1、intouch-kepserverex_opc 系统安装步骤第一步,安装 kepserver程序:1 .解压文件包,得到文件。2 .解压文件包,再解压里面文件包,得到文件3.安装,kepsetverex - installshield visardpxlocation to sa«e fileswhere would you i知 t口 save yaur files?please enter ths folder ytxj wart these flle saved. if the folder doee not exists it will be created far you.
2、 to conbmij&j dick mskl5ae files in folder:.froqrenn fi 恒 51k 日口 即白|-& 5§tuiinse shid d麝a cancelnextnext tyesnext展开dirvers项,根据设备选择intouch client driver项。intouch-kepserverex_opc 安装说明 lntouch-kepserverex_opc 安装说明waretechno logi ewtilfuji flexa|ge fanuc focasl ethernelge fanuc suitehoneywe
3、ll suiteia super selid河intouch client driverlotech poirtscan 100穴 seauencedcnplionini ouch oi&nl driverthe int ouch client driver can be used to ewpose wcndeivjareintouch tag databases to opc clienh.v/cndeiware i nl ouch 7.1 of hiner i& required.space required on c:space available on c:insta
4、ll hi eld1256bk3334740k< backmext acancelkeijtare setup jti 1 ityselect componenuchoose the component setup 牌ill i佰tall.select the comporentsou 叫日nt lo inslall and cler the components you dci rat want to install.next,eeadonly file detectedan cplion you selected requirgi th日t files be ritalled to
5、your system, or files be uninstalled from ycm systenrx ar both. a read-on hie.c:windowssystenn3zhhacliv<.dll wa# foirid while perfcrmirg lhe needed fiile operations on you 叫引日m. to perform the file operation, click the yes button: otherwise, click no.don't display this message again :im im ni
6、lmi iwi iiriiminbinavrirfnayes,第一个yes可不选,finish。则会自动打开kepserverex程序:第二步,注册。1. kepserverex t help t purchase a driver or plug-in license.虬偽电_ rfl *:wh £k.,4!kq二 uf jil«zf8e & ji j*t,” fluf j> lit 心 wjarikd il ei|t"t*l口 ms%i .也 ee f sw ,idit 公 ir 及t_il» .r,宀r m初甘tl y-如11,心!&
7、gt;! m*br» a昭心hrterclel%皿mne hlfr >i xtt jj la xi ws'-f 5.3 ff】l 丄4 li-j ffrsrvrlit - lim+i十姓土 ff 】>&lcm|聊er此吧i 目 ar*owbfuw工!*e> u, ielitkxlt utm-msm-f4,ex:刁满f洞默導ibhfwdt w*om-&-2nt ibei 46 15l«enjl uim-公!- »!.co*&.ete-gfllb > u也心5 iiwip b uww u««r
8、ofcjdir to a口etu fr ij!«r«!匸 jva em fi l«t,|kl?'iw-r-i*,!t 7<i ;«r1 r,! ti wmh '; ikiw而! 4t¥l i 占*5“m4id ni evuj-;-uuil«l&r 4*bt- p* £ii| !w-swulninr ikil r-i dk avir y4 3(1. bl - u小叩少 旧einul.l就 由hl网tril hffl.口 噸mm”h c ufv营* hmkl鼻arnif侦wuedwujjj选中 in
9、touch client driver, 单击 licese:2.打开driver name 选择相应设备:intouch device driver,得到相应的 license码:将调码拷贝至 intouch driver license 的 serial 栏,ok:选是:将computer输入上图的computer id栏:得到unlock码,拷贝到上图的 password栏,ok:确定。第三步,配置。1. 连接申口线。2. 运行 kepserverex,new project:点击:选择siemens s§下一步:,e ch arm el - trit e optiai z a
10、t ionston can control how the we i tes icn till 5 chazoiex. op timi zili on me thod and cycle teliow.糸 槌: wr i t i ug ucily theserver processesse t tkewri te_t err ead dutylatest value uszir dptimi z4ti om method*' t_e 应j.¥里 时旦一 £四皂i. *棗:【a tfrite lonly latest value for rion_boole 厂 wr
11、iti 剃my ltet w&lu* fer allduty cycleptrforn 1°writes for every下一步:上_歩职)i下一步負 取消帮助 ihe ch arm el - siiuaryif th<g fgllwing infppmmtiqii is cqrregtclickto e4va the settings forif钏: chuuielldevice driear: ixtauch client driver hi agnostics: di nbledwri tie op tini zati on:wri t和 all r:quez
12、for all tag10 writes per read上一歩切i匚二慕盛二日收消 i帮助完成。点击 click to add a device:收消確助beiri ee nam e :bata ty?<g5egj sctiin? i0 i active 0> of 0tile liii vi ijsirs tmls ktlj*d u f 會名宅 x aa devi ce name cun be from 1 to 25b char a.c tths in 1 engtli.it midls t begin w i th a letter lut lhe remii ill ng
13、 diai-actfers can h 也 会np 匸。ml mat ion oe lett ers nuunber and th gji員好心妙也h皿启七湖毎1七 ki*psprwrex irat i t lrd_ opf *he devi ce - kaaedikiitim*vstr naiiesgr韻iv«nlo2ms-s-200:46 isbefiiat lfa«rpeps *17£18£±kiiw® ofc/doe server f4.g。湖6y-*fl: u : 19defalt ug也sg甘梟0”rd« pro
14、ject c alrocrini fi s leetserverficvpr4j ects simdano200g-®-2015lf£-«ri=eps trvsrexsxhiulo.tor devldft dxivvtr 1 ae<c c«= £nuy.02000-0-209.46.15b e fault if器吧上i'et3-i izieks lut lio cj muldlvi idevi ce ct i wsr -。amjb-thfuy:i£ liu*± aioli ljt«rsii'h
15、ul atcrinula-lor ilsvie# briwr3li 8】三 uq2mg 0-2010:13:41d eifi-eii'etc-rveress t>appii:l* c1 nruj.-3.l vr devi ce ihriwsr _owb-h-?d111: l3 昌sefaiflll ifscrkefserverllclceims: pre j ect c ; lrogt4n fi 1 * s 1 ttfser veres pro j e ct 5 si mdema,e device - j)atal)ase creationthe device you are d
16、efining 血5 the ab ill ty to gut-omali caxly gezierate a tag database.determine i f th 处 de vise shonili. create a dat氏bhm自 g 宫t我rtup wh也t action shouli h, p §3/far hi d srk pvviouely £ejiera.ted tags, group to md tags 顷 and ill owing subgroups.ml gnerat它 on mar tupst irtuji 脸action d«
17、leu ml createadd tfl 序ouw alltuffsubgou下一歩皿) 取消帮助import fjorn intouch csv filehe device - tap isport settizigsselect tag import method 皿d options.im jort method iimport from intouch proj e-:tznp curt fxomi int oulck pro j ectintoucli kv £1 le :#, csv5 lacluds +af daxeriptions9 import ay st em&l
18、t;上一歩収)i下歩皿)>1 收消 i 带助选择 import from intouch csv file 下一步:,e device - tag isport settings选择intouch项冃文件下的文件。如:pevi ce - jodex完成。第四步,加载,导入中所有点名1 .选择打开:w«误階日<。w« w oom<ft<££p mjnirr-m 一r:= sm-j-jjiar.牝 nl-:ll-k3nmefvn mt-?l»¥ns4 w匕占日 rd-dw - h_- h -urn£h-
19、.rufarlt.3. rta-n- t hu-h.lk.- _| u»_e.vlu uh-mnfrm-eefep 柜二wmfxji ,asi-tae-4 ui(it -311hr>-l丫 nb .! msils 3f*rf f w »,_ wvmre->a¥w = "br-a-3 u5t« 3-_.s £向-£=葺£h£- b t?k w 吉uf>" 4 rrbn- ju.=-十 e 一 门-工hedllrg 一-liicwux.t9 i .l.±-uti 一- *
20、- ±3 ssu-_4fl"s-nf-*a«._m 0 5 %me§g9nt;二举一 j. fji.-h 占- ketwr?- -sjiip 王t 苟員rl-hbf-surl ts菖5 2-昌 a-j30 由栏&sjh1 feffi即 klmw 4bam5 目 mmo-wen v若 htafieh- mmte# assa- wp-hkhi dts -d "1-3- -c jutpart- -d 5 ltiws-3虾战l-呈*_ 拌占it*¥ 5 j- 1.1* 匕!51-?%_ j ie* 目占tui* -i lu* wk l
21、.tx_ fe jtf土 *-s i«*_ ui hjj* eti i号*_ 5-3-3*_ sj 1.h*twi fl ir si b 8丄丄厶丄丄十丄.pzlai丄冃ewj'm rv tar_ mi kml*u rdudriu nuj- .jl-luty1a-h. £-1 tu- tdzitius- wlaelij.wit-la-或143 - iyli-slrql_ 洛-*!4 n-_l 恃任3饷a*llrl*ee-ap-5-&-h a it:v1! fmli qi ifieul-lmi ub-iijtftflll lhtu1»e«1
22、 i ulie'butwcfa cil l&t-k-ufa £2l = itauu"mtftk dl zn l-ncdi 口 l =iff-vriidzltdfp d ih-j 整“ eai djimle*il.玖|由 l«| b*i »<>al l ed c4f dk*e irtrlid ej*iilf川。右* kt* li tfjt . fry !13lkfr lt gm舟lin s n:n->' darph frc* 'zzttt- xhnle>i 虹皿 ez2jy-ju cl3tj,hi j
23、!tczjlt.3,u "jee2itj3,jit510- w bkji-,«iv - rw> 亀坍.-g补cli-w.ii 0 ml手婿*ii1 utreitcjil klubllt lc<- «pf *jtil £0% lifti tli31 口户的 i sf if r>x £t-.1 7“ 耻由 u- h-wu sz 冲c.心atnjrffialu*ae-:<'£jlle33i-:-lu u.ionjctu.讶山_ill .a100llhm<331119j|r'l-pl-i-uioc
24、* lf»l 丄-%ul2aa-idw-uico.心luuemiwemi21"iccm和w : 昨osghj22bi«l«utailew盟5瞄emrie腿gihihi虹n<4f1jebial*u血imob_lm加亂t4>im1«hd*皿埒睥1w4ay通he-mhl-ad-ml3 co.心3 wm1国aic-licili-tl«-ia仲1mma»_i is-1w 试fkcqihhn-ip tbtaaq.ileiq-llebaal«h>心hmm显|rmhid-j ionheihh7摊的找日电oia-i
25、 e e31l曰明1湿tl|':'iawj«nokj3:a asifivl'i-iilmi;,l6耳.辺u3odokjy:ibi-jw-otrwaiu_i1&-1w日o心awj®id-litiemigj 舟io-lkh印*lnoho1 购 44110(110cm *皿祖he'.'lvti100»1皿口 g_l 旬j firm心巾1号uwj':<wr5>w_l3it-iuhill nil u.iccjleuit«mq-iw-用心牛*qaj&jams> if 剛iokllsi0
26、-1hcnoo<71» l7fl»1訶nuotw >dgii n”r印 f-wxf t4tt*wi e1 吨pa完毕。关闭 kepserverex 时保存 channall.devicel 配置.第五步,运行opcdas1 .运行:l-iixia (jalitle-d - opcdas点击打开文件夹:打开查找范围(!): _j ofcjasbasil xml园i raw. imlji£l1. xml|ul2. itirl司 'ol4. xml 曲於l. amicold.囱 1epp.:mini dem i. icinl花ml打开。取消i夜件沽图): ull. w夏俾类型(i) - |project files_l(_ xml) |选择相应的程序,如#1卸船机则选ull.xml项。打开:ikj巨区llt list iimpumj希电昭1禹|#一h 由 kefvww kff5?n!erex v4r瞄valum| linetjiil: traliilijwjbjjj08:0o!uu1*1 n s jtlllml kw蚂 w0>as:ao:ootllll旨,立号iiice_rbja08:0
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