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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载democra cy、 mai ntaini ng social sta bility in r ural areas、 t o further esta blish and improve t he system of se lf-governa nce、 gui de the v illage neig hbor hood committee will carry out democratic self-g overnment w ork; second、 strengt hen democratic manageme nt of village affa

2、irs. increase d on village w orks publi c of supervision gui de、 le d organi zation county fina nci al、 and agricultural、 a nd sent modified、 a nd jiu feng、 a nd monitored、 and livestock、 village w orks publ ic le d group members unit s、 on county the xia ng town of village w orks public w ork for s

3、upervisi on、 further spe cification ha s villa ge works publi c of form、 and time and basic pr ogram、 prom ote has v illage work s publi c regularizati on、 and instit utionalized、 effective guarantee s farmers masses of "four right" three is e stabli she d sound village level affairs manag

4、eme nt of supervi sion mechanism. actively cooperate with t he discipli nary inspe ction and supervisi on departments to esta blishing a nd perfecting t he system of villager s ' supervisory committee、 give full play to it s safeguar d and pr omote the role of the r ural grass-roots democra cy.

5、innovation management、 stre ngthe ning social services and social welfare work. funeral servi ces: prom ote reform of funeral and interme nt、 strictly funeral la w enfor cement、 standard funeral a ctivities、 impr oving f uneral ma nagement level 、 sound development of the cemetery and meet the ne ed

6、s of funeral sites. insurance covers basi c、 wi de coverage、 in a ccorda nce with t he pri nciples of sustaina ble、 furt her impr ove the buri al policie s、 urban and rural subsiste nce allowa nce s、 rural five guarantee s、 key e ntitled groups a nd other special gr oups、 e stablished funeral r elie

7、f remedies、 guara ntees the funeral nee ds of poor people. o i ncrea se the funeral renovation work、 a nd actively organize consultations of stake hol ders t his yea r、 pl ans to move it s frontal bridge 120 tom bs i n he nan provi nce. investe d 500、000 yua n this year、 perfect muslim funeral home

8、facility equipped with . tur n off the unit、 "creating w ork. so far、 457 marriageregistration and div orce regi stration t his year、 a total of 78、 r epla cement of registration 52 regi stered wa s 100%. social organization: thi s year、 continued to do w ell the social group a nnual review to

9、f urther sta ndar dize the socio -orga nizational behavi or、 clean up a ctivities、 cancellati on 1 not a ccording to law organizati ons、com pleted a 6-level a sse ssment of social organi zations. up to now、 the county's t otal of 17 organizati ons、 4 private non -enter prise 2 social organizati

10、on party curre ntly and actively yet prudently carry out party buildi ng work. j expand service s、 social w orker r ole into f ull pla y. i county to community for basi c positions、 t o social w orkers team constr ucti on for focus、 base d act ual、 thr oug h various carri er put social w orkers serv

11、i ce constantly to communit y、 a nd to re side nts masse s of da ily extends、 full play social w ork station of role、 establi she d communit y volunteer s servi ce team、 accor ding to service object of diff erent features、 integrate d usi ng variety social service method、 free for difficult masses p

12、r ovides service、 sol ution ge neral grass -root s masses m ost care、 a nd most directl y、 and most reality of intere sts problem. base d on a ctual county or dered expanding the ri chness of community work、 to e nhance the vitality of community work 、 community work more huma n、 cl oser to t he peo

13、ple 、 clo se to life. 11 to strengthen consci ousness of servi ce、 push t he home party style constructi on. out side t he grasp of all service s、 i foc us on strengt heni ng self-construction、 to学校科学试验操作项目及技能要求五年级 试验内容:观看阳光下物体影子的变化(五年级上册第一单元)课题: 1.太阳和影子试验器材:小标杆(大头针竖直插在橡皮上).记录纸(标有方向).温度计.钟表.笔.指南针(最好

14、要有)试验类型:同学操作试验步骤操作要点1. 明确观测任务本次观测,涉及影子.气温.时间的记录,而且历时一天,大约要收集 7 至 8 次数据,假如任务不明.方将会使一天的观测流于形式,所以让同学明确观测任务尤为重要:1. 每一节下课,在记录纸上画出小标杆的影子;2. 用温度计测出当时的温度,并在影子旁标上当时的温度和时间;2. 明确观测方法1. 记录纸上的方向要与实地的东.南.西.北一样;2. 每一次观测,小标杆都要放在记录纸黑色圆点上;(为了便利同学的观测,建议记录纸的中间标上黑色圆点)3. 记录影子时,可用“”或“”在影子末端作下标志即可;(先画一圆点,记录全部终止后再连线;)4. 观测气

15、温时,应把温度计放在太阳晒不到的地方测量;5.同学在观看时要明确分工;3. 同学观测1.同学分组观测,并记录观测结果;2.同学整理观测数据;4 试验总结同学沟通观测数据 、 分析数据, 发觉阳光下物体影子变化的规律;试验结论:一天中,影子变化由长至短再至 长,温度变化由低高低;试验内容:模拟太阳运动过程中影子的变化(五年上册第一单元)课题: 1.太阳和影子试验器材:手电筒.竹篾(或铁丝).小标杆(大头针竖直插在橡皮上)试验类型:老师演示.同学操作试验步骤操作要点1. 组装模拟装臵1. 组装模拟装臵并介绍:手电筒代表太阳,竹篾代表太阳运动的轨迹,小标杆代表地球上能产生影子的物体;精品学习资料精选

16、学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2. 探 究 太阳 运动过 程 中 影子 的变化1. 观看:影子的方向和太阳的位臵影子的长短和太阳的高度的关系2. 同学分组试验,并记录试验结果;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载"tree quality、 image outsi de." council lea dership unity and strong、 exemplary impleme ntation of democratic centralism、 stre ngthe n the constructi on of party organizati ons、 c

17、onstr uction increase d; the second is to stre ngthe n learni ng and improve qualit y. thr oug h a variety of learni ng activities、 strengthe n the educati on of the ca dres and workers of politi cal the ory and professional knowledge 、 to improve t he overall quality of ca dres a nd busi ness capa

18、city; the t hird is strengthe ning t he bureaucracy in a ctivities construction a nd burea ucra cy ha d improved marke dly. construction of ide ologi cal style of cadres a nd w orkers have al so been stre ngthe ned、 public servant、 service i s greatly enhanced、 burea ucracy、 spirit of ca dres and wo

19、rkers with larger change s and improved four is to stre ngthe n the party conduct cl ean gover nment a nd di scipline inspecti on and supervisi on w ork、 "wind" oper ations a nd risk control manageme nt of the icac. leadershi p by example 、 leadi ng party and low a ccountabilit y、 consciou

20、sly w orking on self-discipl ine a nd self-examination and self-corre ction、 and made me cle an a nd re organize burea ucracy i n activitie s have been stre ngthe ned. main difficultie s and problems、 a nd the se cond year、 my county home w hile some a chieveme nts ha d bee n made、 but t here are st

21、ill a l ot of problems、 mainly in: one is the county of frequent natural di sasters、 disaster cause d by disea ses of poverty-retur ning of large populati ons、 fail to achieve "shoul d be doi ng". urban and r ural minimum livi ng standard se curit y、 orpha ns、 five、 "three -no" h

22、ome rescue objects such as persons of more than 10、000 pe ople、 pr otection of di sadvantage d groups t he basic tasks of life more and more. in particular the county rural l owest livi ng guarantee l ow ba se、 many lo -fi edge disaster caused by disea ses of poverty coul d not be included i n the s

23、cope of protecti on i n a timely m anne r. second、 pensi on benefits institutional infrastructure. in re cent years、 i ncrea sing soci al welfare projects i n our count y、 but provi nce s of chi na welfare lottery-funde d proje cts only has proje ct constr ucti on fund、 no manageme nt of funds neces

24、sary for later operation、 resulti ng in the exi sting be nefits of weak i nstituti ons、 low service level s. due to e conomic conditi ons restri cted、 i county of social w elfare career guara ntees range also compare d narr ow、 started more late、 plus place financial tension、 ba sed facilitie s cons

25、tr ucti on lag、 me dical、 a nd re habilitation、 and healt h、 auxiliary treatment facilities seri ous lack、 life guarantees sta ndar d relative low er、 only ca n maintained se rvice obje ct minimum of living、 guarantee s content single、 only l ooks at yu most ba sic of life de pendent、 al so cannot m

26、eet rescue obje ct of medical、 and educati on、 needs. in addition、 the current staffing of welfare institutions le ss and a seri ous lack of professi onal nursi ng staff required. thir d、 to improve t he overall quality of cadres. catch problems of people's livel ihoodf unctions、 widens t he fie

27、ld of work、 cli ents i ncrease d standards rising、 difficulty i n increasi ng home t he overall quality of ca dres w ill determinethe effectiveness of the impleme ntation of the various polici es. so home qua lity of the ca dres at the grassr oots lev el of improvement、 strengthe ning t he quality o

28、f busine ss still need t o make great efforts to、 in accorda nce with the "strong political 、 professi onal、 style is" team -buil ding goals、 st rong training a nd practi cing strong sol diers. third、 2021 a continue to impr ove social assistance system. with a focus on urba n and rural su

29、bsi stence allowances、精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载3. 试验总结同学沟通试验结果 、 发觉太阳运动过程中影子的变化规律;4. 整理器材整理器材,保持洁净;试验结论:太阳高度越高,影子越短;反之影子越长;试验内容:模拟昼夜变化(五年级上册第一单元)课题: 3.昼夜交替试验器材:投影仪(或手电筒).地球仪.人物模型试验类型:老师演示试验步骤操作要点精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载1. 明 确 地球 仪转动的方向1. 争论:地球仪应朝哪个方向转动?2. 嬉戏:一人从你左边显现, 又在你右边消逝, 又在你左边显现, 猜想一下你和这个人怎样运动才会产

30、生这样的现象? 3.明确地球仪转动的方向:由西向东精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2. 模拟昼夜变化1.在地球仪上某一个国家插上人物模型;2.由西向东转动地球仪;(地球仪与投影的距离不能太近,要让投影仪射出的光“包 围”地球;) 3.缓慢转动地球仪,边转动边观测;3. 试验总结依据观测现象分析昼夜交替的缘由;4. 整理器材整理器材,保持洁净;试验结论:地球为个球体,太阳只能照亮地球的一半,对着太阳的一面为白昼,背着太阳的一面为黑夜;地球不停地转动,昼夜现象就会交替显现;试验内容:观看月相盒中月相变化(五年级上册第一单元)课题: 4.看月亮试验器材:月相盒试验类型:老师演示.同学操

31、作试验步骤操作要点1. 介绍月相盒1. 小电筒代表太阳;2. 盒中间的乒乓球代表月球;3. 月相盒四周的小孔代表一个月中在不同时候看月相;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2. 观 察 月相 盒中月相变化1. 同学连续观看月相盒中月相变化,留意时间变化;2. 边观看边记录观看结果;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载3. 观看总结展现同学观看结果,引导同学初步熟悉一个月中月相变化;4. 整理器材整理器材,保持洁净;试验结论:一个月中月相变化:新月蛾眉月上弦月凸月满月残月下精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载democra cy、 mai ntaini ng so

32、cial sta bility in r ural areas、 t o further esta blish and improve t he system of se lf-governa nce、 gui de the v illage neig hbor hood committee will carry out democratic self-g overnment w ork; second、 strengt hen democratic manageme nt of village affairs. increase d on village w orks publi c of

33、supervision gui de、 le d organi zation county fina nci al、 and agricultural、 a nd sent modified、 a nd jiu feng、 a nd monitored、 and livestock、 village w orks publ ic le d group members unit s、 on county the xia ng town of village w orks public w ork for supervisi on、 further spe cification ha s vill

34、a ge works publi c of form、 and time and basic pr ogram、 prom ote has v illage work s publi c regularizati on、 and instit utionalized、 effective guarantee s farmers masses of "four right" three is e stabli she d sound village level affairs manageme nt of supervi sion mechanism. actively co

35、operate with t he discipli nary inspe ction and supervisi on departments to esta blishing a nd perfecting t he system of villager s ' supervisory committee、 give full play to it s safeguar d and pr omote the role of the r ural grass -roots democra cy. innovation management、 stre ngthe ning socia

36、l services and social welfare work. funeral servi ces: prom ote reform of funeral and interme nt、 strictly funeral la w enfor cement、 standard funeral a ctivities、 impr oving f uneral ma nagement level 、 sound development of the cemetery and meet the ne eds of funeral sites. insurance covers basi c、

37、 wi de coverage、 in a ccorda nce with t he pri nciples of sustaina ble、 furt her impr ove the buri al policie s、 urban and rural subsiste nce allowa nce s、 rural five guarantee s、 key e ntitled groups a nd other special gr oups、 e stablished funeral r elief remedies、 guara ntees the funeral nee ds o

38、f poor people. o i ncrea se the funeral renovation work、 a nd actively organize consultations of st ake hol ders t his yea r、 pl ans to move it s frontal bridge 120 tom bs i n he nan provi nce. investe d 500、000 yua n this year、 perfect muslim funeral home facility equipped with . tur n off the unit

39、、 "creating w ork. so far、 457 marriageregistration and div orce regi stration t his year、 a total of 78、 r epla cement of registration 52 regi stered wa s 100%. social organization: thi s year、 continued to do w ell the social group a nnual review to f urther sta ndar dize the socio -orga niza

40、tional behavi or、 clean up a ctivities、 cancellati on 1 not a ccording to law organizati ons、 com pleted a 6-level a sse ssment of social organi zations. up to now、 the county's t otal of 17 organizati ons、 4 private non -enter prise 2 social organizati on party curre ntly and actively yet prudently carry out party buildi ng work. j expand service s、 social w orker r ole into f ull pla y. i county to community for basi c positions、 t o


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