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1、牛津译林版必修 3 Unit2 综合复习学案设计 部分答案学校第(4)课时 高(一)年级 (英语)学科 班级姓名M3 U2【课本知识回顾】(1).The word sick came from a word once _(use) by the Angles and the Saxons,_(when/while) ill came from a word once_(use) by the Norwegians.(2) That is why English has so many difficult rules_(confuse) people.(3) The most important

2、 contribution was from the Normans , a French -_(speak) people _(defeat) England and _(take) control of the country in 1066.(4) After the Norman Conquest, many English people worked as servants_(raise) animals.(6) Therefore, the words we use for most animals _(raise) for food came from Old English.(

3、6) Each letter of the alphabet was represented by a different pattern _(consist) of 12 dots.(7) However, the Norman Conquest didnt affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons victory about 600 years early, which led to Old English _(replace) Celtic.(8) The question of _(if/whether) English w

4、ill keep on _(change) in the future iseasy_(answer). It is certain that this process will continue and people will keep_(invent) new words and new ways of saying things.(10) _(depend) on the situation _ the language is used, English can be formal or informal. There are many situations in everyday li

5、fe _informal English is allowed or even _(prefer).(11) He created a system with patterns of six raised dots _(represent) each other.(12) This information is accessible on the Internet=This information can be_on the Internet.【要点讲解】I 高频词汇精讲1 / 9要点词汇replaceraise牛津译林版必修 3 Unit2 综合复习学案设计 部分答案含义及常用搭配(1)取代

6、(2)更换、更新;(3)放回原处养育/饲养 ;提出(问题)物);举起,抬起;提高/筹集/引起 1.Jack his aunt. 杰克由他的阿姨抚养大。2.举手/提高声音/提出问题/抬头/提高价格3. It raised our concern for /about food safety._Distinction区别; 特点/质;卓越a writer of distinction; make/ draw a between A and BDistinguish.,vt. 使具有特色,使有别于;使出色、著名concern nn.关心;忧虑 (u) 重要的事情show about/ for /ov

7、er.(1) There is growing concern about violence on television._(2) 她已经四天不见踪影,大家对她的安全很担心。She hasnt been seen for four days and everyone _vt. 涉及,牵涉;使担忧;使对.感兴趣 sth. concern sb.=sb. be concerned with/about/for.= 对. 感兴趣的的、关切的、关注的/和 . 有牵连(3) 这案子与你无关。The case _ you.=You_the case.(4) _ concerns me is our lac

8、k of preparation for the changePrep. Concerning prep. 有关,关于 = regarding=about Concerned 有关的 (置于名词之后) the students 担忧的,忧虑的(前置) parentsas far as sb./sth. be concerned 就.而言access n 进入的道路 the way to(c)/(使用的)机会、权利 the right to use(u)vt. 进入;使用sb.have/gain access to sth=sth. be accessible to sb.有机会进入、得到或使用

9、某人/某物(1) The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.(2) You need a assword to have acess to the computer system.Accessible (地方)抑郁进入,(物品)易于接近; 易使用的,易得到的(3) Such information is not accessible.Conclusion n. 结论,推论;结束 make/come to / arrive at / draw/ reach a conclusion that.=bring to a conclus

10、ion=bring .to an end 使结束2 / 9concludedifferoccupyoccupation牛津译林版必修 3 Unit2 综合复习学案设计 部分答案2. He concluded his speech with a story3. in conclusion = to conclude = all in all = in a word = to sum up=in summary=to summarize=in short 总之vi 不同 differ from .The two sisters differ widely in their tastes. (dii

11、ferent /difference) vt. 占领;占用(时间、空间等)be occupied with sth. /in doing sth. 忙于(做)某事occupy oneself with sth. /in doing sth. 某人忙于(做)某事occupy an important position占据重要位置convenientconvenienceadj. 适宜的;方便的;便利的It is/was convenient for sb. to do sth. 干某事方便at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候 for ones convenience 为了某人

12、方便词汇训练1. He was _(concern) to hear that two of his trusted workers were leaving.2. If you think you can carry on driving so fast without being caught by the policemen, then you're _(mistake)3. Don't you find Mary so special?Of course. She seems to wear something _(differ) every day.4. The bo

13、oks are easily _ as all the shelves are open. (access)5. The book was written in _(simplify) English so that children can learn by themselves.6. I'm afraid I can't go on with the work any longer. A _(combine) of tiredness and boredom causes me to fall asleep.7. Its hard for me to make a betw

14、een Jimmy and his twin brother. (distinguish)8. Please tell me how to _(distinction) a poisonous snake from a harmless one.9. I'm sick of the dull room. What can I do?You can change the whole _(appear) just by painting it a bright color.10. She felt a strange of excitement and fear. (mix)3 / 9牛津

15、译林版必修 3 Unit2 综合复习学案设计 部分答案11. My most _(embarrass) moment was trying to introduce a woman whose name I couldn't remember. 12._(occupy) with her graduation paper, Mary doesnt have time to do a part-time job.13. With few people _(raise) pigs, the price of pork rises.14. Come by to pick me up at y

16、our _(convenient).II.短语精讲Aside fromconsist ofcontribute tocontribute tomake up除.以外(except for)apart from besides1.Aside from baseball, he is also fond of skating.由组成 be made up of be composed of1. 这个医疗队由五个医生和五个护士组成。2. The medical team_five doctors and five nurses.促成,导致,是.的原因;有助于; 对贡献1. All this cont

17、ributed to our success.2. There are many factors _(促成) this phenomenon.3. 有很多因素这个现象。_4. She d a lot of good ideas to our plan.编造/和好/ 化妆/弥补1. She always makes up carefully before she goes out.2. Although they quarrel with each other now and then, they make up soon.3. He couldnt explain why he was lat

18、e and finally made up a story that he had lost his key to his bike.4 Because you were ill, youll have to make up(for) the final examsb.take /keep / lose使在控制之下sb get/bring sth under controlcontrol of sth.Stand for那国家失控而混乱。Because of the war, the country . 代表=represent 代表,象征4 / 9lead to (doing)sth. sb

19、.doingIII.巩固提升训练牛津译林版必修 3 Unit2 综合复习学案设计 部分答案What does the color red stand for?导致 The new evidence _(导致他被抓)Aside from ;consist of ;contribute to; make up ;sb.take /keep / lose control of sth. stand for ,leadto (doing)sth. sb. doing ; be occupied with , be concerned about , have access to1.Many Chine

20、se schools have started the new semester by adopting online platforms to take classes amid the novelcoronavirus outbreak. Will online education _1_ the development of the students ?Will online educationreplace the traditional education ? Many people _2_ it. Opinions differ on this matter. Some educa

21、tors are against this phenomenon but some others support this practice .2. Internet and online courses are trending but they cannot fully replace teachers and schools. Teachers will not beable to know if students _3_ their lessons. Students might not _4_ to their teachers as usual toask some questio

22、ns to gain a better understanding. _5_ this ,students at home tend to lack self disciplewhen taking online classes, which lets teachers _6_ the students , who are lost in games and theinternet.They may_7_ their faliure to control themselves at home. The home environment lacks the learningenvironment

23、 that schools have. Online classes are not practical in the long run. I hope kids can get back to school and resume classes normally.T3. Reently I show great concern about my son. He never has the awareness of self-discipline. He never listens tome and his teacher. I am really worried how he _8_ for

24、 his lost lessons. I expect that when he comes back to school , the class _9_ 30 stduents can help him.III 重要句型_ Chinese giovernemnt is now making great effort to1, That is why 这就是为什么1. in that /because 因为2. Not all( everything) ; All notpromote Chinese cultures.The Chinese language differs from Wes

25、tern languages_, instead of an alphabet, it uses charactersto stand for ideas, objects or deeds.All are not in favor of this plan.5 / 9牛津译林版必修 3 Unit2 综合复习学案设计 部分答案并非都Be of mportance/significance/use/value What Xi stressed at the conference was of greatimportance .翻译下列句子1. 他在下学习很认真, 这就是他为什么一直在进步的原因。

26、 Thats why)1. 汽车给人们的生活带来便利的同时也造成了环境污染。(convenience)2. 入口处的指示牌很大,因为山中有熊,需要提醒游客需要当心。(in that )4. 这本书的简化版与原版有很大的不同。(simplify)1. 虽然我们不能以貌取人,但得体的穿着在职场世界里是很重要的。(of n )【课后训练】一、根据句意,选择合适的单词填空。access; practical; backwards; therefore; pure; official; conclusion character; version; appearance1. The only to the

27、 farm house is across the fields.2. You might as well consult Mr Clever. He will suggest you a_ solution.3. It rained hard, and (= thus) the game was put off.3. She pushed me and I fell into the chair.5. The language of Hong Kong are Chinese and English.6. he police came to the _ that the accident w

28、as caused by human error.7. The two sisters look alike but have different .8. The sweater is made of wool.9. Women, in general, tend to be more concerned than men about their own personal _.10. The antivirus software isnt the latest _ . It needs updating.6 / 9牛津译林版必修 3 Unit2 综合复习学案设计 部分答案二、用所给单词的形式完

29、成句子1. While intelligent people can often _ the complex,a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.A. sacrifice B. substitute C. simplify D. survive2. The secretary arranged a(n)_ time and place for the applicants to have an interview.A. important B. spare C. public D. convenient3. Care of the so

30、ul is a gradual process _ even the small details of life should be considered.A. what B. in what C. which D. in which4. I would like you to meet the fellow who is _ for being the worst boy in this country.A. distinguished B. favoured C. mistaken D. rewarded5. In this day and age,women can have child

31、ren and jobs as well.I can't agree more. It's great to have the two_A. linked B. related C. connected D. combined6. Just as the clothes a person wears,the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time,his house_ his personality.A. resembles B. strengthens C. reflects D. shapes7.

32、The system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library.A. access B. passage C. way D. approach8. Animals suffered at the hands of Man _they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for more people.A. in which B. for wh

33、ich C. so that D. in that9. Progress so far has been very good. _,we are sure that the project will be completed on time.A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Besides10. _ that she might lose her job,she has decided to go for further study to keep up.A. Concerned B. Having concerned C. To concern

34、D. Concerning三、根据句子意思选择方框内合适的词组,并用其正确形式填空。7 / 9牛津译林版必修 3 Unit2 综合复习学案设计 部分答案name after; aside from; take control of; mother tongue; differ from; stand for;as a whole; be concerned about; be concerned with consist of1. Each star on the American flag (=represents) a state.2. The ship was Queen Mary.3.

35、 being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.4. She is an inexperienced teacher. But she cant her class.4. He was born and raised in Greece, so his is Greek.5. His car mine in color.6. The new football team _2 coaches and 20 team members is training hard for their first game.7. I very your safety.8. The


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