



1、形容词、副词比较级和最高级练习题一、写出下列单词的比较级和最高级形式good/well bad/badly/ill many/much little far busy happy easy large big small thin fat hot red late healthy hungry dirty delicious unhappy popular friendly beautiful important serious interesting short 二、单项选择1Tom is good at playing basketball and he always plays of a

2、ll.A. careful B. most carefulC. carefully D. most carefully2 Among all tdents, Jason has _ juice and bread and Lily has _ tomatoes.A. the fewest; the least B. fewest; leastC. the least; the most D. least; more3China is one of _ countries in the world.A. largeB. largerC. largest D. the largest4- You

3、look y. Whats wrong with you?- I scored _ points in our class.A. the fewest B. the leastC. the most D. fewer5I like red _ of all colorsA.better B.good C.well D.best6. -Do you often use Baidu?-Yes, its one of _Internet search engines.A. popular B. the popularC. more popular D. the most popular7The Ye

4、llow River is _river in China.A. the longest B. the longerC. the second longer D. the second longest8 one of the two women is Mrs. Brown,our neighbor.A. The beautiful B. The more beautifulC. More beautiful D. The most beautiful9Who listens , Tom, Jack or Bill?A. the most carefully B. more carefulC.

5、the most careful D. more careful10Which country has the_population in the world?China.A.smallestB.mostC.largestD.large11-I think Mr Li is one of _ in our school.-Me too. Hes friendly and helpful.A. the most popular teachersB. the popular teachersC. the most popular teacherD. most popular teachers12

6、_ all the stories, I think the first story is _ one.A. In; the most funny B. Of; the most funnyC. Of; funniest D. Of; the funniest13Who listens _, in your class?A. the most carefully B. more carefullyC. the most careful D. more careful14-Tom ,are you boy in your class?-No,but John is.Im shorter than

7、 him.A.the tallest B.the shortestC.the youngest D.the oldest15Hangzhou is one of _ beautiful cities in the world.A. the more B. moreC. most D. the most16 Do you know where_?A. is the nearest hospital B. is a nearest hospitalC. is the nearest hospital D. the nearest hospital is17David is _ student in

8、 our class. Nobody is taller than him.A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. the tallest18 Which is_ season in your hometown?A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best19He is _ of the three.A.taller B.the taller boy C.the tallest boy D.the tall boy20China has the _ population in the world.A.smallestB.mostC.largestD.l

9、arge21. An elephant is _ than a tiger. A. heavy B. very heavy C. the heaviest D. heavier 22. Lesson Ten is _ than Lesson Nine. A. difficult B. more difficult C. difficulter D. very difficult 23. The bread is _ than those cakes. A. very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious 24

10、. Few of us like him because he thinks _ of others than of himself. A. much more B. a little C. much D. much less 25. Mum, could you buy me a dress like this? Certainly, we can buy _ one than this, but _ this. A. a better, better than B. a worse, as good as C. a cheaper, as good as D. a more importa

11、nt, not as good as 26. In our city, its _ in July, but it is even _ in August. A. hotter, hottest B. hot, hot C. hotter, hot D. hot, hotter 27. Mary has three brothers. Smith is _ of the three. A. most tall B. the tallest C. taller 28. Whos _ in your class? A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the

12、strongest 29. What animal do you like _? I like all kinds of animals. A. better B. best C. very D. well 30. Which subject is _, physics or chemistry? A. interesting B. most interesting C. more interesting D. the most interesting 31. I will give you some nice picture books. Good. The _, the _.A. more, better B. many, better C. most, best D. much, better 32. Lin Tao jumped _ in the long jump in the school sports meeting. A. far B. farther C. farthest D. quite far 33. The horse is old and can


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