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1、高中英语改错练习题含答案1A shopkeeper once found that a bag money56had been stolen from his shop He went to the 57 judge (法官) and tell him abouthis loss (损失).58.The judge ordered all people of the shop59to come before him. He took a number of the60.sticks of equal length (长度) or gave one stick61.to each person.

2、 Then he said, “Come after me62.again tomorrow . I ll then knowwhich of you are63.the thief because the stick given to a thief64.will be one inch longer than the other .”65.2Miss Evans taught physics in school in London .Last month shewas explaining to one of her class about sound ,and she decide to

3、test them to see how successful she had been in her work. She saidto them,“Now I has a sister in Washington. If I was calling her bythe phone , and you were on the other side of the street. Whowould hear me first,my sister and you? And why ?” A clever boyat once answered,“You siste,r Miss Evans, bec

4、ause theelectricity travels much faster than sound waves.” “Very w,el”lMiss Evans praised.3It is interested to visit another country , but sometimesthere are somequestions when we dont know the Ianguage very57._and what to say We learn to enjoy life in another country ,sorry to leave both the place

5、and the peopleLong long ago , people had gather leaves and fruit of plants toeat with They didn t know how to plant crops or how to keepanimals for their foodWe call them Stone Age peopleThingfor them were terrible and hard Now there have still somewell It may be difficult to talk about the people t

6、here We may notknow how to use the telephone in the country which are visiting Wemay not know what to buy the things we need In a strange country we may not know where to eat and what to orderin a restaurant It is not easy to decide how many money to tip (付小费)waiters or taxi drivers . When we arehel

7、pless, we may not know how to ask help After a short time later , however, we learn what to do585960616263656456._57. _58. _59. _60. _61. _62 . _63. _56._andthen56. _57._58._59._60. _61. _62. _高中英语改错练习题含答案1people living liked those Stone Age people They live in placesthat are hard reach They donot k

8、now of our invention , for they keep themselvesaway our civilized world . For many years a group ofpeople call Aruntas have lived alone in the center ofAustralia .5How robins (知更鸟) know when it is time to go backnorth ? They seem to tell by how soon daylight lasts . Inlate winter , daylight begins t

9、o last longest each day.When the daylight lasts long enough ,robins start north .They fly by day . Each year they follow a same fly way. At first , they fly only few miles a day. They stopoften in the field to eat bugs(小虫子). Late,they seemin a hurry . They fly over 100 miles a day. Some aregoing so

10、far as 180 miles. When they get to home , theyalways stay together high in a tree .663655758596061645662. _636465The Internet is playing a important part in our daily life .On the net, we can learn about news both home andabroad and some other informations as well . We canalso make phone calls, send

11、 messages by e-mails, goto net schools, and learn foreign languages byourselves . Beside, we can enjoy music , watch sportsmatches,and play the chess or cards. The net even helpus do shopping , make a chat with others and makefriends with them . In a word , the Internet has made ourlife more easier

12、.565759People have different tastes in food . Some feelthey havent a meal unless they have had pork orother meat ; some prefer chickens or fish ,andeats one or the other at every meal. Others prefervegetables and fruits or grains but would enjoy ameal of potatoes , noodles and carrots and someanothe

13、r fruits .565858606162636465575960Others could live on the foods are called fastfoods, for example , a hamburger or hotdog , French fries and a soft drinks . Foodcan be prepared by so many ways. Every issatisfactory to different person .86162636564In the morning of November 18th , 1755, an earthquak

14、e56._shook Boston . John, a professor at Harvard College felt a quake 57 . _12Once one year a race is held. A lotof cars took part this race last year and there57._had a lot of experiments just before it began . One of the most beautiful car was a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost. The most usual car was a B

15、enz which had only threewheels . Built in 1885 , it is the oldest car taking part.After a great many loud noises,the race began. Many ofcars broke down on the way and some drivers spent muchtime under their cars than in them . The win car reached ata speed of forty miles an hour.11In recently years,

16、dust storms take place more and moreoften in the north of Chinese . They have brought a greatdeal of trouble to people.The strong wind blows up the dust , made the air very dirtyIt also stops many of people from going out. In past,people raised a large number of sheep. The sheep eat upa great deal o

17、f grass and the land became sandy. Nowthe government have begun to pay attention to theproblem.Each year , a lot of money spent on theimprovement of the environment .and woke up“I rose and found to be fifteen minutes past58four. ” He hurried to downstairs to the clock.It had stopped 59. _three minut

18、es ago Except for stopping the clock , the quake hadonly thrown a key from the mantel(壁炉架)to the floor The clockhad stopped because John put some long60. _61 . _62. _glass tube he was using for an experiment into the case63._for safekeeping The quake had been knocked the tubes over and64._blocked th

19、e pendulum (钟摆) So John had the exactlytime of the earthquake65._Life in the twenty one century will be very different withlife today . There will be many changes. What can thechanges be? The population is growing fast . That willbe many more people in the world and most of them willlive in longer t

20、han people live now . Computers will bemuch more smaller and more useful , and there will beone in every home. People will work few hours than theynow and they will have more free time for reading books ,watch TV and traveling .105657._58.59606162636465.56._58._59._60. _61 . _62. _63._64._65._76._77

21、._s7l8iv.es _79._80. _81 . _82. _83._84._85. _56.Sleep, as we know, is important to us . And ow many sleep dowe actually need ? For most of us, eight hours seem to beabout the right amount. Yet we know that there are a greatmany people who get along well less sleep , and some whommay even need more.

22、 A great deal depends by the way welive . But a good com mon rule to follow to is to sleep long aswe have to. So we ll feel happy and be able to work with ourbest when we wake .13.My friend Henry has a most unu sually hobby(爱好). He likes plant flowers in strange places . When thespring comes round ,

23、 you can always tell Henry had bee nbusy work ing because the dirty sides of canals (沟渠)and railway banks suddenlybecame filled of flowers . In his spare time , with pockets full ofseeds , Henry goes round by his bike . He has a long pipe withhim blow seeds into places that is hard to reach. When hi

24、sflowers fade(凋谢),he goes round aga in to collect its seeds.In this wayhe always has a big supply.参考答案:56.bag 后加 of 57.V58. tell told 59.all 后加 the57._58._59._56.60.去掉 the 61. or and 62. after before 63. are is 64.aTthe65.otherOers56.第一个 in 后加 a57.classTclasses58 . decideTdecided59 .hasT60 . byTon61

25、.V62.andTor63 .YOUTYour64 .去掉 the65 . wellTgood58 .aboutTwith/ to59 . which 后加we60 . whatThow61.andTor62.manyTmuch63. V64.ask 后加 for65 .去掉 later56.hadThad to57.去掉 with58 .V59.ThingTThings60.haveTare61likedTlike62.reachTto reach63 . inventionTinventions 64 . away 后力口 from 65 . callTcalled56 . How 后力口

26、 do57 . soonTlong58 . Ion gestTion ger59 .V60 . aTthe 61. few 前加 a 62 . fieldTfields63 . LateTLater 64 . soTas65 .去掉 to56 . aTan57. V58 . home 前加 at56 . in terestedTin teresti ng57 . questi onsTproblems57.twenty-oneTtwenty-first57. withTfromThatTThere60.去掉 in61.VfewTfewer64. now 前力卩 dooneTevery usualTunusualmuchTmore 或 much 后力口more58.hadTwere 59. carTcars62.V63. cars 前加 the65. winTwinningrecen tlyTrecentmadeTmakinghaveThas77. Ch in eseTChi na8


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