1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载老师资格考试中学训练学问与才能章节考点5.4( teacherqualificationexamination、middleschooleducation、knowledge and competence、 chapter 5.4)teacher qualification examination、 middle school education、 knowledge and competence、 chapter 5.4fourth section of middle school student's personality developmenti
2、. personality overview(1) the concept of personalitypersonality is the organic integration of one's intellect、emotion、desire、valuesand habitsofbehavior、itgivespeople adapt to the unique environment of the organization mode、complex knowledge、 emotion、 consciousness and behavior is the result of t
3、he interaction of heredity and environment、 contains a past influence as well as of now and in the future theconstruction.two the basic character of personality; the integrity of 1. personalitya real person has many psychological factors andcharacteristics、such as intelligence、emotion、desire、values
4、and habits、 but they are not isolated、 but closely linked andintegratedintoan organicorganization.a realman's behavior is not only a specific part of the operation of the results、and always close contact with other parts of coordinated精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载activities.2.、 the stability of person
5、alitythe stabilityperformanceofpersonalityintotwo aspects:one is the personality of the cross time continuity. in thedifferent stages of life、 personality continuity as the first manifestation of persistent self. the two is the crosssituationalconsistencyofpersonality.the personalityrefersto stable
6、psychological and behavioral characteristics of a person often expressed and the temporary、 occasionally behavior does not belong to personality characteristics. for example、 an outgoing students are not only good at communication in school、 love friends、 love in the school ofcommunication、lovethepa
7、rty、althoughhe occasionallykeeps a certain distance with others、 show a quiet mood.3.、 the uniqueness of personalityunique personality refers to the psychological and behavior between people are different. the diversity of combination of personality structure、 each person's personality has its o
8、wn characteristics. in daily life、 we can observe whenever and wherever possible to each person's actions are different from others、 each person all have their needs、 hobbies、 cognition、 emotion、 volition and values.4.、 the social nature of personalitysocialpersonalityreferstosuch socialanimalbe
9、comemembers of society. personality is the unique social person.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载personality is formed in the genetic and biological basis of individual、 restricted by the individual biologicalcharacteristics.inthissense itcan be saidthatpersonalityisa comprehensiveindividualnatureand socialth
10、epeoplewho meet the need of food. for example、 the content and the way isaffected by the specific social and historical conditions.therefore、 can be summed up: personality is a complex of characteristicsofindividualstable、showing a uniquepattern of individual thoughts、 emotions and behaviors. this u
11、niquemodeistheresultofindividualsocialization、butalsoaffect the interaction of the individual and the environment.three temperament and personalitypersonality is a concept of meaning is very rich、 which includes the psychological characteristics of temperament and character stability. personality te
12、mperament is individual early in life to show the stability of individual differences、 namely thoseof psychology and behavior by genetic and physiologicalcharacteristicsofthedecision.the conceptand we usuallysay "temperament"、 "temper" approximation.pavlov according to the intens
13、ity of nervous process、 balanceand flexibility、thehighernervousactivitytypeofanimaland human beings into four kinds: excited、 lively、 quiet andrestrained、 and the corresponding is choleric and balgam、 and depression.types and characteristics of higher nervous activity精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载temperame
14、ntand personalityaredifferent.the main difference is: 1 temperament is determined by biological factors、 cannot be changed、 and the essence of personality is formed byindividuallifeexperience、because experienceand newchange;(2) intheearlystagehave temperament appear、and personality appeared relative
15、lylate;3toobservethetemperament inthe animal body、 and there is no animal personality; 4temperament is revealed from the person's mood、 speech and deportmentinspecificcontent、does notinvolvethebehavior、 and personalitycharacteristicsand behaviorofthecontentmay be the relevant such as academic tr
16、ait anxiety; 5 thebehavior of higher cognitive process control and personality related、it has nothing to do with temperament four character and personalitypersonalrealitystableattitudesand habitsofbehavioristhe character. in the external environment especially under theinfluence of the social enviro
17、nment、 the unique behaviorpatterns formed by the individual life practice、 cognition、 emotion and volition、 is the person's character.personalityisthemodeofexistenceofa person、istheproduct of individual genetic quality and environment interaction.personality temperament is innate、 is a natural e
18、xpression ofphysical and genetic、 it is difficult to change、 no good or bad; the personality of the character is acquired、 is the social and cultural patterns of engraving、 is likely to change、 there isgood or bad.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载from the influence of personality temperament. first of all、 th
19、e formation of temperament will affect the individualcharacter.because thecharacterdirectlydepends on thenatureand methods in education and social interaction. a variable temperament istheformationofpersonalityintheearlystages of individual development will emerge、 which will affect thebehaviorofdif
20、ferentparentsorotherpeople.the interaction of individual and social environment of different nature.secondly、accordingtotheirowntemperament can renderdynamic character、so thatthecharacterhas a unique color.for example、 the same character is helpful and sanguine in helping peopleoften agility、 emotio
21、n is apparent on the outside、 the mucusqualitymay actcalm、 donot showemotionon theoutside. once again、temperament willalsoaffectthecharacterformationor transformation speed. for example、 to the formation ofself-control、cholericpeopleoftenneed a greatdealofeffort and restraint is required、 while a de
22、pressed person is morelikely to develop without having to control himselffrom the point of view of the character of temperament、personalitycan alsohideorchange the temperament toa certain extent、so it issubject tothe practiceof life. forexample、 the scouts must have a calm and brave personality. in
23、strictmilitary training practice、 these forms may conceal or transform the choleric the character of impulsive and unrestrained temperament.two、 factors affecting personality developmentthe formation and development of personality can not be精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载separated from the relationship betw
24、een innate heredity and acquired environment. psychologists believe that personality is formed and developed gradually under the interaction of heredity and environmenti biological genetic factorsbecause personality has strong stability characteristics、 personality researchers pay more attention to
25、the role of genetic factors. according to the existing research results、 the role of heredity on personality is summarized as follows1. heredity is an essential factor in personalitythe extent of the 2. genetic factors on personality with personality traits are different. usually in intelligence、 te
26、mperament and biological factors of these traits、 the more important the role of genetic factors; and the relationship between values and beliefs、 personality and social factors closely traits、 environmental effects may be more important.3.thedevelopmentofpersonalityisgeneticand environmental factor
27、s of two people. the result of the interaction of bothbiologicalproperties、and has thesocialattribute.people intheembryonicstate、theinfluenceofenvironmentalfactorson thestart、thiseffectwillcontinueinone'slife.the factor of environment is diverse、 small family factors to social andculturalfactors
28、.have an importanteffecton theformationand development of personality of these factors.two social and cultural factors精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载everyone in the specific social and cultural environment、 the cultural influence on personality is extremely important.social culture personality of the member
29、s of the society、 thepersonality structure of its members towards the direction of the development of this similarity、 the similarity with thefunctionofmaintainingsocialstability、and thateveryperson can be firmly embedded in the whole cultural form.three family environment factorsstudy on the causes
30、 of family personality、 focusing on family differencesincludingfamilystructure、economic conditions、 living environment、 family atmosphere etc. and differentparenting styles of personality development and personality differences. the study found that authoritative parenting parents behave in their ch
31、ildren's education is too dominant、all the children by their parents to control growth. in thisenvironment、childrenareeasy toform thenegativeand passive、 dependent、obedience、weakness、 lackofcharacterinitiative、 sometimes forming personality dishonest. indulgent parentingstylesofparentsofchildren
32、overindulgence、letthe children want parentsto.childrensometimes appear outofcontrol.the growthinthehomeenvironmentinwhichchildrenwere willful、 childish、 selfish、 rude and barbaric、 poor independence、outrageousnonsense.parentsand childrendemocraticparenting styles in the family in an equal and harmon
33、ious atmosphere、parents respect the child、 give the child the autonomy andpositive guidance. this kind of parenting style can make children form positive personality traits、 such as lively、精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载happy、 straightforward、 self-reliance、 refined and courteousitistruethatthefamilyisindee
34、d a factoryofhumancharacter、 and it shapes people's different personality traitsfour early childhood experience;the sayinggoes:"threeyears、seven yearsold."theimpactof early life events on personality、 has been emphasized bypersonality psychologists. it needs to be emphasized that thede
35、velopment of personality in spite of childhood experience、 happy childhood is conducive to the healthy development of individual personality、 unhappy childhood may the individualwillform a bad personality、butthetwo are nottheone-to-one relationship. for example、 doting may also make children forma b
36、ad personality、adversitymayalsobringoutthechildstrong character. in addition、 early experience no effect onpersonality、 and other factors together determine the formation and development of personality.five natural physical factorsthese physical factors of ecological environment、 climate、 space cong
37、estion will affect the formation and development of personality. for example、 the temperature will increase thefrequency ofcertainpersonality characteristics、such as hot weather makes people restless. but the natural environment on personality does not play a decisive role. in differentphysical envi
38、ronment、 people can the behavior of different characteristics.three、 personality theory精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载1 freud's theory of personality developmentfreud'spsychoanalysis. hispersonalitysystem is huge、cover and contain everything that is unconscious instinct theorydriven、 juvenile life e
39、xperience determines the individualfuture destiny. the subconscious instinctual drives as the central concept and set up the theory、 also known as the spiritual motivation theory.freudregardspersonalityas a dynamic system madeup ofthree mentalstructures、namely、id、ego and superego.most ofhuman behavi
40、or is the result of the interaction of id、 ego andsuperegothe id istheonlypersonalitystructureinherent、composedof biological instinct and desire. i follow the principle ofhappiness act、 without regard to any physical or socialconstraints、and demandstobe satisfiedimmediately.whenthe baby saw what he
41、wants、 whether it is not something others or potentiallyharmful.he'llgetit.iflingcautiontothewinds to the impulse is subconscious、 we are not perceived.in the first two years of interaction with the outside world、 the second part of the personality structure of the self -developedgradually.selff
42、ollowtheprincipleofreality.thatis to say、 the task is to measure the self reality under the condition of satisfying the id impulses. the id impulses are not usually allowed by society、 so self's job is to theseimpulsesremain inthesubconscious.selfisdifferentfrom the id、 free to operate on the pe
43、rceived awareness、 conscious and精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载subconscious mind.when the children grow up to 5 years or so、 the third part of the personality structure of the superego - began to form.superego represents the needs of the society、 especially from parents' values and standards. the supere
44、go part calledconscience、isa personalmoralstandards.whentheindividual acts in violation of the standards、 will be affected by theconscience the blame and guilt. another part of the superegoiscalledthe egoideal、 isa personalbehaviorby parentswho praise or reward in childhood. the ego ideal is a sourc
45、e ofpersonal goals and aspirations、whenthisstandardisachieved、ittakesprideinit.the three part of the personality structure is always in a state ofcounterbalance. the ego of a healthy person prevents the egoand the superego from over manipulating their personality、self is to find a way to meet at the
46、 same time、 the id and superego needs. however、 it is often quite difficult. thesubconsciousisthebattlefieldpersonalityofthethreepart.the selfistokeep intouchwithreality、butalsocoordination personality the other two parts.two erickson's theory of social development stage1. stages of personality
47、developmentericksonputthepersonalitydevelopmentas a gradualprocess、 which is extended to the entire course of people's life、 theeight stages that personality development will go through the精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载same sequence、 each stage in the development of individual faces crisis and developm
48、ent tasks.(1) basic trust and basic distrust 0-1.5 years oldthe development task at this stage is the development of theworld、especiallythebasicattitudeofthe socialenvironment、 cultivatea sense oftrust.the firstbasicconflictsfacedby children's trust trust. this trust or distrust、 stage ofdevelop
49、ment in the future、 will be extended to the parents of other people. therefore、 the established between infancy andparentstotrustindividualsocialrelationsas the foundation、 will be the foundation of personality he will establish good interpersonal relationship with others.(2) sense of autonomy、 sham
50、e and suspicion 2-3 years oldthe developmenttaskofthisstageistocultivateindependence. ericksonbelievesthatatthisstageofthechildrenwithdouble desire: not only to gain the support of parents、 but also forparents to let themselves. the children attempt to handle things、 if parents allow children to do
51、what they can and do、 encourage children's independent exploration wish、 childrenwillgraduallyrealizetheirability、cultivatetheautonomous personality;on theotherhand、parentsdoteon and protector excessivecriticismmaymakechildrendoubtsaboutherselfand the environment control ability、 to produce a se
52、nse of shame.thisstagecan developsmoothlyaccordingtosocialdemandsto behavior psychological disorders; characteristics ofdevelopment is lack of confidence、 action overcautious.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载(3) initiative and guilt 4-5 years old;the development task of this stage is to cultivate the initiati
53、ve. due to the development of physical activity and language、 children are likely to extend to his activities outside the family. however、 the limited ability often makes active children by adults is prohibited、 so that they feelguilty、which mayreducethechildren'senthusiasm.therefore、 this stage
54、 the crisis is not only to the development ofchildren's own initiative、 but also to avoid activities that may be prohibited. this stage of the development of thepsychologicalcharacteristicsofsmooth activecuriosity、has thedirectionofaction、began tohave a sense ofresponsibility; mentaldisordersisa
55、 featureofthedevelopmentoffear、lack of self-worth.(4) sense of diligence and inferiority 6-11 years oldthe stage of the development task is to develop the sense of diligence. during this period、 the majority of children have entered the school、 the first time to accept social give himand expecthim t
56、ocompletethetask.ifchildrengetthesociety more successful experience in learning and other collectiveactivities、 helps children develop hardworking personality、and the frustration and the failure led to a sense ofinferiority.ifthefirstthreestagesoftheimpacton children isthebiggestfamilyfactors、thenthisstageforchildrenis the biggest factor. the school stage form of hardworkingpersonality will b
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