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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载中学化学方程式全集 _百度知道( junior high school chemistryequation complete _ baidu know)2007-3-11 14:04 best answer junior middle school chemistry equation collectionfirst、 the nature of oxygen:(1) reaction of simple substance with oxygen: chemical reaction1. mg combustion in air: 2mg + o2 igni

2、te 2mgo2. iron burns in oxygen: 3fe + 2o2 ignites fe3o43. copper heated in the air: 2cu + o2 heating 2cuo4. aluminum combustion in air: 4al + 3o2 ignite 2al2o35. hydrogen combustion in air: 2h2 + o2 ignited 2h2o6. red phosphorus combustion in air air composition experiment: 4p + 5o2 light 2p2o57. su

3、lfur powder burns in air: s + o2 ignites so28. carbon is fully combusted in oxygen: c + o2 ignites co29. carbonisnotfullycombusted inoxygen:2c + o2 ignites2co(2) reactions of compounds with oxygen:精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载10. carbon monoxide burns in oxygen: 2co + o2 ignites 2co211. methane combustion

4、 in air: ch4 + 2o2 ignited co2 + 2h2o12. alcohol burns in air: c2h5oh + 3o2 ignites 2co2 + 3h2o(3) the source of oxygen:13. of the components of air boyle experimental 2hgo hg+ o2 heating up14.: 2kmno4 heating heating potassium permanganate k2mno4 + mno2 + o2 = laboratory oxygen principle 115. hydro

5、gen peroxideas catalystunderconditionsinmanganese dioxide decomposition reaction: h2o2 o2 = mno22h2o+laboratory oxygen principle 2 two. water in nature:16. waterdecompositionundertheeffectofdirectcurrentan experimental study on water: 2h2o + o2 = 2h2 = electricity17. lime water soluble: cao + h2o =

6、ca oh 218. carbon dioxide soluble in water: h2o + co2=h2co3 three. the law of conservation of mass:19. mg combustion in air: 2mg + o2 ignite 2mgo精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载20. iron and copper sulfate solution reaction: fe + cuso4 = feso4 + cu21. hydrogen reduction of cuo: h2 + cuo heating cu + h2o22. mg

7、 reduced cuo: mg + cuo heating cu + mgo four、 carbon and carbon oxides:(1) the chemical properties of carbon23. carbon is fully combusted in oxygen: c + o2 ignites co224.:c+charcoalreductionof copper oxidehigh-temperature2cu+ co2 = 2cuo25.3c+ 2fe2o3hightemperaturecoke reductionironoxide:4fe+ 3co2 =(

8、2) thethreereactionsoccurringinthecoalfurnace:several chemical reactionsbottom of 26. coal stove: c + o2 ignites co2middle layerof27.coalfurnace:co2+ c hightemperature2co the upper blue flame of the 28. coal stove: 2co + o2 ignites2co2(3) preparation and properties of carbon dioxide:精品学习资料精选学习资料 - -

9、 - 欢迎下载29. marble reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid laboratory carbon dioxide:caco3 + 2hcl + h2o + co2 = = = cacl230. unstable carbonate decomposition: h2co3 + co2 = = = h2o31. carbon dioxide soluble in water: h2o + co2= h2co332. high temperature calcination of limestone industrial carbon dioxide

10、: co2 = cao + caco3 at high temperature33. lime water reacts with carbon dioxide identifying carbon dioxide:ca oh 2 + co2 + h2o = caco3:(4) the nature of carbon monoxide:34. carbon monoxide reduced copper oxide: co+ cuo heating cu+ co235. flammability of carbon monoxide: 2co + o2 ignites 2co2 other

11、reactions:reactionof36.sodium carbonatewithdilutehydrochloricacid principle of fire extinguisher:na2co3 + 2hcl + h2o + co2 = = = 2nacl精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载five. fuel and its utilization:37. methane combustion in air: ch4 + 2o2 ignited co2 + 2h2o38. alcohol burns in air: c2h5oh + 3o2 ignites 2co2 +

12、 3h2o39. hydrogen combustion in air: 2h2 + o2 ignited 2h2o six、 metal(1) reaction of metal with oxygen:40. mg combustion in air: 2mg + o2 ignite 2mgo41. iron burns in oxygen: 3fe + 2o2 ignites fe3o442. copper heated in the air: 2cu + o2 heating 2cuo43. aluminum oxide film formed in air: 4al + 3o2 =

13、2al2o3(2) metal salt + + acid - hydrogen reaction44. zinc and dilute sulfuric acid zn + h2so4 = znso4 + h2 =45. iron and dilute sulfuric acid fe + h2so4 = feso4 + h2 =46. mg dilute sulfuric acid and mg + h2so4 = mgso4 + h2 =47. aluminum and dilute sulfuric acid so4 2al +3h2so4 = al2+3 h2 = 3精品学习资料精选

14、学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载48.zincand dilutehydrochloricacidzn + 2hcl + h2 = = = zncl249.ironand dilutehydrochloricacidfe + 2hcl + h2 = = = fecl250. mg and dilute hydrochloric acid mgcl2 + h2 = 2hcl = = mg+51. aluminum and dilute hydrochloric acid 2al + 6hcl = 2alcl3+ h2 = 3(3) metallic element + salt solution

15、- new metal + new salt52. iron and copper sulfate solution reaction: fe + cuso4 = feso4 + cu53. zinc and copper sulfate solution reaction: zn + cuso4=znso4 + cu54. copper and mercury nitrate reaction: cu + hg no3 = 2 cu no3 2 + hg3 the principle of metal smelting iron:55.3co+ 3co2 = 4fe + 2fe2o3 at

16、high temperature seven. acid、 alkali and salt1. the chemical properties of acids(1) - metal acid + salt + hydrogen see above精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载(2) acid + salt + water - metal oxide56. iron oxide and dilute hydrochloric acid reaction: fe2o3 + 6hcl =2fecl3 + 3h2o57. ironoxideand dilutesulfuricacid

17、reaction:fe2o3+ 3h2so4= fe2 + 3h2o so4 358. copper oxide and dilute hydrochloric acid reaction: cuo + 2hcl =cucl2 + h2o59. of copper oxide and sulfuric acid reaction: cuo + h2so4 =cuso4 + h2o(3) - salt alkali acid + + water neutralization60. hydrochloricacidand causticsoda react:hcl + naoh= nacl+h2o

18、61. hydrochloric acid and calcium hydroxide reaction: 2hcl + ca oh 2 = = cacl2 + 2h2othe 62. drugs in the treatment of aluminum hydroxide hyperchlorhydria: 3hcl + al = alcl3 + 3 oh 3h2o63. sulfuric acid and caustic soda reaction: h2so4 + 2naoh =na2so4 + 2h2o(4) acid + salt - another acid + another s

19、alt64. marble reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid: caco3 + 2hcl精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载+ h2o + co2 = = = cacl265. sodium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid: na2co3 + 2hcl + h2o + co2 = = = 2nacl66. sodium bicarbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid: nahco3 + hcl= + h2o + co2 = naclr

20、eaction of 67. sulfuric acid and barium chloride solution: h2so4 + bacl2 = baso4 +: 2hcl2. chemical properties of alkalis(1) alkali metal oxide + non - salt + water68. caustic soda in the air exposed metamorphic: 2naoh + co2= na2co3 + h2o69. caustic soda to absorb so2: 2naoh + so2 = na2so3 + h2o70.

21、caustic soda absorbs three sulphur oxide gas: 2naoh + so3= na2so4 + h2o71. of lime deterioration in the air: ca oh 2 + co2 = caco3+: h2o72. of lime sulfur dioxide absorption: ca oh 2 + so2 = caso3+ h2o:(2) acid - alkali + salt + water neutralization reaction equation above精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载3 +

22、- another alkali salt alkali and another salt73. calciumhydroxideand sodium carbonate:ca oh 2 + na2co3= caco3 + 2naoh:3. the chemical properties of salt(1) salt solution + metal element - another metal + another salt74. iron and copper sulfate solution reaction: fe + cuso4 =feso4 + cu(2) - another a

23、cid salt + acid + another salt75. sodium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid: na2co3 + 2hcl + h2o + co2 = = = 2naclsodium bicarbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid:nahco3 + hcl= + h2o + co2 = nacl(3) salt and alkali - another alkali + another salt seventy-sixcalcium hydroxide and s

24、odium carbonate: ca oh 2 + na2co3 = caco3 + 2naoh:(4) salt + salt - two new salts精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载77. sodium chloridesolutionand silvernitratesolution:nacl+ agno3 = agcl +: nano378. sodium sulfateand bariumchloride:na2so4+ bacl2 = baso4+ 2nacl with 15316| comments: 73 answer: turn to ta tanrui

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28、tion daquan、72021-4-25juniorhighschool chemistry equationdaquan write a little more serious ah、 442021-4-9 junior high schoolchemistry equation daquanremember what the trick is、 12021-3-13 asks for a chemistry equation for junior high school. you need to have the name ofthereactant、such as charcoalb

29、urninginoxygen charge.34 there are 2 other answers2007-3-6 19:59 persi | fiveall the chemistry equations in high school not necessarily allnon metallicelementaryelementsf2、cl2、o2、 s、n2、 p、c、 si 1、 oxidation:f2 + h2 = 2hff2 +xe excess =xef2 2f2 excess +xe=xef4nf2 +2m=2mfn representing most metals精品学习

30、资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2f2 +2h2o=4hf+o22f2 +2naoh=2naf+of2 +h2o f2 +2nacl=2naf+cl2f2 +2nabr=2naf+br2 f2+2nai =2naf+i2f2 +cl2 equal volume =2clf 3f2 excess +cl2=2clf37f2 excess +i2 =2if7 cl2 +h2 =2hcl3cl2 +2p=2pcl3 cl2 +pcl3 =pcl5 cl2 +2na=2nacl 3cl2 +2fe=2fecl3cl2 +2fecl2 =2fecl3 cl2+cu=cucl2精品学习资料精选学习资

31、料 - - - 欢迎下载2cl2+2nabr=2nacl+br2 cl2 +2nai =2nacl+i25cl2+i2+6h2o=2hio3+10hcl cl2 +na2s=2nacl+scl2 +h2s=2hcl+scl2+so2 +2h2o=h2so4 +2hcl cl2 +h2o2 =2hcl+o22o2 +3fe=fe3o4 o2+k=ko2 s+h2=h2s 2s+c=cs2 s+fe=fes s+2cu=cu2s 3s+2al=al2s3 s+zn=zns n2+3h2=2nh3精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载n2+3mg=mg3n2 n2+3ca=ca3n2 n2+

32、3ba=ba3n2 n2+6na=2na3n n2+6k=2k3n n2+6rb=2rb3n p2+6h2=4ph3 p+3na=na3p 2p+3zn=zn3p22. reducibility s+o2=so2 s+o2=so2s+6hno3 concentrated =h2so4+6no2+2h2o 3s+4 hno3 dilute =3so2+4no+2h2o n2+o2=2no精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载4p+5o2=p4o10 often written as p2o5 2p+3x2=2px3 x means f2、 cl2、 br2 px3+x2=px5p4+20

33、hno3 concentrated =4h3po4+20no2+4h2o c+2f2=cf4c+2cl2=ccl42c+o2 small amount =2co c+o2 adequate =co2 c+co2=2coc+h2o=co+h2 produced water gas 2c+sio2=si+2co crude siliconsi coarse +2cl=sicl4 sicl4+2h2=si pure +4hclsi powder +o2=sio2 si+c=sic emery si+2naoh+h2o=na2sio3+2h2精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载3、 alka

34、li disproportionation cl2+h2o=hcl+hcloinhibition of disproportionation by adding acid、adding alkali or illumination to promote disproportionation cl2+2naoh=nacl+naclo+h2o2cl2+2ca oh 2=cacl2+ca clo 2+2h2o3cl2+6koh hot、 concentrated =5kcl+kclo3+3h2o 3s+6naoh=2na2s+na2so3+3h2o4p+3koh concentrated +3h2o

35、=ph3+3kh2po2 11p+15cuso4+24h2o=5cu3p+6h3po4+15h2so43c+cao=cac2+co3c+sio2=sic+2cotwo、 reducibility of metallic elements na、 mg、 al、 fe 2na+h2=2nah4na+o2=2na2o精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2na2o+o2=2na2o22na+o2=na2o22na+s=na2s explosion 2na+2h2o=2naoh+h22na+2nh3=2nanh2+h24na+ticl4 molten =4nacl+ti mg+cl2=mgc

36、l2 mg+br2=mgbr2 2mg+o2=2mgo mg+s=mgsmg+2h2o=mg oh 2+h22mg+ticl4 molten =ti+2mgcl2 mg+2rbcl=mgcl2+2rb 2mg+co2=2mgo+c2mg+sio2=2mgo+si mg+h2s=mgs+h2精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载mg+h2so4=mgso4+h2 2al+3cl2=2alcl34al+3o2=2al2o3 passivation4al hg +3o2+2xh2o=2 al2o3.xh2o +4hg4al+3mno2=2al2o3+3mn2al+cr2o3=al2o3+2c

37、r2al+fe2o3=al2o3+2fe2al+3feo=al2o3+3fe2al+6hcl=2alcl3+3h22al+3h2so4=al2 so4 3+3h22al+6h2so4 concentrated =al2 so4 3+3so2+6h2o al、 fe passivated in cold、 concentrated h2so4、 hno3 al+4hno dilute =al no3 3+no+2h2o 2al+2naoh+2h2o=2naalo2+3h22fe+3br2=2febr3精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载fe+i2=fei2 fe+s=fes3fe+4h

38、2o g =fe3o4+4h2 fe+2hcl=fecl2+h2fe+cucl2=fecl2+cu fe+sncl4=fecl2+sncl2fourtinchloridecan notbe completelyremoved underacidic conditionsreduced to tin fe+sncl2=fecl2+snthree、 non metallic hydrides hf、 hcl、 h2o、 h2s、 nh3 1、 reducibility:4hcl concentrated +mno2=mncl2+cl2+2h2o 4hcl g +o2=2cl2+2h2o16hcl+

39、2kmno4=2kcl+2mncl2+5cl2+8h2o14hcl+k2cr2o7=2kcl+2crcl3+3cl2+7h2o2h2o+2f2=4hf+o2精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2h2s+3o2 adequate =2so2+2h2o2h2s+o2 small amount =2s+2h2o 2h2s+so2=3s+2h2oh2s+h2so4 concentrated =s+so2+2h2o 3h2s+2hno dilute =3s+2no+4h2o5h2s+2kmno4+3h2so4=2mnso4+k2so4+5s+8h2o3h2s+k2cr2o7+4h2so4=cr

40、2 so4 3+k2so4+3s+7h2o h2s+4na2o2+2h2o=na2so4+6naoh 2nh3+3cuo=3cu+n2+3h2o2nh3+3cl2=n2+6hcl8nh3+3cl2=n2+6nh4cl4nh3+3o2 pure oxygen =2n2+6h2o 4nh3+5o2=4no+6h2o4nh3+6no=5n2+6ho removal of no by ammonia nah+h2o=naoh+h2 4nah+ticl4=ti+4nacl+2h2精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载cah2+2h2o=ca oh 2+2h22、 acid: 4hf+sio2=s

41、if4+2h2othe content of this reaction is widely used in the determination of sio2 in steel samples or samples2hf+cacl2=caf2+2hcl h2s+fe=fes+h2 h2s+cucl2=cus+2hcl h2s+2agno3=ag2s+2hno3 h2s+hgcl2=hgs+2hcl h2s+pb no3 2=pbs+2hno3 h2s+fecl2= 2nh3+2na=2nanh2+h2 nanh2+h2o=naoh+nh33、 alkaline: nh3+hcl=nh4cl精

42、品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载nh3+hno3=nh4no3 2nh3+h2so4= nh4 2so4 nh3+nacl+h2o+co2=nahco3+nh4clthis reaction is used for industrial production of sodium bicarbonate and soda4、 instability:2hf=h2+f22hcl=h2+cl22h2o=2h2+o22h2o2=2h2o+o2 h2s=h2+s 2nh3=n2+3h2four、 non metallic oxides reducibility of low valence

43、state: 2so2+o2=2so32so2+o2+2h2o=2h2so4精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载thisistheslowenvironmentalchemicalreactionofso2inthe atmosphereso2+cl2+2h2o=h2so4+2hcl so2+br2+2h2o=h2so4+2hbr so2+i2+2h2o=h2so4+2hi so2+no2=so3+no 2no+o2=2no2 no+no2+2naoh=2nano2for no and no2 in tail gas for nitric acid production 2co+o2

44、=2co2co+cuo=cu+co2 3co+fe2o3=2fe+3co2 co+h2o=co2+h2oxidation property: so2+2h2s=3s+2h2o so3+2ki=k2so3+i2精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载no2+2ki+h2o=no+i2+2kohidentification of bromine vapor and no2 in starch ki solution 4no2+h2s=4no+so3+h2o2no2+cu=4cuo+n2 co2+2mg=2mgo+cco2 can notbe used toextinguishfiresbur

45、ningby mg、 ca、 ba、 na、 k、 etc.sio2+2h2=si+2h2o sio2+2mg=2mgo+si3、 the role of water: so2+h2o=h2so3 so3+h2o=h2so4 3no2+h2o=2hno3+no n2o5+h2o=2hno3 p2o5+h2o=2hpo3 p2o5+3h2o=2h3po4精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载p2o5 iseasy toabsorb waterand can be used as a gas desiccant p2o5+3h2so4 concentrated =2h3po4+3so3 c

46、o2+h2o=h2co3the role of alkaline substances: so2+2nh3+h2o= nh4 2so3 so2+ nh4 2so3+h2o=2nh4hso3thisisthereactionofthe sulfuricacidplanttorecoverso2. first absorb so2 with ammonia water、and then h2so4 processing: 2nh4hso3+h2so4= nh4 2so4+2h2o+2so2ammonium sulfate is used as fertilizer and so2 is used

47、as raw material gasso2+ca oh 2=caso3+h2oidentificationofso2and co2. can notbe identifiedby fuchsin so3+mgo=mgso4so3+ca oh 2=caso4+h2o co2+2naoh excess =na2co3+h2o精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载co2 excess +naoh=nahco3 co2+ca oh 2 excess =caco3+h2o 2co2 excess +ca oh 2=ca hco3 2co2+2naalo2+3h2o=2al oh 3+na2co

48、3 co2+c6h5ona+h2o=c6h5oh+nahco3 sio2+cao=casio3 sio2+2naoh=na2sio3+h2oslow alkali corrosion of glass at normal temperature sio2+na2co3=na2sio3+co2 sio2+caco3=casio3+co2five、 metal oxides1、 the reducibility of low valence: 6feo+o2=2fe3o4 feo+4hno3=fe no3 3+no2+2h2o2、 oxidation:精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载

49、na2o2+2na=2na2othis reaction is used to prepare na2omgo、 al2o3 almost no oxidation、 it is difficult to be reduced to mg、 al.generally、 mg and al. are made by electrolysis fe2o3+3h2=2fe+3h2o reduced iron powder fe3o4+4h2=3fe+4h2o3、 the role of water: na2o+h2o=2naoh 2na2o2+2h2o=4naoh+o2this reaction i

50、s divided into two steps: na2o2+2h2o=2naoh+h2o2;the preparation of 2h2o2=2h2o+o2. h2o2 can utilize similar reactions:bao2+h2so4 dilute =baso4+h2o2mgo+h2o=mg oh 2 slow reaction 4、 and the role of acidic substances:精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载na2o+so3=na2so4 na2o+co2=na2co3 na2o+2hcl=2nacl+h2o 2na2o2+2co2=

51、2na2co3+o2na2o2+h2so4 cold、 dilute =na2so4+h2o2 mgo+so3=mgso4 mgo+h2so4=mgso4+h2o al2o3+3h2so4=al2 so4 3+3h2oal2o3 is an amphoteric oxide: al2o3+2naoh=2naalo2+h2o feo+2hcl=fecl2+3h2o fe2o3+6hcl=2fecl3+3h2o fe2o3+3h2s g =fe2s3+3h2o fe3o4+8hcl=fecl2+2fecl3+4h2osix、 oxygenated acid 1、 oxidation:精品学习资料精

52、选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载4hclo3 + 3h2s = = = 3h2so4 + 4hcl hclo3 + hi = = = hio3 + hcl3hclo + hi = = = hio3 + 3hcl hclo + h2so3 = = = h2so4 + hclhclo + h2o2 = = = hcl + h2o + o2 氧化性 : hclo > > > hclo2 hclo3 hclo4、但浓、热的 hclo4氧化性很强 2h2so4 浓 + c = = = co2 + 2so2 + citrate.2h2o 2h2so4 浓 + s = = = 3so2 +

53、 citrate.2h2o h2so4 + fe al室温下钝化6h2so4 浓 + 2fe = = = fe2 so4 3 + 3so2 + 6h2o 2h2so4 浓 + cu = = = cuso4 + so2 + citrate.2h2o h2so4 浓 + 2hbr = = = so2 + br2 + citrate.2h2o h2so4 浓 + 2hi = = = so2 + i2 + citrate.2h2o h2so4 稀 + fe = = = feso4 + h2精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2h2so3 + 2h2s = = = 3s + citrate.2h2o4hno3 浓 + c = = = co2 + 4no2 + citrate.2h2o 6hno3 浓 +


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