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1、Chemicals: water, inorganic ions, small molecules, macromoleculesCritical difference:Compartmentalization(区室化)(区室化)原核细胞原核细胞 prokaryotic cell真核细胞真核细胞 eukaryotic cellThe nucleus:a compartment of DNA1. What is the structure of the nucleus 1. What is the structure of the nucleus ? ?interphase- mitosis p

2、hase 分裂间期分裂间期- -有丝分裂期有丝分裂期2.2. What are the chemical components of What are the chemical components of the nucleus ? the nucleus ? 3. What are the functions of the nucleus 3. What are the functions of the nucleus ? ?The functions of the nucleus:1. Storage of genetic materials2. Replication of DNA3.

3、Synthesis and processing of RNA visible at the interphase分裂间期可见Disappeared at the mitosis phase分裂期消失DNA dye- stained cellsCells in the root of plantMammalian cells in culture(DNA fluorescent dye)Muscle tissue (H&E stain)Nucleus & Chromosomes1. Nuclear envelope2. Chromatin and chromosome3. Th

4、e functions of the nucleus:3.1 DNA replication3.2 DNA damage repair3.3 gene transcription 4. Nucleole5. Nucleus & diseases(Essential Cell Biology Chapt.5 医学细胞生物学 第四章)Nuclear envelope (Nuclear membrane)LM:boundary EM:double membranesLight MicroscopeElectron Microscope(1) nuclear envelope and nucl

5、ear poreSeparate and also connect the nucleus and the cytoplasm, Nuclear envelope (nuclear membranes) Inner & out nuclear membrane:A membrane that separates the nucleus and cytoplasm.ONM: links to the membrane of the Endoplasmic ReticulumINM: contacts to the nuclear laminaPerinuclear space:a spa

6、ce that ONM and INM surrounds. a space open to the lumen of the ERPerinuclear spaceAn expansion of ER lumenNuclear poreNuclear pore:the pores on the nuclear membrane, where the INM and ONM fuse to each otherNuclear pore complex:A protein complex that lines at and constructs the nuclear poreThe nucle

7、ar pores ( electron micrograph)The nuclear pore complex (electron micrographs; left upper: illustrating cartoon)The functions of the nuclear pore complex:A aqueous, selective, bidirectional channel with diameter 925nm,To separate and connect the nucleus and the cytoplasm1、Small molecules 5,000Da (9n

8、m) : defuse freely2、Larger molecules (9-25nm): depend on the active transport by the nuclear pore complexQ1Q1:whowho enter and exit the nuclear pores enter and exit the nuclear pores ? (answer after todays lessons and review of Chpt 4) (or &17 )u could be an examination questionu open to discuss

9、ion onlinecytoplasmnucleusThe protein destined for nucleus Nuclear import receptorFibers of nuclear poreQ2Q2:HowHow can the nuclear pores be enlarged can the nuclear pores be enlarged? (answer after todays lessons and preview of Chpt 17 )u could be an examination questionu open to discussion onlineN

10、uclear lamina A net shell underneath the INM of the high eucaryocytes, which consists of fibrous proteinsnuclear lamina ( electron micrographs)Progeria(早老症)(早老症): genetic deficiency in genes encoding LAMINs (nuclear lamina proteins)Normal nuclear laminaNuclear lamina of the patientsTo form the nucle

11、ar membrane and to construct the chromosomes1、Supports the nuclear membrane in interphase, and regulates the de-assembly and reassembly of the nuclear membrane in mitotic phase 2、Provides the anchorage sites for the chromosomes in interphase, and regulates the construction of chromosomes in mitotic

12、phase The functions of the nuclear lamina:Q3Q3:WhatWhat 3 pictures with a sentence for each you 3 pictures with a sentence for each you want to use to decipher the nuclear lamina in want to use to decipher the nuclear lamina in interphaseinterphase?u open to discussion online转录翻译(2) nuclear envelope

13、 separates two events of gene expression:transcription in the nucleus and translation in the cytoplasm, transcriptiontranslation(3) de-assembly and re-assembly of the nuclear envelope during mitosisNote: Memorize Note: Memorize the conceptthe concept without knowing too much without knowing too much

14、 detailsdetailsSummary: the functions of nuclear membrane2. Communication1. Isolation (compartmentalization)3. Anchorage sites for chromosomesChromatin & Chromosome (1) Chromatines and chromosomes have similar chemical compositionbut distinct morphology and structureMorphology :间期间期-分裂期分裂期Interp

15、hase Interphase mitotic phase mitotic phase光镜下骨骼肌细胞核(苏木素染色)光镜下骨骼肌细胞核(苏木素染色)透射电镜下超薄切片核内染色质透射电镜下超薄切片核内染色质电镜整装样品呈纤维状的染色质电镜整装样品呈纤维状的染色质chromatin:interphase:an extended fine and long linear structure,tangles to each other Are dot- or patch-like on ultrathin sections (lateral cut)heterochromatin:beneath I

16、NM、peri-nucleolus and distributed, high electron densityeuchromatin:the light areas between heterochromatin Whole-mount sample: fibrousCan be stained under light microscope; invisible structurekaryotypeBanding patternNucleolar organizer(rRNA genes)着丝粒着丝粒扫描电镜下分裂中期染色体扫描电镜下分裂中期染色体chromosome:Mitotic pha

17、se:coil, condensed, bar-like(visible under both LM and EM)LM:bar-likekaryotype:after being “painted”, the homologous chromosomes are numbered and arranged in pair to allow identification of the shapes and number of chromosomesbanding pattern:fluorescent dyes staining to allow identification of the c

18、hromosomesScanning EM: H shaped(sister chromotids link at the centromere)interphaseM (anaphase)M (metaphase)M(prophase)间期染色质间期染色质分裂中期染色体分裂中期染色体染色质染色质chromatin染色体染色体chromosome proteinspackage(folding, condensing)Chemical composition & structure(1) DNA(double helix)(2)Chromosome proteinsChromatin

19、/chromosome1. histon2. non-histonDNA 49histon 49Non-histona littleRNA very littleThe Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1910in recognition of the contributions to our knowledge of cell chemistry made through his work on proteins, including the nucleic substances Albrecht Kossel Germany University

20、 of Heidelberg Heidelberg, Germany b. 1853d. 1927 (2) Specific sequences required for expression of the genetic information and replication of the genetic material are aligned on DNA molecules l The sequences for the expression of the genetic information (genes)l Genome and geneslThe sequences essen

21、tial for DNA replication (replication origins, centromere, telomeres) 间期间期-分裂期分裂期Interphase Interphase mitotic phase mitotic phaseThe Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962Francis H a r r y Compton Crick J a m e s D e w e y Watson M a u r i c e Hugh Frederick Wilkins for their discoveries concer

22、ning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material Genes: the specific sequences on DNAGene: DNA sequences capable of generating the functional RNA. Gene is the unit of expression of genetic information. Functional RNA molecules mRNA:coding

23、 RNA (that encodes proteins) ) rRNA & tRNA:structual RNA(non-coding RNAs) many other non-coding RNAs proteintranslation表12 1 人第22条号染色体和整个基因组的一些统计数据 22号染色体 整个人类基因组 DNA长度 48 106 核苷酸对(bp) 3.2 109 bp 基因数目 700个左右 30,000个左右 编码蛋白的最小基因 1000 bp 未分析 编码蛋白的最大基因 583,000 bp 2.4 106 bp 平均基因大小平均基因大小 19,000 bp 2

24、7,000 bp 每个基因中外显子最少个数 1 1 每个基因中外显子最多个数 54 178 每个基因中外显子平均个数 5.4 8.8 最小外显子大小 8 bp 未分析 最大外显子大小 7600 bp 17,106 bp 平均外显子大小 266 bp 145 bp DNA序列位于外显子中的百分比序列位于外显子中的百分比 3% 1.5%人类基因组研究揭示令人惊讶的数据:人类基因组研究揭示令人惊讶的数据: 1、基因组很大,基因不大 2、基因中外显子序列很少Essentiel elements of a chromasomeThree elements are essential for the re

25、plication and distribution of each chromosomel multiple replication origines where DNA replication initiates during S phase (interphase)l one centromere on which the spindle fibers attach during mitosisl two telomeres the ends of the chromosomesQ4Q4:Which Which part in this cartoon may be misleading

26、, part in this cartoon may be misleading, and and WhyWhy ?u open to discussion online(3) Chromosome proteins are responsible for the package of DNA molecules and the regulation of gene expression l histonl non-histon 间期间期-分裂期分裂期Interphase Interphase mitotic phase mitotic phase组蛋白组蛋白histon Equal to D

27、NA in quantity Small molecular weight Rich in the positive charged a.a(arginin/lysine, R/K)that neutralize the negative charge of DNA 5 types: H1 - H1 histonH2AH2BH3H4Nucleosome histonThe functions of histon:1. To construct the chromosomes2. To regulate the gene expression Q 5Q 5:how do they do so h

28、ow do they do so ?非组蛋白非组蛋白non-histonnon-histon Much less abundant than histon Many types Recognize and bind with the specific sequences of DNA Functions vary: - to construct the chromosome - to initiate DNA replication - to regulate the gene expression(4) DNA molecules undergo an ordered packagel ch

29、romatinl chromosome Interphase Interphase mitotic phase mitotic phase多个层次的包装:多个层次的包装: 串珠样结构-核小体nucleosomes 30nm纤维 30nm fibers 球状结构 global structure意义:1.使纤长的DNA双螺旋分子经反复折叠而大大缩短(5cm5m)2. 有利于转录和复制的高效准确进行包装包装(折叠、紧缩折叠、紧缩)双螺旋双螺旋包装包装(折叠、紧缩折叠、紧缩)?3030nmnm染色质纤维染色质纤维串珠状纤维串珠状纤维“beads-on-a-string” (核小体核小体nucleos

30、omes)(常见形式)(double helix 5cm2cm nucleosomes)The package of the nucleosomes into 30nm fiber depends on1. H12. The tails of nucleosome histon 返回组蛋白组蛋白H1H1帮助把相邻帮助把相邻核小体拉在一起核小体拉在一起, ,折叠成折叠成直径直径3030nmnm 的规则结构。的规则结构。H2AH2A、H2BH2B、H3H3、H4H4四个亚基的肽链尾部伸出,与四个亚基的肽链尾部伸出,与相邻核小体发生作用相邻核小体发生作用Higher (global) structu

31、re:Loop & supercoil( 0.1cm 5m )30nm fiber folds into the loops based on non-histon scaffold. The loops extend when genes they contain are transcribed.襻环loop一段一段DNA双螺旋双螺旋染色质串珠结构染色质串珠结构染色体上呈伸展染色体上呈伸展状态的某个区段状态的某个区段染色体的紧缩状态染色体的紧缩状态整个中期染色体整个中期染色体卡通30nm染色质纤维染色质纤维间期和分裂期染色体的包装间期和分裂期染色体的包装(5) DNA package

32、 is correlated withthe regulation of gene expressionl euchromatinl heterochromatinInterphase Interphase mitotic phase mitotic phase30nm纤维在DNA转录和复制时,以襻环为单位 发生松解,伸展成串珠状纤维或DNA双螺旋The nucleosomes are remodeled to expose the double helix.Histon tails are modified:condensed or de-condensed.heterochromatine

33、uchromatineuchromatinThe nucleus ( electron micrograph)heterochromatine Most condensed form in a chromosome in interphase 10% sequences are wrapped in Telomeres and centromere Combined by a lot of proteins EM examination of nuclei reveals three predominant structures: heterochomatin, euchromatin and

34、 the nucleolus . Densely packed heterochromatin is not commonly transcribed, in contrast to active, more loosely packed, euchromatin. Implications? 1. telomeres and centromere(contain no genes) 2. gene silencingChromatin structure vs gene expression雌性动物所有细胞中都仅有1条X染色体。可能因为双倍X X染色体是致死的,在胚胎发育过程中1条X X染色

35、体通染色体通过随机变成过随机变成异染色质异染色质而永久失活而永久失活。此后,这条失活X X染色体遗传给后代细胞,但在细胞受精后会重新活化为常染色质最令人惊异的例子:整条染色体异染色质化,最令人惊异的例子:整条染色体异染色质化,X 染色体成为巴氏小体染色体成为巴氏小体Barr 小体小体决定黑毛和黄毛的基因分别位于两条决定黑毛和黄毛的基因分别位于两条X染色体。胚胎发育早期,不染色体。胚胎发育早期,不同细胞中整条同细胞中整条X染色体异染色质化,造成不同细胞只含黑毛或黄毛染色体异染色质化,造成不同细胞只含黑毛或黄毛基因。黑斑或黄斑分别来源于这两种细胞。基因。黑斑或黄斑分别来源于这两种细胞。(这种猫是雌

36、还是雄?)Calico 猫的奇丽皮毛:猫的奇丽皮毛:雌性的细胞核中巴氏小体核仁核仁巴氏小体巴氏小体发发生生异异染染色色质质化化的的X染色体染色体:巴巴氏氏小小体体Figure Q5-15 Essential Cell Biology ( Garland Science 2010)Q6Q6:which cell has more active gene transcription which cell has more active gene transcription ?(6) The functions of thechromatine and the chromosomeThe carri

37、ers of genetic materials(1) DNA replication and division(2) DNA transcription 比较比较DNADNA复制和转录的特点复制和转录的特点 复制 转录目的 复制遗传物质 转录遗传信息模板 完整的染色体分子 染色体分子上一段DNA(基因)催化合成的酶 DNA聚合酶 RNA聚合酶原料 4种脱氧核糖核苷酸 4种核糖核苷酸 dATP,dTTP,dCTP,dGTP ATP,UTP, CTP,GTP产物 完整的染色体分子 一个特异的RNA分子 (子代DNA) (mRNA,rRNA,tRNA或sRNA)首发事件 起始蛋白识别 聚合酶识别并

38、结合至 复制起始点 基因启动子review:Nucleus under EMNucleole1. morphology2. chemical composition3. functions返回(1) Nucleolus has distinct chemical composition and morphology在电镜超薄切片中可以看到,核仁包括互相不完全分隔的3个部分: 1) 纤维中心纤维中心(fibrillar center) 呈浅染区,可呈浅染区,可有多个。有多个。 2) 纤维成分纤维成分(fibrillar component) 位于浅染位于浅染区周围,呈直径为区周围,呈直径为510

39、nm 致密纤维。致密纤维。 3)颗粒成分颗粒成分(granular component) 呈致密颗呈致密颗粒,颗粒直径粒,颗粒直径1520nm,散布于核仁各处。散布于核仁各处。Three components in the nucleolusDense fibrillar componentFibrillar centerGranular component Chemical compositionproteins 80 RNA 11DNA 8Human rRNA genes locate at 5 pairs of chromosomes, chromosome 13, 14, 15, 21

40、 and 22.10 chromosome loops in the nucleolusBanding patternNucleolar organizer(rRNA genes)在襻环上,rRNA基因以前后串联的方式成串排列。 每条袢环上的一串rRNA基因叫做一个“ 核仁组织者” ( nucleolar organizer ),简称为NOR。 间期分裂期的动态变化间期分裂期的动态变化在分裂期,含rRNA基因的DNA襻环逐渐缩回至 相应染色体,纤维成分和颗粒成分均分散于核质 中,整个核仁先是缩小继而消失。细胞分裂完毕后,在刚诞生的子代细胞中,染色 体上含rRNA基因的区段重新松解和伸展,在这些

41、 DNA襻环周围,以每一个“核仁组织者”为中心, 又组建新的核仁。先是有数个小核仁形成,随即 小核仁互相融合成一个或数个大核仁。1. rRNA synthesis (transcription)2. rRNA processing3. rRNA and proteins assembly to the subunits of ribosomes(2) The function of the nucleolus is ribosome biogenesis200个rRNA基因拷贝, 重复存在,高速转录在电镜下观察核仁,看到圣诞树状的转录单位。 间隔间隔DNADNArRNA转录单位转录单位 rRN

42、A合成方向合成方向 rDNA丝丝前体前体rRNA由RNA聚合酶I 催化合成蛋白质颗粒蛋白质颗粒rDNA高效转录所形成的箭头样结构圣诞树状转录单位高效转录所形成的箭头样结构圣诞树状转录单位返回to1. rRNA synthesis2. rRNA processing3. rRNA and proteins assembly to the subunits of ribosomes装配成核糖体小亚基装配成核糖体小亚基 装配成核糖体大亚基装配成核糖体大亚基45S rRNA前体前体45SrRNA前体加工前体加工1 1。两种化学修饰。两种化学修饰甲基化和假尿苷甲基化和假尿苷2 2。某些序列被切除。某些序

43、列被切除形成三个独立的形成三个独立的 rRNA rRNA分子分子(18S、5.8S、28S)S的含义to1. rRNA synthesis2. rRNA processing3. rRNA and proteins assembly to the subunits of ribosomes返回70多种蛋白质40多种蛋白质30多种蛋白质结合对功能的了解结合对功能的了解, , 重新认识核仁的形态结构重新认识核仁的形态结构: : 1) 纤维中心纤维中心(centre fibrillaire) 呈浅染区,呈浅染区,位于核仁中央部分。位于核仁中央部分。该部分含有从数条染色体该部分含有从数条染色体上伸出的

44、上伸出的DNADNA襻环,上有核糖体襻环,上有核糖体RNARNA(rRNArRNA)基基因因。 2) 纤维成分纤维成分(composant fibrillaire dense) 位于浅染区周围,呈直径为位于浅染区周围,呈直径为510nm 致密纤维。致密纤维。该处含正在转录的该处含正在转录的rRNArRNA分子。分子。 3)颗粒成分颗粒成分(composant granulaire) 多位多位于核仁外周,呈致密的颗粒,颗粒直径于核仁外周,呈致密的颗粒,颗粒直径1520nm。为已合成的核糖体前体颗粒,因此这为已合成的核糖体前体颗粒,因此这些颗粒比细胞质中的核糖体颗粒略小些。些颗粒比细胞质中的核糖体

45、颗粒略小些。Dense fibrillar componentFibrillar centerGranular component结合对功能的了解结合对功能的了解, , 重新认识核仁的形态结构重新认识核仁的形态结构: :Where are the Christmas trees in thenucleolar forest?Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2006 Jun;18(3):325-34Structure and function of the nucleolus in the spotlight.核膜的功能核膜的功能1. (1. (核被膜核被膜) )分隔细胞核与细胞质分隔

46、细胞核与细胞质 核膜包围核物质形成特定的代谢环境核膜包围核物质形成特定的代谢环境 将将RNARNA合成和蛋白质合成分开合成和蛋白质合成分开2.(2.(核孔核孔) )沟通细胞核与细胞质之间的沟通细胞核与细胞质之间的 物质双向交流物质双向交流 遗传物质复制、转录、加工所需酶、蛋白质入核遗传物质复制、转录、加工所需酶、蛋白质入核 RNARNA和核糖核蛋白复合体出核和核糖核蛋白复合体出核3.(3.(核纤层核纤层) )提供染色质和染色体的附着位点提供染色质和染色体的附着位点 本章重点本章重点 1 1染色体的染色体的化学组成化学组成(一一) DNA(双螺旋)双螺旋)(二二)染色体蛋白质染色体蛋白质染色质或

47、染色体染色质或染色体1. 组蛋白组蛋白2. 非组蛋白非组蛋白本章重点本章重点 2 2每个染色体分子上有每个染色体分子上有3 种特殊序列是遗传物质种特殊序列是遗传物质复制所必需的复制所必需的 多个复制起始点 replication origines 一个着丝粒 centromere 两个端粒 telomeres本章重点本章重点 3 3真核细胞基因的组成真核细胞基因的组成外显子exon 是基因中用于编码的序列内含子intron是间隔在外显子之间的非编码序列 调控序列sequence rgulatrice是可被基因调节蛋 白结合的序列本章重点本章重点 4 4串珠状纤维串珠状纤维(核小体核小体)双螺旋

48、双螺旋染色单体染色单体线形染色质到棒状染色体的包装构建线形染色质到棒状染色体的包装构建30纳米纤维纳米纤维襻环襻环间期染色体分裂期染色体本章重点本章重点 5 5核仁的形态结构核仁的形态结构 1) 纤维中心纤维中心(fibrillar center) 呈浅染区。呈浅染区。该部分含有从数条染色体上伸出的DNA襻环,上有核糖体RNA(rRNA)基因。 2) 纤维成分纤维成分(fibrillar component) 呈直径为呈直径为510nm 致密纤维。致密纤维。该处含正在转录的rRNA分子。 3)颗粒成分颗粒成分(granular component) 呈致密的呈致密的颗粒,颗粒直径颗粒,颗粒直径

49、1520nm。为已合成的核糖体前体颗粒,因此这些颗粒比细胞质中的核糖体颗粒略小些。本章重点本章重点 6 6核仁的化学成分和功能核仁的化学成分和功能本章重点本章重点 7 7 一. 化学组成化学组成蛋白质 80 RNA 11DNA 8 二二. 功能功能1. rRNA的合成2. rRNA前体的加工3. 核糖体亚单位的装配核仁组织者的概念核仁组织者的概念本章重点本章重点 8 8 一. 定义定义 每条襻环上的一串rRNA基因叫做一个 “ 核 仁 组 织 者 ” ( n u c l e o l a r organizer),简称为NOR。 二二. 功能功能 细胞分裂完成后,以“核仁组织者”为中心组建新的核

50、仁。(6) The functions of thechromatine and the chromosomeThe carriers of genetic materials(1) DNA replication and division(2) DNA transcription 细胞的遗传特性细胞的遗传特性要在代代相传中得到要在代代相传中得到维持,有赖于遗传物维持,有赖于遗传物质完整、准确的复制质完整、准确的复制并分配至子代细胞。并分配至子代细胞。(1) The genetic materials replicate before cell division1. DNA replicati

51、on: process and characteristics2. DNA replication: enzymes and proteins 一、一、DNA DNA 复制过程及其特征复制过程及其特征1.半保留复制2.复制从复制起始点开始3.复制叉、双向复制和复制泡4.复制叉的不对称性:前导链、后随链和冈崎片段5.整个染色体的复制复制过程复制过程 DNADNA复制从复制从复制起始点复制起始点开始开始, ,在起始蛋白为首的一个在起始蛋白为首的一个多酶复合体多酶复合体的作用下,双链解开,形成两个方向相反的作用下,双链解开,形成两个方向相反的的复制叉复制叉。在复制叉上,。在复制叉上,DNADNA聚合

52、酶分别以聚合酶分别以DNADNA双链中双链中的一条为模板,的一条为模板,4 4种三磷酸脱氧核苷酸种三磷酸脱氧核苷酸为原料,合成两为原料,合成两条条新的新的DNADNA链链。 随着复制叉向相反两个方向推进,就形成随着复制叉向相反两个方向推进,就形成复制泡复制泡。复制泡在各个复制起始点发生并增大,使复制泡在各个复制起始点发生并增大,使DNADNA分子得到分子得到完整复制。完整复制。 DNA复制:由一个亲代复制:由一个亲代DNA双螺旋产生两个子代双螺旋的过程。双螺旋产生两个子代双螺旋的过程。1. 半保留复制( semi-conservatory replication ) 2. 复制从复制起始点 r

53、eplication origine 开始复制起始点:特殊的DNA序列1. 能被起始蛋白识别并结合2. 通常为富含A、T的重复序列在细菌只有一个,在真核细胞有多个3. 复制叉、双向复制和复制泡 复制叉复制叉: : 已经打开的2条单链与未解开的双链间形成Y形。复制从复制起始点, 开始向两个方向推进。复制叉在真核细胞的染色体上,复制叉由多处复制起始位点向两个方向移动4. 复制叉的不对称性 asymetry of the replication fork 前导链、后随链和冈崎片段问题:问题:一条新链:一条新链:53方向合成方向合成另一条新链如何合成?另一条新链如何合成? 提示:提示:1. DNA聚合酶聚合酶只能催化单核苷酸只能催化单核苷酸53方向方向加入加入2. 53连续合成连续合成将使链延长与复制叉将使链延长与复制叉推进相反推进相反?DNA的合成答案:答案:一条新链:一条新链:53方向不间断合成前导链方向不间断合成前导链另一条新链:另一条新链: 53方向间断合成后随链方向间断合


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