1、7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/3THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Commu nity,COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 278/2009of 6 April 2009implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with
2、 regard to ecodesig n requireme nts for no-load con diti on electric power con sumpti on and average active efficie ncy of exter nal power supplies(Text with EEA relevance)The Commissi on has carried out a preparatory study to an alyse the tech ni cal, en vir onmen tal and econo mic aspects of exter
3、 nal power supplies. The study has bee n carried out together with stakeholders and interested parties from the Community and third countries, and the results have bee n made publicly available.7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL
4、93/#Having regard to Directive 2005/32/EC of the Europea n Parliame nt and of the Coun cil of 6 July 2005 establish ing a framework for the sett ing of ecodesig n requireme nts for en ergy- using products and ame nding Coun cil Directive 92/42/EEC and Directives 96/57/EC and 2000/55/EC of the Europe
5、an Parliame nt and of the Coun cil(1) OL L 339, 18.12.2008, p. 45.) and in particularArticle 15(1) thereof,After con sult ing the Ecodesig n Con sultati on Forum,It is stated in the preparatory study that exter nal power supplies are placed on the Commu nity market in large qua ntities, with their a
6、nn ual en ergy con sumpti on in all lifecycle stages being the most significant environmental aspect, and their ann ual electricity con sumpti on due to losses for power con vers ion and no-load amou nting to 17 TWh, corresponding to 6,8 Mt of CO 2 emissions. In the abse nee of measures this con sum
7、pti on is predicted to in crease to 31 TWh in 2020. It has been con cluded that the lifecycle en ergy con sumpti on and the use-phase electricity consumption can be improved significantly.7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#Wh
8、ereas:7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#Improveme nts in the electricity con sumpti on of exter nal power supplies should be achieved by appl ying existi ng non-proprietary cost-effective tech no logies that can reduce the t
9、otal costs of purchas ing and operati ng exter nal power supplies.7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/# Article 16(2) of Directive 2005/32/EC provides that in accorda nee with the procedure referred to in Article 19(3) and the
10、criteria set out in Article 15(2), and after consulting the consultation forum, the Commission will as appropriate introduce an implementing measure for office equipme nt and con sumer electron ics. Ecodesignrequirements should harmonise electricitycon sumpti on requireme nts for no-load con diti on
11、 power con sumpti on and average active efficie ncy of exter nal power supplies throughout the Commu ni ty, thus con tri- buti ng to the fun cti oning of the in ter nal market and to the improveme nt of the en vir onmen tal performa nee of these products.7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nU
12、nionL 93/#7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/5(3) Officeequipme nt and con sumer electro nics are ofte npowered by exter nal power supplies (EPS) which con vert electricity from the mai ns power source. The power con vers ion efficie ncy of exter nal power supplies is an importa n
13、t aspect of the en ergy performa nee of such products, and thus exter nal power supplies are one of the priority product groups for which ecodesig n requireme nts should be established.(1) OJ L 191,22.7.2005, p. 29.(8) Theecodesign requirements should not have negativeimpact on the fun cti on ality
14、of the product and should not affect n egatively health, safety and the en vir onment. In particular, the ben efits of reduc ing electricity con sumpti on duri ng the use phase should more tha n offset pote ntial additi onal en viro nmen tal impacts dur ing the producti on phase.(9) The two-staged e
15、ntry into force of the ecodesign requireme nts should provide an appropriate time-frame for man ufacturers to redesig n products. The tim ing of the stages should be such that n egative impacts on the fun cti on alities of equipme nt on the market are avoided, and cost impacts for man ufacturers, in
16、 particular small and medium-sized en terprises, are take n into accou nt, while en sur ing timely achieveme nt of the objectives of the Regulati on. Measureme nts of the power con sumpti on should be performed tak ing into accou nt the gen erally recog ni sed state of the art. Man ufacturers may us
17、e harm oni sed sta ndards established in accorda nee with Article 10 of Directive 2005/32/EC.(10) This Regulati on should in crease the market pen etrati on of tech no logies that improve the lifecycle en vir onmen tal impact of exter nal power supplies, lead ing to estimated lifecycle energy saving
18、s of 118 PJ and electricity savings of 9 TWh by 2020, respectively, compared to the situati on without tak ing any measures.(11) Inconformity with Article 8 of Directive 2005/32/EC,this Regulati on should specify that the applicable con formity assessme nt procedures are the in ter nal design contro
19、l set out in Annex IV of Directive 2005/32/EC and the man ageme nt system set out in Annex V of Directive 2005/32/EC.(12) In order to facilitate complianee checks manufacturers should be requested to provide in formati on in the tech ni cal docume ntati on referred to in Ann exes IV and V of Directi
20、ve 2005/32/EC on average active efficie ncy and no-load electric power con sumpti on.(13) Benchmarksfor currently available tech nologies withhigh active efficie ncy and low no-load power consumption should be identified. This will help to ensure the wide availability and easy accessibility of infor
21、mation, in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises and very small firms, which will further facilitate the in tegrati on of best desig n tech no logies for reduc ing en ergy con sumpti on.of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for sta ndby and off-mode power con sumpti on of
22、electrical and electro nic household and office equipme nt (), should not apply to electrical and electro nic household and office equipment which is placed on the market with a low voltage exter nal power supply. Regulati on (EC) No 1275/2008 should therefore be ame nded accord in gly.(15) The meas
23、ures provided for in this Regulation are in accorda nee with the opinion of the Committee established by Article 19(1) of Directive 2005/32/EC,HAS ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING REGULATION:Article 1Subject matter and scope1. This Regulati on establishesecodesig nrequireme nts related to electric power con su
24、mpti on in no-load con diti on and average active efficie ncy of exter nal power supplies.2. ThisRegulati on shall not apply to:(a) voltage con verters;(b) uninterruptible power supplies;(c) battery chargers;(d) halogen lighting converters;(e) exter nal power supplies for medical devices;(f) externa
25、l power supplies placed on the market no later than 30 June 2015 as a service part or spare part for an identical exter nal power supply which was placed on the market not later than one year after this Regulation has come into force, un der the con diti on that the service part or spare part, or it
26、s packaging, clearly indicates the primary load product(s) for which the spare part or service part isinten ded to be used with.7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#(14) Ecodesign requirementsfor the no-load condition of low vo
27、ltage exter nal power supplies address the same en vi- ronmen tal impact parameter as ecodesig n requireme nts for the off-mode con diti on of electrical and electr onic household and office equipme nt placed on the market with a low voltage external power supply. As ecodesign requireme nts for the
28、no-load con diti on of low voltage exter nal power supplies should be more dema nding tha n ecodesig n requireme nts for off-mode con diti on of electrical and electro nic household and office equipme nt placed on the market with a low voltage exter nal power supply, the requireme nts of Regulati on
29、 (EC) No 1275/2008 of 17 December 2008 impleme nting Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliame nt andArticle 2Defin iti onsFor the purposes of this Regulation, the definitions set out inDirective 2005/32/EC shall apply.The following definitions shall also apply:1. ' external power supply'
30、; means a device which meets althe following criteria:7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#(a) it is desig nedto con vert alter nat ing curre nt (AC) power in put from the mains power source in put into lower voltage direct cur
31、re nt (DC) or AC output;9. actrvede' means a con diti on in whichthe in put of anexter nal power supply is conn ected to the mains power source and the output is conn ected to a load;7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#10.
32、 actiiwde efficiency medns the ratio of the power produced by an exter nal power supply in active mode to the in put power required to produce it;11. ' average active efficiency' means the average of themode efficiencies at 25 %, 50 %, 75 % and 100 % of then ameplate output power.(b) it is a
33、ble to con vert to only one DC or AC output voltage at a time;(c) it is inten ded to be used with a separate device that con stitutes the primary load;it is contained in a physical enclosureseparatefrom the device that con stitutes the primary load;7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL
34、93/#(d) it is conn ected to the device that con stitutes the primary load via a removable or hard-wired male/- female electrical conn ecti on, cable, cord or other wiring;Article 3Ecodesig n requireme ntsThe ecodesig n requireme nts related to no-load electric power con sumpti on and average active
35、efficie ncy of exter nal power supplies placed on the market are set out in Annex I.7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#(e) it has n ameplate output power not exceed ing 250Article 4(g) it is intended for use with electrical a
36、nd electronic household and office equipme nt as referred to in Article 2(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1275/2008;2. 'low voltage exter nal power supply' meanspower supply with a n ameplate output voltage of lesstha n 6 volts and a n ameplate output curre nt greater tha n or equal to 550 milliamp
37、eres;3. ' halogeghting converter means an external power supply used with extra low voltage tun gste n haloge n lamps;Con formity assessme ntThe procedure for assessing conformity referred to in Article 8 of Directive 2005/32/EC shall be the in ter nal desig n con trol system set out in Annex IV
38、 of Directive 2005/32/EC or the man ageme nt system for assess ing con formity set out in Annex V of Directive 2005/32/EC.an exter nalArticle 5Verificati on procedure for market surveilla nee purposesSurveillance checks shall be carried out in accordance with the verification procedure set out in An
39、nex II.7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#Article 64.'uninterruptible power supply' means a device providingautomatically backup power whe n the electrical power from the mains power source drops to an un acceptable v
40、oltage level;In dicative ben chmarksThe in dicative ben chmarks for best-perform ing products and tech no logy curre ntly available on the market are ide ntified in Annex III.5. ' battcryarger mbans a device which connects directly to a removable battery at its output in terface;6. ' voltags
41、iverter means a device con vert ing 230 V mains power source output to 110 V power output with characteristics similar to mains power source output characteristics;Article 7Revisio nNo later than four years after the entry into force of this Regulati on the Commissi on shall review it in the light o
42、f tech no- logical progress and prese nt the result of this review to the con sultati on forum.7. ' nameplotdput power (PO) means the output power asspecified by the man ufacturer;Article 8Amendments to Regulation (EC) No 1275/20087.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#7.4.2009 O
43、fficial ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/78. ' no-load condition' means the condition in which the iRputjlation (EC) No 1275/2008 is amended as foHows:of an exter nal power supply is conn ected to the mai ns power source, but the output is not conn ected to anyprimary load;1. The followin
44、g second paragraph is added to Article 1:This Regulation shall not apply to electrical and electronic household and office equipme nt placed on the market with a low voltage exter nal power supply.'2. The followi ng point 9 is added to Article 2:9. Voowge external power supply means an externalp
45、ower supply with a n ameplate output voltage of less tha n 6 volts and a n ameplate output curre nt greater tha n or equal to 550 milliamperes.'Article 9En try into forceThis Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union
46、Point 1(a) of Annex I shall apply as from one year after the date referred to in the first paragraph.Point 1(b) of Annex I shall apply as from two years after the date referred to in the first paragraph.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Don
47、e at Brussels, 6 April 2009.For the Commissi onAndris PIEBALGSMember of the Commissio n7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/9ANNEX IECODESIGN REQUIREMENTS1. NO-LOAD POWER CONSUMPTION AND AVERAGE ACTIVE EFFICIENCY(a) One year after this Regulation has come into force:The no-load cond
48、ition power consumption shall not exceed 0,50 W.The average active efficiency shall be not less than:0,500 ?PO, for PO < 1,0 W;0,090 ?ln(Po) + 0,500, for 1,0 W< Po <51,0 W;0,850, for P o > 51,0 W.(b) Two years after this Regulation has come into force:The no-load condition power consumpt
49、ion shall not exceed the following limits:AC-AC external power supplies, except low voltage external power suppliesAC-DC external power supplies except low voltage external power suppliesLow voltage external power suppliesPo <51,0 W 0,50W 0,30W 0,30WPO > 51,0 W 0,50W 0,50W n/aThe average activ
50、e efficiency shall be not less than the following limits:AC-AC and AC-DC external power supplies, except low voltage external power suppliesLow voltage external power suppliesPO <1,0 W 0,480?PO + 0,140 0,497?PO + 0,0671,0 W < P o <51,0 W 0,063?ln(Po) + 0,622 0,075?ln(Po) + 0,561Po > 51,0
51、 W 0,870 0,8602. MEASUREMENTSThe no-load condition power consumption and the average active efficiency referred to in point 1 shall be established by a reliable, accurate and reproducible measurement procedure, which takes into account the generally recognised state of the art.Measurements of power
52、of 0,50 W or greater shall be made with an uncertainty of less than or equal to 2% at the95 % confidence level. Measurements of power of less than 0,50 W shall be made with an uncertainty of less than or equal to 0,01 W at the 95% confidence level.3. INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY MANUFACTURERSFor th
53、e purposes of conformity assessment pursuant to Article 4, the technical documentation shall contain the following elements:Reported quantity DescriptionRoot mean square (Rms) output current (mA) Measuredat load conditions 1-4Rms output voltage (V)Active output power (W)Rms input voltage (V) Measure
54、dat load conditions 1-5Rms input power (W)Total harmonic distortion (THD)True power factorPower consumed (W)Calculated at load condition 1-4, measured at load condition 5Efficiency Calculatedat load conditions 1-4Average efficiency Arithmeticaverage of efficiency at load conditions 1-4The relevant l
55、oad conditions are as follows:Perce ntage of n ameplate output curre ntLoad condition 1 100% ±2 %Load condition 2 75% ±2 %Load condition 3 50% ±2 %Load condition 4 25% ±2 %Load condition 5 0% (no-load condition)7.4.2009 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 93/#ANNEX IIVERIFI
56、CATION PROCEDUREWhen performing the market surveillance checks referred to in Article 3(2) of Directive 2005/32/EC, the authorities of the Member States shall apply the following verification procedure for the requirements set out in Annex I.1. Authorities of the Member State shall test one single unit.2. The model shall be considered to comply with the provisions set out in Annex I, if:(a) the result for no-load condition does not exceed the applicable limit value set out in Annex I by more than 0,10 W; and(b) the arithmetic average of efficiency at load conditions 1-4 as defined
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