere relaxing. 2. I like places where the people are really friendly. 3. I hope to go to France some day I hope I /you can. 4. Wh

10、y not consider visiting Paris. 5. Its convenient to take the underground第12页/共70页1. as soon as possible2. quite a few3. provide sb. with sth. 4. hope to do5. somewhere relaxing6. thousands of7. consider doing 8. be willing to do9. dream of doing sth.10. take it easy. 尽快地 相当多为某人提供 希望做 放松的某个地方 成千上万 考虑

11、做某事 乐意做 梦想做 放松,不紧张第13页/共70页1.What about (doing) sth.?做做 事怎么样事怎么样呢?呢? e.g. 明天是周末,去远足怎么样? It is Sunday tomorrow, how about going hiking .2. Why not do? 为什么不为什么不呢呢? e.g.今晚我们何不多吃些炸马铃薯片? Why not eat more fried potato chips tonight? Why dont we do? e.g. 我们为什么不赶快去学校,要迟到了。 Its going to be late, why dont we

12、hurry to school?第14页/共70页3.Would you like to ? 你愿意做你愿意做? e.g. 你愿意把你的自行车借给我吗? Would you like to lend me your bike ? e.g. 我想要在字典里查新单词。 I would like to look up some new words in the dictionary.4. Let sb. do sth.? 让让做什么事做什么事. e.g. 让我们讨论一下这个问题吧。 Lets discuss the question ! 第15页/共70页Phrasal verbsUnit 8 Ta

13、rget language We / You could help coach a soccer team We need to come up with a plan. What do you like ?I like / love doing/ to do Id like to /plan to set up a volunteer project. What kind of volunteer work do you think I could do? Being a volunteer / Volunteering is great. Not only do I , but also

14、I 第16页/共70页清扫/修理鼓励分发捐赠与相象/与相似想出推迟通过付诸实施结果发展解决困难建立/张贴1. clean up fix up2. cheer up 3. give out / hand out4. give away 5. take after sb./be similar to6. come up with /think up 7. put off8. put into good use by9. work out help out10. set up put up第17页/共70页1. Not onlybut also 不仅不仅而且而且 e.g. 不仅孩子们就连家长们也喜欢

15、看动画片。 Not only children but also parents like watching cartoons.2. spendon (in) doing sth. 在在方面花费方面花费 e.g. 他把大部分钱都花在买书上了。 He spends most of his money on books. He spends most of his money buying books. 第18页/共70页3. ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth.请告诉请告诉做做/ /不做某事不做某事 e.g. 老师经常告诉我要更加努力地学习。 The teacher oft

16、en tells me to study harder. e.g. 同学们叫我去打篮球。 My classmates asked me to play basketball.4. thanks for doing sth? 因做因做而感谢而感谢 e.g. 谢谢你帮我解决了困难。 Thank you for helping me out ! 第19页/共70页Passive Voice Unit 9 Target languageA: When was/ were invented?B: It was/They were invented .A: Who was/ were invented b

17、y? B: It was/ They were invented by sb.A: What is/ are used for?B: It is/ They are used for ( doing ) sth.第20页/共70页1. be invented by sb.2. be used for doing3. divide into4. guide into5. according to6. knock into7. by mistake8. by accident9. fall into10. in this way 由(某人)发明 用来做 把分开,划分 指导;引入 根据 与 相撞 弄

18、错,搞错 偶然地 掉入 用这种方法第21页/共70页1. notuntil直到直到才才 e.g. 昨天直到做完作业,他才看电视。 He didnt watch TV until he finished his homework yesterday. 2. be used for doing sth.被用来做被用来做 e.g. 微波炉用来加热食物。 Microwave oven is used for heating food.第22页/共70页3. Its adj (for sb.) to do sth.对于对于做做是是 e.g. 多外出旅行对开阔我们的视野很重要。 Its important

19、 for us to open our eyes to go sightseeing. 4. adj. enough 足够的足够的 e.g. 妈妈认为这个房间还不够好。 Mum thinks this room is not good enough. 第23页/共70页 Narrate past events Unit 10 Target languageBy the time she got up, her brother had already gotten into the bathroom.When she got to school, she realized she had lef

20、t her backpack at home.第24页/共70页1. gorunset off2. by the time3. get dressed4. give sb. a ride5. show up/stay up6. on time7. make it8. sell out9. break down10. get married 闹钟响跑开 激发 到之前 穿衣服 让某人搭个便车 出现/熬夜 准时 成功,办到了 售光 停止运行,出事故 结婚第25页/共70页1. sothat 如此如此以至于以至于e.g.去年冬天太冷了,以至于很多人都患了感冒。 It was so cold that

21、many people caught a cold last winter. 2. asas 与与 一样一样 e.g. 她把她的书保管得像刚买的一样新。 She kept her book as new as she just bought it.第26页/共70页3. bothand 两者都两者都 e.g. 那是一个让老师和学生都高兴的办法。 Its a good way to make both teachers and students happy. 4. stop doing sth. 停止做停止做 e.g. 妈妈经常劝爸爸别抽烟了。 My mother often advised m

22、y father to stop smoking. 第27页/共70页二、专项复习二、专项复习:1. 1. 与与 第28页/共70页与与 第29页/共70页 Unit 6 ( Writing )(2篇文章)篇文章) 描述喜好、偏爱描述喜好、偏爱 1. My favorite (sport, food, book, music, movie, teacher, friend, singer, band) 1)What is it / Who is 2)What do you often do with 3)What do you think of it?/ Why do you like it?

23、第30页/共70页Unit 6 ( Writing )2. Write a reply to Lingling. (P49)Dear Lingling,Im glad to get your e-mail. _Yours,_第31页/共70页 Unit 7 ( Writing ) 描述旅游 ( 3篇文章) 1、Traveling Spotlight: Beijing 仿照3a(P54), 介绍北京,学习和体会篇章 结构。第32页/共70页Travel Spotlight - Beijing For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Be

24、ijing? Beijing, the capital of China, is famous for its long history and splendid culture. There are many things to see and do here. For example, it has some fantastic sights, including the Bird Nest, which was built for the 2008 Olympic games and now it is the largest stadium in Beijing. Travelling

25、 around Beijing by subway is very convenient. The subway system has been upgraded and expanded over the years. Taking the subway would only cost 2 yuan. Its much cheaper than taking the taxi in general.第33页/共70页 If you come to Beijing, you should nevermiss Beijing Duck. Its delicious because its cri

26、spy outside and tender inside. You will love it. In a word, Beijing is a place worth visiting. Only when you come yourself can you experience its charm. 第34页/共70页2. 介绍某一景点: 2010期末 假如你是李雷,请阅读你美国网友Tom的E-mail,根据E-mail的内容,给他写一封回信。 Dear Li Li Im glad to tell you that Ill take a trip to China this winter

27、vacation. Could you please tell me where I can go? What are the places of interest there, the activities I can do, and the food I can enjoy? Sorry to trouble you. Will you please write to me soon? Yours, Tom 注意: 1字数不少于60。 2.开头已给出 Dear Tom Im glad to know you will come to China.第35页/共70页 Im glad to k

28、now you will come to China. Talking about my motherland, theres just so much to appreciate. Among all the attractive cities, Shanghai may be one of the best choices for you.Possible version第36页/共70页 Shanghai is a perfect mixture of historic sceneries and modern skyscrapers. For instance, people inva

29、riably visit the Town Gods Temple(城惶庙) when they come to Shanghai. Not only can you learn about a lot of touching stories there, but also youre supposed to try the famous delicious food - Shanghai Steamed Dumplings (小笼包) . By the way, are you crazy about shopping? Shanghai is really a paradise for s

30、hopaholics (购物狂) . Its easy for you to get inexpensive goods of best quality.第37页/共70页 So, whats your decision? I just cant wait meeting you and you are always welcome.第38页/共70页3. 你收到一封咨询信,请你以旅行社工作人员的身份完成任务。Dear Ace Travel, Im Li Ming, from the east of China. For the coming winter vacation, my famil

31、y and I want to spend our vacation in a foreign city for ten days. We would like to go somewhere not only warm but also interesting. We dont mind how far we have to go. It has to be a place where we can swim every day, and it would be nice if our hotel is not expensive but clean and comfortable. We

32、like to pay no more than $5,000 for the trip. Could you please give us your suggestions for vacation spots? Thanks a lot.Yours, Li Ming第39页/共70页请你根据来信,从下列所给的地方中选择一个或两个符合Li Ming要求的地方,向他提出建议。(80字左右) Tokyo, Sydney, Hawaii, Shanghai 第40页/共70页 Dear Li Ming, Im Gina. Its my pleasure to give you some sugge

33、stions for your vacation spots. According to your letter, I think either Sydney or Hawaii is the best choice because they are both warm and interesting. There are some inexpensive hotels that are clean and comfortable. Whats more, you can enjoy sunshine, walk on the beach and swim every day. Besides

34、, there are many good museums in Sydney. (Its also a wonderful place for shopping.) And if you go to Hawaii, you could have a visit to Pearl Harbor, which is quite educational and historical. (And you can also enjoy exotic dances.) Thats just my idea. I hope it would give you some help. Yours, Gina.

35、 第41页/共70页 Unit 8 ( Writing ) 描述志愿者活动 (4篇文章) 第42页/共70页1. 07年1月学校志愿者协会招募新成员,打算在寒假期间到本市儿童医院和第五敬老院组织志愿者活动。你决定去其中一个地方做志愿者。现请你用化名“李华”写一封申请信。注意: 1信中要包括以下要点:1)去哪个地方做志愿者;2)说明原因;3)能做什么事情;4)你对志愿者工作的感受或体会。 2请选用下面表格中的提示词语,并可结合自己的实际适当增加细节。3词数:不少于60词。4文中不能出现真实姓名及校名。The volunteer work you want to do PlaceChildrens

36、 Hospital / No.5 Old Peoples Home Reasons love kids, like helping, learn, reading, playing Activities clean, wash, sing, dance, tell stories 第43页/共70页Dear Chairman, I am Li Hua, a student from Class Five, Grade Three. I know that you want new members for your volunteer group and I want to be one of

37、them. _I hope youll let me join your volunteer group. Im looking forward to your reply. With best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 第44页/共70页Possible version 1: I love reading books and I am good at history. I love kids and I really hope they can feel better with my help. Can I go to Childrens Hospital to be av

38、olunteer in this winter vacation? I will try my best to help the kids and make them happy by telling funny stories. I think volunteer work is great. It is not rightfor us to think about only ourselves. We should always think about people around us and try tomake them happy. 第45页/共70页Possible version

39、 2: Can I go to No. 5 Old Peoples Home to be a volunteer? I like helping old people because they need more help than others. Besides, I can learn a lot from them. My hobbies are singing and dancing. So I will be able to sing some old songs for the old people to cheer them up. Besides, I can clean wi

40、ndows forthem to make their rooms bright. When I see they are happy, I feel happy, too. I think that being a volunteer is great!第46页/共70页2. 08年1月寒假到了,学校志愿服务组正在招募志愿者,活动地点有:an old peoples home, a city park, the Childrens Hospital, an after-school care center, an animal hospital。 假如你是李明,请你写一封自荐信。内容包括:1

41、、选择两个活动地点并说明你能做什么。2、你能参加此次活动所具备的条件(如:你的爱好,特长,性格 特点和可能参加的时间等)3、对参加此次活动的看法。 (注意:字数不少于60字 参考词汇:be interested in, sing, outgoing, spend, think)Dear Sir, I am Li Ming,a student from Class Five, Grade Nine. _If you would like me to have this chance, please call me at 5555-8765.Li Ming第47页/共70页Possible ver

42、sion Dear Sir, I am Li Ming, a student from Class Five, Grade Nine. I want to join your volunteer group this winter vacation. Id like to visit the old peoples home on Sundays and sing for them. I am a loving boy with an interest in music, so it would make all of us happy. Going to an animal hospital

43、 is also a good chance for me to put my love to good use. I will spend several hours working there every week. I believe I can not only help others, but also do what I enjoy by volunteering. If you would like me to have this chance, please callme at 5555-8765Li Ming第48页/共70页3. 08年海淀区九年级第一学期期中练习题 你朋友

44、的姐姐张丽想当一名英语教师。去年她在一所小学做志愿者,教孩子们唱英语歌、朗诵英语故事、组织英语俱乐部等。通过这次志愿活动,她发现自己的英语口语有了很大的进步。并且性格上也有了变化。请你根据所给情景和提示词语,为学校英语俱乐部写一篇稿件,谈谈张丽的经历和变化,以及你对此事的感受。文章的开头已给出。 提示词:teach, read, organize an English club, improve, used to, shy 注意:1、所给的提示词语必须都用上; 2、词数80-100; 3、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Zhang Li, a friend of my sisters, wa

45、nts to be an English teacher when she grows up. Last year she volunteered at a primary school. _第49页/共70页One possible version:Zhang Li, a friend of my sisters, wants to be an English teacher when she grows up. Last year she volunteered at a primary school. She taught the kids to sing English songs,

46、read the English books and organized an English club (to hold all kinds of activities). To her joy, she found her spoken English greatly improved. Whats more, she used to be shy (and afraid of speaking English in public). But she is quite outgoing and good atmaking speeches these days.第50页/共70页In my

47、 opinion, she has found a great way of learning English, that is, by using it and helping others. As a volunteer, not only can weexperience exciting things but also get a lot. Helping itself is learning.第51页/共70页4. 2011年1月上周日,Lily所在的志愿者小组参加了社区的志愿者活动。请你根据所给图片,描述他们所有的志愿者活动,并谈谈你对志愿者活动的认识。Recently, more

48、 and more people are taking part in volunteer work. _ 第52页/共70页Possible version Recently, more and more people are taking part in volunteer work. For example, Lily spent the whole day volunteering with her group in the neighborhood last Sunday. First, they helped to do the clean-up. Then, they visit

49、ed the sick kids and sang for lonely seniors to cheer them up. Whats more, they gave a talk to call up everyone to put their love to good use by volunteering. In my opinion, being a volunteer is great! Not only can we take the chance to do something enjoyable and meaningful, but also we should take

50、the responsibility to fill the world with more love. Only in this way can we make it a better one for us to live in.第53页/共70页1请简单介绍下列物品被发明的时间、国家和用途。name timecountrybe used for bicycle1880sEnglandtravelingumbrella4 , 0 0 0 y e a r s agoChinakeeping away from rain2. 请分别介绍两样helpful or annoying 的发明,并说明原

51、因。Unit 9 (writing) (2篇文章)第54页/共70页 Helpful Invention I think many inventions are all useful , but the most helpful invention is light bulb. The light bulb was invented by Edison. There are light bulbs and people use them every day . In the evening ,because of the light bulbs ,you can still do lots o

52、f things ,including reading books, writing letters and doing homework . If we dont have the light bulbs, we can do nothing in the evening . So its the most helpful invention, I think.第55页/共70页 Annoying Invention The most annoying invention is the chips . Why ? Because its fried with oil, so its a kind of junk food . If we eat it too much, we will be fatter and weaker ,although its crispy and delicious . So ,I think its the most annoying invention.第56页/共70页 第57页/共70页复习建议 重视基础知


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