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1、- - 选 5 专项练习passa e 1 he live his whle lifea apoor man.hisartandtlent re reconized lmost n one. e sffed fr a mnal illnes tha led hict offpar o i left r in 1888 nd o shoothself wo yars later. _1_tody,dutc tst van gghis recognized asoe te eding artist o ll t o, 150earsafter ibirthon marc3, 153, znrt,

2、th tow ofhs irh, has ade 00 “the van goh year” ini hnor. _2_idawsarou 1.3 vi tr ever year. omepl eoy te atandtn lear about h life.te are irst teestd in hislife,whih then helps hem unerstnd hi art. van gogh w the snof aminisr. he leftschoolhehe as jut 15 y h ag o7, adardy ried many jbsincudig an artg

3、allery aleannd aech tache. _3_ _his y s maked sot, rabush trokes(绘画笔法 ).“i steadof trying t eprodue eactl hat ihav befoemyeyes, i ue clour m re free,in oder expes myself moe iby,” hrot i letter tsrother in 1 . an gogsold on one aining duringi s tife. hrelied heavilyo suort fro his brotr,an at eler h

4、 l d in ars._5_ s“ otra dr. gchet ” sd for us$ 89.5 million in 1 90 it is he igest prieee paid fo a paintng “ thin hi intins areowuln ebrilat cors in m are attractive peopl, ” said a a gogsfn.1. _ ._ . _ ? 4 _5 _. utin hs deat , h achieved orld fmb but now his works e sold frmilions ofollas. fnalyin

5、 880, he decided to be n is stdies n art. d van goh is aed or his aili y putis owne- - tins it hi pnting. e and the rts in amerdm are ma king theannivrsaryithexiitn rohut ar. sae the wife-carrying orld chm nsi s been elbrtedin ml twn in etral finnd snc 1992i99, th pole ofthe tn decide to rstrt some

6、log-fort tradiis. 71_ wassdtoonl acept mn as mmbers oh gangwho proed eirwrt n chaleng. at ht tie, iwal omon pracice toteal wom from neihoing vilages. 7_ large number f ompetitr, eople,ad jornass rom finlnd o anaaated the wif carying worldamonshiery yea. 73_the wife-carryinorld hmp sip isel on a253.5

7、 meters logofficial trac thetrack has toryostaclan e obsacle,a t mtedee. thwi to becarrie mab your ow, or your eighbo s. heminmu wiofthe ife oe rred s 4g. i se slssta 49 k, th wie will be ginaheavybagt cry.eac ima ompetitor drops hii,tht coupleil fne 1 e. _ g e with te wife-carri world ampinshi,thr

8、is alo ta copttn. the istance is the samebut theee i the tamcay tewif in uns e exc angepointhe carreras to dink ocil “ we-carring dink” . then myc inue thrce.7 _ - - hil the ie-carryi wod championship i behel, thee arbndplaying music, wifecarrying danc n therf s of ntertaiment. .there ar afwbsic rul

9、b.peple vyhe hold theevnt. c.aspecal rizis awarded t th ted.doyou kno how hese taitio s retaed? ehi evnt i becoing inrainly ula. f. h winne is he cple who cmete the c rein te shtest tie. g. bac inthe late 1800s, there was a bbr caldrosvornkann n tha arapasagethewfe- r ying w rl ha pio hiphasbeen cel

10、ebraedn asmal nin ta fin n s ce 1992. in192, the polo te town decided to r rt me long-fo gottentadiion. 7 _h wassaid t nly a pt me a mmer f his ang wh roved hirortn ch llenges a ta tim, it was lso a comm n rctito seal wmen from neigh oring vll ges. 72_ a l ge n ber of c pttor , pople, andjounaliss f

11、r m finln tocaadated the wife-c rin worldcampinshp vyear. 73_hewie-carrin wold cha ponship i held on a 253. m ersong officia c. t etra kha w dry obst cles nda ater obs le, boua metedep. th io e crr d may be yon, ory r nigbo s.h minimum - - eght f t e wife to bea rid is4kg. i he s ss than 49 ,te w e

12、ibe ivenaheavybagto carry. etmea mptitordrhi wie, ha o e ll e fined 15 secods.4_ alongside ih twfe-aryng w rl championship ,heri so a tea competi ion. the di t c is hsae b tthee en i t e team carry he fei ursat e exchanepointth carrerhas to rinkofic al “ wife-ca rig d in ” . then hmay coninuete rac

13、5 _ _ while the wife-carryin worlcamion ipis benghel, thee reband pl ingmusic, aife-carryin ncand othr forms ofene iment.thee a e afe basic lesb ple eerwh rehold te event. c. a ecial p e is wadedtothteamd.do you know h w thes raditions restated? e.thi ev t s beomiincrasingly pou ar. f.the wnner is t

14、 e cople whcompletethe c se inthsho est ime. g. back in helate 18 0 ,t re as ro ber alled r vo-ronkainen tatarea. pas g 4te mis issippi ississipis a greatriv hose el ionship wthmn goe wa bakbeond its discovery in he 1th centuy. he rver indian seit asahigway d as a sourceof ood, d i was theywhogae it

15、 itname“ misi ”- - eanng “gr t ” ad “sip ” mea ng “wa e ” . hnthlengh o i s rnch, themi soui,is aded to it, the mi issipi becmes g ater. _71_ mthe ource o themi s rtthtip ofthe la(三角洲 ), itis ,80 ile l . grea rversre likely to sufflods.in 197 th m sis ipifl oded 6 thou ad acres, epn y f rms, town ,

16、ev yhin in it path. in 193 s fods drowe or illed 200 people and ma e mlios h lsstoday the river hasl gelybeecntrol e_72_. n ust shave sred dwn omeo the waterwa ofthe dlt,utthewie tede ta is a rm te pla,th homelad of a t le colony ofrenchcnadi ns thth britishdove out nva s ot a in t18th ntury. t ysti

17、l speak frech,ixewith e g s,ndia,spanishand negro id ms. t eykep o thems vs,farmin th c soil of he lt ._7_. _74 _.pioneer ofrs rac dits banks nderd nonly herit w nt, bwh y beyon. in 1764 the french foundda city onthe ight n oftheriver,an amedtafter their ng,lois xv this ity, named st. louis ,bec m h

18、e jum ing- ff placefor th adventur s mn women wo oendup hegreatpla s,nd heway o hewestome 40 y ars rlie,at the begin ing o the8tcntr,h renhadfo ndedanoh r cty jbve e isisipi d lta, new rlen_75_.nerleans is one o hgreatpot of the wrld, doeof g atest eminals r b h se d rver traffi . . it was the isss

19、ppi hatmde hec y w at itis .leees, ghbaksbuil of eath, h d back the ood wterc. hre e, as o,t s the thiongetriver in the orld d. i is nown ht the “ grea water ” s also ena fr ntir iver e. h ver, hey padld upanddown the mississpin theirb ts o see therfortune te “great w t ” waremain tre , fo the ret o

20、f the ciy are elowthelvel f the river g they all them evajuns, ho have ac ally been leading fai ly prmitive lives - - d prsrving t eir on t aditions ?ps ge 5 a. ther pulcspeain and critical thinking hat is ritical t nking?t a crta egre ,is a matte of log(逻辑 ) beinal to tweae e in oherp ples rguen ad

21、 t idhem in you ,i al i ds rlad ill s has dstinguihinfact fr opiionand assess ng the soundnsso eidence in he broad ene, crtical thin n is ocued , nzed hikin thealty tose clearly thei rlaioships amodes. 71 te gret t hn rs, sientists, and ntors hvoftntake inormtion t at was radiyavilable and putittoge

22、ter differently to rouceneieas. at,oo, iscitia thnking. 7as the clas oe o, foexamp, you will pr babl en a goddeal of timeornizing or speeches. wile tisa em lie a pury ecanil(机械的 )ex cise,iisclosly conn teih rtical th king. if th strutr ofyur speech s loosan cofused,chnsaeha rhnking.i the s cur of or

23、 speechi loose and cofused,chances are at yourthinigis as dscoereand cnfusedf, on th other and , the sructureis clar, here is good can your thinigi too. orgaii apech s no mattr o arraning e ideasyou already have. 7w t s tueof raniz on true f y aspcs of public spe kg.74 a o work on pres ng your ideai

24、 clea, accuate anguag, yu wll imp v yourabiliy to thinclearly an accurtely75 yo learn to listen cr tcalyto peeche n cass yu il bbtr able to ses teideas ofseaers in ario situtions. if y u akful advantage o your seech class, ou willb able to dvelop our skils aritial thiner nmny cicustances. this one r

25、eson pu c spaking has bee rgared a itprt o ecaion sincthedaof ancient grece. ,itisan import n pa t of shaing th eas the eveb. thisma seem lik lotofime, bt therewaar we- - l worth . c it ayalsoep youto no t t theei no suc in s perfect speecd.i s often beensi thattheeare few new ide s i thewrld,nlyrer

26、ganize ieas. e if yo areodein what ths hasto d with y upublic spaiclass, the ansi uie a ot. f. theskillsyou leain your peh cass ca ep you beomamore effective thi kina umber f ys. . as you stuy the l oevidenc areaonin ineechmaking,o wllso ey ca be used inothe form of comuniaton as wel. asge 6 l e tor

27、y f dave thomas ? since 1989.dve thoma ,whodiedof cance atag9 in h s frt laud dalhom , waso e fmostre ogniz blefac s on tv 1 “a ng as it oks,”he sa d in 1991,“ i l contin tdthose comme ials.”?2 “h stil wo let nyoesee hisfe, whihare ut of shap becuse he nevhad poper-i ig shoes,” weny sa dn 993.br o a

28、sin e o er,hewa adpt as a baby byrex ad lehomas fka mazooin michig aft r au evadwhen e as5, hoassp t ars nhe road s re taveled oud seeki g o strc ion work “ h fedm,” thaid, “and if i got out oflin.h beate ”ovin out nhi ow 15,homas rked,fi ssw iter,in manyretaurant. 3 “thugti nda res aurant, ” e said

29、, “ uld at forfre ” a 196 mee iwithharland sande s le t mas tacarer as a tucy fri d cicken rstaurant ownr that mad him ilonaire in 968. in 969, afterbeaing w h sande ,thomas sare the irstwedy s od fshined hab ges, nclumbus, hi, whi h se its lf apr by ervinm eto-orderburer. altho gh tr bled by his n

30、e e ine t adption, thoma- - ,married nce 19 4 o l r aine.6 and w th our grown ki besides wendy,flt i couldof ra futur fo othchildren. he start d hedvetoasondtio(基金会 ) r adptio i 1992. i193,toma,hohad left chool at 5,grauaedfrom coc ntr k hig shool in florida. 5 te kidsotd m m t elyto scceed. “th dav

31、eyou saw on v,”says fiend pa wil ams,s nir ipreidnt f te olando magc, “ws eeal da e.he wasn a great atr ora geat speaker. he wasjst je eeybod.”.buthe ha so imuch beter in mi d. he even took l ino the adution c prtycevehogh he asucesfl,toma remined trou ed by hs hldood. d byus g exper ene nd ete i at

32、 o ,tho as turned the etaurants aroud. e.ith ,00 ret rantwrdwde, ehain nma6 illion ayearn sa . .hapeaed inmoreha 8commercias for the hburger chi nmed forhidaghtr,now 4e droppe ut f sc ol t wokfull-time is ecision to op out hau ei unti h went bak to chol 45ear aterassageis owno all , man things c n b

33、 mesured in erms f dta smt e data can indeed ell thet th.wi h the ep of ata e n silknow th ice of aofcokethe supermark t thresul o a foob lmatc71whatis more mportant,d asee to be f ier tha wors r statments. ithe data aret e, we on thavt wo ry abot be n heaed. now days, liese i t in the or d, data ar

34、expec ed to ll he truththe ore,mous would t erbeliev ata.on thr and, i wejudge thngs y y d a fom teso-c l edsecific r s ar h,ar n wea litt etoo arr- - w-minded?anpeople ften reat the o-call d spciic ataunwi ely justo ak ure ha the are maing teright dec ions. 72 forexamp ,hocanyoutll ht som boy isn t a goo


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