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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载初一上学期牛津英语预备课程综合试卷一.用所给单词的适当形式填空1. i live on the floor in this building. ( one)2. lucy is tall and 、 she must eat more.(fat)3. many doctors wear glasses、 too.(woman)4. your room is between mine and the . ( twin )they're the same age、 but they have different . ( hobby)5. the boy s

2、its there and reads a comic book (.happy)6. mr white is . he is from and he speaks .( english)7. my mother often goes ( shop)on sundays.二.完成对话waiter: good evening、 sir. good evening、 madam. 1 this way、 please.peter:thank you. could you show us the menu(菜单), please.waiter:2peter:thank you. well、 sall

3、y、 what would you like to drink. sally:3waiter: we have coke、 orange、 apple juice; we have coffee、 tea and milk、 too.sally:4peter:a bottle of coke for me.waiter: ok、 here you are. what would you like to eat. we have bread、 hamburgers、 rice、 noodles(面条) and potato chips (薯条) .sally:5peter:and i'd

4、 like some noodles、 please. waiter: all right. wait a moment、 please.peter: this is one of my favourite places. the food here is very good.a) i'm tired. bring me a chair、 please.b) certainly. here you are、 sir.c) i'd like some hamburgers.d) i'd like a cup of coffee、 please.e) where do yo

5、u want to sit.f) i don't know what they have.g) there's a table for two over there、 beside the window.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载三.单项挑选() 1. -excuse me、 do you have any comic books.-sorry、 i don't have . ask rose. i think she has .a. some; someb. any; anyc. any; somed. some; any() 2. - your

6、mother very young.- thank you.a: looks atb. looksc. looks liked. look() 3. there a map and two posters on the wall.a. haveb. hasc. isd. are() 4. - whose names are these、 or yours.- . i don't know all of the students in class 5、 so i have on this piece of paper.a: theirs; theirs; themb. their; th

7、eirs; theyc: their; theirs; themd. theirs; they; them() 5. hello、 miss li. .a. here's some flowers for youb. here are some flowers for youc. here's some flowers of youd. here are some flowers of you() 6. - the door、 please.- please come in. the door .a. be open; opensb. be open; is openingc.

8、 open; opensd. open; is open() 7. john playing basketball. he likes football.a. isn't likeb. doesn't likesc. don't liked. doesn't like() 8. look at the sign "keep quiet" on the wall. we make a noise here.a. shouldb. mustc. shouldn'td. can() 9. child is that girl.a. whos

9、eb. whoc. whichd. what() 10.-are the two boys in this photo volleyball.-no、 they aren't. they are ping pong.a. playing; playingb. playing with; playing withc. are playing; playing thed. are playing; playing with()11. mr smith sees a note the grass and .a. ten-yuan; on; picks it upb. ten yuan; in

10、; picks it upc. ten-yuan; on; picks up itd. ten yuan; in; picks up it() 12. john's family usually supper at 6:00 in the evening.a. hasb. havec. are havingd. is having() 13.- when is the national day (国庆节) of the prc.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载well.- it's .a. on 1st octoberb. in 1st octoberc. on

11、the 1st of octoberd. in the 1st of october() 14. there is "s" and "u" in the word "use".a. a; ab. a; anc. an; ad. an; an() 15. it's going to rain. you should an umbrella with you.a. bringb. takec. used. put() 16. can you show me some .a. animals stampsb. animal stam

12、psb. c. animal's stampsd. animals' stamps()17. i can't play piano(钢琴) 、 but i play tennis verya. /; /b. /; thec. the; /d. the; the() 18. i have a watch here. it says 1:58.a. two past twob. fifty-eight past onec. two to oned. two to two() 19. does your mother cook you the weekend.a. for;

13、onb. for; atc. with; ond. to; at() 20. i can a big birthday cake thirteen candles on the精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载table.a. see; withb. look at; withc. watch; ofd. see; has四.句型转换1. lily often does some reading in the morning. (改为否定句) lily often some reading in the morning.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2. somet

14、imes i go to the cinema with nick on saturday(.就划线部分提问)精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载sometimes with nick on saturday.3. we go to school from monday to friday. (同义句改写)we go to school .4. what does kate do . (同义句改写) kate's .5. he goes to school by bus. (同义句)he school.6. he wants to buy himself a book. (同

15、义句)he wants to himself.五.用动词的正确形式填空1.he doesn't enjoy ( chat)with others. 2.thanks for (help) us、 we're so happy.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载3. what's the time、 please. sorry、 i(not have)a watch.4. jack、 with his classmates、 often ( go)to the bookshop books on sundays.5. the pair of jeans (be

16、)yours. it's not mine.6. jill、(not be) late for the meeting. it usually starts at 7:45.7. would you like(drink )another glass of water .8. he likes (listen) to the music very much.9. my mother(not wash)clothes every day.10. it's time ( have) lunch.六.依据所给汉语,完成以下句子1. 我的祖父母喜爱听轻音乐;my light music

17、.2. 明天为六月一号;祝你儿童节欢乐! is june 1st. .3. 我们和他们一起做模型飞机怎样?what about a plane .4. 我常上因特网查资料;i often thingsthe .5. 大树的右边为两个厕所; two the of the big tree.七.依据首字母提示,补全单词christmas is a very important (重要的)holiday in western (西方的) c . it is onthe 25th of d . people usually go to p and have a big lunch. c are ver

18、y h because they can get presents from their parents.in china、 christmas is not very important. the biggest holiday is thes festival (春节) . it usually comes in january or f . people v their friends and eat a lot of n food. all the c 精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载children like it because they usually can ge

19、t red packe(tsin them.红包)with m 精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载八.阅读懂得(a )dear zhou lan、thank you very much for your mail. i want to go to china. i know somethingabout china from your e-mails. your english is very good. but i don't know much chinese. now i'm learning (学习) it from my parents. they kno

20、w much about精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载china. they tell me many things about china.i'm happy to know you like your school and your family. you want to know my family and my school. i have a big family. my grandparents and my parents are all very fine. my father has a brother. he is my uncle、 john. h

21、e and my aunt have their children. they're bill、 linda、 mary and lily. my brother dick is a boyof eighteen. i like my family very much. i'll go to china next year with my mother.she is going to teach english in a middle school in beijing.yours、 annie() 1.this is an e-mail from to .a. zhou la

22、n; annieb.annie; zhou lan's familyc. zhou lan; annie's familyd. annie; zhou lan() 2. does annie's father have any sister.a. yes、 he has one.b.no、 he doesn'tc. yes、 he has two.d.no、 but he has a brother.() 3. how many people are there in annie's big family. a.4b. 6c.12d. 14() 4. w

23、ho will come to china.a.annieb.annie's familyc. annie and her motherd. annie's parents() 5. who teaches annie chinese.a. zhou lan.b. annie's parentsc. annie's grandparentsd. annie herself精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载b)each team has three players. the basketball player(s运动员) are running精品学习

24、资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载and jumping in the hot sun. music is all around. in just twelve minutes、 the game is over. but a new one starts right away(马上) . how exciting.this is streetball. it's much like basketball. but it's faster. people play it outside and it'sinteresting. usually、 children p

25、lay streetball on an open(露天的)court. they use only half of thecourt. what they need is a basketball goa(l 球框).children love lots of things about the game. "it's very nice to be outside in the sun. and the music is great"、 said bai xue、 fourteen、 a girl in shenyang.some say streetball w

26、as from europ(e 欧洲) 、 others say it came fromamerica. but now、 boys and girls in many countries like to play it. streetball is a game for all.() 1. how many players are there in each streetball team.a. 1b. 2c. 3d. 4精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载() 2. streetball is much like .a. basketballb. tennisc. footba

27、lld. badminton() 3. which one is not right.a. the game is over in twelve minutes.b. people usually play a streetball outside.c. only girls like to play the game.d. they use only half of the court.() 4. where was the game from.a. europe.b. america.c. china.d. a or b.() 5. what's the best title(题目) of this passage.a


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